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// Copyright (c) Microsoft.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
'use strict';
const debug = require('debug')('pg');
import { InnerError } from "../transitional";
export function PostgresPoolQuerySingleRow(pool, sql: string, values: any[], callback) {
PostgresPoolQuery(pool, sql, values, (error, results) => {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
const len = results.rowCount;
if (len === 1) {
return callback(null, results.rows[0]);
} else if (len === 0) {
const notFoundError = new Error('The query did not return a result');
notFoundError['status'] = 404;
notFoundError['sqlStatement'] = sql;
notFoundError['sqlValues'] = values;
return callback(notFoundError);
const tooManyRows = new Error(`Only one row should be returned; ${len} rows were returned`);
tooManyRows['status'] = 412;
tooManyRows['sqlStatement'] = sql;
tooManyRows['sqlValues'] = values;
return callback(tooManyRows);
export function PostgresPoolQuerySingleRowAsync(pool, sql: string, values: any[]): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
PostgresPoolQuerySingleRow(pool, sql, values, (error, results) => {
return error ? reject(error) : resolve(results);
export function PostgresPoolQuery(pool, sql: string, values: any[], callback) {
if (!pool) {
throw new Error('No Postgres pool provided');
if (!callback && typeof(values) === 'function') {
callback = values;
values = [];
pool.connect(function (connectError, client, release) {
if (connectError) {
return callback(connectError);
client.query(sql, values, function (queryError, results) {
if (queryError) {
const err: InnerError = new Error(queryError.message /* Postgres provider never leaks SQL statements thankfully */ || 'There was an error querying a database');
err.inner = queryError;
if (queryError.position) {
err['position'] = queryError.position;
if (queryError.message) {
err['sqlMessage'] = queryError.message;
err['sqlStatement'] = sql;
err['sqlValues'] = values;
return callback(err);
return callback(null, results);
export function PostgresPoolQueryAsync(pool, sql: string, values: any[]): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
PostgresPoolQuery(pool, sql, values, (error, results) => {
if (results && results['rows'] && results['rows'].length !== undefined) {
debug(`rows: ${results['rows'].length}`);
return error ? reject(error) : resolve(results);