Update Yolov8 tutorial with arguments (#658)
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@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import argparse
import onnx.shape_inference
import onnxruntime_extensions
from onnxruntime_extensions.tools.pre_post_processing import *
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def get_yolov8_pose_model(onnx_model_name: str):
def _get_yolov8_pose_model(onnx_model_path: Path):
# install yolov8
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
@ -15,38 +17,23 @@ def get_yolov8_pose_model(onnx_model_name: str):
except ImportError:
pipmain(['install', 'ultralytics'])
import ultralytics
pt_model = Path("yolov8n-pose.pt")
model = ultralytics.YOLO(str(pt_model)) # load a pretrained model
success = model.export(format="onnx") # export the model to ONNX format
assert success, "Failed to export yolov8n-pose.pt to onnx"
import shutil
shutil.move(pt_model.with_suffix('.onnx'), onnx_model_name)
shutil.move(pt_model.with_suffix('.onnx'), str(onnx_model_path))
def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: Path,
output_image: bool = False,
decode_input: bool = True,
input_shape: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None):
"""Construct the pipeline for an end2end model with pre and post processing.
The final model can take raw image binary as inputs and output the result in raw image file.
input_model_file (Path): The onnx yolo model.
output_model_file (Path): where to save the final onnx model.
output_image (bool): Model will draw bounding boxes on the original image and output that. It will NOT draw
the keypoints as there's no custom operator to handle that currently.
If false, the output will have the same shape as the original model, with all the co-ordinates updated
to match the original input image.
decode_input: Input is jpg/png to decode. Alternative is to provide RGB data
input_shape: Input shape if RGB data is being provided. Can use symbolic dimensions. Either the first or last
dimension must be 3 to determine if layout is HWC or CHW.
if not Path(input_model_file).is_file():
print("Fetching the model...")
def _get_model_and_info(input_model_path: Path):
if not input_model_path.is_file():
print(f"Fetching the model... {str(input_model_path)}")
print("Adding pre/post processing to the model...")
model = onnx.load(str(input_model_file.resolve(strict=True)))
model = onnx.load(str(input_model_path.resolve(strict=True)))
model_with_shape_info = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(model)
model_input_shape = model_with_shape_info.graph.input[0].type.tensor_type.shape
@ -57,63 +44,85 @@ def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: P
h_in = model_input_shape.dim[-2].dim_value
assert w_in == 640 and h_in == 640 # expected values
# output is [1, 56, 8400]
# there are
# output should be [1, 56, 8400].
classes_masks_out = model_output_shape.dim[1].dim_value
boxes_out = model_output_shape.dim[2].dim_value
assert classes_masks_out == 56
assert boxes_out == 8400
# layout of image prior to Resize and LetterBox being run. post-processing needs to know this to determine where
# to get the original H and W from
if decode_input:
inputs = [create_named_value("image", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, ["num_bytes"])]
# ConvertImageToBGR produces HWC output
decoded_image_layout = "HWC"
assert input_shape and len(input_shape) == 3, "3D input shape is required if decode_input is false."
if input_shape[0] == 3:
decoded_image_layout = "CHW"
elif input_shape[2] == 3:
decoded_image_layout = "HWC"
raise ValueError("Invalid input shape. Either first or last dimension must be 3.")
return (model, w_in, h_in)
inputs = [create_named_value("decoded_image", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, input_shape)]
def _update_model(model: onnx.ModelProto, output_model_path: Path, pipeline: PrePostProcessor):
Update the model by running the pre/post processing pipeline
@param model: ONNX model to update
@param output_model_path: Filename to write the updated model to.
@param pipeline: Pre/Post processing pipeline to run.
new_model = pipeline.run(model)
print("Pre/post proceessing added.")
# run shape inferencing to validate the new model. shape inferencing will fail if any of the new node
# types or shapes are incorrect. infer_shapes returns a copy of the model with ValueInfo populated,
# but we ignore that and save new_model as it is smaller due to not containing the inferred shape information.
_ = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(new_model, strict_mode=True)
onnx.save_model(new_model, str(output_model_path.resolve()))
print("Updated model saved.")
def _add_pre_post_processing_to_rgb_input(input_model_path: Path,
output_model_path: Path,
input_shape: List[Union[int, str]]):
Add pre and post processing with model input of RGB data.
Pre-processing will convert the input to the correct height, width and data type for the model.
Post-processing will select the best bounding boxes using NonMaxSuppression, and scale the selected bounding
boxes and key-points to the original image size.
@param input_model_path: Path to ONNX model.
@param output_model_path: Path to write updated model to.
