Add support for YOLO v8 Pose post-processing. (#605)
* Add support for YOLO v8 Pose post-processing. The output has additional values in the 'mask' data for the keypoints. - Update the post processing steps to support extracting and scaling the keypoints. - Simplify the existing step to split out the boxes and scores by using a basic Split operator if there is no confidence score for a bounding box to apply to the class scores. - Confidence score for a bounding box is YOLO versions prior to 8. - Update existing tests TODO: Add unit tests for new Steps. They have been manually validated with the real model for now. * Changes to support pre-decoded input. Needs cleanup. * Support an overall max number of detections as well as per-class detections. * Expand Identity to support multiple inputs Fix issue with incorrect score being selected by NMS (was max and not score for selected clas) Fix TopK usage so result ordering is consistent when it is not used Add unit tests. * Update docs and some cleanups * Use Union
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ def yolo_detection(model_file: Path, output_file: Path, output_format: str = 'jp
# We always want the box info to be the last dim for each of iteration.
# For new variants like YoloV8, we need to add an transpose op to permute output back.
need_transpose = False
yolo_v8_or_later = False
output_shape = [model_output_shape.dim[i].dim_value if model_output_shape.dim[i].HasField("dim_value") else -1
for i in [-2, -1]]
if output_shape[0] != -1 and output_shape[1] != -1:
need_transpose = output_shape[0] < output_shape[1]
yolo_v8_or_later = output_shape[0] < output_shape[1]
assert len(model.graph.input) == 1, "Doesn't support adding pre and post-processing for multi-inputs model."
@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Because we need to execute the model to determine the output shape in order to a
outputs =, inp)[0]
assert len(outputs.shape) == 3 and outputs.shape[0] == 1, "shape of the first model output is not (1, n, m)"
if outputs.shape[1] < outputs.shape[2]:
need_transpose = True
yolo_v8_or_later = True
assert num_classes+4 == outputs.shape[2] or num_classes+5 == outputs.shape[2], \
"The output shape is neither (1, num_boxes, num_classes+4(reg)) nor (1, num_boxes, num_classes+5(reg+obj))"
@ -251,12 +251,29 @@ Because we need to execute the model to determine the output shape in order to a
Unsqueeze([0]), # add batch, CHW --> 1CHW
# NMS and drawing boxes
post_processing_steps = [
Squeeze([0]), # - Squeeze to remove batch dimension
SplitOutBoxAndScore(num_classes=num_classes), # Separate bounding box and confidence outputs
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(), # Apply NMS to suppress bounding boxes
(ScaleBoundingBoxes(), # Scale bounding box coords back to original image
Squeeze([0]), # - Squeeze to remove batch dimension
if yolo_v8_or_later:
post_processing_steps += [
Transpose([1, 0]), # transpose to (num_boxes, box+scores)
# split elements into the box and scores for the classes. no confidence value to apply to scores
Split(num_outputs=2, axis=-1, splits=[4, num_classes]),
post_processing_steps += [
# Split bounding box from confidence and scores for each class
# Apply confidence to the scores.
post_processing_steps += [
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(), # pick best bounding boxes with NonMaxSuppression
# Scale bounding box coords back to original image
# A connection from original image to ScaleBoundingBoxes
# A connection from the resized image to ScaleBoundingBoxes
@ -279,9 +296,6 @@ Because we need to execute the model to determine the output shape in order to a
# Encode to jpg/png
# transpose to (num_boxes, coor+conf) if needed
if need_transpose:
post_processing_steps.insert(1, Transpose([1, 0]))
@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
Module pdoc
Python package `pdoc` provides types, functions, and a command-line
interface for accessing public documentation of Python modules, and
for presenting it in a user-friendly, industry-standard open format.
It is best suited for small- to medium-sized projects with tidy,
hierarchical APIs.
`pdoc` extracts documentation of:
* modules (including submodules),
* functions (including methods, properties, coroutines ...),
* classes, and
* variables (including globals, class variables, and instance variables).
Documentation is extracted from live objects' [docstrings]
using Python's `__doc__` attribute[^execution]. Documentation for
variables is found by examining objects' abstract syntax trees.
Documented modules are _executed_ in order to provide `__doc__`
attributes. Any [non-fenced] global code in imported modules will
_affect the current runtime environment_.
What objects are documented?
[public-private]: #what-objects-are-documented
`pdoc` only extracts _public API_ documentation.[^public]
Code objects (modules, variables, functions, classes, methods) are considered
public in the modules where they are defined (vs. imported from somewhere else)
as long as their _identifiers don't begin with an underscore_ ( \_ ).[^private]
If a module defines [`__all__`][__all__], then only the identifiers contained
in this list are considered public, regardless of where they were defined.
This can be fine-tuned through [`__pdoc__` dict][__pdoc__].
Here, public API refers to the API that is made available
to your project end-users, not the public API e.g. of a
private class that can be reasonably extended elsewhere
by your project developers.
Prefixing private, implementation-specific objects with
an underscore is [a common convention].
[a common convention]:
Where does `pdoc` get documentation from?
In Python, objects like modules, functions, classes, and methods
have a special attribute `__doc__` which contains that object's
documentation string ([docstring][docstrings]).
For example, the following code defines a function with a docstring
and shows how to access its contents:
>>> def test():
... """This is a docstring."""
... pass
>>> test.__doc__
'This is a docstring.'
It's pretty much the same with classes and modules.
See [PEP-257] for Python docstring conventions.
These docstrings are set as descriptions for each module, class,
function, and method listed in the documentation produced by `pdoc`.
`pdoc` extends the standard use of docstrings in Python in two
important ways: by allowing methods to inherit docstrings, and
by introducing syntax for docstrings for variables.
### Docstrings inheritance
[docstrings inheritance]: #docstrings-inheritance
`pdoc` considers methods' docstrings inherited from superclass methods',
following the normal class inheritance patterns.
Consider the following code example:
>>> class A:
... def test(self):
... """Docstring for A."""
... pass
>>> class B(A):
... def test(self):
... pass
>>> A.test.__doc__
'Docstring for A.'
>>> B.test.__doc__
In Python, the docstring for `B.test` doesn't exist, even though a
docstring was defined for `A.test`.
Contrary, when `pdoc` generates documentation for code such as above,
it will automatically attach the docstring for `A.test` to
`B.test` if the latter doesn't define its own.
In the default HTML template, such inherited docstrings are greyed out.
### Docstrings for variables
[variable docstrings]: #docstrings-for-variables
Python by itself [doesn't allow docstrings attached to variables][PEP-224].
However, `pdoc` supports documenting module (or global)
variables, class variables, and object instance variables via
two different mechanisms: [PEP-224] and `#:` doc-comments.
For example:
module_variable = 1
"""PEP 224 docstring for module_variable."""
class C:
#: Documentation comment for class_variable
#: spanning over three lines.
class_variable = 2 #: Assignment line is included.
def __init__(self):
#: Instance variable's doc-comment
self.variable = 3
"""But note, PEP 224 docstrings take precedence."""
While the resulting variables have no `__doc__` attribute,
`pdoc` compensates by reading the source code (when available)
and parsing the syntax tree.
By convention, variables defined in a class' `__init__` method
and attached to `self` are considered and documented as
_instance_ variables.
Class and instance variables can also [inherit docstrings][docstrings inheritance].
Overriding docstrings with `__pdoc__`
[__pdoc__]: #overriding-docstrings-with-__pdoc__
Docstrings for objects can be disabled, overridden, or whitelisted with a special
module-level dictionary `__pdoc__`. The _keys_
should be string identifiers within the scope of the module or,
alternatively, fully-qualified reference names. E.g. for instance
variable `self.variable` of class `C`, its module-level identifier is
`'C.variable'`, and `some_package.module.C.variable` its refname.
If `__pdoc__[key] = False`, then `key` (and its members) will be
**excluded from the documentation** of the module.
Conversely, if `__pdoc__[key] = True`, then `key` (and its public members) will be
**included in the documentation** of the module. This can be used to
include documentation of [private objects][public-private],
including special functions such as `__call__`, which are ignored by default.
Alternatively, the _values_ of `__pdoc__` can be the **overriding docstrings**.
This feature is useful when there's no feasible way of
attaching a docstring to something. A good example is a
__pdoc__ = {}
Table = namedtuple('Table', ['types', 'names', 'rows'])
__pdoc__['Table.types'] = 'Types for each column in the table.'
__pdoc__['Table.names'] = 'The names of each column in the table.'
__pdoc__['Table.rows'] = 'Lists corresponding to each row in the table.'
`pdoc` will then show `Table` as a class with documentation for the
`types`, `names` and `rows` members.
.. note::
The assignments to `__pdoc__` need to be placed where they'll be
executed when the module is imported. For example, at the top level
of a module or in the definition of a class.
Supported docstring formats
[docstring-formats]: #supported-docstring-formats
Currently, pure Markdown (with [extensions]), [numpydoc],
and [Google-style] docstrings formats are supported,
along with some [reST directives].
Additionally, if `latex_math` [template config][custom templates] option is enabled,
LaTeX math syntax is supported when placed between
[recognized delimiters]: `\(...\)` for inline equations and
`\[...\]` or `$$...$$` for block equations. Note, you need to escape
your backslashes in Python docstrings (`\\(`, `\\frac{}{}`, ...)
or, alternatively, use [raw string literals].
