[js/webgpu] optimize MatmulNBits (#21747)

### Description
<!-- Describe your changes. -->
See 2x speedup for phi3 on the integrated intel gpu with this

The optimization is mainly to store input A's data into local variable
instead of loading them from global memory each time when calculate them
with B data.

### Motivation and Context
<!-- - Why is this change required? What problem does it solve?
- If it fixes an open issue, please link to the issue here. -->
This commit is contained in:
Jiajia Qin 2024-08-24 07:36:00 +08:00 коммит произвёл GitHub
Родитель 4af6291841
Коммит 87165b92e9
Не найден ключ, соответствующий данной подписи
Идентификатор ключа GPG: B5690EEEBB952194
1 изменённых файлов: 126 добавлений и 189 удалений

Просмотреть файл

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License.
import { calculateTensorSizeInBytes, DataType } from '../../../wasm-common';
import { DataType } from '../../../wasm-common';
import { TensorView } from '../../tensor-view';
import { ShapeUtil } from '../../util';
import { AttributeWithCacheKey, createAttributeWithCacheKey } from '../attribute-with-cache-key';
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import {
} from './common';
// TODO support quantization bits not equal to 4
@ -60,41 +59,27 @@ const validateInputs = (inputs: readonly TensorView[], attributes: MatMulNBitsAt
export const createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo = (
inputs: readonly TensorView[],
attributes: MatMulNBitsAttributes,
maxComputeWorkgroupSizes: [number, number, number],
maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize: number,
): ProgramInfo => {
const inputShape = inputs[0].dims;
const aRank = inputShape.length;
const nBlocksPerCol = Math.floor((attributes.k + attributes.blockSize - 1) / attributes.blockSize);
const dimAOuter = inputShape[aRank - 2];
const dimInner = attributes.k;
const dimBOuter = attributes.n;
const batchDims = inputShape.slice(0, aRank - 2);
const batchSize = ShapeUtil.size(batchDims);
const blobSize = (attributes.blockSize / 8) * attributes.bits;
const blobSize = inputs[1].dims[2];
const blobSizeInWords = blobSize / 4;
const dataType = inputs[0].dataType;
const outputNumber = getMaxComponents(dimAOuter);
const aComponents = getMaxComponents(attributes.k);
const bComponents = getMaxComponents(blobSizeInWords);
const workgroupOutputSize = calculateTensorSizeInBytes(dataType, dimAOuter * nBlocksPerCol)!;
const maxNumberOfComponents = Math.floor(maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize / workgroupOutputSize);
const useBlockwiseMatMulNBits = nBlocksPerCol <= maxComputeWorkgroupSizes[0] && maxNumberOfComponents > 0;
const components =
!useBlockwiseMatMulNBits || maxNumberOfComponents >= 4
? getMaxComponents(dimBOuter)
: maxNumberOfComponents >= 2 && getMaxComponents(dimBOuter) >= 2
? 2
: 1;
const components = getMaxComponents(dimBOuter);
const outputShape = batchDims.concat([dimAOuter, dimBOuter]);
const outputSize = ShapeUtil.size(outputShape) / components / outputNumber;
const outputNumber = dimAOuter > 1 && (dimBOuter / components) % 2 === 0 ? 2 : 1;
const dispatchSize = ShapeUtil.size(outputShape) / components / outputNumber;
const programUniforms: ProgramUniform[] = useBlockwiseMatMulNBits
? []
: [
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: outputSize },
{ type: DataType.uint32, data: attributes.blockSize },
const workgroupSize = 64;
const programUniforms: ProgramUniform[] = [];
const inputShapeTemp = [batchSize, dimAOuter, dimInner / aComponents];
const bShape = ShapeUtil.convertShape(inputs[1].dims).slice();
bShape.splice(-1, 1, blobSizeInWords / bComponents);
@ -106,6 +91,7 @@ export const createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo = (
const outputShapeTemp = [batchSize, dimAOuter, dimBOuter / components];
const getShaderSource = (shaderHelper: ShaderHelper) => {
const inputRank = inputShapeTemp.length;
const a = inputVariable('a', inputs[0].dataType, inputRank, aComponents);
@ -119,10 +105,6 @@ export const createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo = (
const outputRank = outputShapeTemp.length;
const output = outputVariable('output', inputs[0].dataType, outputRank, components);
const uniforms: UniformsArrayType = [
{ name: 'output_size', type: 'u32' },
{ name: 'block_size', type: 'u32' },