@param input_shape: Input shape of RGB data. Must be 3D. First or last value must be 3 (channels first or last).
model, w_in, h_in = _get_model_and_info(input_model_path)
if input_shape[0] == 3:
layout = "CHW"
elif input_shape[2] == 3:
layout = "HWC"
raise ValueError("Invalid input shape. Either first or last dimension must be 3.")
onnx_opset = 18
inputs = [create_named_value("rgb_data", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, input_shape)]
pipeline = PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)
pre_processing_steps = []
if decode_input:
pre_processing_steps.append(ConvertImageToBGR(name="ImageHWC")) # jpg/png image to BGR in HWC layout
if layout == "CHW":
# use Identity so we have an output named RGBImageCHW
# for ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints in the post-processing steps
pre_processing_steps = [Identity(name="RGBImageCHW")]
# use Identity if we don't need to call ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst as the next step
if decoded_image_layout == "CHW":
if decoded_image_layout == "HWC":
pre_processing_steps.append(ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst(name="DecodedImageCHW")) # HWC to CHW
pre_processing_steps = [ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst(name="RGBImageCHW")] # HWC to CHW
pre_processing_steps += [
# Resize an arbitrary sized image to a fixed size in not_larger policy
# Resize to match model input. Uses not_larger as we use LetterBox to pad as needed.
Resize((h_in, w_in), policy='not_larger', layout='CHW'),
# padding or cropping the image to (h_in, w_in)
LetterBox(target_shape=(h_in, w_in), layout='CHW'),
LetterBox(target_shape=(h_in, w_in), layout='CHW'), # padding or cropping the image to (h_in, w_in)
ImageBytesToFloat(), # Convert to float in range 0..1
Unsqueeze([0]), # add batch, CHW --> 1CHW
# NMS and drawing boxes
post_processing_steps = [
Squeeze([0]), # - Squeeze to remove batch dimension from [batch, 56, 8200] output
Transpose([1, 0]), # reverse so result info is inner dim
# split the 56 elements into the box, score for the 1 class, and mask info (17 locations x 3 values)
# split the 56 elements into 4 for the box, score for the 1 class, and mask info (17 locations x 3 values)
Split(num_outputs=3, axis=1, splits=[4, 1, 51]),
# Apply NMS to select best boxes. iou and score values match
# https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/e7bd159a44cf7426c0f33ed9b413ef4439505a03/ultralytics/models/yolo/pose/predict.py#L34-L35
# thresholds are arbitrarily chosen. adjust as needed.
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=0.7, score_threshold=0.25, has_mask_data=True),
# Scale boxes and key point coords back to original image. Mask data has 17 key points per box.
(ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(num_key_points=17, layout='CHW'),
@ -124,64 +133,127 @@ def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: P
# A connection from the LetterBoxed image to input 3
# We use the three images to calculate the scale factor and offset.
# With scale and offset, we can scale the bounding box and key points back to the original image.
utils.IoMapEntry("DecodedImageCHW", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
utils.IoMapEntry("RGBImageCHW", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
utils.IoMapEntry("Resize", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=2),
utils.IoMapEntry("LetterBox", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=3),
if output_image:
# separate out the bounding boxes from the keypoint data to use the existing steps/custom op to draw the
# bounding boxes.
_update_model(model, output_model_path, pipeline)
def _add_pre_post_processing_to_image_input(input_model_path: Path,
output_model_path: Path,
output_image_format: Optional[str]):
Add pre and post processing with model input of jpg or png image bytes.
Pre-processing will convert the input to the correct height, width and data type for the model.
Post-processing will select the best bounding boxes using NonMaxSuppression, and scale the selected bounding
boxes and key-points to the original image size.
The post-processing can alternatively return the original image with the bounding boxes drawn on it
instead of the scaled bounding box and key point data.
@param input_model_path: Path to ONNX model.
@param output_model_path: Path to write updated model to.
@param output_image_format: Optional. Specify 'jpg' or 'png' for the post-processing to return image bytes in that
format with the bounding boxes drawn on it.
