//- //- Copyright (c) Microsoft. //- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. //- extends email block content if lockdownState == 'administratorLocked' if isUpstreamParentManaged p You forked an official repository from the company's #{upstreamForkLogin} official organization into another official organization. This is very confusing for communities, employees, and search engine indexes. p Your #{targetType.toLowerCase()} may be automatically deleted. h3 Delete the #{targetType.toLowerCase()} p If you no longer need this repo, or this was an accident, click below to delete the repo now. The page will ask for your confirmation first. p a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new') Delete #{targetType.toLowerCase()} #{repository.name} br small | Link to delete:  a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= linkToDeleteRepository p. A fork of a GitHub repo into an official GitHub org can cause confusion and needs to be done carefully. p To contribute to an upstream project, typically you should fork the repo directly into your individual GitHub account. if operationsMail h3 Please contact operations with more information p: strong Action required: you must e-mail #[a(href='mailto:' + operationsMail)= operationsMail] if you believe this fork from one official organization to another is on purpose else p Your #{targetType.toLowerCase()} has not been unlocked by an administrator. Have you provided answers to these questions yet? h3 Delete the #{targetType.toLowerCase()} p If you no longer need this repo, or this was an accident, click below to delete the repo. The page will ask for your confirmation first. p a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new') Delete #{targetType.toLowerCase()} #{repository.name} br small | Link to delete:  a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= linkToDeleteRepository p. A fork of a GitHub repo into an official GitHub org can cause confusion and needs to be done carefully. p To contribute to an upstream project, typically you should fork the repo directly into your individual GitHub account. if operationsMail h3 Please contact operations with more information p: strong Action required: you must e-mail #[a(href='mailto:' + operationsMail)= operationsMail] and provide more information to unlock this fork p Please provide the following information to open source GitHub operations: ul li Why an official fork is being created li Information including prior communications with the upstream open source community where the idea of forking was socialized li Information about how you will support this fork long-term, including responding to contributions through pull requests and issues li Whether there are plans to eventually contribute the forked changes upstream and delete this fork li Acknowledgement that you will help govern this fork and work with any others in this GitHub org who would also like to maintain this fork li Other useful information including your business goals relating to this project else p Your #{targetType.toLowerCase()} has not been configured yet. Please configure or delete it now. p a(href=linkToClassifyRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 36px') Finish setting up #{repository.name} br small | Direct link to complete setup:  a(href=linkToClassifyRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= linkToClassifyRepository h3 Delete the #{targetType.toLowerCase()} p If you no longer need this repo, or this was an accident, click below to delete the repo. The page will ask for your confirmation first. p a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new') Delete #{targetType.toLowerCase()} #{repository.name} br small | Link to delete:  a(href=linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= linkToDeleteRepository h3 Associated corporate metadata if repository p This information is available online at #[a(href=repository.absoluteBaseUrl)=repository.absoluteBaseUrl] include ../includes/corporateRepoMetadata