const dataType = tensorTypeToWsglStorageType(inputs[0].dataType);
const qDqDataType = (() => {
@ -138,187 +120,146 @@ export const createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo = (
const processOneBlock = `
for (var word: u32 = 0; word < ${blobSizeInWords}; word += ${bComponents}) {
${b.indicesSet('b_indices', '2', 'word')};
let b_data = ${b.getByIndices('b_indices')};
for (var i: u32 = 0; i < ${bComponents}; i++) {
let b_value: u32 = ${bComponents === 1 ? 'b_data' : 'b_data[word + i]'};
let b_mask: u32 = 0x0F0F0F0Fu;
let b_value_lower: vec4<u32> = unpack4xU8(b_value & b_mask);
let b_value_upper: vec4<u32> = unpack4xU8((b_value >> 4) & b_mask);
let b_quantized_values = ${qDqDataType}(${Array.from(
const processOneWord = (): string => {
let calcStr = `
// reuse a data
var input_offset = ${a.indicesToOffset(`${a.type.indices}(batch, row, word_offset)`)};
var a_data: ${qDqDataType};
for (var j: u32 = 0; j < ${8 / aComponents}; j++) {
a_data[j] = ${a.getByOffset('input_offset')};
for (let c = 0; c < components * outputNumber; c++) {
calcStr += `
b_value = ${bComponents === 1 ? `b${c}_data` : `b${c}_data[i]`};
b_value_lower = unpack4xU8(b_value & b_mask);
b_value_upper = unpack4xU8((b_value >> 4) & b_mask);
b_quantized_values = ${qDqDataType}(${Array.from(
{ length: 4 },
(_, i) => `${dataType}(b_value_lower[${i}]), ${dataType}(b_value_upper[${i}])`,
).join(', ')});
let b_dequantized_values = ${(() => {
b_dequantized_values = ${(() => {
if (aComponents === 1) {
return `${qDqDataType}(${Array.from(
{ length: 8 },
(_, i) => `(b_quantized_values[${i}] - zero_point) * scale`,
(_, i) => `(b_quantized_values[${i}] - ${zeroPoints ? `zero_point${c}` : 'zero_point'}) * scale${c}`,
).join(', ')});`;
} else {
return `(b_quantized_values - ${qDqDataType}(${Array(8).fill('zero_point').join(',')})) * scale;`;
return `(b_quantized_values - ${qDqDataType}(${Array(8)
.fill(`${zeroPoints ? `zero_point${c}` : 'zero_point'}`)
.join(',')})) * scale${c};`;
// Number of B elements per 32-bit word is 32/bits = 32/4 = 8
for (var m: u32 = 0; m < ${useBlockwiseMatMulNBits ? dimAOuter : outputNumber}u; m++) {
${a.indicesSet('a_indices', inputRank - 2, useBlockwiseMatMulNBits ? 'm' : `row * ${outputNumber} + m`)};
${a.indicesSet('a_indices', inputRank - 1, 'word_offset')};
var input_offset = ${a.indicesToOffset('a_indices')};
var a_data: ${qDqDataType};
for (var j: u32 = 0; j < ${8 / aComponents}; j++) {
a_data[j] = ${a.getByOffset('input_offset')};
${useBlockwiseMatMulNBits ? 'workgroup_shared[workgroup_shared_offset + m]' : 'output_values[m]'}${
components > 1 ? '[c]' : ''
} += ${Array.from(
{ length: 8 / aComponents },
(_, i) =>
aComponents === 1
? `a_data[${i}] * b_dequantized_values[${i}]`
: `dot(a_data[${i}], b_dequantized_values[${i}])`
).join(' + ')};
word_offset += ${8 / aComponents};
const updateZeroPointIndex = zeroPoints
? `
zero_point_offset += 4;
if (zero_point_offset == 32) {
zero_point_offset = 0;
zero_point_word = ${zeroPoints.getByOffset('zero_point_index')};
: '';
return useBlockwiseMatMulNBits
? `
var<workgroup> workgroup_shared: array<${output.type.value}, ${dimAOuter * nBlocksPerCol}>;
${shaderHelper.declareVariables(...inputVariables, output)}
${shaderHelper.mainStart([nBlocksPerCol, 1, 1])}
var a_indices: ${a.type.indices};
var block = local_id.x;
var col = workgroup_id.y;
var batch = workgroup_id.z;
${a.indicesSet('a_indices', '0', 'batch')};
// Two zero points are packed into one byte when uniforms.bits is 4.
for (var c: u32 = 0; c < ${components}; c++) {
let col_times_components_plus_c = col * ${components} + c;
? `
var zero_point_bytes_per_col: u32 = (${nBlocksPerCol} + 1) / 2;
var zero_point_byte_count: u32 = col_times_components_plus_c * zero_point_bytes_per_col + (block >> 0x1u);
var zero_point_word_index: u32 = zero_point_byte_count >> 0x2u;
var zero_point_byte_offset: u32 = zero_point_byte_count & 0x3u;
var zero_point_nibble_offset: u32 = block & 0x1u;
var zero_point_bits_offset: u32 = (zero_point_byte_offset << 3) + (zero_point_nibble_offset << 2);
var zero_point_word: u32 = ${zeroPoints.getByOffset('zero_point_word_index')} >> zero_point_bits_offset;`
: ''
var b_indices: ${b.type.indices};
${b.indicesSet('b_indices', '0', 'col_times_components_plus_c')};
// The scale and zero points are computed per block.