*[reST]: reStructuredText
[recognized delimiters]:
[raw string literals]:
### Supported reST directives
[reST directives]: #supported-rest-directives
The following reST directives should work:
* specific and generic [admonitions] (attention, caution, danger,
error, hint, important, note, tip, warning, admonition),
* [`.. image::`][image] or `.. figure::` (without options),
* [`.. include::`][include], with support for the options:
`:start-line:`, `:end-line:`, `:start-after:` and `:end-before:`.
* [`.. math::`][math]
* `.. versionadded::`
* `.. versionchanged::`
* `.. deprecated::`
* `.. todo::`
Linking to other identifiers
[cross-linking]: #linking-to-other-identifiers
In your documentation, you may refer to other identifiers in
your modules. When exporting to HTML, linking is automatically
done whenever you surround an identifier with [backticks] ( \` ).
Unless within the current module,
the identifier name must be fully qualified, for example
<code>\`pdoc.Doc.docstring\`</code> is correct (and will link to
`pdoc.Doc.docstring`) while <code>\`Doc.docstring\`</code>
only works within `pdoc` module.
Command-line interface
[cmd]: #command-line-interface
`pdoc` includes a feature-rich "binary" program for producing
HTML and plain text documentation of your modules.
For example, to produce HTML documentation of your whole package
in subdirectory 'build' of the current directory, using the default
HTML template, run:
$ pdoc --html --output-dir build my_package
If you want to omit the source code preview, run:
$ pdoc --html --config show_source_code=False my_package
Find additional template configuration tunables in [custom templates]
section below.
To run a local HTTP server while developing your package or writing
docstrings for it, run:
$ pdoc --http : my_package
To re-build documentation as part of your continuous integration (CI)
best practice, i.e. ensuring all reference links are correct and
up-to-date, make warnings error loudly by settings the environment
variable [`PYTHONWARNINGS`][PYTHONWARNINGS] before running pdoc:
$ export PYTHONWARNINGS='error::UserWarning'
For brief usage instructions, type:
$ pdoc --help
Even more usage examples can be found in the [FAQ].
Programmatic usage
The main entry point is `pdoc.Module` which wraps a module object
and recursively imports and wraps any submodules and their members.
After all related modules are wrapped (related modules are those that
share the same `pdoc.Context`), you need to call
`pdoc.link_inheritance` with the used `Context` instance to
establish class inheritance links.
Afterwards, you can use `pdoc.Module.html` and `pdoc.Module.text`
methods to output documentation in the desired format.
For example:
import pdoc
modules = ['a', 'b'] # Public submodules are auto-imported
context = pdoc.Context()
modules = [pdoc.Module(mod, context=context)
for mod in modules]
def recursive_htmls(mod):
yield, mod.html()
for submod in mod.submodules():
yield from recursive_htmls(submod)
for mod in modules:
for module_name, html in recursive_htmls(mod):
... # Process
When documenting a single module, you might find
functions `pdoc.html` and `pdoc.text` handy.
For importing arbitrary modules/files, use `pdoc.import_module`.
Alternatively, use the [runnable script][cmd] included with this package.
Custom templates
[custom templates]: #custom-templates
To override the built-in HTML/CSS and plain text templates, copy
the relevant templates from `pdoc/templates` directory into a directory
of your choosing and edit them. When you run [pdoc command][cmd]
afterwards, pass the directory path as a parameter to the
`--template-dir` switch.
.. tip::
If you find you only need to apply minor alterations to the HTML template,
see if you can do so by overriding just some of the following, placeholder
* [_config.mako_]: Basic template configuration, affects the way templates
are rendered.
* _head.mako_: Included just before `</head>`. Best for adding resources and styles.
* _logo.mako_: Included at the very top of the navigation sidebar. Empty by default.
* _credits.mako_: Included in the footer, right before pdoc version string.
See [default template files] for reference.
.. tip::
You can also alter individual [_config.mako_] preferences using the
`--config` command-line switch.
If working with `pdoc` programmatically, _prepend_ the directory with
modified templates into the `directories` list of the
`pdoc.tpl_lookup` object.
[default template files]:
`pdoc` requires Python 3.6+.
The last version to support Python 2.x is [pdoc3 0.3.x].
[pdoc3 0.3.x]:
`pdoc` is [on GitHub]. Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
[on GitHub]:
`pdoc` is licensed under the terms of GNU [AGPL-3.0]{: rel=license} or later,
meaning you can use it for any reasonable purpose and remain in
complete ownership of all the documentation you produce,
but you are also encouraged to make sure any upgrades to `pdoc`
itself find their way back to the community.
@ -35,8 +35,10 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Debug
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.ArgMax
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Identity
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.ReverseAxis
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Softmax
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Split
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Squeeze
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Transpose
* pre_post_processing.steps.general.Unsqueeze
@ -53,9 +55,9 @@ Classes
### Class variables
@ -16,6 +16,16 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`Identity(num_inputs: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: ONNX Identity for all inputs to the Step. Used to pass through values as-is to later Steps.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'Identity'
### Ancestors (in MRO)
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`ReverseAxis(axis: int = -1, dim_value: int = -1, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Reverses the data in an axis by splitting and concatenating in reverse order.
e.g. convert RGB ordered data to BGR.
@ -43,6 +53,18 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`Split(num_outputs: int, axis: Optional[int] = None, splits: Optional[List[int]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: ONNX Split
:param num_outputs: Number of outputs to split the input into. Unequal split is allowed for opset 18+.
:param axis: Axis to split on. Default is 0.
:param splits: Optional length of each output. Sum must equal dim value at 'axis'
:param name: Optional Step name. Defaults to 'Split'
### Ancestors (in MRO)
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`Squeeze(axes: Optional[List[int]] = None, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: ONNX Squeeze
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Module pre_post_processing.steps.nlp
`BertTokenizer(tokenizer_param: pre_post_processing.steps.nlp.TokenizerParam, name: Optional[str] = None)`
`BertTokenizer(tokenizer_param: pre_post_processing.steps.nlp.TokenizerParam, need_token_type_ids_output: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Base class for a pre or post processing step.
Brief: This step is used to convert the input text into the input_ids, attention_mask, token_type_ids.
@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Classes
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'BertTokenizer'
need_token_type_ids_output: last outout `token_type_ids` is not required in some Bert based models. (e.g. DistilBert, etc.) can optionally
choose to add it in graph for step.
### Ancestors (in MRO)
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`ImageBytesToFloat(name: Optional[str] = None)`
`ImageBytesToFloat(rescale_factor: float = 0.00392156862745098, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Convert uint8 or float values in range 0..255 to floating point values in range 0..1
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`LetterBox(target_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], fill_value=0, name: Optional[str] = None)`
`LetterBox(target_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], fill_value=0, layout: str = 'HWC', name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Image is channel last and ordered by BGR.
mainly used in object detection, it mostly follows behind resize operation.
This step either add border or crop the image to satisfy network input.
@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ Classes
Input shape: <uint8_t>{height, width, 3<BGR>}
target_shape: <uint8_t>{out_height, out_width, 3<BGR>}
layout: HWC or CHW are supported
Output shape: specified by target_shape
@ -195,62 +196,75 @@ Classes
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`ScaleBoundingBoxes(name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Mapping boxes coordinate to scale in original image.
The coordinate of boxes from detection model is relative to the input image of network,
image is scaled and padded/cropped. So we need to do a linear mapping to get the real coordinate of original image.
`ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(num_key_points: Optional[int] = 0, layout: Optional[str] = 'HWC', name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Scale bounding box and key point coordinates in optional mask data to original image.
Input image goes through Resize and LetterBox steps during pre-processing (in that order), and the output of this
is what the original model runs against.
To display the predictions on the original image we need to apply the reverse size changes to the co-ordinates
of the bounding boxes.
nms_step_output inner dimension has 4 values for the bounding box, 1 for the score, 1 for the selected class,
and the remainder (if any) is the mask data.
The mask data has values for a fixed number of key points. Each key point has an x and y value, and optionally a
confidence value.
box_of_nms_out: output of NMS, shape [num_boxes, 6]
original_image: original image decoded from jpg/png<uint8_t>[H, W, 3<BGR>]
scaled_image: scaled image, but without padding/crop[<uint8_t>[H1, W1, 3<BGR>]
letter_boxed_image: scaled image and with padding/crop[<uint8_t>[H2, W3, 3<BGR>]
nms_step_output: output of SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS Step, shape [num_boxes, 6+]
original_image: original image decoded from jpg/png, <uint8_t>[H, W, 3] or [3, H, W]
resized_image: output from Resize pre-processing Step, <uint8_t>[H1, W1, 3] or [3, H1, W1]
letter_boxed_image: output from LetterBox pre-processing Step, <uint8_t>[H2, W2, 3] or [3, H2, W2]
num_key_points: number of key points in each mask data entry, if present. optional.
scaled_box_out: shape [num_boxes, 6] with coordinate mapped to original image.
nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints: input data with boxes and key points scaled to original image.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'ScaleBoundingBoxes'
num_key_points: Number of key points in mask data. Only required if input has optional mask data.
layout: HWC or CHW. Used to determine where to read the H and W value from the input image shapes.
MUST be the same for all 3 input images.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints'
### Ancestors (in MRO)
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold: float = 0.5, score_threshold: float = 0.67, max_detections: int = 300, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is to filter out redundant bounding boxes.
This step is used to warp the boxes and scores into onnx SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS op.
`SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5, score_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.67, max_boxes_per_class: Optional[int] = 100, max_detections: Optional[int] = None, has_mask_data: Optional[bool] = False, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is to select the best bounding boxes.
boxes: float[num_boxes, 4]
scores: shape float[num_boxes, num_classes]
boxes: float[num_boxes, 4]
scores: float[num_boxes, num_classes]
masks: float[num_boxes, mask_data]. optional
nms_out: float[_few_num_boxes, 6<coordinate+score+class>]
nms_out: float[_few_num_boxes, <box+score+class+mask_data>]
Please refer to
for more details about the parameters.
iou_threshold: same as SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS op, intersection /union of boxes
score_threshold: If this box's score is lower than score_threshold, it will be removed.
max_detections: max number of boxes to be selected
Args: Please refer to
for more details about the parameters.
iou_threshold: same as NonMaxSuppression op, intersection/union of boxes
score_threshold: If this box's score is lower than score_threshold, it will be removed.
max_boxes_per_class: max number of boxes to be selected per class
max_detections: maximum number of boxes in total. Applied as the last step of processing if specified.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS'
### Ancestors (in MRO)
* pre_post_processing.step.Step
`SplitOutBoxAndScore(num_classes: int = 80, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Split the output of the model into boxes and scores. This step will also handle the optional object score.
Input shape: <float>{num_boxes, 4/5+num_classes}
`SplitOutBoxAndScoreWithConf(num_classes: int, name: Optional[str] = None)`
: Split the output of the model into boxes and scores, applying the object confidence score.
Input shape: <float>{num_boxes, <4 box co-ords, conf score, num_classes>}
Output shape: <float>{num_boxes, 4}, <float>{num_boxes, num_classes}
|x1,x2,x3,x4, (obj), cls_1, ... cls_num|
|x1,x2,x3,x4, obj_conf, cls_1, ... cls_num|
/ \
|x1,x2,x3,x4| |cls_1, ... clx_num|*(obj)
obj is optional, if it is not present, it will be set to 1.0
This is where 4/5 comes from, '4' represent coordinates and the fifth object probability.
|x1,x2,x3,x4| |cls_1, ... clx_num|*obj_conf
num_classes: number of classes
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SplitOutBoxAndScore'
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SplitOutBoxAndScoreWithConf'
### Ancestors (in MRO)
@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ class PrePostProcessor:
# connect up the graph input names to the first pre-processing step based on order
self.pre_processors[0]._connect_graph_inputs([ for vi in self._inputs])
for idx, step in enumerate(self.pre_processors):
pre_process_graph = connect_and_run(pre_process_graph, step, self._pre_processor_connections[idx])
@ -48,6 +48,11 @@ class Step(object):
self.input_names[entry.consumer_idx] = entry.producer.output_names[entry.producer_idx]
def _connect_graph_inputs(self, graph_inputs: List[str]):
"Internal method to connect names of the first pre-processor step with the graph inputs"
for i, input_name in enumerate(graph_inputs):
self.input_names[i] = input_name
def apply(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto,
checker_context: onnx.checker.C.CheckerContext,
graph_outputs_to_maintain: List[str]):
@ -6,6 +6,46 @@ from typing import List, Optional
from ..step import Step
class Identity(Step):
ONNX Identity for all inputs to the Step. Used to pass through values as-is to later Steps.
def __init__(self, num_inputs: int = 1, name: Optional[str] = None):
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'Identity'
super().__init__([f"in_{x}" for x in range(0, num_inputs)],
[f"out_{x}" for x in range(0, num_inputs)],
self._num_inputs = num_inputs
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
inputs = []
outputs = []
identity_nodes = []
for i in range(0, self._num_inputs):
input_type_str, input_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, i)
inputs.append(f"{input_type_str}[{input_shape_str}] {self.input_names[i]}")
outputs.append(f"{input_type_str}[{input_shape_str}] {self.output_names[i]}")
identity_nodes.append(f"{self.output_names[i]} = Identity({self.input_names[i]})")
identity_node_text = '\n'.join(identity_nodes)
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
identities ({', '.join(inputs)}) => ({', '.join(outputs)})
return converter_graph
class ReverseAxis(Step):
Reverses the data in an axis by splitting and concatenating in reverse order.
@ -63,6 +103,78 @@ class ReverseAxis(Step):
return reverse_graph
class Split(Step):
ONNX Split
def __init__(self,
num_outputs: int,
axis: Optional[int] = None,
splits: Optional[List[int]] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None):
:param num_outputs: Number of outputs to split the input into. Unequal split is allowed for opset 18+.
:param axis: Axis to split on. Default is 0.
:param splits: Optional length of each output. Sum must equal dim value at 'axis'
:param name: Optional Step name. Defaults to 'Split'
output_names = [f"{name if name else self.__class__.__name__}_{x}" for x in range(0, num_outputs)]
super().__init__(["data"], output_names, name)
self._num_outputs = num_outputs
self._axis = axis if axis else 0
self._splits = splits
if splits and len(splits) != num_outputs:
raise ValueError("Splits length must match num_outputs")
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
input_type_str, input_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)
dims = input_shape_str.split(",")
axis = (self._axis + len(dims)) if self._axis < 0 else self._axis
# calculate dim value of axis being split for each output
if self._splits:
split_dim_strs = [str(x) for x in self._splits]
splits_input_name = ", split_sizes"
splits_const = (f"split_sizes = Constant <value = int64[{self._num_outputs}] "
f"{{{', '.join(split_dim_strs)}}}>()")
if dims[axis].isdigit():
split_dim_str = str(int(dims[axis]) / self._num_outputs)
split_dim_str = f"{dims[axis]}_/_{self._num_outputs}"
split_dim_strs = [split_dim_str] * self._num_outputs
splits_input_name = ""
splits_const = ""
split_outputs = []
for i in range(0, self._num_outputs):
dims[axis] = split_dim_strs[i]
split_outputs.append(f"{input_type_str}[{','.join(dims)}] {self.output_names[i]}")
# num_outputs attribute is required if opset 18+ and not providing splits input
num_outputs = ""
if onnx_opset >= 18 and not self._splits:
num_outputs = ", num_outputs = {self._num_outputs}"
split_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
split ({input_type_str}[{input_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]})
=> ({",".join(split_outputs)})
= Split <axis={self._axis} {num_outputs}>({self.input_names[0]} {splits_input_name})
return split_graph
class Squeeze(Step):
ONNX Squeeze
@ -384,8 +384,9 @@ class Resize(Step):
# Resize-18 has the attribute "not_larger/not_smaller" to specify the resize policy, however
# we want to support older opsets as well.
assert (self.policy_ in ["not_smaller", "not_larger"],
f"Unsupported resize policy of {self.policy_}, must be 'not_smaller' or 'not_larger'")
assert self.policy_ in ["not_smaller", "not_larger"], \
f"Unsupported resize policy of {self.policy_}, must be 'not_smaller' or 'not_larger'"
ratio_resize_func = "ReduceMax"
if self.policy_ == "not_larger":
ratio_resize_func = "ReduceMin"
@ -712,10 +713,12 @@ class LetterBox(Step):
Input shape: <uint8_t>{height, width, 3<BGR>}
target_shape: <uint8_t>{out_height, out_width, 3<BGR>}
layout: HWC or CHW are supported
Output shape: specified by target_shape
def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], fill_value=0, name: Optional[str] = None):
def __init__(self, target_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], fill_value=0, layout: str = "HWC",
name: Optional[str] = None):
target_shape: the size of the output image
@ -727,19 +730,32 @@ class LetterBox(Step):
self.target_shape_ = target_shape
self.fill_value_ = fill_value
if layout != "HWC" and layout != "CHW":
raise ValueError("Invalid layout. Only HWC and CHW are supported")
self.layout_ = layout
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
input0_type_str, input0_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)
assert len(input0_shape_str.split(',')) == 3, "expected HWC or CHW input"
assert len(input0_shape_str.split(',')) == 3, " expected BGR image"
target_shape = f"{self.target_shape_[0]}, {self.target_shape_[1]}"
target_shape_str = f"{self.target_shape_[0]}, {self.target_shape_[1]}, 3"
if self.layout_ == "HWC":
target_shape_str = f"{target_shape}, 3"
split_input_shape_output = "h, w, c"
concat_input_order = "half_pad_hw, i64_0, remainder_pad_hw, i64_0"
target_shape_str = f"3, {target_shape}"
split_input_shape_output = "c, h, w"
concat_input_order = "i64_0, half_pad_hw, i64_0, remainder_pad_hw"
split_input_shape_attr = "axis = 0"
if onnx_opset >= 18:
# Split now requires the number of outputs to be specified even though that can be easily inferred...
split_input_shape_attr += f", num_outputs = 3"
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
graph_text = (
LetterBox (uint8[{input0_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]})
=> (uint8[{target_shape_str}] {self.output_names[0]})
@ -749,77 +765,63 @@ class LetterBox(Step):
i64_0 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{0}}>()
const_val = Constant <value = uint8[1] {{{self.fill_value_}}}> ()
image_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[0]})
h,w,c = Split <{split_input_shape_attr}> (image_shape)
{split_input_shape_output} = Split <{split_input_shape_attr}> (image_shape)
hw = Concat <axis = 0> (h, w)
pad_hw = Sub (target_size, hw)
half_pad_hw = Div (pad_hw, i64_2)
remainder_pad_hw = Sub (pad_hw, half_pad_hw)
pad_value = Concat <axis = 0> (half_pad_hw, i64_0,remainder_pad_hw,i64_0)
pad_value = Concat <axis = 0> ({concat_input_order})
{self.output_names[0]} = Pad({self.input_names[0]}, pad_value, const_val)
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(graph_text)
return converter_graph
class SplitOutBoxAndScore(Step):
class SplitOutBoxAndScoreWithConf(Step):
Split the output of the model into boxes and scores. This step will also handle the optional object score.
