
488 строки
19 KiB

import sys
import re
import os
# Valid sections and the sets they belong to
FILE_SECTIONS = [ "Files", "Directories", "Links" ]
SCRIPT_SECTIONS = [ "Preinstall", "Postinstall", "Preuninstall", "Postuninstall", "iConfig", "rConfig", "Preupgrade" ]
DEPENDENCY_SECTIONS = [ "Dependencies" ]
VAR_SECTIONS = [ "Variables", "Defines" ]
def error(s):
sys.stderr.write("Internal Error: %s \n" % s)
def error(s, line):
sys.stderr.write("Error[%s:%s]: \n" % (line[1], line[2]) + s)
def error_section(s, section):
sys.stderr.write("Error[%s]: " % section + s)
def warning(s, line):
sys.stderr.write("Warning[%s:%s]: \n" % (line[1], line[2]) + s)
def info(s, line):
sys.stderr.write("Info[%s:%s]: \n" % (line[1], line[2]) + s)
def invalid_varname(s):
if " " in s:
return True
return False
def CheckIfCommand(s):
if s in ["#if", "#ifdef", "#ifndef", "#elseif", "#else", "#elseifdef", "#endif", "#include"]:
return True
return False
variable_usage = "Invalid variable line entry. Usage: VARIABLE_NAME: 'VALUE'"
define_usage = "Invalid define line entry. Usage: DEFINE_NAME"
too_many_ifs = "There is at least one open conditional (#if) that has not been closed by the end of this section"
too_many_endifs = "There is at least one extra end conditional (#endif) in this section."
def edge_quotes_match(s):
if len(s) < 2:
return False
if s[0] == "'" and s[-1] == "'":
return True
if s[0] == '"' and s[-1] == '"':
return True
return False
# FileEntry
# param: tokens - a list containing [ stagedLocation, baseLocation, permissions, owner, group (, type) ]
# which correspond exactly with a line in a Files section (the tokens separated by semicolons)
class FileEntry:
def __init__(self, tokens, line):
if len(tokens) < 5 or len(tokens) > 6:
error("Incorrect number of tokens in File entry", line)
self.stagedLocation = tokens[0]
self.baseLocation = tokens[1]
self.permissions = tokens[2]
self.owner = tokens[3] = tokens[4]
if len(tokens) == 6:
self.type = tokens[5]
self.type = ""
def __str__(self):
return self.stagedLocation + "; " + self.baseLocation + "; " + self.permissions + "; " + self.owner + "; " + + "; " + self.type
# LinkEntry
# param: tokens - a list containing [ stagedLocation, baseLocation, permissions, owner, group ]
# which correspond exactly with a line in a Links section (the tokens separated by semicolons)
class LinkEntry:
def __init__(self, tokens, line):
if len(tokens) != 5:
error("Incorrect number of tokens in Link entry", line)
self.stagedLocation = tokens[0]
self.baseLocation = tokens[1]
self.permissions = tokens[2]
self.owner = tokens[3] = tokens[4]
self.type = ""
def __str__(self):
return self.stagedLocation + "; " + self.baseLocation + "; " + self.permissions + "; " + self.owner + "; " +
# DirectoryEntry
# param: tokens - a list containing [ stagedLocation, permissions, owner, group (, type) ]
# which correspond exactly with a line in a Directories section (the tokens separated by semicolons)
class DirectoryEntry:
def __init__(self, tokens, line):
if len(tokens) < 4 or len(tokens) > 5:
error("Incorrect number of tokens in Directory entry", line)
self.stagedLocation = tokens[0]
self.permissions = tokens[1]
self.owner = tokens[2] = tokens[3]
if len(tokens) == 5:
self.type = tokens[4]
self.type = ""
def __str__(self):
return self.stagedLocation + "; " + self.permissions + "; " + self.owner + "; " + + "; " + self.type
# ConditionalLevel
# param: has_executed - whether this conditional level has evaluated to true before
# param: currently_executing - whether this level is currently executing
class ConditionalLevel:
def __init__(self, has_executed, currently_executing):
self.has_executed = has_executed
self.currently_executing = currently_executing
# ConditionalStack
# Description:
# This stack is the data structure used to keep track of the many levels of conditionals that can exist.
class ConditionalStack:
def __init__(self):
self.level_stack = []
def IsCodePathActive(self):
for level in self.level_stack:
if not level.has_executed:
return False
if not level.currently_executing:
return False
return True
# Adds a new level to the conditional stack. This occurs when there's a #if*.
def AddLevel(self):
self.level_stack.append(ConditionalLevel(False, False))
# Removes a level from the conditional stack. This occurs when there's a #endif
def RemoveLevel(self):
if len(self.level_stack) == 0:
error("Cannot RemoveLevel, there are no levels on the ConditionalStack")
# This notifies the conditional stack that we want to execute the current level of the stack.
def ExecuteCurrentLevel(self):
level = self.level_stack.pop()
if level.has_executed == True or level.currently_executing == True:
error("Trying to execute a conditional level that has already been executed or is currently executing.")
