2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
// Nonstop version of loop
// Always keeps looping when increase == true
// At end is a signal to indicate the next cycle is end
// Use that to signal parent loop to advance.
`define NONSTOP_LOOP(iter, width, init, ready, finish, min, extent)\
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reg [width-1:0] iter;\
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wire finish;\
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always@(posedge clk) begin\
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if (rst || init) begin\
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iter <= (min);\
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end else if(ready) begin\
if (iter != ((extent)-1)) begin\
iter <= iter + 1;\
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end else begin\
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iter <= (min);\
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end else begin\
iter <= iter;\
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assign finish = (ready && (iter == (extent) - 1));
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2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
// Wrap a nonstop loop to normal loop that loop only once.
// Use done signal to control the non-stop body to stop.
// The init and done behaves like normal loop
`define WRAP_LOOP_ONCE(init, valid, ready, body_finish, body_ready)\
reg valid;\
wire body_ready;\
always@(posedge clk) begin\
if (rst || init) begin\
valid <= 1;\
end else if(body_finish) begin\
valid <= 0;\
end else begin\
valid <= valid;\
assign body_ready = (valid && ready);
// Assign dst as src delayed by specific cycles.
`define DELAY(dst, src, width, delay, not_stall)\
reg [(width)*(delay)-1:0] src``_dly_chain;\
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always@(posedge clk) begin\
if(rst) begin\
2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
src``_dly_chain <= 0;\
end else if (not_stall) begin\
src``_dly_chain[(width)-1:0] <= src;\
if((delay) != 1) begin\
src``_dly_chain[(delay)*(width)-1:(width)] <= src``_dly_chain[((delay)-1)*(width)-1:0];\
end else begin\
src``_dly_chain <= src``_dly_chain;\
assign dst = src``_dly_chain[(delay)*(width)-1:((delay)-1)*(width)];
// TVM generate clock signal
`define TVM_DEFINE_TEST_SIGNAL(clk, rst)\
parameter PER = 10;\
reg clk;\
reg rst;\
always begin\
#(PER/2) clk =~ clk;\
// Control logic on buffer/RAM read valid.
// This delays the valid signal by one cycle and retain it when write_ready == 0
`define BUFFER_READ_VALID_DELAY(dst, data_valid, write_ready)\
reg dst;\
always@(posedge clk) begin\
if(rst) begin\
dst <= 0;\
end else if (write_ready) begin\
dst <= (data_valid);\
end else begin\
dst <= dst;\
// A cache register that add one cycle lag to the ready signal
// This allows the signal to flow more smoothly
`define CACHE_REG(width, in_data, in_valid, in_ready, out_data, out_valid, out_ready)\
reg [width-1:0] out_data``_state_;\
reg [width-1:0] out_data``_overflow_;\
reg out_valid``_state_;\
reg out_valid``_overflow_;\
always@(posedge clk) begin\
if(rst) begin\
out_valid``_overflow_ <= 0;\
out_valid``_state_ <= 0;\
end else if (out_valid``_overflow_) begin\
if (out_ready) begin\
out_valid``_state_ <= 1;\
out_data``_state_ <= out_data``_overflow_;\
out_valid``_overflow_ <= 0;\
out_data``_overflow_ <= 0;\
2017-03-14 07:28:03 +03:00
end else begin\
2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
out_valid``_state_ <= 1;\
out_data``_state_ <= out_data``_state_;\
out_valid``_overflow_ <= out_valid``_overflow_;\
out_data``_overflow_ <= out_data``_overflow_;\
2017-03-14 07:28:03 +03:00
end else begin\
2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
if (!out_ready && out_valid``_state_) begin\
out_valid``_state_ <= 1;\
out_data``_state_ <= out_data``_state_;\
out_valid``_overflow_ <= in_valid;\
out_data``_overflow_ <= in_data;\
end else begin\
out_valid``_state_ <= in_valid;\
out_data``_state_ <= in_data;\
out_valid``_overflow_ <= out_valid``_overflow_;\
out_data``_overflow_ <= out_data``_overflow_;\
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2017-03-26 04:26:28 +03:00
end\ // always@ (posedge clk)
assign in_ready = !out_valid``_overflow_;\
assign out_data = out_data``_state_;\
assign out_valid = out_valid``_state_;