462 строки
15 KiB
462 строки
15 KiB
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Third Party Programs. This software enables you to obtain software applications from other sources.
# Those applications are offered and distributed by third parties under their own license terms.
# Microsoft is not developing, distributing or licensing those applications to you, but instead,
# as a convenience, enables you to use this software to obtain those applications directly from
# the application providers.
# By using the software, you acknowledge and agree that you are obtaining the applications directly
# from the third party providers and under separate license terms, and that it is your responsibility to locate,
# understand and comply with those license terms.
# Microsoft grants you no license rights for third-party software or applications that is obtained using this software.
# See also:
# http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/5195/how-to-draw-funnel-plot-using-ggplot2-in-r/5210#5210
############ User Parameters #########
# Set of parameters from GUI
##PBI_PARAM Color of scatterplot points
#Type:string, Default:"orange", Range:NA, PossibleValues:"orange","blue","green","black"
pointsCol = "orange"
pointsCol = settings_scatter_params_pointColor
#PBI_PARAM Transparency of scatterplot points
#Type:numeric, Default:0.4, Range:[0,1], PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: NA
transparency = 0.4
transparency = settings_scatter_params_percentile/100
##PBI_PARAM Color of baseline
#Type:string, Default:"blue", Range:NA, PossibleValues:"orange","blue","green","black"
lineColor = "blue"
lineColor = settings_funnel_params_lineColor
#PBI_PARAM Sparsification of scatterplot points
#Type:bool, Default:TRUE, Range:NA, PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: NA
sparsify = TRUE
sparsify = settings_scatter_params_sparsify
#PBI_PARAM Size of points on the plot
#Type:numeric, Default: 1 , Range:[0.1,5], PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: NA
pointCex = 1
pointCex = min(50,max(settings_scatter_params_weight,1))/10
#PBI_PARAM Confidence level line
#Type:numeric, Default: 0.75 , Range:[0,1], PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: GUI input is predefined set of values
conf1 = 0.95
conf1 = as.numeric(settings_funnel_params_conf1)
#PBI_PARAM Confidence level line #2
#Type:numeric, Default: 0.95 , Range:[0,1], PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: NA
conf2 = 0.99
conf2 = as.numeric(settings_funnel_params_conf2)
axisXisPercentage = TRUE # ratio or percentage
axisXisPercentage = as.numeric(settings_axes_params_axisXisPercentage)
scaleXformat = "comma"
scaleXformat = settings_axes_params_scaleXformat
scaleYformat = "none"
scaleYformat = settings_axes_params_scaleYformat
#PBI_PARAM Size of labels on axes
sizeLabel = 12
sizeLabel = settings_axes_params_textSize
#PBI_PARAM Size of ticks on axes
sizeTicks = 6
sizeTicks = as.numeric(settings_axes_params_sizeTicks)
#PBI_PARAM Size of labels on axes
colLabel = "gray"
colLabel = settings_axes_params_colLabel
##PBI_PARAM: export out data to HTML?
#Type:logical, Default:FALSE, Range:NA, PossibleValues:NA, Remarks: NA
keepOutData = FALSE
keepOutData = settings_export_params_show
##PBI_PARAM: method of export interface
#Type: string , Default:"copy", Range:NA, PossibleValues:"copy", "download", Remarks: NA
exportMethod = "copy"
exportMethod = settings_export_params_method
##PBI_PARAM: limit the out table exported
#Type: string , Default:1000, Range:NA, PossibleValues:"1000", "10000", Inf, Remarks: NA
limitExportSize = 1000
limitExportSize = as.numeric(settings_export_params_limitExportSize)
###############Library Declarations###############
###############Internal parameters definitions#################
# Set of parameters, which are not exported to GUI
#PBI_PARAM is vertical plot
verticalPlot = FALSE
#PBI_PARAM Minimal number of points for funnel plot
minPoints = 10
#PBI_PARAM Size of warnings font
sizeWarn = 11
###############Internal functions definitions#################
#paste tooltips together separated by <br>
generateNiceTooltips = function(dataset)
myNames = names(dataset)
LMN = length(myNames)
s = 1; if(LMN > 2) s = 3
nms = myNames[s:LMN]
dta = dataset[,s:LMN]
niceTooltips = NULL
for (n in c(1:length(nms)))
if(length(nms) == 1)
niceTooltips = paste(nms," = ", dta, sep = "")
niceTooltips = paste(niceTooltips,nms[n]," = ", dta[,n], sep = "")
if(n < length(nms))
niceTooltips = paste(niceTooltips,"<br>", sep = "")