self.level_stack.append(ConditionalLevel(True, True))
# This is called in an #else* clause. This is to turn off the "currently_executing" flag if it is true.
def NextConditional(self):
# End execution if currently_executing
level = self.level_stack.pop()
if level.currently_executing == True:
level.currently_executing = False
# This is called in an #else* clause.
# returns - True if the current level has not been executed yet, False otherwise.
def CurrentLevelHasNotBeenExecutedYet(self):
if self.Empty():
error("Expecting ConditionalStack to have at least one level in it")
return not self.level_stack[-1].has_executed
def Empty(self):
return len(self.level_stack) == 0
# DataFileParser
# Description:
# This class reads the datafiles, parses them, and evaluates the commands.
class DataFileParser:
def __init__(self):
self.variables = dict()
self.defines = []
# Used for debugging
def PrintSections(self):
sorted_keys = sorted(self.sections.keys())
for key in sorted_keys:
print("****************************************** " + key + " ******************************************")
for line in self.sections[key]:
# This function handles all commands. Conditionals will be evaluted to either True and False and the conditional stack will be updated.
# Includes will insert the included section into the including section (which is variable name 'section').
# param: line - The command to be evaluated.
# param: ifstack - This is the class' ConditionalStack/
# param: section - The entire section currently being processed.
# param: linenum - Used for error messages.
# returns: 1. ifstack
# 2. section (modified if there is an #include)
# 3. linenum (modified if there is an #include)
def HandleCommand(self, line, ifstack, section, linenum):
commandline = line[0]
if len(commandline) == 0:
return ifstack
tokens = commandline.split()
firsttoken = tokens[0]
if firsttoken == "#if":
if self.Evaluate(tokens[1:], line) == True:
elif firsttoken == "#ifdef":
if self.IsDefined(tokens[1:], line) == True:
elif firsttoken == "#ifndef":
if self.IsDefined(tokens[1:], line) == False:
elif firsttoken == "#elseif":
if ifstack.CurrentLevelHasNotBeenExecutedYet() and self.Evaluate(tokens[1:], line) == True:
elif firsttoken == "#elseifdef":
if ifstack.CurrentLevelHasNotBeenExecutedYet() and self.IsDefined(tokens[1:], line) == True:
elif firsttoken == "#else":
if ifstack.CurrentLevelHasNotBeenExecutedYet():
elif firsttoken == "#endif":
elif firsttoken == "#include":
middle_section = []
for L in self.EvaluateSection(tokens[1]):
section = section[0:linenum-1] + middle_section + section[linenum-1:]
linenum += len(middle_section)
return ifstack, section, linenum
# Expression evaluator. Returns True if expression is True, False otherwise.
def Evaluate(self, expressions, line):
expr = expressions
if len(expr) < 3:
error("Bad syntax for #if")
# This will be in the format of: #if VAR OP VALUE (and/or VAR OP VALUE)*
var = expr[0]
op = expr[1]
value = expr[2]
if self.variables.get(var) == None:
error("Unable to find variable " + var + " in defined variables", line)
if op == "==":
return self.variables[var] == value
elif op == "!=":
return self.variables[var] != value
elif op == ">":
return self.variables[var] > float(value)
elif op == ">=":
return self.variables[var] >= float(value)
elif op == "<":
return self.variables[var] < float(value)
elif op == "<=":
return self.variables[var] <= float(value)
error("operator %s is not valid" % op, line);
# Returns True if the expression exists in the defines or variables, otherwise False.
def IsDefined(self, expressions, line):
expr = expressions
if len(expr) < 1:
error("Bad syntax for #ifdef", line)
var = expr[0]
if var in self.defines:
return True
if var in self.variables.keys():
return True
return False
# This is called on every line that isn't in the Variables or Defines sections, and it replaces any text inside
# two sets of braces starting with a dollar sign with the value in the self.variables dict. "${{VAR_NAME}}"
def ReplaceVariables(self, line):
# replaces all variables that appear in the form of ${{\w+}}
var_rex = re.compile(r"\$\{\{\w+\}\}")
for m in var_rex.findall(line):
line = line.replace(m, self.variables[m[3:-2]])
return line
# This function combines, in numeric order, all of the script sections for a given 'name' (ex. "Preinstall") for all numeric values appended to the 'name'.
