p: strong Thanks for making #{openContributions.length} open source contribution#{openContributions.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} during the eligibility period.
p You made #{otherContributionsData.length} contribution#{otherContributionsData.length === 1 ? '' : 's'} to corporate governed repos that are not part of the FOSS Fund focus.
h2= election.title
#[strong Voting ends #{moment(election.votingEnd).fromNow()}.] Eligibility period for open contributions: #{moment(election.eligibilityStart).format(dateFormat)}-#{moment(election.eligibilityEnd).format(dateFormat)}.
p= election.description
if userSettings && userSettings.contributionShareOptIn === true
//-p Thanks for opting in to public data sharing. Your GitHub avatar and/or public contributions on GitHub may be featured. We will let you know when the new site launches.
//-p: a(href='https://aka.ms/opensource/publicdatasharing') More info at aka.ms/opensource/publicdatasharing
p If you'd like to have your GitHub avatar appear on the homepage at times, and your contributions to other projects highlighted when they're made as part of the new "ecosystem" page, you can opt-in to sharing that already-public info.
p: a(href='https://aka.ms/opensource/publicdatasharing') More info and ability to opt-in at aka.ms/opensource/publicdatasharing
h2 Nominated projects
each nominee in nominees
h4= nominee.title
if nominee.web
p Project: #[a(href=nominee.web)= nominee.web]
p: a(href='https://aka.ms/fossfund') Open ballot...
p= nominee.description
if nominee.justification
p: small: em= nominee.justification
h2 Contributing in the open
p We are trying to drive a change across Microsoft. We'd like to see more Microsofties contributing to open source communities, whether as part of your role, a Day of Learning project, updating project dependencies, hobbies, or pursuing off-hours projects and interests.
p Microsoft's FOSS Fund gives up to $10,000 to the most-voted-for open source software projects. Projects are nominated and selected by those at Microsoft who contribute to communities that are not primarily Microsoft communities.
p Public information about the fund can be found at #[a(href='https://aka.ms/microsoftfossfund') https://aka.ms/microsoftfossfund], including previous fund winners.
li Must have contributed in the open to at least one project on GitHub beyond Microsoft's governance during the eligibility period. Contributions to your own repos or to forks of Microsoft projects are not included.
li Contributions captured automatically include opening and merging pull requests, opening issues, discussing issues, performing code reviews of pull requests, etc.
li People may also self-attest other contributions using #[a(href='https://repos.opensource.microsoft.com/contributions/attestation') an attestation form]. Note: a linked GitHub account is still required for self-attestation.
h3 Where to view your contributions, nominate and vote
p The page at #[a(href='https://aka.ms/fossfund') https://aka.ms/fossfund] will show your contributions and other information about nominating and voting.
h3 Feedback
p We'd love to hear from you at #[a(href='mailto:opensource@microsoft.com') opensource@microsoft.com].
p Other resources of note include #[a(href='https://aka.ms/opensource') https://aka.ms/opensource] and the open source support channel on Microsoft Teams at #[a(href='https://aka.ms/opensourcechannel') https://aka.ms/opensourcechannel].