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// Memory controller to access TVM VPI simulated RAM.
// You only see the wires and registers but no logics here.
// The real computation is implemented via TVM VPI
// Usage: create and pass instance to additional arguments of $tvm_session.
// Then it will be automatically hook up the RAM logic.
module tvm_vpi_mem_interface
parameter READ_WIDTH = 8,
parameter WRITE_WIDTH = 8,
parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 32,
parameter SIZE_WIDTH = 32
input clk,
input rst,
// Read Ports
input read_en, // Read buffer enable
output [READ_WIDTH-1:0] read_data_out, // The data port for read
output read_data_valid, // Read is valid.
// Write ports
input write_en, // Write buffer enable
input [WRITE_WIDTH-1:0] write_data_in, // Input data to write.
output write_data_ready, // There are still pending write
// Status port
// Control signal ports to issue tasks
input host_read_req, // Read request
input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] host_read_addr, // The address to issue a read task
input [SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] host_read_size, // The size of a read
input host_write_req, // Write request.
input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] host_write_addr, // The write address
input [SIZE_WIDTH-1:0] host_write_size // The write size
reg [READ_WIDTH-1:0] reg_read_data;
reg reg_read_valid;
reg reg_write_ready;
// The wires up.
assign read_data_out = reg_read_data;
assign read_data_valid = reg_read_valid;
assign write_data_ready = reg_write_ready;