## Drivers Maintenance #### How to upgrade the Nvidia drivers in your cluster ###### Available GPU drivers version in OpenPAI ``` "384.111" (Default Value) ``` In the [path](../../src/drivers/build), you can find the available version in the following format. And you can choose one as the drivers version in your cluster. ``` drivers-${version}.dockerfile ``` ###### 1 Cluster Configuration - Choose an available version in Openpai, and change the ```drivers``` section in ```service-configuration.yaml```. - Update the configuration in your cluster with the command ```paictl config push```. If you wanna investigate more detail about this command, please refer to this [link](../paictl/paictl-manual.md#Config_Push) ###### 2 Stop corresponding service - Delete hadoop-node-manager - Note: all running jobs will be killed and retry after upgrading ``` ./paictl service delete -n hadoop-node-manager ``` - Stop monitoring service ``` ./paictl service stop -n node-exporter ``` - Delete drivers service ``` ./paictl service stop -n drivers ``` - Delete end-to-end-test ``` ./paictl service delete -n end-to-end-test ``` ###### 3 Starting drivers with the latest configuration ``` ./paictl service start -n drivers ``` ###### 4 Starting other service ``` ./paictl service start -n hadoop-node-manager ./paictl service start -n node-exporter ./paictl service start -n end-to-end-test ```