Input shape: <float>{num_boxes, 4/5+num_classes}
Split the output of the model into boxes and scores, applying the object confidence score.
Input shape: <float>{num_boxes, <4 box co-ords, conf score, num_classes>}
Output shape: <float>{num_boxes, 4}, <float>{num_boxes, num_classes}
|x1,x2,x3,x4, (obj), cls_1, ... cls_num|
|x1,x2,x3,x4, obj_conf, cls_1, ... cls_num|
/ \
|x1,x2,x3,x4| |cls_1, ... clx_num|*(obj)
obj is optional, if it is not present, it will be set to 1.0
This is where 4/5 comes from, '4' represent coordinates and the fifth object probability.
|x1,x2,x3,x4| |cls_1, ... clx_num|*obj_conf
def __init__(self, num_classes:int = 80, name: Optional[str] = None):
def __init__(self, num_classes: int, name: Optional[str] = None):
num_classes: number of classes
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SplitOutBoxAndScore'
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SplitOutBoxAndScoreWithConf'
super().__init__(["box_and_score"], ["_pre_boxes", "_pre_scores"], name)
super().__init__(["box_conf_scores"], ["boxes", "scores"], name)
self.num_classes_ = num_classes
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
input0_type_str, input0_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)
input_shape_list = input0_shape_str.split(',')
assert len(input_shape_list) == 2, " expected [num_boxes, 4/5+num_classes]"
assert len(input_shape_list) == 2, " expected [num_boxes, 5+num_classes]"
target_shape_str_0 = f"{input_shape_list[0]}, 4"
target_shape_str_1 = f"{input_shape_list[0]}, _{self._step_num}_class"
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
SplitOutBoxAndScore (float[{input0_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]})
=> (float[{target_shape_str_0}] {self.output_names[0]}, float[{target_shape_str_1}] {self.output_names[1]})
SplitOutBoxConfidenceAndScore (float[{input0_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]})
=> (float[{target_shape_str_0}] {self.output_names[0]},
float[{target_shape_str_1}] {self.output_names[1]})
split_sizes = Constant <value = int64[3] {{4, 1, {self.num_classes_}}}>()
{self.output_names[0]}, conf, orig_scores = Split <axis=-1>({self.input_names[0]}, split_sizes)
i64_neg1 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{-1}}>()
i64_4 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{4}}>()
i64_0 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{0}}>()
fp32_1 = Constant <value = float[1] {{1.0}}>()
i64_classes = Constant <value = int64[1] {{{self.num_classes_}}}>()
out_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[0]})
class_and_coor_dim = Gather (out_shape, i64_neg1)
coor_and_obj = Sub (class_and_coor_dim, i64_classes)
obj_0_or_1 = Sub (coor_and_obj, i64_4)
bool_num_obj_0_or_1 = Cast<to=9>(obj_0_or_1)
box_obj_class_concat = Concat <axis = 0> (i64_4, obj_0_or_1, i64_classes)
boxes_o, scores_obj_o, scores_cls_o = Split <axis = -1> ({self.input_names[0]}, box_obj_class_concat)
scores_obj_not_null = Concat <axis = -1> (scores_obj_o, boxes_o)
coef_obj_cat = Where(bool_num_obj_0_or_1, scores_obj_not_null,fp32_1)
coef_obj = Gather <axis=-1> (coef_obj_cat, i64_0)
scores_o = Mul (scores_cls_o, coef_obj)
{self.output_names[0]} = Identity (boxes_o)
{self.output_names[1]} = Identity (scores_o)
scores_with_conf = Mul(orig_scores, conf)
{self.output_names[1]} = Identity (scores_with_conf)
@ -828,33 +830,42 @@ class SplitOutBoxAndScore(Step):
class SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(Step):
Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is to filter out redundant bounding boxes.
This step is used to warp the boxes and scores into onnx SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS op.
Non-maximum suppression (NMS) is to select the best bounding boxes.
boxes: float[num_boxes, 4]
scores: shape float[num_boxes, num_classes]
boxes: float[num_boxes, 4]
scores: float[num_boxes, num_classes]
masks: float[num_boxes, mask_data]. optional
nms_out: float[_few_num_boxes, 6<coordinate+score+class>]
nms_out: float[_few_num_boxes, <box+score+class+mask_data>]
def __init__(self, iou_threshold:float = 0.5, score_threshold:float = 0.67,
max_detections:int = 300, name: Optional[str] = None):
def __init__(self,
iou_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.5,
score_threshold: Optional[float] = 0.67,
max_boxes_per_class: Optional[int] = 100,
max_detections: Optional[int] = None,
has_mask_data: Optional[bool] = False, name: Optional[str] = None):
Please refer to
for more details about the parameters.
iou_threshold: same as SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS op, intersection /union of boxes
score_threshold: If this box's score is lower than score_threshold, it will be removed.
max_detections: max number of boxes to be selected
Args: Please refer to
for more details about the parameters.
iou_threshold: same as NonMaxSuppression op, intersection/union of boxes
score_threshold: If this box's score is lower than score_threshold, it will be removed.
max_boxes_per_class: max number of boxes to be selected per class
max_detections: maximum number of boxes in total. Applied as the last step of processing if specified.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS'
super().__init__(["boxes", "scores"], ["nms_out"], name)
inputs = ["boxes", "scores"]
if has_mask_data:
super().__init__(inputs, ["nms_out"], name)
self.iou_threshold_ = iou_threshold
self.score_threshold_ = score_threshold
self.max_boxes_per_class_ = max_boxes_per_class
self.max_detections_ = max_detections
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
input0_type_str, input0_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)
input1_type_str, input1_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 1)
@ -862,104 +873,264 @@ class SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(Step):
input0_shape_list = input0_shape_str.split(',')
assert len(input0_shape_list) == 2, " expected [num_boxes, 4]"
target_shape_str = f"_{self._step_num}_nms_boxes, 6"
has_mask_input = len(self.input_names) == 3
reduce_score = '(score_select_nm,i64_neg1)' if onnx_opset >= 18 else '<axes=[-1]>(score_select_nm)'
input_2 = ""
mask_i = ""
mask_select = ""
concat_for_output = "boxes_select, score_select, class_select"
output_size_str = "6"
# reduce_score picks the class with the best score for the selected box
reduce_score = '(score_select_nm, i64_neg1)' if onnx_opset >= 18 else '<axes=[-1]>(score_select_nm)'
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS (float[{input0_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]},float[{input1_shape_str}] {self.input_names[1]})
=> (float[{target_shape_str}] {self.output_names[0]})
if has_mask_input:
input2_type_str, input2_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 2)
input_2 = f", float[{input2_shape_str}] {self.input_names[2]}"
mask_i = f"masks_i = Identity({self.input_names[2]})"
mask_select = "mask_select = Gather <axis=0>(masks_i, box_idxs)"
concat_for_output += ", mask_select"
mask_size_str = input2_shape_str.split(",")[-1]
if mask_size_str.isnumeric():
output_size_str = str(6 + int(mask_size_str))
output_size_str = f"_step{self._step_num}_6_+_mask_size"
if self.max_detections_:
# squeeze scores from [num_results, 1] to [num_results]
# use TopK to find the best scores for the selected boxes, but only if the number of results is
# greater than max_detections, and there are results (otherwise calling TopK is invalid).
# We sort the selected indices to maintain the original ordering for consistency when TopK isn't required
apply_max_detections = \
max_detections = Constant <value = int64[1] {{{self.max_detections_}}}>()
num_results = Shape(scores)
num_results_less_than_max = Less(num_results, max_detections)
k = Where(num_results_less_than_max, num_results, max_detections)
have_results = Greater(k, i64_0)
final_results = If<
then_branch=then_graph() =>
(float[_{self._step_num}_selected_boxes, {output_size_str}] then_output)
topk_scores, topk_i = TopK<axis = 0>(scores, k)
# use Unique to sort. no onnx op seems to provide that directly.
sorted_topk_i = Unique<sorted=1>(topk_i)
then_output = Gather<axis = 0>(merged_results, sorted_topk_i)
else_branch=else_graph() =>
(float[_{self._step_num}_selected_boxes, {output_size_str}] else_output)
else_output = Identity(merged_results)
apply_max_detections = "final_results = Identity(merged_results)"
graph_text = \
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS (float[{input0_shape_str}] {self.input_names[0]},
float[{input1_shape_str}] {self.input_names[1]}
=> (float[_{self._step_num}_selected_boxes, {output_size_str}] {self.output_names[0]})
i64_2 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{2}}>()
i64_neg1 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{-1}}>()
i64_0 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{0}}>()
i64_1 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{1}}>()
i64_max_obj = Constant <value = int64[1] {{{self.max_detections_}}}>()
i64_neg1 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{-1}}>()
fp32_iou_th = Constant <value = float[1] {{{self.iou_threshold_}}}>()
fp32_score_th = Constant <value = float[1] {{{self.score_threshold_}}}>()
i64_2 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{2}}>()
i64_1_2 = Constant <value = int64[2] {{1, 2}}>()
max_per_class = Constant <value = int64[1] {{{self.max_boxes_per_class_}}}>()
iou_th = Constant <value = float[1] {{{self.iou_threshold_}}}>()
score_th = Constant <value = float[1] {{{self.score_threshold_}}}>()
boxes_i = Identity ({self.input_names[0]})
boxes_i = Identity({self.input_names[0]})
scores_i = Identity({self.input_names[1]})
scores_c_b = Transpose<perm=[1,0]>(scores_i)
batch_boxes = Unsqueeze(boxes_i, i64_0)
batch_scores = Unsqueeze(scores_c_b, i64_0)
nmsbox = NonMaxSuppression<center_point_box =1>(batch_boxes, batch_scores, i64_max_obj,fp32_iou_th,fp32_score_th)
classes_i64 = Gather <axis=-1>(nmsbox,i64_1)
class_select = Cast <to = 1>(classes_i64)
# NMS returns [num_selected_boxes, 3] where each entry is [batch, class idx, box idx]
nmsbox = NonMaxSuppression<center_point_box=1>(batch_boxes, batch_scores, max_per_class,
iou_th, score_th)
# extract class values
nms_classes = Gather<axis=-1>(nmsbox, i64_1)
class_select = Cast<to = 1>(nms_classes)
boxes_idx_us = Gather <axis=-1>(nmsbox,i64_2)
boxes_idx = Squeeze(boxes_idx_us, i64_neg1)
boxes_select = Gather <axis=0>(boxes_i, boxes_idx)
