447 строки
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447 строки
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File: viz.py
# Credit: zxytim
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from ..utils.develop import create_dummy_func # noqa
from .argtools import shape2d
from .fs import mkdir_p
import cv2
except ImportError:
__all__ = ['interactive_imshow',
'stack_patches', 'gen_stack_patches',
'dump_dataflow_images', 'intensity_to_rgb',
def interactive_imshow(img, lclick_cb=None, rclick_cb=None, **kwargs):
img (np.ndarray): an image (expect BGR) to show.
lclick_cb, rclick_cb: a callback ``func(img, x, y)`` for left/right click event.
kwargs: can be {key_cb_a: callback_img, key_cb_b: callback_img}, to
specify a callback ``func(img)`` for keypress.
Some existing keypress event handler:
* q: destroy the current window
* x: execute ``sys.exit()``
* s: save image to "out.png"
name = 'tensorpack_viz_window'
cv2.imshow(name, img)
def mouse_cb(event, x, y, *args):
if event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONUP and lclick_cb is not None:
lclick_cb(img, x, y)
elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP and rclick_cb is not None:
rclick_cb(img, x, y)
cv2.setMouseCallback(name, mouse_cb)
key = cv2.waitKey(-1)
while key >= 128:
key = cv2.waitKey(-1)
key = chr(key & 0xff)
cb_name = 'key_cb_' + key
if cb_name in kwargs:
elif key == 'q':
elif key == 'x':
elif key == 's':
cv2.imwrite('out.png', img)
elif key in ['+', '=']:
img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=1.3, fy=1.3, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
interactive_imshow(img, lclick_cb, rclick_cb, **kwargs)
elif key == '-':
img = cv2.resize(img, None, fx=0.7, fy=0.7, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
interactive_imshow(img, lclick_cb, rclick_cb, **kwargs)
def _preprocess_patch_list(plist):
plist = np.asarray(plist)
assert plist.dtype != np.object
if plist.ndim == 3:
plist = plist[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
assert plist.ndim == 4 and plist.shape[3] in [1, 3], plist.shape
return plist
def _pad_patch_list(plist, bgcolor):
if isinstance(bgcolor, int):
bgcolor = (bgcolor, bgcolor, bgcolor)
def _pad_channel(plist):
ret = []
for p in plist:
if len(p.shape) == 2:
p = p[:, :, np.newaxis]
if p.shape[2] == 1:
p = np.repeat(p, 3, 2)
return ret
plist = _pad_channel(plist)
shapes = [x.shape for x in plist]
ph = max([s[0] for s in shapes])
pw = max([s[1] for s in shapes])
ret = np.zeros((len(plist), ph, pw, 3), dtype=plist[0].dtype)
ret[:, :, :] = bgcolor
for idx, p in enumerate(plist):
s = p.shape
sh = (ph - s[0]) // 2
sw = (pw - s[1]) // 2
ret[idx, sh:sh + s[0], sw:sw + s[1], :] = p
return ret
class Canvas(object):
def __init__(self, ph, pw,
nr_row, nr_col,
channel, border, bgcolor):
self.ph = ph
self.pw = pw
self.nr_row = nr_row
self.nr_col = nr_col
if border is None:
border = int(0.05 * min(ph, pw))
self.border = border
if isinstance(bgcolor, int):
bgchannel = 1
bgchannel = 3
self.bgcolor = bgcolor
self.channel = max(channel, bgchannel)
self.canvas = np.zeros((nr_row * (ph + border) - border,
nr_col * (pw + border) - border,
self.channel), dtype='uint8')
def draw_patches(self, plist):
assert self.nr_row * self.nr_col >= len(plist), \
"{}*{} < {}".format(self.nr_row, self.nr_col, len(plist))
if self.channel == 3 and plist.shape[3] == 1:
plist = np.repeat(plist, 3, axis=3)
cur_row, cur_col = 0, 0
if self.channel == 1:
self.canvas[:, :, :] = self.bgcolor
for patch in plist:
r0 = cur_row * (self.ph + self.border)
c0 = cur_col * (self.pw + self.border)
self.canvas[r0:r0 + self.ph, c0:c0 + self.pw] = patch
cur_col += 1
if cur_col == self.nr_col:
cur_col = 0
cur_row += 1
def get_patchid_from_coord(self, x, y):
x = x // (self.pw + self.border)
y = y // (self.pw + self.border)
idx = y * self.nr_col + x
return idx
def stack_patches(
patch_list, nr_row, nr_col, border=None,
pad=False, bgcolor=255, viz=False, lclick_cb=None):
Stacked patches into grid, to produce visualizations like the following:
.. image:: https://github.com/tensorpack/tensorpack/raw/master/examples/GAN/demo/BEGAN-CelebA-samples.jpg
patch_list(list[ndarray] or ndarray): NHW or NHWC images in [0,255].
nr_row(int), nr_col(int): rows and cols of the grid.
