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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.
import numpy as np
import os
import bisect
def _is_on_ray_left(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, inclusive=False, epsilon=0):
Return whether x3,y3 is on the left side of the ray x1,y1 -> x2,y2.
If inclusive, then the answer is left or on the ray.
If otherwise, then the answer is strictly left.
val = (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
if inclusive:
return val >= epsilon
return val > epsilon
def _convex_hull_from_points(xs, ys, eps=None, allow_increase=False):
Andrew's Monotone Chain Algorithm: (
Assume the data are sorted in order of xs, then the computation complexity is O(n)
If not sorted, then a sort by x-value is applied first. The complexity becomes O(nlog(n))
indices (list): indices for the points on the hull.
indices = list(range(len(xs)))
if len(xs) <= 1:
return indices, indices
# check xs sorted
is_monotone = True
for i in range(1, len(xs)):
if xs[i] < xs[i-1]:
is_monotone = False
if not is_monotone:
indices.sort(key=lambda i : (xs[i], ys[i]))
def _remove_non_hull_idx(x1, y1, idxs):
while len(idxs) > 1:
x2, y2 = xs[idxs[-1]], ys[idxs[-1]]
x3, y3 = xs[idxs[-2]], ys[idxs[-2]]
if not _is_on_ray_left(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
if np.abs(x1 - x2) > 1e-6 or np.abs(y1 - y2) > 1e-6:
# this ensures that the no points are duplicates
del idxs[-1]
return idxs
hull_indices = []
min_y = float('inf')
for idx in indices:
x1, y1 = xs[idx], ys[idx]
min_y = min(y1, min_y)
hull_indices = _remove_non_hull_idx(x1, y1, hull_indices)
if not allow_increase:
# use a fake final point at (2 * x_max , y_min) to remove increasing.
x1, y1 = xs[indices[-1]] * 2, min_y
hull_indices = _remove_non_hull_idx(x1, y1, hull_indices)
# compute epsilon hull (convex hull + (1+eps) band)
eps_indices = hull_indices
if eps is not None and eps > 0:
eps_indices = []
h_idx = 0 # right idx, in the hull_indices
for idx in indices:
x = xs[idx]
y = ys[idx]
if h_idx >= len(hull_indices):
# Larger than the largest model on the hull
#y_interp = min_y
y_interp = ys[hull_indices[-1]]
elif idx == hull_indices[h_idx]:
# critical pts on hull
y_interp = y
x1, y1 = x, y # hull point to left
h_idx += 1
if h_idx < len(hull_indices):
x2, y2 = xs[hull_indices[h_idx]], ys[hull_indices[h_idx]]
#x2, y2 = xs[indices[-1]] * 2, min_y
x2, y2 = xs[indices[-1]] * 2, ys[hull_indices[-1]]
# Between pts of hull
y_interp = y1 + (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1)
if np.isnan(y_interp):
y_interp = min(y1, y2)
# numerical issues when x2, x1 are close
y_interp = min(y1, y2)
if y <= y_interp * (1. + eps):
assert x1 <= x and x2 >= x, "idx={} idx[h_idx-1]={} idx[h_idx]={} x={} y={} x1={} x2={} y1={} y2={} y_interp={}".format(\
idx, hull_indices[h_idx-1], hull_indices[h_idx], x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2, y_interp)
return hull_indices, eps_indices
def _test_convex_hull():
# random points,
xs = np.random.uniform(size=100)
ys = np.random.uniform(size=100) - xs + 1.0
eps = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=0.3)
# compute eps convex hull.
hull_indices, indices = _convex_hull_from_points(xs, ys, eps=eps)
# plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
hull_xs = [xs[i] for i in indices]
hull_ys = [ys[i] for i in indices]
bound_xs = [xs[i] for i in hull_indices]
bound_ys = [ys[i] * (1+eps) for i in hull_indices]
plt.plot(bound_xs, bound_ys, c='red', label='eps-bound')
plt.scatter(xs, ys, label='pts')
plt.scatter(hull_xs, hull_ys, c='black', marker='+', label='eps-hull')
plt.savefig(os.path.join('./temp', 'debug', 'convex_hull.png'),
dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
def _convex_hull_insert(hull_xs, hull_ys, x, y, eps=0.0, eg_xs=[], eg_ys=[]):
Insert a new point (x,y) to a lower convex hull defined by
hull_xs and hull_ys.