# extract box indexes and select box info using them.
nms_boxes = Gather<axis=-1>(nmsbox, i64_2)
box_idxs = Squeeze(nms_boxes, i64_neg1)
boxes_select = Gather<axis=0>(boxes_i, box_idxs)
score_select_nm = Gather <axis=0>(scores_i, boxes_idx)
score_select = ReduceMax{reduce_score}
{self.output_names[0]} = Concat <axis = -1> (boxes_select, score_select, class_select)
# scores_c_b is [classes, boxes]
# box_class_idxs is [selected_boxes, 2] where the 2 values are class idx, box idx
class_box_idxs = Gather<axis=-1>(nmsbox, i64_1_2)
scores = GatherND(scores_c_b, class_box_idxs)
score_select = Unsqueeze(scores, i64_neg1)
merged_results = Concat <axis = -1> ({concat_for_output})
{self.output_names[0]} = Identity(final_results)
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(graph_text)
return converter_graph
class ScaleBoundingBoxes(Step):
class ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(Step):
Mapping boxes coordinate to scale in original image.
The coordinate of boxes from detection model is relative to the input image of network,
image is scaled and padded/cropped. So we need to do a linear mapping to get the real coordinate of original image.
Scale bounding box and key point coordinates in optional mask data to original image.
Input image goes through Resize and LetterBox steps during pre-processing (in that order), and the output of this
is what the original model runs against.
To display the predictions on the original image we need to apply the reverse size changes to the co-ordinates
of the bounding boxes.
nms_step_output inner dimension has 4 values for the bounding box, 1 for the score, 1 for the selected class,
and the remainder (if any) is the mask data.
The mask data has values for a fixed number of key points. Each key point has an x and y value, and optionally a
confidence value.
box_of_nms_out: output of NMS, shape [num_boxes, 6]
original_image: original image decoded from jpg/png<uint8_t>[H, W, 3<BGR>]
scaled_image: scaled image, but without padding/crop[<uint8_t>[H1, W1, 3<BGR>]
letter_boxed_image: scaled image and with padding/crop[<uint8_t>[H2, W3, 3<BGR>]
nms_step_output: output of SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS Step, shape [num_boxes, 6+]
original_image: original image decoded from jpg/png, <uint8_t>[H, W, 3] or [3, H, W]
resized_image: output from Resize pre-processing Step, <uint8_t>[H1, W1, 3] or [3, H1, W1]
letter_boxed_image: output from LetterBox pre-processing Step, <uint8_t>[H2, W2, 3] or [3, H2, W2]
num_key_points: number of key points in each mask data entry, if present. optional.
scaled_box_out: shape [num_boxes, 6] with coordinate mapped to original image.
nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints: input data with boxes and key points scaled to original image.
def __init__(self, name: Optional[str] = None):
def __init__(self, num_key_points: Optional[int] = 0, layout: Optional[str] = "HWC", name: Optional[str] = None):
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'ScaleBoundingBoxes'
num_key_points: Number of key points in mask data. Only required if input has optional mask data.
layout: HWC or CHW. Used to determine where to read the H and W value from the input image shapes.
MUST be the same for all 3 input images.
name: Optional name of step. Defaults to 'ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints'
super().__init__(["box_of_nms_out", "original_image", "scaled_image",
"letter_boxed_image"], ["scaled_box_out"], name)
super().__init__(["nms_step_output", "original_image", "resized_image", "letter_boxed_image"],
["nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints"], name)
self._num_key_points = num_key_points
if layout != "HWC" and layout != "CHW":
raise ValueError("Invalid layout. Only HWC and CHW are supported")
self.layout_ = layout
def _create_graph_for_step(self, graph: onnx.GraphProto, onnx_opset: int):
graph_input_param = []
target_shape = []
for idx,input_name in enumerate(self.input_names):
graph_input_params = []
for idx, input_name in enumerate(self.input_names):
input_type_str, input_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, idx)
graph_input_param.append(f"{input_type_str}[{input_shape_str}] {input_name}")
graph_input_param = ','.join(graph_input_param)
graph_input_params.append(f"{input_type_str}[{input_shape_str}] {input_name}")
target_shape = target_shape[:1]
graph_output_param = []
for idx,output_name in enumerate(self.output_names):
graph_output_param.append(f"float[{target_shape[idx]}] {output_name}")
graph_output_param = ','.join(graph_output_param)
graph_input_params = ', '.join(graph_input_params)
def split_num_ouputs(num_outputs: int):
split_input_shape_attr= ''
if self.layout_ == "HWC":
orig_image_h_w_c = "oh, ow, oc"
scaled_image_h_w_c = "sh, sw, sc"
letterboxed_image_h_w_c = "lh, lw, lc"
orig_image_h_w_c = "oc, oh, ow"
scaled_image_h_w_c = "sc, sh, sw"
letterboxed_image_h_w_c = "lc, lh, lw"
def split_num_outputs(num_outputs: int):
split_input_shape_attr = ''
if onnx_opset >= 18:
split_input_shape_attr = f", num_outputs = {num_outputs}"
return split_input_shape_attr
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
nms_output_type_str, nms_output_shape_str = self._get_input_type_and_shape_strs(graph, 0)
nms_output_shape = nms_output_shape_str.split(',')
data_size_per_result = nms_output_shape[-1]
if not data_size_per_result.isnumeric():
# this should be known when adding pre-processing
raise ValueError("Shape of input must have numeric value for the mask data size")
data_num_splits = 3 # splits of nms data into box[:2], box[2:4] , score+class, [mask]
data_split_sizes = "2, 2, 2" # sizes of the splits
score_class_masks = "score_class" # output name/s for trailing output/s from Split
keypoint_processing = "" # operators to process the keypoints
scaled_keypoints = "" # optional output from keypoint scaling
data_size = int(data_size_per_result)
if data_size > 6:
# we have mask data to split out
data_num_splits = 4
keypoint_data_size = data_size - 6
data_split_sizes += f", {keypoint_data_size}"
score_class_masks = "score_class, masks"
scaled_keypoints = ", scaled_keypoints"
values_per_keypoint = int(keypoint_data_size / self._num_key_points)
reshape_keypoints_to = ",".join([str(self._num_key_points), str(values_per_keypoint)])
if keypoint_data_size > 2:
# split into xy and conf
keypoints_xy_and_conf_from_keypoints = \
keypoints_split_sizes = Constant <value = int64[2] {{2, {values_per_keypoint - 2}}}>()
keypoints_xy, conf = Split <axis = -1>(keypoints, keypoints_split_sizes)
# need to re-combine after scaling
scaled_keypoints_and_conf = "scaled_keypoints_and_conf = Concat <axis=-1>(scaled_keypoints_xy, conf)"
# use the keypoint data as-is as we don't have 'conf' data to split out
keypoints_xy_and_conf_from_keypoints = "keypoints_xy = Identity(keypoints)"
scaled_keypoints_and_conf = "scaled_keypoints_and_conf = Identity(scaled_keypoints_xy)"
keypoint_processing = \
reshape_keypoints_to = Constant <value = int64[2] {{{reshape_keypoints_to}}}>()
input_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[0]})
i64_0 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{0}}>()
num_boxes = Gather <axis=0>(input_shape, i64_0)
reshape_masks_to = Concat<axis=-1> (num_boxes, reshape_keypoints_to)
keypoints = Reshape(masks, reshape_masks_to)
offset_keypoints_xy = Sub (keypoints_xy, f_half_pad_wh)
scaled_keypoints_xy = Mul (offset_keypoints_xy, ratios)
orig_shape = Shape(masks)
scaled_keypoints = Reshape(scaled_keypoints_and_conf, orig_shape)
graph_text = \
ScaleBoundingBoxes ({graph_input_param})
=> ({graph_output_param})
({graph_input_params}) => ({nms_output_type_str}[{nms_output_shape_str}] {self.output_names[0]})
i64_2 = Constant <value = int64[1] {{2}}>()
data_split_sizes = Constant <value = int64[{data_num_splits}] {{{data_split_sizes}}}>()
boxes_xy, boxes_wh_or_xy, {score_class_masks} = Split <axis=-1>({self.input_names[0]}, data_split_sizes)
ori_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[1]})
scaled_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[2]})
lettered_shape = Shape ({self.input_names[3]})
oh,ow,oc = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_ouputs(3)}> (ori_shape)
sh,sw,sc = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_ouputs(3)}> (scaled_shape)
lh,lw,lc = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_ouputs(3)}> (lettered_shape)
{orig_image_h_w_c} = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_outputs(3)}> (ori_shape)
{scaled_image_h_w_c} = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_outputs(3)}> (scaled_shape)
{letterboxed_image_h_w_c} = Split <axis = 0 {split_num_outputs(3)}> (lettered_shape)
swh = Concat <axis = -1> (sw,sh)
lwh = Concat <axis = -1> (lw,lh)
@ -971,14 +1142,16 @@ class ScaleBoundingBoxes(Step):
half_pad_wh = Div (pad_wh, i64_2)
f_half_pad_wh = Cast <to = 1> (half_pad_wh)
boxes_xy,boxes_wh_orxy,boxes_score_class = Split <axis=-1 {split_num_ouputs(3)}>({self.input_names[0]})
offset_boxes_xy = Sub (boxes_xy, f_half_pad_wh)