var scales_index = col_times_components_plus_c * ${nBlocksPerCol} + block;
let scale = ${scales.getByOffset('scales_index')};
// The default zero point is 8 for unsigned 4-bit quantization.
let zero_point = ${dataType}(${zeroPoints ? '(zero_point_word) & 0xFu' : 8.0});
${b.indicesSet('b_indices', '1', 'block')};
var word_offset: u32 = block * ${attributes.blockSize / aComponents};
var workgroup_shared_offset: u32 = block * ${dimAOuter};
var output_indices: ${output.type.indices};
var elements_per_thread: u32 = ${Math.ceil(dimAOuter / nBlocksPerCol)};
${output.indicesSet('output_indices', '0', 'batch')};
${output.indicesSet('output_indices', outputRank - 1, 'col')};
${output.indicesSet('output_indices', outputRank - 2, 'local_id.x * elements_per_thread')};
var output_offset = ${output.indicesToOffset('output_indices')};
for (var m: u32 = 0u; m < elements_per_thread; m++) {
var row = m + local_id.x * elements_per_thread;
if (row < ${dimAOuter}) {
var output_value: ${output.type.value} = ${output.type.value}(0);
var workgroup_shared_offset: u32 = row;
for (var b: u32 = 0u; b < ${nBlocksPerCol}u; b++) {
output_value += workgroup_shared[workgroup_shared_offset];
workgroup_shared_offset += ${dimAOuter};
${output.setByOffset('output_offset', 'output_value')};
output_offset += ${dimBOuter / components};
: `
${shaderHelper.registerUniforms(uniforms).declareVariables(...inputVariables, output)}
var output_values: array<${output.type.value}, ${outputNumber}>;
var output_indices = ${output.offsetToIndices('global_idx')};
var col = ${output.indicesGet('output_indices', outputRank - 1)};
var row = ${output.indicesGet('output_indices', outputRank - 2)};
var a_indices: ${a.type.indices} = output_indices;
// Two zero points are packed into one byte because uniforms.bits <= 4.
// zero_point_offset is either 0 or 4. It is bit offset within one byte.
// TODO support zero_point_offset for bits > 4
? `
var zero_point_abs_offset = col * ${components} * ((${nBlocksPerCol} + 1) / 2);
var zero_point_index: u32 = zero_point_abs_offset / 4;
var zero_point_word: u32 = ${zeroPoints.getByOffset('zero_point_index')};
var zero_point_offset: u32 = (zero_point_abs_offset % 4) * 8;`
: ''
var scale_index = col * ${nBlocksPerCol * components};
var b_indices: ${b.type.indices};
for (var c: u32 = 0; c < ${components}; c++) {
${b.indicesSet('b_indices', '0', `col * ${components} + c`)};
var block_offset: u32 = 0;
for (var block: u32 = 0; block < ${nBlocksPerCol}; block++) {
// The scale and zero points are computed per block.
let scale = ${scales.getByOffset('scale_index')};
// The default zero point is 8 for unsigned 4-bit quantization.
let zero_point = ${dataType}(${zeroPoints ? 'extractBits(zero_point_word, zero_point_offset, 4)' : 8.0});
${b.indicesSet('b_indices', '1', 'block')};
var word_offset: u32 = block_offset;
block_offset += uniforms.block_size / ${aComponents};
// Drop the trailing 4 bits if the zero_poit_offset is not a byte boundary to align with the next byte.
workgroup_shared[local_id.x * ${outputNumber} + ${Math.floor(c / components)}]${components > 1 ? `[${c % components}]` : ''} += ${Array.from(
{ length: 8 / aComponents },
(_, i) =>
aComponents === 1
? `a_data[${i}] * b_dequantized_values[${i}]`
: `dot(a_data[${i}], b_dequantized_values[${i}])`
).join(' + ')};
return calcStr;
const prepareScaleAndZeroPoint = (): string => {
let calcStr = `
var col_index = col * ${components};
? `if (zero_point_offset % 8 > 0) {
? `
let zero_point_bytes_per_col = (nBlocksPerCol + 1) / 2;
var zero_point_byte_count: u32;
var zero_point_word_index: u32;
var zero_point_byte_offset: u32;
let zero_point_nibble_offset: u32 = block & 0x1u;
var zero_point_bits_offset: u32;
var zero_point_word: u32;`
: `
// The default zero point is 8 for unsigned 4-bit quantization.