#tweak the limits of the axis
NiceLimitsAxis <- function(axisData, baseline =NULL, isPositive = TRUE)
limsA = c(min(axisData), max(axisData)) # default
baseline = sum(limsA)/2
limsA = (limsA - mean(limsA)) * 1.3 + baseline # centralize
limsA[1] = min(limsA[1], min(axisData)) # include outliers
limsA[2] = max(limsA[2], max(axisData)) # include outliers
if(limsA[1] < 0 && isPositive) # don't include region far away from 0
temp = -0.02 * (limsA[2])
limsA[1] = max(temp, limsA[1])
ConvertDF64encoding = function (df, withoutEncoding = FALSE)
header_row <- paste(names(df), collapse=", ")
tab <- apply(df, 1, function(x)paste(x, collapse=", "))
text <- paste(c(header_row, tab), collapse="\n")
x <- text
text <- paste(c(header_row, tab), collapse="\n")
x <- caTools::base64encode(text)
KeepOutDataInHTML = function(df, htmlFile = 'out.html', exportMethod = "copy", limitExportSize = 1000)
df = df[1:limitExportSize,]
outDataString64 = ConvertDF64encoding(df)
linkElem = '\n<a href="" download="data.csv" style="position: absolute; top:0px; left: 0px; z-index: 20000;" id = "mydataURL">export</a>\n'
updateLinkElem = paste('<script>\n link_element = document.getElementById("mydataURL");link_element.href = outDataString64href;', '\n</script> ', sep =' ')
var64 = paste('<script> outDataString64 ="', outDataString64, '"; </script>', sep ="")
var64href = paste('<script> outDataString64href ="data:;base64,', outDataString64, '"; </script>', sep ="")
buttonElem = '<button style="position: absolute; top:0px; left: 0px; z-index: 20000;" onclick="myFunctionCopy(1)">copy to clipboard</button>'
funcScript = '<script>
function myFunctionCopy(is64)
const el = document.createElement("textarea");
el.value = atob(outDataString64);
el.value = outDataStringPlane;
if(exportMethod == "copy")
endOfBody = paste(var64,funcScript, buttonElem,'\n</body>',sep ="")
endOfBody = paste(linkElem,var64, var64href,updateLinkElem,'\n</body>',sep ="")
ReadFullFileReplaceString('out.html', 'out.html', '</body>', endOfBody)
############# Input validation & initializations #############
if(conf2 < conf1)# swap
{ temp = conf1; conf1 = conf2; conf2 = temp}
validToPlot = TRUE
pbiWarning = ""
gpd = goodPlotDimension()
if(validToPlot && !gpd) # too small canvas
validToPlot = FALSE
pbiWarning1 = "Visual is "
pbiWarning1 = cutStr2Show(pbiWarning1, strCex = sizeWarn/6, partAvailable = 0.9)
pbiWarning2 = "too small "
pbiWarning2 = cutStr2Show(pbiWarning2, strCex = sizeWarn/6, partAvailable = 0.9)
pbiWarning<-paste(pbiWarning1, "<br>", pbiWarning2, sep="")
sizeWarn = 8 #smaller
if(validToPlot && (!exists("population") ||!exists("occurrence"))) # invalid input
validToPlot = FALSE
pbiWarning1 = "Both population and occurrence are required"
pbiWarning = cutStr2Show(pbiWarning1, strCex = sizeWarn/6, partAvailable = 0.9)
population[is.na(population)] = 0
occurrence[is.na(occurrence)] = -1
population[is.null(population)] = 0
occurrence[is.null(occurrence)] = -1
#clean data
validData = rep(TRUE,nrow(population))
validData = as.logical(validData & (population > 1) & (occurrence >= 0) & (occurrence <= population ))
if(validToPlot && (sum(validData) < minPoints)) # not enough data samples
validToPlot = FALSE
pbiWarning1 = "Not enough data samples"
pbiWarning1 = cutStr2Show(pbiWarning1, strCex = sizeWarn/6, partAvailable = 0.9)
pbiWarning2 = "for funnel plot"
pbiWarning2 = cutStr2Show(pbiWarning2, strCex = sizeWarn/6, partAvailable = 0.9)
pbiWarning<-paste(pbiWarning1, "<br>", pbiWarning2, sep="")
if(validToPlot ) # check packages
si = sessionInfo()
namesPackages = c(names(si$otherPkgs), names(si$basePkgs),names(si$loadedOnly))
checkPackages = c("XML","plotly","ggplot2","htmlwidgets","scales")
flagAllPackages = prod(checkPackages %in% namesPackages)
warning("*** Some of the packages are missing ! ***")
############# Main code #####################
dataset = cbind(population,occurrence)
dataset = cbind(population,occurrence,tooltips)
dataset = dataset[validData,]# keep only valid
namesDS = names(dataset)
countValue = dataset[,1]
p = dataset[,2]/dataset[,1]
p.se <- sqrt((p*(1-p)) / (countValue))
df <- data.frame(p, countValue, p.se)
## common effect (fixed effect model)
p.fem <- weighted.mean(p[p.se>0], 1/p.se[p.se>0]^2)
## lower and upper limits, based on FEM estimator
zLow = qnorm(conf1)
zUp = qnorm(conf2)
mult = 1
entryWordLabelY = "Ratio of "
mult = 100
entryWordLabelY = "Percentage of "
number.seq <- seq(from = min(countValue), to = max(countValue), length.out= 1000)
