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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
file(GLOB_RECURSE onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack_cc_srcs CONFIGURE_DEPENDS
source_group(TREE ${REPO_ROOT} FILES ${onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack_cc_srcs})
onnxruntime_add_static_library(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack ${onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack_cc_srcs})
Update XNNPACK to latest version (#18038) ### Description <!-- Describe your changes. --> Update XNNPACK to latest version - adds fp16 kernels and various other improvements - requires pthreadpool update as well Most code updates in the XNNPACK EP are to adjust to the new XNNPACK API - 'setup' is split into 'reshape' and 'setup' - some ops use a workspace buffer - copied workspace allocation from XNNPACK unit test code - some suffixes changed Added wrapper for XNNPACK caches to base XNNPACK EP kernel - simplifies usage - XNNPACK split out the code and weights caches, but the code cache isn't currently usable via the public API - we could use the internal types if we think it's required for performance reasons. non-trivial though as we'd need to propagate ifdef values from the XNNPACK build up to the ORT build. - using XNNPACK internals would also mean we would not be able to support using a pre-build XNNPACK package - not an issue currently Fixed opset registration for internal NHWC domain - was not being tied to the ONNX version, so nodes inserted by layout transformation had the incorrect opset - a number of other places needed updating once this issue was fixed Remove support for NCHW Resize from XNNPACK EP so it's NHWC only - we only supported NCHW for fp32, - doing so adds complexity in multiple places (XNNPACK EP kernel implementation, layout transformation and transpose optimization) - unclear if that complexity provides any benefit. can add back if required by production scenario ### Motivation and Context <!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? - If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. --> We're looking at enabling fp16 support for CoreML and NNAPI. If we do that we need a good fallback story if the CPU EP will be used. The XNNPACK fp16 kernels will hopefully provide that. NOTE: This PR doesn't add fp16 support to the XNNPACK EP kernels. That can be done as required in separate EPs and should be relatively simple to do.
2023-11-03 19:04:28 +03:00
onnxruntime_common onnxruntime_framework onnx onnx_proto ${PROTOBUF_LIB} XNNPACK pthreadpool
flatbuffers::flatbuffers Boost::mp11 safeint_interface
# TODO fix stringop-overflow warnings
# Add compile option to suppress stringop-overflow error in Flatbuffers.
target_compile_options(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack PRIVATE -Wno-error=stringop-overflow)
add_dependencies(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack onnx ${onnxruntime_EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES})
set_target_properties(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack PROPERTIES FOLDER "ONNXRuntime")
set_target_properties(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX)
if (NOT onnxruntime_BUILD_SHARED_LIB)
install(TARGETS onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack
# TODO fix shorten-64-to-32 warnings
# there are some in builds where sizeof(size_t) != sizeof(int64_t), e.g., in 'ONNX Runtime Web CI Pipeline'
target_compile_options(onnxruntime_providers_xnnpack PRIVATE -Wno-error=shorten-64-to-32)
Update XNNPACK to latest version (#18038) ### Description <!-- Describe your changes. --> Update XNNPACK to latest version - adds fp16 kernels and various other improvements - requires pthreadpool update as well Most code updates in the XNNPACK EP are to adjust to the new XNNPACK API - 'setup' is split into 'reshape' and 'setup' - some ops use a workspace buffer - copied workspace allocation from XNNPACK unit test code - some suffixes changed Added wrapper for XNNPACK caches to base XNNPACK EP kernel - simplifies usage - XNNPACK split out the code and weights caches, but the code cache isn't currently usable via the public API - we could use the internal types if we think it's required for performance reasons. non-trivial though as we'd need to propagate ifdef values from the XNNPACK build up to the ORT build. - using XNNPACK internals would also mean we would not be able to support using a pre-build XNNPACK package - not an issue currently Fixed opset registration for internal NHWC domain - was not being tied to the ONNX version, so nodes inserted by layout transformation had the incorrect opset - a number of other places needed updating once this issue was fixed Remove support for NCHW Resize from XNNPACK EP so it's NHWC only - we only supported NCHW for fp32, - doing so adds complexity in multiple places (XNNPACK EP kernel implementation, layout transformation and transpose optimization) - unclear if that complexity provides any benefit. can add back if required by production scenario ### Motivation and Context <!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? - If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. --> We're looking at enabling fp16 support for CoreML and NNAPI. If we do that we need a good fallback story if the CPU EP will be used. The XNNPACK fp16 kernels will hopefully provide that. NOTE: This PR doesn't add fp16 support to the XNNPACK EP kernels. That can be done as required in separate EPs and should be relatively simple to do.
2023-11-03 19:04:28 +03:00