Assume hull_xs are sorted (increasing).
remove_slice (slice or None) : None if no insert. slice(left, right) if to
remove the indices left:right
assert y >= 0, "eps greedy of convex hull need all y > 0"
# right most point is a fake point (inf, min_y), so the curve is decreasing.
# left most point is a fake point (0, inf), so that the cheapest is always kept.
n_xs = len(hull_xs)
if n_xs == 0:
# always insert
return slice(0, 0)
min_y = np.min(hull_ys)
idx = bisect.bisect_left(hull_xs, x)
if idx == n_xs:
# right most (also covers the n_xs == 1)
hull_y = min_y
elif hull_xs[idx] == x:
hull_y = hull_ys[idx]
elif idx == 0:
# left most
hull_y = y * 1.1
if hull_y == 0:
hull_y = 1.0
y1, y2 = hull_ys[idx-1:idx+1]
x1, x2 = hull_xs[idx-1:idx+1]
# linear interpolate
hull_y = y1 + (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) * (x - x1)
diff = ( y - hull_y ) / hull_y
if diff > eps:
# do not insert
return None
if diff >= 0:
# we insert b/c of eps-greedy. Or there are three points on the same line.
return slice(n_xs, n_xs)
# now diff < 0
# fix left side
slice_left = idx
for li in reversed(range(1, idx)):
x3, x2 = hull_xs[li-1:li+1]
y3, y2 = hull_ys[li-1:li+1]
to_rm_li = _is_on_ray_left(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3, inclusive=False)
if to_rm_li:
slice_left = li
# fix right side
slice_right = idx
min_y = min(y, min_y)
for li in range(idx, n_xs):
if li < n_xs - 1:
x2, x3 = hull_xs[li:li+2]
y2, y3 = hull_ys[li:li+2]
x2, x3 = hull_xs[li], hull_xs[li] * 2
y2, y3 = hull_ys[li], min_y
to_rm_li = not _is_on_ray_left(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3, inclusive=True)
if to_rm_li:
slice_right = li + 1
# TODO epsilon greedy
return slice(slice_left, slice_right)
def _test_convex_hull_insert():
import argparse
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--xs', type=str)
parser.add_argument('--ys', type=str)
parser.add_argument('-x', type=float)
parser.add_argument('-y', type=float)
args = parser.parse_args()
y_max = 1.0
y_min = 0.01
def _random_convex_perf_curve(n):
slopes = np.random.uniform(low=-3, high=-1e-2, size=n-1)
delta_ys = np.random.uniform(size=n-1)
delta_ys = delta_ys / np.sum(delta_ys) * (-y_max + y_min)
delta_xs = delta_ys / slopes
xs = [1] + list(np.cumsum(delta_xs) + 1)
ys = [y_max] + list(np.cumsum(delta_ys) + y_max)
return xs, ys
if args.xs and args.ys:
xs = list(map(float, args.xs.split(',')))
ys = list(map(float, args.ys.split(',')))
xs, ys = _random_convex_perf_curve(8)
plt.plot(xs + [xs[-1] * 2.0], ys + [y_min], color='r', marker='x')
n = len(xs)
scater_xs, scater_ys = [], []
if args.x and args.y:
x = args.x
y = args.y
locs = [0, 1, n//2, n-2, n-1]
for i in locs:
if i < n-1:
x = (xs[i] + xs[i+1]) / 2.
y = max(y_min / 2, min(y_max, (1 + np.random.uniform(-0.9, -0.3)) * (ys[i] + ys[i+1]) / 2.))
x = xs[i] * 1.5
y = max(y_min / 2, min(y_max, (1 + np.random.uniform(-0.9, -0.3)) * ys[i]))
x = (2 * xs[-1] + xs[-2]) / 3
y = y_min / 2
for x, y in zip(scater_xs, scater_ys):
ret = _convex_hull_insert(xs, ys, x, y)
print("x={} y={} ret={}".format(x, y, ret))
plt.scatter(scater_xs, scater_ys)
plt.savefig(os.path.join('./temp', 'debug', 'convex_hull_insert.png'),
dpi=plt.gcf().dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':