Otherwise the model will return the scaled bounding boxes and key points.
model, w_in, h_in = _get_model_and_info(input_model_path)
onnx_opset = 18
inputs = [create_named_value("image_bytes", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, ["num_bytes"])]
pipeline = PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)
pre_processing_steps = [
ConvertImageToBGR(name="BGRImageHWC"), # jpg/png image to BGR in HWC layout
ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst(name="BGRImageCHW"), # HWC to CHW
# Resize to match model input. Uses not_larger as we use LetterBox to pad as needed.
Resize((h_in, w_in), policy='not_larger', layout='CHW'),
LetterBox(target_shape=(h_in, w_in), layout='CHW'), # padding or cropping the image to (h_in, w_in)
ImageBytesToFloat(), # Convert to float in range 0..1
Unsqueeze([0]), # add batch, CHW --> 1CHW
# NonMaxSuppression and drawing boxes
post_processing_steps = [
Squeeze([0]), # Squeeze to remove batch dimension from [batch, 56, 8200] output
Transpose([1, 0]), # reverse so result info is inner dim
# split the 56 elements into the box, score for the 1 class, and mask info (17 locations x 3 values)
Split(num_outputs=3, axis=1, splits=[4, 1, 51]),
# Apply NMS to select best boxes. iou and score values match
# https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/blob/e7bd159a44cf7426c0f33ed9b413ef4439505a03/ultralytics/models/yolo/pose/predict.py#L34-L35
# thresholds are arbitrarily chosen. adjust as needed
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=0.7, score_threshold=0.25, has_mask_data=True),
# Scale boxes and key point coords back to original image. Mask data has 17 key points per box.
(ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(num_key_points=17, layout='CHW'),
# A default connection from SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS for input 0
# A connection from original image to input 1
# A connection from the resized image to input 2
# A connection from the LetterBoxed image to input 3
# We use the three images to calculate the scale factor and offset.
# With scale and offset, we can scale the bounding box and key points back to the original image.
utils.IoMapEntry("BGRImageCHW", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
utils.IoMapEntry("Resize", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=2),
utils.IoMapEntry("LetterBox", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=3),
if output_image_format:
post_processing_steps += [
# split out bounding box from keypoint data
Split(num_outputs=2, axis=-1, splits=[6, 51], name="SplitScaledBoxesAndKeypoints"),
# separate out the bounding boxes from the keypoint data to use the existing steps/custom op to draw the
# bounding boxes.
(DrawBoundingBoxes(mode='CENTER_XYWH', num_classes=1, colour_by_classes=True),
utils.IoMapEntry("OriginalRGBImage", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=0),
utils.IoMapEntry("BGRImageHWC", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=0),
utils.IoMapEntry("SplitScaledBoxesAndKeypoints", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
# Encode to jpg/png
new_model = pipeline.run(model)
print("Updating model ...")
print("Pre/post proceessing added.")
# run shape inferencing to validate the new model. shape inferencing will fail if any of the new node
# types or shapes are incorrect. infer_shapes returns a copy of the model with ValueInfo populated,
# but we ignore that and save new_model as it is smaller due to not containing the inferred shape information.
_ = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(new_model, strict_mode=True)
onnx.save_model(new_model, str(output_model_file.resolve()))
print("Updated model saved.")
_update_model(model, output_model_path, pipeline)
def run_inference(onnx_model_file: Path, output_image: bool = False, model_decodes_image: bool = True):
def _run_inference(onnx_model_path: Path, model_input: str, model_outputs_image: bool, test_image: Path,
rgb_layout: Optional[str]):
import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
print("Running the model to validate output.")
print(f"Running the model to validate output using {str(test_image)}.")
providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider']
session_options = ort.SessionOptions()
session = ort.InferenceSession(str(onnx_model_file), providers=providers, sess_options=session_options)
session = ort.InferenceSession(str(onnx_model_path), providers=providers, sess_options=session_options)
input_image_path = './data/bus.jpg'
input_name = [i.name for i in session.get_inputs()]
if model_decodes_image:
image_bytes = np.frombuffer(open(input_image_path, 'rb').read(), dtype=np.uint8)
if model_input == "image":
image_bytes = np.frombuffer(open(test_image, 'rb').read(), dtype=np.uint8)
model_input = {input_name[0]: image_bytes}
rgb_image = np.array(Image.open(input_image_path).convert('RGB'))
rgb_image = rgb_image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Channels first
rgb_image = np.array(Image.open(test_image).convert('RGB'))
if rgb_layout == "CHW":
rgb_image = rgb_image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Channels first
model_input = {input_name[0]: rgb_image}
model_output = ['image_out'] if output_image else ['nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints']
model_output = ['image'] if model_outputs_image else ['nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints']
outputs = session.run(model_output, model_input)
if output_image:
if model_outputs_image:
# jpg or png with bounding boxes draw
image_out = outputs[0]
from io import BytesIO
s = BytesIO(image_out)
@ -192,7 +264,7 @@ def run_inference(onnx_model_file: Path, output_image: bool = False, model_decod
[8, 10], [9, 11], [2, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5], [4, 6], [5, 7]]
# open original image so we can draw on it
input_image = Image.open(input_image_path).convert('RGB')
input_image = Image.open(test_image).convert('RGB')
input_image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(input_image)
scaled_nms_output = outputs[0]
@ -236,26 +308,63 @@ def run_inference(onnx_model_file: Path, output_image: bool = False, model_decod
if __name__ == '__main__':
onnx_model_name = Path("./data/yolov8n-pose.onnx")
onnx_e2e_model_name = onnx_model_name.with_suffix(suffix=".with_pre_post_processing.onnx")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
"""Add pre and post processing to the YOLOv8 POSE model. The model can be updated to take either
jpg/png bytes as input (--input image), or RGB data (--input rgb).
