3. Run all Playwright tests locally. For more information about tests, read [Running & Writing Tests](#running--writing-tests).
npm test
## Code reviews
All submissions, including submissions by project members, require review. We
use GitHub pull requests for this purpose. Consult
[GitHub Help](https://help.github.com/articles/about-pull-requests/) for more
information on using pull requests.
## Code Style
- Coding style is fully defined in [.eslintrc](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/master/.eslintrc.js)
- Comments should be generally avoided. If the code would not be understood without comments, consider re-writing the code to make it self-explanatory.
To run code linter, use:
npm run eslint
## API guidelines
When authoring new API methods, consider the following:
- Expose as little information as needed. When in doubt, don’t expose new information.
- Methods are used in favor of getters/setters.
- The only exception is namespaces, e.g. `page.keyboard` and `page.coverage`
- All string literals must be small case. This includes event names and option values.
- Avoid adding "sugar" API (API that is trivially implementable in user-space) unless they're **very** common.
## Commit Messages
Commit messages should follow the Semantic Commit Messages format:
label(namespace): title
1.*label* is one of the following:
-`fix` - playwright bug fixes.
-`feat` - playwright features.
-`docs` - changes to docs, e.g. `docs(api.md): ..` to change documentation.
-`test` - changes to playwright tests infrastructure.
-`devops` - build-related work, e.g. CI related patches and general changes to the browser build infrastructure
-`chore` - everythin that doesn't fall under previous categories
2.*namespace* is put in parenthesis after label and is optional. Must be lowercase.
3.*title* is a brief summary of changes.
4.*description* is **optional**, new-line separated from title and is in present tense.
5.*footer* is **optional**, new-line separated from *description* and contains "fixes" / "references" attribution to github issues.
fix(firefox): make sure session cookies work
This patch fixes session cookies in firefox browser.
Fixes #123, fixes #234
## Writing Documentation
All public API should have a descriptive entry in [`docs/api.md`](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/master/docs/api.md). There's a [documentation linter](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/tree/master/utils/doclint) which makes sure documentation is aligned with the codebase.
To run the documentation linter, use:
npm run doc
## Adding New Dependencies
For all dependencies (both installation and development):
- **Do not add** a dependency if the desired functionality is easily implementable.
- If adding a dependency, it should be well-maintained and trustworthy.
A barrier for introducing new installation dependencies is especially high:
- **Do not add** installation dependency unless it's critical to project success.
## Running & Writing Tests
- Every feature should be accompanied by a test.
- Every public api event/method should be accompanied by a test.
- Tests should be *hermetic*. Tests should not depend on external services.
- Tests should work on all three platforms: Mac, Linux and Win. This is especially important for screenshot tests.
Playwright tests are located in [`test/test.js`](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/master/test/test.js)
and are written with a [TestRunner](https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/tree/master/utils/testrunner) framework.
These are integration tests, making sure public API methods and events work as expected.
- To run all tests:
npm run test
- To run all tests in Chromium
npm run ctest # also `ftest` for firefox and `wtest` for WebKit
- To run tests in parallel, use `-j` flag:
npm run wtest -- -j 4
- To run tests in "verbose" mode or to stop testrunner on first failure:
npm run ftest -- --verbose
npm run ftest -- --break-on-failure
- To run a specific test, substitute the `it` with `fit` (mnemonic rule: '*focus it*'):
- To run tests with custom browser executable, specify `CRPATH`, `WKPATH` or `FFPATH` env variable that points to browser executable:
CRPATH=<path-to-executable> npm run ctest
- To run tests in slow-mode:
HEADLESS=false SLOW_MO=500 npm run wtest
- To debug a test, "focus" a test first and then run:
BROWSER=chromium node --inspect-brk test/test.js
## Public API Coverage
Every public API method or event should be called at least once in tests. To ensure this, there's a `coverage` command which tracks calls to public API and reports back if some methods/events were not called.
Run all tests for all browsers with coverage enabled:
npm run coverage
There are also per-browser commands:" `npm run ccoverage`, `npm run fcoverage` and `npm run wcoverage`.