number.llconf1 <- (p.fem - zLow * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (number.seq)))*mult
number.ulconf1 <- (p.fem + zLow * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (number.seq)))*mult
number.llconf2 <- (p.fem - zUp * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (number.seq)))*mult
number.ulconf2 <- (p.fem + zUp * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (number.seq)))*mult
exportDF = dataset
exportDF$p = p * mult
exportDF$llconf1 <- (p.fem - zLow * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (countValue)))*mult
exportDF$ulconf1 <- (p.fem + zLow * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (countValue)))*mult
exportDF$llconf2 <- (p.fem - zUp * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (countValue)))*mult
exportDF$ulconf2 <- (p.fem + zUp * sqrt((p.fem*(1-p.fem)) / (countValue)))*mult
yAxis = p*mult
p.fem = p.fem*mult
dfCI <- data.frame(number.llconf1, number.ulconf1, number.llconf2, number.ulconf2, number.seq, p.fem)
#tweak the limits of the y-axis
limsY = NiceLimitsAxis(axisData = yAxis, baseline = p.fem)
xLabText = cutStr2Show( namesDS[1], strCex = sizeLabel/6, isH = TRUE, partAvailable = 0.85)
yLabText = cutStr2Show( paste(entryWordLabelY, namesDS[2], sep =""), strCex = sizeLabel/6, isH = FALSE, partAvailable = 0.85)
## draw plot
drawPoints = SparsifyScatter(dataset)# remove points from dense regions
drawPoints = SparsifyScatter(dataset,minMaxPoints = c(Inf,Inf))
fp <- ggplot(aes(x = countValue[drawPoints], y = yAxis[drawPoints]), data = df[drawPoints,])
fp <- fp + geom_point(shape = 19, colour = alpha(pointsCol,transparency), size = pointCex*2 )
fp <- fp + geom_line(aes(x = number.seq, y = number.llconf1),linetype = 1, colour = "green",data = dfCI)
fp <- fp + geom_line(aes(x = number.seq, y = number.ulconf1),linetype = 1, colour = "green", data = dfCI)
fp <- fp + geom_line(aes(x = number.seq, y = number.llconf2),linetype = 2, colour = "red",data = dfCI)
fp <- fp + geom_line(aes(x = number.seq, y = number.ulconf2), linetype = 2, colour = "red",data = dfCI)
fp <- fp + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = p.fem), data = dfCI, colour = lineColor, linetype = 4)
if(scaleYformat %in% c("none"))
fp <- fp + scale_y_continuous(limits =limsY)
if(scaleYformat %in% c("comma"))
fp <- fp + scale_y_continuous(limits =limsY, labels = comma)
if(scaleYformat %in% c("scientific"))
fp <- fp + scale_y_continuous(limits =limsY, labels = scientific)
if(scaleXformat %in% c("comma"))
fp <- fp + scale_x_continuous(labels = comma)
if(scaleXformat %in% c("dollar"))
fp <- fp + scale_x_continuous(labels = dollar)
if(scaleXformat %in% c("scientific"))
fp <- fp + scale_x_continuous(labels = scientific)
fp <- fp + xlab(xLabText) + ylab(yLabText) + theme_bw()
fp <- fp + coord_flip()
}else{# empty plot
fp <- ggplot()
#add warning as title
fp = fp + labs (title = pbiWarning, caption = NULL) + theme_bw() +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = sizeWarn),
axis.title=element_text(size = sizeLabel, colour = colLabel),
axis.text=element_text(size = sizeTicks),
panel.border = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line())
if(!validToPlot) # remove box from empty plot
fp = fp + theme(axis.line = element_blank())
############# Create and save widget ###############
p = ggplotly(fp);
disabledButtonsList <- list('toImage', 'sendDataToCloud', 'zoom2d', 'pan', 'pan2d', 'select2d', 'lasso2d', 'hoverClosestCartesian', 'hoverCompareCartesian')
p$x$config$modeBarButtonsToRemove = disabledButtonsList
p <- config(p, staticPlot = FALSE, editable = FALSE, sendData = FALSE, showLink = FALSE,
displaylogo = FALSE, collaborate = FALSE, cloud=FALSE)
layerScatter = 1 # first layer is scatter
ntt = generateNiceTooltips(dataset[drawPoints,])
#tooltips on scatter
p$x$data[[layerScatter]]$text = ntt
#tooltips on lines
p$x$data[[2]]$text = paste(as.character(conf1*100),"% limits (l)",sep ="")
p$x$data[[3]]$text = paste(as.character(conf1*100),"% limits (u)",sep ="")
p$x$data[[4]]$text = paste(as.character(conf2*100),"% limits (l)",sep ="")
p$x$data[[5]]$text = paste(as.character(conf2*100),"% limits (u)",sep ="")
p$x$data[[6]]$text = paste("baseline ", as.character(round(p.fem,4)), sep ="")
internalSaveWidget(p, 'out.html')
# resolve bug in plotly (margin of 40 px)
ReadFullFileReplaceString('out.html', 'out.html', ',"padding":40,', ',"padding":0,')
KeepOutDataInHTML(df = exportDF, htmlFile = 'out.html', exportMethod = exportMethod, limitExportSize = limitExportSize)