//- //- Copyright (c) Microsoft. //- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. //- extends email block content if mailToVoter if link h3 Thanks for your vote #{link.corporateDisplayName}. else h3 Thanks for your vote. if mailToOperations h3 Vote submitted if link p if link.corporateDisplayName = link.corporateDisplayName br if link.corporateUsername = link.corporateUsername br if nomination if mailToVoter h2 Your vote record else h2 Vote record h4= nomination.title if nomination.web p: a(href=nomination.web)= nomination.web p= nomination.description if vote && vote.voted p= 'Vote placed: ' + vote.voted if election h2= election.title p= election.description p For more information, please refer to #[a(href='https://aka.ms/fossfund') https://aka.ms/fossfund]. p If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this e-mail.