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54 строки
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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import time
from threading import Timer
Heartbeat/progress crap
Philly requires printing PROGRESS on stdout, otherwise jobs are killed after 14400 sec.
The progress must be increasing.
To work around this on petridish, we have the following function that repeatly cheat
the progress bar with small inc.
def print_fake_progress(*args):
wa = args[0]
curr = time.time()
if curr - wa.heartbeat >= wa.interval - 1:
# subtract 1 above to be safe
if wa.not_over():
Timer(wa.interval, print_fake_progress, args=[wa]).start()
class PhillyHeartBeatWorkAround(object):
def __init__(self, interval=14300, cnt_inc=0.2, max_cnt=10000):
self.interval = interval
self.cnt = 0
self.max_cnt = max_cnt
self.n_fake = 0
self.cnt_inc = cnt_inc
self.heartbeat = time.time()
if self.not_over():
Timer(self.interval, print_fake_progress, args=[self]).start()
def new_heart_beat(self, cnt=None, is_fake=False):
if is_fake:
self.n_fake += 1
self.cnt = cnt
self.heartbeat = time.time()
def print_progress_percent(self):
pp = (float(self.cnt) + self.cnt_inc * self.n_fake) / self.max_cnt * 100.
print("\nPROGRESS: {0:07.7f}%\n".format(pp))
def not_over(self):
return self.cnt + self.n_fake * self.cnt_inc < self.max_cnt |