restored_boxes = Concat <axis=-1> (offset_boxes_xy, boxes_wh_orxy)
scaled_boxes_coor = Mul (restored_boxes, ratios)
restored_boxes_res = Concat <axis=-1> (scaled_boxes_coor, boxes_score_class)
{self.output_names[0]} = Identity (restored_boxes_res)
restored_boxes = Concat <axis=-1> (offset_boxes_xy, boxes_wh_or_xy)
scaled_boxes = Mul (restored_boxes, ratios)
{self.output_names[0]} = Concat <axis=-1> (scaled_boxes, score_class {scaled_keypoints})
return converter_graph
converter_graph = onnx.parser.parse_graph(graph_text)
return converter_graph
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from onnxruntime_extensions import get_library_path
from import add_pre_post_processing_to_model as add_ppp
from import add_HuggingFace_CLIPImageProcessor_to_model as add_clip_feature
from import pre_post_processing as pre_post_processing
from import *
from import *
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
@ -579,23 +579,35 @@ class TestToolsAddPrePostProcessingToModel(unittest.TestCase):
image_ref = np.frombuffer(open(output_img, 'rb').read(), dtype=np.uint8)
self.assertEqual((image_ref == output).all(), True)
def create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(self, output_model: Path, length: int,
iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
score_threshold: float = 0.7,
max_detections: int = 10):
def _create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(self, output_model: Path,
has_conf_value: bool,
iou_threshold: float = 0.5,
score_threshold: float = 0.7,
max_detections: int = 100,
max_boxes_per_class: int = 100,
num_classes: int = 1):
import onnx
create_named_value = pre_post_processing.utils.create_named_value
inputs = [create_named_value("box_and_score", onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, ["num_boxes", length])]
length = (5 if has_conf_value else 4) + num_classes
# [ num_boxes, <4 points for box, optional conf, one score per class> ]
inputs = [create_named_value("_input", onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, ["num_boxes", length])]
onnx_opset = 16
pipeline = pre_post_processing.PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold,
if has_conf_value:
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold,
max_boxes_per_class=max_boxes_per_class, max_detections=max_detections),
# split the 4 bounding box co-ords from the class scores
Split(num_outputs=2, axis=-1, splits=[4, num_classes]),
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold,
max_boxes_per_class=max_boxes_per_class, max_detections=max_detections),
graph_def = onnx.parser.parse_graph(
@ -615,7 +627,7 @@ class TestToolsAddPrePostProcessingToModel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_NMS_and_drawing_box_without_confOfObj(self):
output_model = (self.temp4onnx / "nms.onnx").resolve()
self.create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(output_model, iou_threshold=0.9, length=5)
self._create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(output_model, iou_threshold=0.9, has_conf_value=False)
input_data = [
[0, 0, 240, 240, 0.75],
[10, 10, 240, 240, 0.75],
@ -635,7 +647,7 @@ class TestToolsAddPrePostProcessingToModel(unittest.TestCase):
def test_NMS_and_drawing_box_with_confOfObj(self):
output_model = (self.temp4onnx / "nms.onnx").resolve()
self.create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(output_model, iou_threshold=0.9, score_threshold=0.5, length=6)
self._create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(output_model, iou_threshold=0.9, score_threshold=0.5, has_conf_value=True)
input_data = [
[0, 0, 240, 240, 0.75, 0.9],
[10, 10, 240, 240, 0.75, 0.9],
@ -676,12 +688,302 @@ class TestToolsAddPrePostProcessingToModel(unittest.TestCase):
idx = 0
for iou_threshold in [0.9, 0.75, 0.5]:
for score_threshold in [0.5, 0.8, 0.9]:
output_model, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold, length=6)
output_model, iou_threshold=iou_threshold, score_threshold=score_threshold, has_conf_value=True)
out = get_model_output()
self.assertEqual(out.size, expected_size[idx])
idx += 1
def test_NMS_max_detections(self):
def run_test(max_per_class, max_overall):
output_model = (self.temp4onnx / "nms_max_det.onnx").resolve()
self._create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms(output_model, has_conf_value=False, iou_threshold=0.95, num_classes=2,
max_boxes_per_class=max_per_class, max_detections=max_overall)
input_data = [
[25, 25, 10, 10, 0.75, 0.85],
[100, 100, 10, 10, 0.91, 0.72],
[25, 150, 10, 10, 0.83, 0.93],
[150, 150, 10, 10, 0.87, 0.77],
input_data = np.array(input_data, dtype=np.float32)
num_classes = 2
# max results is returning both classes for every bounding box
num_to_select = min(max_overall, num_classes * len(input_data))
num_selected = 0
num_selected_per_class = [0 for i in range(0, num_classes)]
results_expected = [[] for i in range(0, num_classes)]
scores = input_data[:, -2:].copy() # copy as we set values to 0 as we go along
# pick the initial set of results based on score
cur_result = 0
while num_selected < num_to_select and cur_result < scores.size:
cur_result += 1 # we may run out of results before we select enough
expected = []
best_score = scores.max()
idx = int(scores.argmax() / num_classes) # find row best score came from. num_classes entries per row.
selected_class = np.where(scores[idx] == best_score)[0][0] # find index of best score
scores[idx][selected_class] = 0. # set the score to 0 so it doesn't get selected again
if num_selected_per_class[selected_class] == max_per_class:
box = np.array(input_data[idx][:4])
expected += box.tolist()
num_selected_per_class[selected_class] += 1
num_selected += 1
so = ort.SessionOptions()
ort_sess = ort.InferenceSession(str(output_model), providers=['CPUExecutionProvider'], sess_options=so)
# flatten the per-class entries from
# {num_classes, num selected results, result size} to {num_classes * num_results, result size}
results_expected = [np.asarray(entry) for entry in results_expected if len(entry) > 0]
results_expected = np.concatenate(results_expected).reshape((-1, 6))
outputs =, {'_input': input_data})
results_actual = outputs[0]
self.assertEqual(results_expected.shape, results_actual.shape)
compared = np.isclose(results_expected, results_actual)
run_test(100, 3) # max overall trims
run_test(1, 100) # max per class trims
run_test(1, 1) # max per class and max overall trim
# Create pipeline to run NMS and scaling.
# Scaling should handle converting back to co-ordinates in the original image that was resized and letterboxed
def _create_pipeline_and_run_for_nms_and_scaling(self, output_model: Path,
orig_image_shape: List[int], # 3 dims, HWC or CHW
resized_image_shape: List[int],
letterboxed_image_shape: List[int],
num_classes: int = 1,
has_key_points: bool = False,
key_points_have_conf: bool = False,
# channels are 3 so infer layout from shape
layout = "HWC" if orig_image_shape[-1] == 3 else "CHW"
mask_data_size = 0
if has_key_points:
# 3 results of x and y. optional conf in each result
mask_data_size = 3 * (3 if key_points_have_conf else 2)
result_data_size = 4 + num_classes + mask_data_size
# create graph to provide outputs for post-processing
inputs = [utils.create_named_value("results", onnx.TensorProto.FLOAT, ["num_boxes", result_data_size]),
utils.create_named_value("orig_img", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, orig_image_shape),
utils.create_named_value("resized_img", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, resized_image_shape),
utils.create_named_value("letterboxed_img", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, letterboxed_image_shape),
graph_input_strings = [f"float[num_boxes, {result_data_size}] results",
f"uint8[{','.join([str(i) for i in orig_image_shape])}] orig_img",
f"uint8[{','.join([str(i) for i in resized_image_shape])}] resized_img",
f"uint8[{','.join([str(i) for i in letterboxed_image_shape])}] letterboxed_img",
graph_output_strings = [s + "_out" for s in graph_input_strings]
graph_nodes = "\n".join([f"{}_out = Identity({})" for input in inputs])
onnx_opset = 16
graph_text = \
f"""pass_through ({', '.join(graph_input_strings)}) => ({', '.join(graph_output_strings)})
graph_def = onnx.parser.parse_graph(graph_text)
onnx_import = onnx.helper.make_operatorsetid('', onnx_opset)
ir_version = onnx.helper.find_min_ir_version_for([onnx_import])
input_model = onnx.helper.make_model_gen_version(graph_def, opset_imports=[onnx_import], ir_version=ir_version)
# if there is mask data containing keypoints we need to split that out
splits = [4, num_classes]
if has_key_points:
pipeline = pre_post_processing.PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)
post_processing = [
# pass through model inputs via a Step so the original, resized and letterboxed shapes are available
# to use in the IoMapEntry for scaling
Identity(num_inputs=4, name="InputsPassThrough"),
Split(num_outputs=len(splits), axis=1, splits=splits),
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=0.7, score_threshold=0.25, has_mask_data=has_key_points),
