//- //- Copyright (c) Microsoft. //- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. //- extends email block content - var isFork = lockdownMailContent.repository.fork - var isNewRepo = action == 'created'; - var isTransfer = action == 'transferred'; - var targetType = isFork ? 'Fork' : 'Repo' if isMailToCreator if isForkAdministratorLocked p. Hi,#[br] You just forked a GitHub repo, #{lockdownMailContent.repository.name}, into the official #{lockdownMailContent.organization.name} GitHub org. To contribute to an upstream project, typically you should fork the repo directly into your individual GitHub account. if forkUnlockMail h3 Please contact #{forkUnlockMail} with more information p: strong Action required: you must e-mail #[a(href='mailto:' + forkUnlockMail)= forkUnlockMail] and provide more information to unlock this fork p Please provide the following information to help make sure this is a social/community-friendly fork and gain approval: ul li Why an official fork is being created li Information including prior communications with the upstream open source community where the idea of forking was socialized li Information about how you will support this fork long-term, including responding to contributions through pull requests and issues li Whether there are plans to eventually contribute the forked changes upstream and delete this fork li Acknowledgement that you will help govern this fork and work with any others in this GitHub org who would also like to maintain this fork li Other useful information including your business goals relating to this project else if isForkDeleted h3 Your fork was deleted. p If you need to fork this repo again, please create the fork within your individual GitHub account #[strong=username]. p If you believe there is a business need for an official fork, please contact #[a(href='mailto:' + forkUnlockMail)= forkUnlockMail] to discuss your use case. else p. Hi,#[br] You just #{action} a GitHub repository, #{lockdownMailContent.repository.name}. Complete the setup wizard to configure the repo permissions and release information. if isTransfer && transferSourceRepositoryLogin h3 Incoming transfer from #{transferSourceRepositoryLogin} if lockdownMailContent.repository && lockdownMailContent.repository.fork h3 Fork p This repository was forked. A fork into an official organization can be confusing with an active upstream open source community. Please verify that the individual creating this repo intends for their business to maintain this new forked open source community. If this is just a fork to contribute, engineers should contribute from their own individual account fork. if !isForkAdministratorLocked && !isForkDeleted h3 Gain access to your new repository p a(href=lockdownMailContent.linkToClassifyRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 36px') Finish setting up #{lockdownMailContent.repository.name} br small | Direct link to complete setup:  a(href=lockdownMailContent.linkToClassifyRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= lockdownMailContent.linkToClassifyRepository if lockdownMailContent.linkToDeleteRepository && !isForkDeleted h3 Delete the #{targetType.toLowerCase()} p If you no longer need this repo, or this was an accident, click below to delete the repo. The page will ask for your confirmation first. p a(href=lockdownMailContent.linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new') Delete #{targetType.toLowerCase()} #{lockdownMailContent.repository.name} br small | Link to delete:  a(href=lockdownMailContent.linkToDeleteRepository, target='_new', style='font-size: 10px')= lockdownMailContent.linkToDeleteRepository if !isForkDeleted h4 Repository p a(href='https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.organization.name + '/' + lockdownMailContent.repository.name)= 'https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.organization.name + '/' + lockdownMailContent.repository.name if lockdownMailContent.repository.private && isForkAdministratorLocked br | WARNING: This is a private repository and you will not be able to access it until you complete the setup process. h4 GitHub user if lockdownMailContent.link table tbody tr td GitHub account td= lockdownMailContent.link.thirdPartyUsername tr td Corporate identity td= lockdownMailContent.link.corporateUsername if isForkAdministratorLocked &&!isForkDeleted h4 For operations use only p When ready to manage this request, please approve at: #[a(href=linkToAdministrativeUnlockRepository)= linkToAdministrativeUnlockRepository]. else if isMailToOperations if isForkDeleted p A repository was #[strong immediately deleted] after being forked directly into an official org. else if isForkAdministratorLocked p A repository was forked directly into an official org. It has been locked pending your administrative decision. else p A repository was created directly on GitHub.com. if mailSentToCreator p A mail was sent to the person who created the repo to continue the process. else h3: strong NOTE no mail was sent to the creator. h3 Created by #{lockdownMailContent.username} p: a(href='https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.username)= 'https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.username if lockdownMailContent.link table tbody tr td GitHub account td= lockdownMailContent.link.thirdPartyUsername tr td Corporate identity td= lockdownMailContent.link.corporateUsername if lockdownMailContent.mailAddress p. Mail address of the user that created the repo:  #[a(href='mailto:' + lockdownMailContent.mailAddress)= lockdownMailContent.mailAddress] else p: strong An e-mail was NOT sent. No e-mail address was available for the username. h4 Repository p a(href='https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.organization.name + '/' + lockdownMailContent.repository.name)= 'https://github.com/' + lockdownMailContent.organization.name + '/' + lockdownMailContent.repository.name if lockdownMailContent.repository.private br | WARNING: This is a private repository if lockdownMailContent.repository && lockdownMailContent.repository.fork h3 FORK p This repository was forked. A fork into an official {config.brand.companyName} organization is a very big deal and can cause confusion with the upstream open source community. Please verify that the individual creating this repo intends for their business to maintain this new forked open source community. If this is just a fork to contribute, engineers should contribute from their own individual account fork. if isForkAdministratorLocked && !isForkDeleted h4 For operations use p When ready to manage this request, please use the following URL: #[a(href=lockdownMailContent.repository.absoluteBaseUrl + 'administrativeLock')= lockdownMailContent.repository.absoluteBaseUrl + 'administrativeLock']. if isForkDeleted h4 For operations use p An official organization owner can still fork into the organization, or, you can use a pre-approval method to allow a specific account to fork at their leisure and go through the typical setup process. if lockdownMailContent.log h3 Operations log p The following lockdown operations log represents changes made from when the repo was created. ul each det in lockdownMailContent.log li= det