2. Integrate the pre/post processing steps into ONNX model which can be executed on all platforms that ONNXRuntime supported. check [pnp.export](onnxruntime_extensions/pnp/_unifier.py) for more details
The above python code will translate the ImageNet pre/post processing functions into an all-in-one model which can do inference on all platforms that ONNNXRuntime supports, like Android/iOS, without any Python runtime and the 3rd-party libraries dependency.
Note: On mobile platform, the ONNXRuntime package may not support all kernels required by the model, to ensure all the ONNX operator kernels were built into ONNXRuntime binraries, please use [ONNX Runtime Mobile Custom Build](https://onnxruntime.ai/docs/tutorials/mobile/custom-build.html).
Here is a [tutorial](tutorials/imagenet_processing.ipynb) for pre/post processing details.
This is a simplified version of GPT-2 inference for the demonstration only. The full solution of post-process can be checked [here](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/blob/ad9d2e2e891714e0911ccc3fa8b70f42025b4d56/docs/ContribOperators.md#commicrosoftbeamsearch)
The mainstream ONNX converters support the custom op generation if there is the operation from the original framework cannot be interpreted as ONNX standard operators. Check the following two examples on how to do this.
1. [CustomOp conversion by pytorch.onnx.exporter](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/main/tutorials/pytorch_custom_ops_tutorial.ipynb)
2. [CustomOp conversion by tf2onnx](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/main/tutorials/tf2onnx_custom_ops_tutorial.ipynb)
Of course, with Python language, the thing becomes much easier since PyOrtFunction will directly translate the ONNX model into a python function. But if the ONNXRuntime Custom Python API want to be used, the inference process will be
Welcome to contribute the customop C++ implementation directly in this repository, which will widely benefit other users. Besides C++, if you want to quickly verify the ONNX model with some custom operators with Python language, PyOp will help with that
- Install Visual Studio with C++ development tools on Windows, or gcc for Linux or xcode for MacOS, and cmake on the unix-like platform. (**hints**: in Windows platform, if cmake bundled in Visual Studio was used, please specify the set _VCVARS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\<Edition>\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat_)
- Prepare Python env and install the pip packages in the requirements.txt.
-`python setup.py install` to build and install the package.
- OR `python setup.py develop` to install the package in the development mode, which is more friendly for the developer since (re)installation is not needed with every build.
For sake of the binary size, the project can be built as a static library and link into ONNXRuntime. Here is [the script](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-extensions/blob/main/ci_build/onnxruntime_integration/build_with_onnxruntime.sh) to this, which is especially usefully on building the mobile release.