# Scale boxes and key point coords back to original image. Mask data has 3 key points per box.
(ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(num_key_points=3, layout=layout),
# A default connection from SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS for input 0
# A connection from original image
# A connection from the resized image
# A connection from the LetterBoxed image
# We use the images to calculate the scale factor and offset.
# With scale and offset, we can scale the bounding box and key points back to the original image.
utils.IoMapEntry("InputsPassThrough", producer_idx=1, consumer_idx=1),
utils.IoMapEntry("InputsPassThrough", producer_idx=2, consumer_idx=2),
utils.IoMapEntry("InputsPassThrough", producer_idx=3, consumer_idx=3),
new_model =
onnx.save_model(new_model, str(output_model))
def _run_nms_scaling_test(self, channels_last: bool = True, num_classes: int = 1,
has_key_points: bool = False, key_points_have_conf: bool = False):
model_name = (f"nms_{'HWC' if channels_last else 'CHW'}_c{num_classes}_"
output_model = (self.temp4onnx / f"{model_name}.onnx").resolve()
if channels_last:
h_dim, w_dim = 0, 1
orig_image_shape = [400, 500, 3] # HWC
resized_image_shape = [320, 400, 3] # Resize to not_smaller 400 x 400
letterboxed_image_shape = [400, 400, 3] # letterbox to 400 x 400
h_dim, w_dim = 1, 2
orig_image_shape = [3, 400, 500]
resized_image_shape = [3, 320, 400]
letterboxed_image_shape = [3, 400, 400]
scale_ratio = 500 / 400 # we kept the aspect ratio
# width and height padding to apply to first 2 points of box as format is XYWH
# / 2 as we
half_pad_h = (letterboxed_image_shape[h_dim] - resized_image_shape[h_dim]) / 2
half_pad_w = (letterboxed_image_shape[w_dim] - resized_image_shape[w_dim]) / 2
letterbox_padding = np.array([half_pad_w, half_pad_h, 0, 0], dtype=np.float32)
# default score threshold is 0.25 so this will ensure no results are thrown away due to the score
# scores0 = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.0, size=num_classes)
# scores1 = scores0 - 0.1 # first result should win if picking a single result and be first in NMS output
# scores = [scores0, scores1]
scores = np.random.uniform(low=0.5, high=1.0, size=(2, num_classes))
if has_key_points:
if key_points_have_conf:
keypoints = [[5., 5., .8, 10., 10., .8, 60., 60., .9],
[60., 60., .9, 80., 80., .6, 150., 120., .5]]
keypoints = [[5., 5., 10., 10., 60., 60.],
[60., 60., 80., 80., 150., 120.]]
keypoints = [[], []]
# 4 for box, num_classes scores, key point data
input_data = [
[50., 50., 100., 100., *scores[0], *keypoints[0]],
[80., 80., 100., 100., *scores[1], *keypoints[1]],
input_data = np.array(input_data, dtype=np.float32)
model_inputs = {
"results": input_data,
"orig_img": np.ones(orig_image_shape, dtype=np.uint8),
"resized_img": np.ones(resized_image_shape, dtype=np.uint8),
"letterboxed_img": np.ones(letterboxed_image_shape, dtype=np.uint8),
# for each result, manually scale box and keypoints to validate. check for correct class and score info.
# we aren't limiting results based on max classes per box or max overall matches so we expect all classes
# to be returned as results for both bounding boxes.
# the NMS output is sorted by class first and score second, so we assemble the results on a per-class basis
# and flatten to compare with the actual results
results_expected = [[] for i in range(0, num_classes)]
num_selected = 0
while num_selected < num_classes * len(input_data):
expected = []
best_score = scores.max()
idx = int(scores.argmax() / num_classes) # find row best score came from. num_classes entry per row.
box = np.array(input_data[idx][:4])
box -= letterbox_padding
box *= scale_ratio
expected += box.tolist()
selected_class = np.where(scores[idx] == best_score)[0][0] # find index of best score
# set the score to 0 so it doesn't get selected again
scores[idx][selected_class] = 0.
# keypoints
values_per_entry = 3 if key_points_have_conf else 2
for kp_idx, kp in enumerate(input_data[idx][4 + num_classes:]):
if kp_idx % values_per_entry == 0:
# x coord
expected.append((kp - letterbox_padding[0]) * scale_ratio)
elif kp_idx % values_per_entry == 1:
# y coord
expected.append((kp - letterbox_padding[1]) * scale_ratio)
assert key_points_have_conf
# confidence score should match input
num_selected += 1
output_model, orig_image_shape, resized_image_shape, letterboxed_image_shape,
num_classes, has_key_points, key_points_have_conf)
so = ort.SessionOptions()
ort_sess = ort.InferenceSession(str(output_model), providers=['CPUExecutionProvider'], sess_options=so)
outputs =, model_inputs)
results_actual = outputs[0]
# flatten the per-class entries. we are returning results for all classes of both bounding boxes so should be
# equal to scores.size
# {num_classes, num results, result size} to {num_classes * num_results, result size}
results_expected = np.asarray(results_expected).reshape((scores.size, -1))
self.assertEqual(results_expected.shape, results_actual.shape)
compared = np.isclose(results_expected, results_actual)
def test_NMS_with_scaling_and_keypoints(self):
Test selecting bounding boxes with NMS and scaling the results.
Include testing of when there are key points in mask data in the results (used by pose models)
for channels_last in [True, False]:
for num_classes in [1, 4]:
for has_key_points in [True, False]:
# it only makes sense to have keypoints when there's a single class as the keypoints are
# per bounding box. e.g. if you have a bounding box and classes of person and dog, each class would
# require totally different keypoints
if not has_key_points or num_classes == 1:
msg = (f"Running test with layout={'HWC' if channels_last else 'CHW'} "
f"num_classes={num_classes} has_key_points={has_key_points}")
self._run_nms_scaling_test(channels_last, num_classes, has_key_points)
if has_key_points:
key_points_have_conf = True
print(msg + " key_points_have_conf=True")
self._run_nms_scaling_test(channels_last, num_classes, has_key_points, key_points_have_conf)
def test_FastestDet(self):
# a minor fix is to accommodate output with yolo output format, including bounding box regression inside.
@ -689,7 +991,7 @@ class TestToolsAddPrePostProcessingToModel(unittest.TestCase):
output_model = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "FastestDet.updated.onnx")
input_image_path = os.path.join(test_data_dir, "wolves.jpg")
add_ppp.yolo_detection(Path(input_model), Path(output_model),input_shape=(352,352))
add_ppp.yolo_detection(Path(input_model), Path(output_model), input_shape=(352, 352))
so = ort.SessionOptions()
Двоичный файл не отображается.
После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 134 KiB |
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import numpy
from pathlib import Path
import onnxruntime_extensions
def get_yolov8_model(onnx_model_name: str):
def get_yolo_model(version: int, onnx_model_name: str):
# install yolov8
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
@ -13,12 +14,12 @@ def get_yolov8_model(onnx_model_name: str):
except ImportError:
pipmain(['install', 'ultralytics'])
import ultralytics
pt_model = Path("")
pt_model = Path(f"yolov{version}")
model = ultralytics.YOLO(str(pt_model)) # load a pretrained model
success = model.export(format="onnx") # export the model to ONNX format
assert success, "Failed to export to onnx"
exported_filename = model.export(format="onnx") # export the model to ONNX format
assert exported_filename, f"Failed to export yolov{version} to onnx"
import shutil
shutil.move(pt_model.with_suffix('.onnx'), onnx_model_name)
shutil.move(exported_filename, onnx_model_name)
def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: Path):
@ -29,13 +30,11 @@ def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: P
input_model_file (Path): The onnx yolo model.
output_model_file (Path): where to save the final onnx model.
if not Path(input_model_file).is_file():
from import add_pre_post_processing_to_model as add_ppp
add_ppp.yolo_detection(input_model_file, output_model_file, "jpg", onnx_opset=18)
def test_inference(onnx_model_file:Path):
def run_inference(onnx_model_file: Path):
import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
@ -48,14 +47,23 @@ def test_inference(onnx_model_file:Path):
inname = [ for i in session.get_inputs()]
inp = {inname[0]: image}
outputs =['image_out'], inp)[0]
open('../test/data/result.jpg', 'wb').write(outputs)
output =['image_out'], inp)[0]
output_filename = '../test/data/result.jpg'
open(output_filename, 'wb').write(output)
from PIL import Image
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("checking the model...")
onnx_model_name = Path("../test/data/yolov8n.onnx")
# YOLO version. Tested with 5 and 8.
version = 8
onnx_model_name = Path(f"../test/data/yolov{version}n.onnx")
if not onnx_model_name.exists():
print("Fetching original model...")
get_yolo_model(version, str(onnx_model_name))
onnx_e2e_model_name = onnx_model_name.with_suffix(suffix=".with_pre_post_processing.onnx")
print("Adding pre/post processing...")
add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(onnx_model_name, onnx_e2e_model_name)
print("Testing updated model...")
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
import onnx.shape_inference
import onnxruntime_extensions
from import *
from pathlib import Path
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
def get_yolov8_pose_model(onnx_model_name: str):
# install yolov8
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
import ultralytics
except ImportError:
pipmain(['install', 'ultralytics'])
import ultralytics
pt_model = Path("")
model = ultralytics.YOLO(str(pt_model)) # load a pretrained model
success = model.export(format="onnx") # export the model to ONNX format
assert success, "Failed to export to onnx"
import shutil
shutil.move(pt_model.with_suffix('.onnx'), onnx_model_name)
def add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(input_model_file: Path, output_model_file: Path,
output_image: bool = False,
decode_input: bool = True,
input_shape: Optional[List[Union[int, str]]] = None):
"""Construct the pipeline for an end2end model with pre and post processing.