let zero_point = ${dataType}(${8.0});`
for (let c = 0; c < components * outputNumber; c++) {
calcStr += `
let scale${c} = ${scales.getByOffset(`col_index * nBlocksPerCol + block`)};
? `
zero_point_byte_count = col_index * zero_point_bytes_per_col + (block >> 0x1u);
zero_point_word_index = zero_point_byte_count >> 0x2u;
zero_point_byte_offset = zero_point_byte_count & 0x3u;
zero_point_bits_offset = (zero_point_byte_offset << 3) + (zero_point_nibble_offset << 2);
zero_point_word = ${zeroPoints.getByOffset('zero_point_word_index')} >> zero_point_bits_offset;
let zero_point${c} = ${dataType}((zero_point_word) & 0xFu);`
: ''
col_index += 1;`;
return calcStr;
const prepareBData = (): string => {
let calcStr = `col_index = col * ${components};`;
for (let c = 0; c < components * outputNumber; c++) {
calcStr += `
let b${c}_data = ${b.getByIndices(`${b.type.indices}(col_index, block, word)`)};
col_index += 1;`;
calcStr += `
var b_value: u32;
let b_mask: u32 = 0x0F0F0F0Fu;
var b_value_lower: vec4<u32>;
var b_value_upper: vec4<u32>;
var b_quantized_values: ${qDqDataType};
var b_dequantized_values: ${qDqDataType};`;
return calcStr;
return `
var<workgroup> workgroup_shared: array<${output.type.value}, ${outputNumber * workgroupSize}>;
${shaderHelper.declareVariables(...inputVariables, output)}
${shaderHelper.mainStart([workgroupSize, 1, 1])}
let output_indices = ${output.offsetToIndices(`(global_idx / ${workgroupSize}) * ${outputNumber}`)};
let col = output_indices[2];
let row = output_indices[1];
let batch = output_indices[0];
let nBlocksPerCol = uniforms.b_shape[1];
for (var block = local_id.x; block < nBlocksPerCol; block += ${workgroupSize}) {
//process one block
var word_offset: u32 = block * ${attributes.blockSize / aComponents};
for (var word: u32 = 0; word < ${blobSizeInWords}; word += ${bComponents}) {
for (var i: u32 = 0; i < ${bComponents}; i++) {
word_offset += ${8 / aComponents};
for (var k: u32 = 0u; k < ${outputNumber}u; k++) {
${output.indicesSet('output_indices', outputRank - 2, `${outputNumber} * row + k`)};
${output.setByIndices('output_indices', 'output_values[k]')}
if (local_id.x < ${outputNumber}) {
var output_value: ${output.type.value} = ${output.type.value}(0);
var workgroup_shared_offset: u32 = local_id.x;
for (var b: u32 = 0u; b < ${workgroupSize}u; b++) {
output_value += workgroup_shared[workgroup_shared_offset];
workgroup_shared_offset += ${outputNumber};
${output.setByIndices(`${output.type.indices}(batch, row, col + local_id.x)`, 'output_value')};
return {
name: useBlockwiseMatMulNBits ? 'BlockwiseMatMulNBits' : 'MatMulNBits',
name: 'MatMulNBits',
shaderCache: {
hint: `${attributes.cacheKey};${dimAOuter};${dataType};${inputs.length}`,
hint: `${attributes.blockSize};${attributes.bits};${aComponents};${bComponents};${components};${outputNumber};${workgroupSize}`,
inputDependencies: Array(inputs.length).fill('rank'),
getRunData: () => ({
outputs: [{ dims: outputShape, dataType }],
name: useBlockwiseMatMulNBits ? 'BlockwiseMatMulNBits' : 'MatMulNBits',
dispatchGroup: useBlockwiseMatMulNBits
? { x: 1, y: Math.ceil(dimBOuter / components), z: batchSize }
: { x: Math.ceil(outputSize / 64 /* workgroup size */) },
dispatchGroup: { x: dispatchSize },
@ -327,11 +268,7 @@ export const createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo = (
export const matMulNBits = (context: ComputeContext, attributes: MatMulNBitsAttributes): void => {
validateInputs(context.inputs, attributes);
const maxComputeWorkgroupSizes: [number, number, number] = context.getMaxComputeWorkgroupSizes();
const maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize = context.getMaxComputeWorkgroupStoragesize();
createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo(context.inputs, attributes, maxComputeWorkgroupSizes, maxComputeWorkgroupStorageSize),
context.compute(createMatMulNBitsProgramInfo(context.inputs, attributes));
export const parseMatMulNBitsAttributes = (attributes: Record<string, unknown>): MatMulNBitsAttributes =>