# So if there are sections named Preinstall_10 and Preinstall_50 and Preinstall_3, this function when called for name="Preinstall" will return a section
# that contains all of the lines in Preinstall_3, followed by all of the lines in Preinstall_10, followed by all of the lines in Preinstall_50.
def GetCombinedInOrder(self, name):
returnList = []
orderedSectionList = []
# Find all sections that match 'name' followed by some optional underscores, followed by any combination of digits,
# then store those digits for numeric sorting and combining scripts
for section in self.sections.keys():
section_rex = re.compile(r"%s_*(\d*)" % name)
m = section_rex.match(section)
if m != None:
sectionPriority =
if sectionPriority == "":
sectionPriority = "0"
orderedSectionList.append( (int(sectionPriority), section) )
for orderedSection in orderedSectionList:
for line in self.sections[ orderedSection[1] ]:
return returnList
# Reads all lines in each datafile and inserts all lines from each section into self.sections.
def InhaleDataFiles(self, directory, filenames):
sections = dict()
for filename in filenames:
state = None
f = open(os.path.join(directory,filename))
lines = f.readlines()
linenumber = 0
for line in lines:
linenumber += 1
line = line.strip("\n")
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] == '%':
if len(line) > 1 and line[1] == '%':
# This is a comment, ignore it
# Begin new section
state = line[1:]
if sections.get(state) == None:
sections[state] = []
error_section("This script section is defined more than once.", state)
# Handle states
sections[state].append( (line, filename, linenumber) )
self.sections = sections
# This function is called after the datafiles have been inhaled, and it parses and handles each entry in the Variables and Defines sections.
# This allows for later sections to then rely on variables referenced by ${{VAR_NAME}}.
def EvaluateVariablesAndDefines(self):
# Add variables/defines from data files
if "Variables" in self.sections:
ifstack = ConditionalStack()
for line in self.sections["Variables"]:
varline = line[0].strip()
if len(varline) == 0:
if CheckIfCommand(varline.split(" ", 1)[0]):
ifstack, dummy, dummy = self.HandleCommand(line, ifstack, [], 0)
# If we're currently in a conditional part of the data file that evaluates to false
if not ifstack.IsCodePathActive():
tokens = varline.split(":", 1)
if len(tokens) != 2:
error(variable_usage, line)
key = tokens[0].strip()
value = tokens[1].strip()
if len(value) < 2 or not edge_quotes_match(value):
error(variable_usage, line)
# remove the quotes around the variable value
value = value[1:-1]
if self.variables.get(key) != None:
info("Variable %s is already defined." % key, line)
# add the parsed variable to the variables dict
self.variables[key] = value
if not ifstack.Empty():
error_section(too_many_ifs, "Variables")
if "Defines" in self.sections:
ifstack = ConditionalStack()
for line in self.sections["Defines"]:
defline = line[0].strip()
if len(defline) == 0:
if CheckIfCommand(defline.split(" ", 1)[0]):
ifstack, dummy, dummy = self.HandleCommand(line, ifstack, [], 0)
if not ifstack.IsCodePathActive():
if invalid_varname(defline):
error(define_usage, line)
if defline in self.defines:
info("Define %s has already been defined." % defline, line)
# add the define to the define list
if not ifstack.Empty():
error_section(too_many_ifs, "Defines")
# This evaluates all commands in a given section denoted by 'section', then returns the evaluated lines for the section.
def EvaluateSection(self, section):
newsection = []
ifstack = ConditionalStack()
if section in SCRIPT_SECTIONS:
# Combine and evaluate each script section
cursection = self.GetCombinedInOrder(section)
cursection = self.sections[section]
linenum = 0
for line in cursection:
linenum += 1
line_literal = line[0]
if len(line_literal.strip()) == 0:
if CheckIfCommand(line_literal.split(" ", 1)[0]):
ifstack, newsection, linenum = self.HandleCommand(line, ifstack, newsection, linenum)
if not ifstack.IsCodePathActive():
line_literal = self.ReplaceVariables(line_literal)
if section in FILE_SECTIONS:
tokens = line_literal.split(";")
newtokens = []
for token in tokens:
if section == "Files":
newsection.append(FileEntry(newtokens, line))
elif section == "Directories":
newsection.append(DirectoryEntry(newtokens, line))
elif section == "Links":
newsection.append(LinkEntry(newtokens, line))
error("Failing to parse line type in '" + section + "'.", line)
if not ifstack.Empty():
error_section(too_many_ifs, section)
return newsection
# This calls EvaluateSection on each "Base section" as mentioned in the README.
def EvaluateAllSections(self):
# Read through each line, evaluating #if's/#define's, evaluating variables, tokenizing/classing relevant lines, adding to new sections list
newsections = dict()
for section in section_keys:
newsections[section] = self.EvaluateSection(section)
self.sections = newsections
# Used for debugging.
def Debug(self):
print("****************************** Variables ******************************")
print("****************************** Defines ******************************")