[js/webgpu] Optimize Gemm (#22706)
BUG #22031 The total Gemm time in demucs model becomes 181.14 ms from over 1000 ms on my iGPUs. ### Description <!-- Describe your changes. --> ### Motivation and Context <!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve? - If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,9 +55,15 @@ const createGemmProgramInfo = (inputs: readonly TensorView[], attributes: GemmAt
if (!outputShape) {
throw new Error("Can't use gemm on the given tensors");
const tileSize = 16;
const numTileN = Math.ceil(N / tileSize);
const numTileM = Math.ceil(M / tileSize);
// TODO: Find the condition when to use the naive one.
const useShared = true;
const outputSize = ShapeUtil.size(outputShape);
const programUniforms: ProgramUniform[] = [
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: outputSize },
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: useShared ? numTileN : outputSize },
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: M },
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: N },
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: K },
@ -130,6 +136,159 @@ const createGemmProgramInfo = (inputs: readonly TensorView[], attributes: GemmAt
const getShaderSourceShared = (shaderHelper: ShaderHelper) => {
const a = inputVariable('a', inputs[0].dataType, inputs[0].dims);
const b = inputVariable('b', inputs[1].dataType, inputs[1].dims);
let c: IndicesHelper | null = null;
const variables = [a, b];
if (inputs.length === 3) {
c = inputVariable('c', inputs[2].dataType, inputs[2].dims.length);
const output = outputVariable('output', inputs[0].dataType, outputShape.length);
const uniforms: UniformsArrayType = [
{ name: 'num_tile_n', type: 'u32' },
{ name: 'M', type: 'u32' },
{ name: 'N', type: 'u32' },
{ name: 'K', type: 'u32' },
{ name: 'alpha', type: 'f32' },
{ name: 'beta', type: 'f32' },
let calcResult = '';
let fillWorkgroupMemory = '';
if (attributes.transA && attributes.transB) {
fillWorkgroupMemory = `
var col = tile_row_start + local_id.x;
var row = k_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.M && row < uniforms.K) {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = a[row * uniforms.M + col];
} else {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${a.type.value}(0);
col = k_start + local_id.x;
row = tile_col_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.K && row < uniforms.N) {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = b[row * uniforms.K + col];
} else {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${b.type.value}(0);
calcResult = `value += tile_a[k][local_id.y] * tile_b[local_id.x][k];`;
} else if (attributes.transA && !attributes.transB) {
fillWorkgroupMemory = `
var col = tile_row_start + local_id.x;
var row = k_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.M && row < uniforms.K) {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = a[row * uniforms.M + col];
} else {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${a.type.value}(0);
col = tile_col_start + local_id.x;
row = k_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.N && row < uniforms.K) {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = b[row * uniforms.N + col];
} else {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${b.type.value}(0);
calcResult = `value += tile_a[k][local_id.y] * tile_b[k][local_id.x];`;
} else if (!attributes.transA && attributes.transB) {
fillWorkgroupMemory = `
var col = k_start + local_id.x;
var row = tile_row_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.K && row < uniforms.M) {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = a[row * uniforms.K + col];
} else {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${a.type.value}(0);
col = k_start + local_id.x;
row = tile_col_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.K && row < uniforms.N) {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = b[row * uniforms.K + col];
} else {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${b.type.value}(0);
calcResult = `value += tile_a[local_id.y][k] * tile_b[local_id.x][k];`;
} else if (!attributes.transA && !attributes.transB) {
fillWorkgroupMemory = `
var col = k_start + local_id.x;
var row = tile_row_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.K && row < uniforms.M) {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = a[row * uniforms.K + col];
} else {
tile_a[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${a.type.value}(0);
col = tile_col_start + local_id.x;
row = k_start + local_id.y;
if (col < uniforms.N && row < uniforms.K) {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = b[row * uniforms.N + col];
} else {
tile_b[local_id.y][local_id.x] = ${b.type.value}(0);
calcResult = `value += tile_a[local_id.y][k] * tile_b[k][local_id.x];`;
const calculateAlpha = attributes.alpha === 1 ? '' : 'value *= uniforms.alpha;';
return `
var<workgroup> tile_a: array<array<${a.type.storage}, ${tileSize}>, ${tileSize}>;
var<workgroup> tile_b: array<array<${b.type.storage}, ${tileSize}>, ${tileSize}>;
${shaderHelper.mainStart([tileSize, tileSize, 1])}
let tile_col_start = (workgroup_index % uniforms.num_tile_n) * ${tileSize};
let tile_row_start = (workgroup_index / uniforms.num_tile_n) * ${tileSize};
let num_tiles = (uniforms.K - 1) / ${tileSize} + 1;
var k_start = 0u;
var value = ${output.type.value}(0);
for (var t: u32 = 0u; t < num_tiles; t++) {
k_start = k_start + ${tileSize};
for (var k: u32 = 0u; k < ${tileSize}; k++) {
let m = tile_row_start + local_id.y;
let n = tile_col_start + local_id.x;
${(() => {
if (c != null) {
return `let cOffset = ${c.broadcastedIndicesToOffset('vec2(m, n)', output)}; value += ${
}(uniforms.beta) * ${c.getByOffset('cOffset')};`;
return '';
if (m < uniforms.M && n < uniforms.N) {
output[m * uniforms.N + n] = value;
if (useShared) {
return {
name: 'GemmShared',
shaderCache: { hint: `${attributes.cacheKey}`, inputDependencies },
getRunData: () => ({
outputs: [{ dims: outputShape, dataType: inputs[0].dataType }],
dispatchGroup: { x: numTileN * numTileM },
getShaderSource: getShaderSourceShared,
return {
name: 'Gemm',
shaderCache: { hint: `${attributes.cacheKey}`, inputDependencies },
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