By default the post processing will scale the bounding boxes and key points to the original image.
parser.add_argument("--onnx_model_path", type=Path, default="yolov8n-pose.onnx",
help="The ONNX YOLOv8 POSE model.")
parser.add_argument("--updated_onnx_model_path", type=Path, required=False,
help="Filename to save the updated ONNX model to. If not provided default to the filename "
"from --onnx_model_path with '.with_pre_post_processing' before the '.onnx' "
"e.g. yolov8n-pose.onnx -> yolov8n-pose.with_pre_post_processing.onnx")
parser.add_argument("--input", choices=("image", "rgb"), default="image",
help="Desired model input format. Image bytes from jpg/png or RGB data.")
type=lambda x: [int(dim) if dim.isnumeric() else dim for dim in x.split(",")],
help="Shape of RGB input if input is 'rgb'. Provide a comma separated list of 3 dimensions. "
"Symbolic dimensions are allowed. Either the first or last dimension must be 3 to infer "
"if layout is HWC or CHW. "
"examples: channels first with symbolic dims for height and width: --input_shape 3,H,W "
"or channels last with fixed input shape: --input_shape 384,512,3")
parser.add_argument("--output_image", choices=("jpg", "png"), required=False,
help="OPTIONAL. If the input is an image, instead of outputting the scaled bounding boxes and "
"key points the model will draw the bounding boxes on the original image, convert to the "
"specified format, and output the updated image bytes. The scaled key points for each "
"selected bounding box will also be a model output."
"NOTE: it will NOT draw the key points as there's no custom operator to handle that.")
parser.add_argument("--run_model", action='store_true',
help="Run inference on the model to validate output.")
parser.add_argument("--test_image", type=Path, default="data/stormtroopers.jpg",
help="JPG or PNG image to run model with.")
# default output is the scaled non-max suppresion data which matches the original model.
# each result has bounding box (4), score (1), class (1), keypoints(17 x 3) = 57 elements
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.output_image and args.input == "rgb":
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.output_image, "output_image argument can only be used if input is 'image'")
if args.input_shape and len(args.input_shape) != 3:
raise argparse.ArgumentError(args.input_shape, "Shape of RGB input must have 3 dimensions.")
updated_model_path = (args.updated_onnx_model_path
if args.updated_onnx_model_path
else args.onnx_model_path.with_suffix(suffix=".with_pre_post_processing.onnx"))
# default output is the scaled non-max suppression data which matches the original model.
# each result has bounding box (4), score (1), class (1), key points (17 x 3) = 57 elements
# bounding box is centered XYWH format.
# alternative is to output the original image with the bounding boxes but no key points drawn.
output_image_with_bounding_boxes = False
if args.input == "rgb":
print("Updating model with RGB data as input.")
_add_pre_post_processing_to_rgb_input(args.onnx_model_path, updated_model_path, args.input_shape)
rgb_layout = "CHW" if args.input_shape[0] == 3 else "HWC"
assert(args.input == "image")
print("Updating model with jpg/png image bytes as input.")
_add_pre_post_processing_to_image_input(args.onnx_model_path, updated_model_path, args.output_image)
rgb_layout = None
for model_decodes_image in [True, False]:
if model_decodes_image:
print("Running with model taking jpg/png as input.")
print("Running with model taking RGB data as input.")
input_shape = None
if not model_decodes_image:
# NOTE: This uses CHW just for the sake of testing both layouts
input_shape = [3, "h_in", "w_in"]
add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(onnx_model_name, onnx_e2e_model_name, output_image_with_bounding_boxes,
model_decodes_image, input_shape)
run_inference(onnx_e2e_model_name, output_image_with_bounding_boxes, model_decodes_image)
if args.run_model:
_run_inference(updated_model_path, args.input, args.output_image is not None, args.test_image, rgb_layout)
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