The final model can take raw image binary as inputs and output the result in raw image file.
input_model_file (Path): The onnx yolo model.
output_model_file (Path): where to save the final onnx model.
output_image (bool): Model will draw bounding boxes on the original image and output that. It will NOT draw
the keypoints as there's no custom operator to handle that currently.
If false, the output will have the same shape as the original model, with all the co-ordinates updated
to match the original input image.
decode_input: Input is jpg/png to decode. Alternative is to provide RGB data
input_shape: Input shape if RGB data is being provided. Can use symbolic dimensions. Either the first or last
dimension must be 3 to determine if layout is HWC or CHW.
if not Path(input_model_file).is_file():
print("Fetching the model...")
print("Adding pre/post processing to the model...")
model = onnx.load(str(input_model_file.resolve(strict=True)))
model_with_shape_info = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(model)
model_input_shape = model_with_shape_info.graph.input[0].type.tensor_type.shape
model_output_shape = model_with_shape_info.graph.output[0].type.tensor_type.shape
# infer the input sizes from the model.
w_in = model_input_shape.dim[-1].dim_value
h_in = model_input_shape.dim[-2].dim_value
assert w_in == 640 and h_in == 640 # expected values
# output is [1, 56, 8400]
# there are
classes_masks_out = model_output_shape.dim[1].dim_value
boxes_out = model_output_shape.dim[2].dim_value
assert classes_masks_out == 56
assert boxes_out == 8400
# layout of image prior to Resize and LetterBox being run. post-processing needs to know this to determine where
# to get the original H and W from
if decode_input:
inputs = [create_named_value("image", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, ["num_bytes"])]
# ConvertImageToBGR produces HWC output
decoded_image_layout = "HWC"
assert input_shape and len(input_shape) == 3, "3D input shape is required if decode_input is false."
if input_shape[0] == 3:
decoded_image_layout = "CHW"
elif input_shape[2] == 3:
decoded_image_layout = "HWC"
raise ValueError("Invalid input shape. Either first or last dimension must be 3.")
inputs = [create_named_value("decoded_image", onnx.TensorProto.UINT8, input_shape)]
onnx_opset = 18
pipeline = PrePostProcessor(inputs, onnx_opset)
pre_processing_steps = []
if decode_input:
pre_processing_steps.append(ConvertImageToBGR(name="ImageHWC")) # jpg/png image to BGR in HWC layout
# use Identity if we don't need to call ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst as the next step
if decoded_image_layout == "CHW":
if decoded_image_layout == "HWC":
pre_processing_steps.append(ChannelsLastToChannelsFirst(name="DecodedImageCHW")) # HWC to CHW
pre_processing_steps += [
# Resize an arbitrary sized image to a fixed size in not_larger policy
Resize((h_in, w_in), policy='not_larger', layout='CHW'),
# padding or cropping the image to (h_in, w_in)
LetterBox(target_shape=(h_in, w_in), layout='CHW'),
ImageBytesToFloat(), # Convert to float in range 0..1
Unsqueeze([0]), # add batch, CHW --> 1CHW
# NMS and drawing boxes
post_processing_steps = [
Squeeze([0]), # - Squeeze to remove batch dimension from [batch, 56, 8200] output
Transpose([1, 0]), # reverse so result info is inner dim
# split the 56 elements into the box, score for the 1 class, and mask info (17 locations x 3 values)
Split(num_outputs=3, axis=1, splits=[4, 1, 51]),
# Apply NMS to select best boxes. iou and score values match
SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS(iou_threshold=0.7, score_threshold=0.25, has_mask_data=True),
# Scale boxes and key point coords back to original image. Mask data has 17 key points per box.
(ScaleNMSBoundingBoxesAndKeyPoints(num_key_points=17, layout='CHW'),
# A default connection from SelectBestBoundingBoxesByNMS for input 0
# A connection from original image to input 1
# A connection from the resized image to input 2
# A connection from the LetterBoxed image to input 3
# We use the three images to calculate the scale factor and offset.
# With scale and offset, we can scale the bounding box and key points back to the original image.
utils.IoMapEntry("DecodedImageCHW", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
utils.IoMapEntry("Resize", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=2),
utils.IoMapEntry("LetterBox", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=3),
if output_image:
# separate out the bounding boxes from the keypoint data to use the existing steps/custom op to draw the
# bounding boxes.
post_processing_steps += [
Split(num_outputs=2, axis=-1, splits=[6, 51], name="SplitScaledBoxesAndKeypoints"),
(DrawBoundingBoxes(mode='CENTER_XYWH', num_classes=1, colour_by_classes=True),
utils.IoMapEntry("OriginalRGBImage", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=0),
utils.IoMapEntry("SplitScaledBoxesAndKeypoints", producer_idx=0, consumer_idx=1),
# Encode to jpg/png
new_model =
print("Pre/post proceessing added.")
# run shape inferencing to validate the new model. shape inferencing will fail if any of the new node
# types or shapes are incorrect. infer_shapes returns a copy of the model with ValueInfo populated,
# but we ignore that and save new_model as it is smaller due to not containing the inferred shape information.
_ = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(new_model, strict_mode=True)
onnx.save_model(new_model, str(output_model_file.resolve()))
print("Updated model saved.")
def run_inference(onnx_model_file: Path, output_image: bool = False, model_decodes_image: bool = True):
import onnxruntime as ort
import numpy as np
print("Running the model to validate output.")
providers = ['CPUExecutionProvider']
session_options = ort.SessionOptions()
session = ort.InferenceSession(str(onnx_model_file), providers=providers, sess_options=session_options)
input_image_path = './data/bus.jpg'
input_name = [ for i in session.get_inputs()]
if model_decodes_image:
image_bytes = np.frombuffer(open(input_image_path, 'rb').read(), dtype=np.uint8)
model_input = {input_name[0]: image_bytes}
rgb_image = np.array('RGB'))
rgb_image = rgb_image.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Channels first
model_input = {input_name[0]: rgb_image}
model_output = ['image_out'] if output_image else ['nms_output_with_scaled_boxes_and_keypoints']
outputs =, model_input)
if output_image:
image_out = outputs[0]
from io import BytesIO
s = BytesIO(image_out)
# manually draw the bounding boxes and skeleton just to prove it works
skeleton = [[16, 14], [14, 12], [17, 15], [15, 13], [12, 13], [6, 12], [7, 13], [6, 7], [6, 8], [7, 9],
[8, 10], [9, 11], [2, 3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 4], [3, 5], [4, 6], [5, 7]]
# open original image so we can draw on it
input_image ='RGB')
input_image_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(input_image)
scaled_nms_output = outputs[0]
for result in scaled_nms_output:
# split the 4 box coords, 1 score, 1 class (ignored), keypoints
(box, score, _, keypoints) = np.split(result, (4, 5, 6))
keypoints = keypoints.reshape((17, 3))
# convert box from centered XYWH to co-ords and draw rectangle
# NOTE: The pytorch model seems to output XYXY co-ords. Not sure why that's different.
half_w = (box[2] / 2)
half_h = (box[3] / 2)
x0 = box[0] - half_w
y0 = box[1] - half_h
x1 = box[0] + half_w
y1 = box[1] + half_h
input_image_draw.rectangle(((x0, y0), (x1, y1)), outline='red', width=4)
# draw skeleton
# See
for i, sk in enumerate(skeleton):
# convert keypoint index in `skeleton` to 0-based index and get keypoint data for it
keypoint1 = keypoints[sk[0] - 1]
keypoint2 = keypoints[sk[1] - 1]
pos1 = (int(keypoint1[0]), int(keypoint1[1]))
pos2 = (int(keypoint2[0]), int(keypoint2[1]))
conf1 = keypoint1[2]
conf2 = keypoint2[2]
if conf1 < 0.5 or conf2 < 0.5:
def coord_valid(coord):
x, y = coord
return 0 <= x < input_image.width and 0 <= y < input_image.height
if coord_valid(pos1) and coord_valid(pos2):
input_image_draw.line((pos1, pos2), fill='yellow', width=2)
print("Displaying original image with bounding boxes and skeletons.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
onnx_model_name = Path("./data/yolov8n-pose.onnx")
onnx_e2e_model_name = onnx_model_name.with_suffix(suffix=".with_pre_post_processing.onnx")
# default output is the scaled non-max suppresion data which matches the original model.
# each result has bounding box (4), score (1), class (1), keypoints(17 x 3) = 57 elements
# bounding box is centered XYWH format.
# alternative is to output the original image with the bounding boxes but no key points drawn.
output_image_with_bounding_boxes = False
for model_decodes_image in [True, False]:
if model_decodes_image:
print("Running with model taking jpg/png as input.")
print("Running with model taking RGB data as input.")
input_shape = None
if not model_decodes_image:
# NOTE: This uses CHW just for the sake of testing both layouts
input_shape = [3, "h_in", "w_in"]
add_pre_post_processing_to_yolo(onnx_model_name, onnx_e2e_model_name, output_image_with_bounding_boxes,
model_decodes_image, input_shape)
run_inference(onnx_e2e_model_name, output_image_with_bounding_boxes, model_decodes_image)
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