fix(scroll): scroll from under the sticky header (#4641)
When element with position:sticky covers some part of the scroll container, we could fail to scroll from under it to perform an action. To fight this, we can try different scroll alignments and scroll to the top/bottom/center in the attempt to scroll away from sticky header/footer/sidebar.
This commit is contained in:
@ -276,7 +276,19 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends js.JSHandle<T> {
options: types.PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<'error:notconnected' | 'done'> {
let retry = 0;
// We progressively wait longer between retries, up to 500ms.
const waitTime = [0, 20, 100, 500];
const waitTime = [0, 20, 100, 100, 500];
// By default, we scroll with protocol method to reveal the action point.
// However, that might not work to scroll from under position:sticky elements
// that overlay the target element. To fight this, we cycle through different
// scroll alignments. This works in most scenarios.
const scrollOptions: (ScrollIntoViewOptions | undefined)[] = [
{ block: 'end', inline: 'end' },
{ block: 'center', inline: 'center' },
{ block: 'start', inline: 'start' },
while (progress.isRunning()) {
if (retry) {
progress.log(`retrying ${actionName} action, attempt #${retry}`);
@ -288,7 +300,8 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends js.JSHandle<T> {
} else {
progress.log(`attempting ${actionName} action`);
const result = await this._performPointerAction(progress, actionName, waitForEnabled, action, options);
const forceScrollOptions = scrollOptions[retry % scrollOptions.length];
const result = await this._performPointerAction(progress, actionName, waitForEnabled, action, forceScrollOptions, options);
if (result === 'error:notvisible') {
if (options.force)
@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends js.JSHandle<T> {
return 'done';
async _performPointerAction(progress: Progress, actionName: string, waitForEnabled: boolean, action: (point: types.Point) => Promise<void>, options: types.PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<'error:notvisible' | 'error:notconnected' | 'error:notinviewport' | { hitTargetDescription: string } | 'done'> {
async _performPointerAction(progress: Progress, actionName: string, waitForEnabled: boolean, action: (point: types.Point) => Promise<void>, forceScrollOptions: ScrollIntoViewOptions | undefined, options: types.PointerActionOptions & types.PointerActionWaitOptions & types.NavigatingActionWaitOptions): Promise<'error:notvisible' | 'error:notconnected' | 'error:notinviewport' | { hitTargetDescription: string } | 'done'> {
const { force = false, position } = options;
if ((options as any).__testHookBeforeStable)
await (options as any).__testHookBeforeStable();
@ -327,9 +340,16 @@ export class ElementHandle<T extends Node = Node> extends js.JSHandle<T> {
progress.log(' scrolling into view if needed');
progress.throwIfAborted(); // Avoid action that has side-effects.
const scrolled = await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(position ? { x: position.x, y: position.y, width: 0, height: 0 } : undefined);
if (scrolled !== 'done')
return scrolled;
if (forceScrollOptions) {
await this._evaluateInUtility(([injected, node, options]) => {
if (node.nodeType === 1 /* Node.ELEMENT_NODE */)
(node as Node as Element).scrollIntoView(options);
}, forceScrollOptions);
} else {
const scrolled = await this._scrollRectIntoViewIfNeeded(position ? { x: position.x, y: position.y, width: 0, height: 0 } : undefined);
if (scrolled !== 'done')
return scrolled;
progress.log(' done scrolling');
const maybePoint = position ? await this._offsetPoint(position) : await this._clickablePoint();
@ -338,6 +338,43 @@ it('should click the button with fixed position inside an iframe', (test, { brow
expect(await frame.evaluate(() => window['result'])).toBe('Clicked');
it('should click the button behind sticky header', async ({page}) => {
await page.setViewportSize({ width: 500, height: 240 });
await page.setContent(`
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
li {
height: 80px;
border: 1px solid black;
ol {
padding-top: 160px;
div.fixed {
position: fixed;
z-index: 1001;
width: 100%;
background: red;
height: 160px;
<div class=fixed></div>
<li id=target onclick="window.__clicked = true">hi9</li>
<li>hi10</li><li>hi11</li><li>hi12</li><li>hi13</li><li id=li14>hi14</li>
await page.$eval('#li14', e => e.scrollIntoView());
expect(await page.evaluate(() => window['__clicked'])).toBe(true);
it('should click the button with deviceScaleFactor set', async ({browser, server}) => {
const context = await browser.newContext({ viewport: { width: 400, height: 400 }, deviceScaleFactor: 5 });
const page = await context.newPage();
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