``nr_col * nr_row`` must be no less than ``len(patch_list)``.
border(int): border length between images.
Defaults to ``0.05 * min(patch_width, patch_height)``.
pad (boolean): when `patch_list` is a list, pad all patches to the maximum height and width.
This option allows stacking patches of different shapes together.
bgcolor(int or 3-tuple): background color in [0, 255]. Either an int
or a BGR tuple.
viz(bool): whether to use :func:`interactive_imshow` to visualize the results.
lclick_cb: A callback function ``f(patch, patch index in patch_list)``
to get called when a patch get clicked in imshow.
np.ndarray: the stacked image.
if pad:
patch_list = _pad_patch_list(patch_list, bgcolor)
patch_list = _preprocess_patch_list(patch_list)
if lclick_cb is not None:
viz = True
ph, pw = patch_list.shape[1:3]
canvas = Canvas(ph, pw, nr_row, nr_col,
patch_list.shape[-1], border, bgcolor)
if lclick_cb is not None:
def lclick_callback(img, x, y):
idx = canvas.get_patchid_from_coord(x, y)
lclick_cb(patch_list[idx], idx)
lclick_callback = None
if viz:
interactive_imshow(canvas.canvas, lclick_cb=lclick_callback)
return canvas.canvas
def gen_stack_patches(patch_list,
nr_row=None, nr_col=None, border=None,
max_width=1000, max_height=1000,
bgcolor=255, viz=False, lclick_cb=None):
Similar to :func:`stack_patches` but with a generator interface.
It takes a much-longer list and yields stacked results one by one.
For example, if ``patch_list`` contains 1000 images and ``nr_row==nr_col==10``,
this generator yields 10 stacked images.
nr_row(int), nr_col(int): rows and cols of each result.
max_width(int), max_height(int): Maximum allowed size of the
stacked image. If ``nr_row/nr_col`` are None, this number
will be used to infer the rows and cols. Otherwise the option is
patch_list, border, viz, lclick_cb: same as in :func:`stack_patches`.
np.ndarray: the stacked image.
# setup parameters
patch_list = _preprocess_patch_list(patch_list)
if lclick_cb is not None:
viz = True
ph, pw = patch_list.shape[1:3]
if border is None:
border = int(0.05 * min(ph, pw))
if nr_row is None:
nr_row = int(max_height / (ph + border))
if nr_col is None:
nr_col = int(max_width / (pw + border))
canvas = Canvas(ph, pw, nr_row, nr_col, patch_list.shape[-1], border, bgcolor)
nr_patch = nr_row * nr_col
start = 0
if lclick_cb is not None:
def lclick_callback(img, x, y):
idx = canvas.get_patchid_from_coord(x, y)
idx = idx + start
if idx < end:
lclick_cb(patch_list[idx], idx)
lclick_callback = None
while True:
end = start + nr_patch
cur_list = patch_list[start:end]
if not len(cur_list):
if viz:
interactive_imshow(canvas.canvas, lclick_cb=lclick_callback)
yield canvas.canvas
start = end
def dump_dataflow_images(df, index=0, batched=True,
number=1000, output_dir=None,
scale=1, resize=None, viz=None,
Dump or visualize images of a :class:`DataFlow`.
df (DataFlow): the DataFlow.
index (int): the index of the image component.
batched (bool): whether the component contains batched images (NHW or
NHWC) or not (HW or HWC).
number (int): how many datapoint to take from the DataFlow.
output_dir (str): output directory to save images, default to not save.
scale (float): scale the value, usually either 1 or 255.
resize (tuple or None): tuple of (h, w) to resize the images to.
viz (tuple or None): tuple of (h, w) determining the grid size to use
with :func:`gen_stack_patches` for visualization. No visualization will happen by
flipRGB (bool): apply a RGB<->BGR conversion or not.
if output_dir:
if viz is not None:
viz = shape2d(viz)
vizsize = viz[0] * viz[1]
if resize is not None:
resize = tuple(shape2d(resize))
vizlist = []
cnt = 0
while True:
for dp in df:
if not batched:
imgbatch = [dp[index]]
imgbatch = dp[index]
for img in imgbatch:
cnt += 1
if cnt == number:
if scale != 1:
img = img * scale
if resize is not None:
img = cv2.resize(img, resize)
if flipRGB:
img = img[:, :, ::-1]
if output_dir:
fname = os.path.join(output_dir, '{:03d}.jpg'.format(cnt))
cv2.imwrite(fname, img)
if viz is not None:
if viz is not None and len(vizlist) >= vizsize:
nr_row=viz[0], nr_col=viz[1], viz=True)
vizlist = vizlist[vizsize:]
def intensity_to_rgb(intensity, cmap='cubehelix', normalize=False):
Convert a 1-channel matrix of intensities to an RGB image employing a colormap.
