Introduction: ONNXRuntime-Extensions is a library that extends the capability of the ONNX models and inference with ONNX Runtime, via ONNX Runtime Custom Operator ABIs. It includes a set of [ONNX Runtime Custom Operator]( to support the common pre- and post-processing operators for vision, text, and nlp models. And it supports multiple languages and platforms, like Python on Windows/Linux/macOS, some mobile platforms like Android and iOS, and Web-Assembly etc. The basic workflow is to enhance a ONNX model firstly and then do the model inference with ONNX Runtime and ONNXRuntime-Extensions package.
<strong>NOTE:</strong> most ONNXRuntime-Extensions packages are in <strong><em>active development</em></strong> and most packages require building from source. The package information will be updated here if it is published.
the packages are not ready yet, so it could be installed from source. Please make sure the compiler toolkit like gcc(later than g++ 8.0) or clang, and the tool <strong>cmake</strong> are installed before the following command
## Use exporters to generate graphs with custom operators
The PyTorch and TensorFlow converters support custom operator generation if the operation from the original framework cannot be interpreted as a standard ONNX operators. Check the following two examples on how to do this.
1. [CustomOp conversion by pytorch.onnx.exporter](
2. [CustomOp conversion by tf2onnx](
You can contribute customop C++ implementations directly in this repository if they have general applicability to other users. In addition, if you want to quickly verify the ONNX model with Python, you can wrap the custom operator with PyOp.