include(ExternalProject) set(triton_PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/triton) set(triton_INSTALL_DIR ${triton_PREFIX}/install) if (WIN32) set(vcpkg_PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/vcpkg) ExternalProject_Add(vcpkg GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG 2023.06.20 PREFIX ${vcpkg_PREFIX} CONFIGURE_COMMAND "" INSTALL_COMMAND "" UPDATE_COMMAND "" BUILD_COMMAND "/bootstrap-vcpkg.bat") ExternalProject_Get_Property(vcpkg SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR) set(VCPKG_SRC ${SOURCE_DIR}) message(STATUS "VCPKG_SRC: " ${VCPKG_SRC}) # set the environment variable so that the vcpkg.cmake file can find the vcpkg root directory set(ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} ${VCPKG_SRC}) message(STATUS "ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}: " $ENV{VCPKG_ROOT}) # NOTE: The VCPKG_ROOT environment variable isn't propagated to an add_custom_command target, so specify --vcpkg-root # here and in the vcpkg_install function add_custom_command( COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${VCPKG_SRC}/vcpkg integrate --vcpkg-root=$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} install COMMAND ${VCPKG_SRC}/vcpkg integrate --vcpkg-root=$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} install COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch vcpkg_integrate.stamp OUTPUT vcpkg_integrate.stamp DEPENDS vcpkg ) add_custom_target(vcpkg_integrate ALL DEPENDS vcpkg_integrate.stamp) set(VCPKG_DEPENDENCIES "vcpkg_integrate") function(vcpkg_install PACKAGE_NAME) add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${VCPKG_SRC}/packages/${PACKAGE_NAME}_${vcpkg_triplet}/BUILD_INFO COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo ${VCPKG_SRC}/vcpkg install --vcpkg-root=$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} ${PACKAGE_NAME}:${vcpkg_triplet} COMMAND ${VCPKG_SRC}/vcpkg install --vcpkg-root=$ENV{VCPKG_ROOT} ${PACKAGE_NAME}:${vcpkg_triplet} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${VCPKG_SRC} DEPENDS vcpkg_integrate) add_custom_target( get${PACKAGE_NAME} ALL DEPENDS ${VCPKG_SRC}/packages/${PACKAGE_NAME}_${vcpkg_triplet}/BUILD_INFO) list(APPEND VCPKG_DEPENDENCIES "get${PACKAGE_NAME}") set(VCPKG_DEPENDENCIES ${VCPKG_DEPENDENCIES} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() vcpkg_install(rapidjson) # required by triton vcpkg_install(openssl) vcpkg_install(curl) # fake dependency between openssl and rapidjson. # without this 2 `vcpkg install` commands run in parallel which results in errors like this on the first build: # write_contents_and_dirs("D:\src\github\ort-extensions\.scb\\Release\_deps\vcpkg\src\vcpkg\buildtrees\0.vcpkg_tags.cmake"): permission denied # second attempt works, but that's not good enough for a CI. add_dependencies(getopenssl getrapidjson) add_dependencies(getcurl getopenssl) set(triton_extra_cmake_args -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=${vcpkg_triplet} -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${VCPKG_SRC}/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake) # insane... but we added patch.exe from the git 32-bit windows distribution because the CI image has removed it # from the git install that is available, and this seems like the least egregious/inconsistent way to make it work... set(triton_patch_exe ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/externals/git.Win32.2.41.03.patch/patch.exe) set(triton_dependencies ${VCPKG_DEPENDENCIES}) else() # RapidJSON 1.1.0 (released in 2016) is compatible with the triton build. Later code is not compatible without # patching due to the change in variable name for the include dir from RAPIDJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS to # RapidJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS in the generated cmake file used by find_package: # # The triton code here is using # RAPIDJSON_INCLUDE_DIRS so the build fails if a newer RapidJSON version is used. It will find the package but the # include path will be wrong so the build error is delayed/misleading and non-trivial to understand/resolve. set(RapidJSON_PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/rapidjson) set(RapidJSON_INSTALL_DIR ${RapidJSON_PREFIX}/install) ExternalProject_Add(RapidJSON PREFIX ${RapidJSON_PREFIX} URL URL_HASH SHA1=0fe7b4f7b83df4b3d517f4a202f3a383af7a0818 CMAKE_ARGS -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_DOC=OFF -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF -DRAPIDJSON_BUILD_TESTS=OFF -DRAPIDJSON_HAS_STDSTRING=ON -DRAPIDJSON_USE_MEMBERSMAP=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${RapidJSON_INSTALL_DIR} ) ExternalProject_Get_Property(RapidJSON SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR) # message(STATUS "RapidJSON src=${SOURCE_DIR} binary=${BINARY_DIR}") # Set RapidJSON_ROOT_DIR for find_package. The required RapidJSONConfig.cmake file is generated in the binary dir set(RapidJSON_ROOT_DIR ${BINARY_DIR}) set(triton_extra_cmake_args "") set(triton_patch_exe patch) set(triton_dependencies RapidJSON) endif() #if (WIN32) # Add the triton build. We just need the library so we don't install it. set(triton_VERSION_TAG r23.05) # Patch the triton client CMakeLists.txt to fix issues when building the linux python wheels with cibuildwheel, which # uses CentOS 7. # 1) use the full path to the version script file so 'ld' doesn't fail to find it. Looks like ld is running from the # parent directory but not sure why the behavior differs vs. other linux builds # e.g. building locally on Ubuntu is fine without the patch # 2) only set the CURL lib path to 'lib64' on a 64-bit CentOS build as 'lib64' is invalid on a 32-bit OS. without # this patch the build of the third-party libraries in the triton client fail as the CURL build is not found. # # Also fix a Windows issue where the security tools complain about warnings being disabled by increasing the # warning level for triton/src/c++/library. Was /W0. Patched to /W3. set(triton_patch_command ${triton_patch_exe} --verbose -p1 -i ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/externals/triton_cmake.patch) ExternalProject_Add(triton URL${triton_VERSION_TAG}.tar.gz URL_HASH SHA1=b8fd2a4e09eae39c33cd04cfa9ec934e39d9afc1 PREFIX ${triton_PREFIX} CMAKE_ARGS -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${triton_INSTALL_DIR} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} -DTRITON_COMMON_REPO_TAG=${triton_VERSION_TAG} -DTRITON_THIRD_PARTY_REPO_TAG=${triton_VERSION_TAG} -DTRITON_CORE_REPO_TAG=${triton_VERSION_TAG} -DTRITON_ENABLE_CC_HTTP=ON -DTRITON_ENABLE_ZLIB=OFF ${triton_extra_cmake_args} INSTALL_COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Skipping install step." PATCH_COMMAND ${triton_patch_command} ) add_dependencies(triton ${triton_dependencies}) ExternalProject_Get_Property(triton SOURCE_DIR BINARY_DIR) set(triton_THIRD_PARTY_DIR ${BINARY_DIR}/third-party)