This function requires matplotlib. See `matplotlib colormaps
<http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html>`_ for a
list of available colormap.
intensity (np.ndarray): array of intensities such as saliency.
cmap (str): name of the colormap to use.
normalize (bool): if True, will normalize the intensity so that it has
minimum 0 and maximum 1.
np.ndarray: an RGB float32 image in range [0, 255], a colored heatmap.
assert intensity.ndim == 2, intensity.shape
intensity = intensity.astype("float")
if normalize:
intensity -= intensity.min()
intensity /= intensity.max()
cmap = plt.get_cmap(cmap)
intensity = cmap(intensity)[..., :3]
return intensity.astype('float32') * 255.0
def draw_text(img, pos, text, color, font_scale=0.4):
Draw text on an image.
pos (tuple): x, y; the position of the text
text (str):
font_scale (float):
color (tuple): a 3-tuple BGR color in [0, 255]
img = img.astype(np.uint8)
x0, y0 = int(pos[0]), int(pos[1])
# Compute text size.
((text_w, text_h), _) = cv2.getTextSize(text, font, font_scale, 1)
# Place text background.
if x0 + text_w > img.shape[1]:
x0 = img.shape[1] - text_w
if y0 - int(1.15 * text_h) < 0:
y0 = int(1.15 * text_h)
back_topleft = x0, y0 - int(1.3 * text_h)
back_bottomright = x0 + text_w, y0
cv2.rectangle(img, back_topleft, back_bottomright, color, -1)
# Show text.
text_bottomleft = x0, y0 - int(0.25 * text_h)
cv2.putText(img, text, text_bottomleft, font, font_scale, (222, 222, 222), lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
return img
def draw_boxes(im, boxes, labels=None, color=None):
im (np.ndarray): a BGR image in range [0,255]. It will not be modified.
boxes (np.ndarray): a numpy array of shape Nx4 where each row is [x1, y1, x2, y2].
labels: (list[str] or None)
color: a 3-tuple BGR color (in range [0, 255])
np.ndarray: a new image.
boxes = np.asarray(boxes, dtype='int32')
if labels is not None:
assert len(labels) == len(boxes), "{} != {}".format(len(labels), len(boxes))
areas = (boxes[:, 2] - boxes[:, 0] + 1) * (boxes[:, 3] - boxes[:, 1] + 1)
sorted_inds = np.argsort(-areas) # draw large ones first
assert areas.min() > 0, areas.min()
# allow equal, because we are not very strict about rounding error here
assert boxes[:, 0].min() >= 0 and boxes[:, 1].min() >= 0 \
and boxes[:, 2].max() <= im.shape[1] and boxes[:, 3].max() <= im.shape[0], \
"Image shape: {}\n Boxes:\n{}".format(str(im.shape), str(boxes))
im = im.copy()
if color is None:
color = (15, 128, 15)
if im.ndim == 2 or (im.ndim == 3 and im.shape[2] == 1):
im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR)
for i in sorted_inds:
box = boxes[i, :]
if labels is not None:
im = draw_text(im, (box[0], box[1]), labels[i], color=color)
cv2.rectangle(im, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]),
color=color, thickness=1)
return im
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except (ImportError, RuntimeError):
intensity_to_rgb = create_dummy_func('intensity_to_rgb', 'matplotlib') # noqa
if __name__ == '__main__':
if False:
imglist = []
for i in range(100):
fname = "{:03d}.png".format(i)
for idx, patch in enumerate(gen_stack_patches(
imglist, max_width=500, max_height=200)):
of = "patch{:02d}.png".format(idx)
cv2.imwrite(of, patch)
if False:
imglist = []
img = cv2.imread('out.png')
img2 = cv2.resize(img, (300, 300))
viz = stack_patches([img, img2], 1, 2, pad=True, viz=True)
if False:
img = cv2.imread('cat.jpg')
boxes = np.asarray([
[10, 30, 200, 100],
[20, 80, 250, 250]
img = draw_boxes(img, boxes, ['asdfasdf', '11111111111111'])