
102 строки
7.8 KiB

"pacCLI.openDocumentation.title": "Documentation",
"pacCLI.openPacLab.title": "Open PAC Lab",
"pacCLI.pacHelp.title": "Show PAC Help",
"pacCLI.pacAuthHelp.title": "Show PAC Authentication Help",
"pacCLI.pacPackageHelp.title": "Show PAC Package Help",
"pacCLI.pacPcfHelp.title": "Show PAC PCF Help",
"pacCLI.pacSolutionHelp.title": "Show PAC Solution Help",
"pacCLI.disableTelemetry.title": "Disable PAC Telemetry",
"pacCLI.enableTelemetry.title": "Enable PAC telemetry",
"power-platform-activitybar.title": "Power Platform",
"powerpages.copilotPanel.title": "Copilot In Power Pages",
"powerpages.copilotPanel.clearConversation.title": "Clear Conversation",
"pacCLI.authPanel.title": "Auth Profiles",
"pacCLI.authPanel.welcome.whenInteractiveSupported": {
"message": "No auth profiles found on this computer.\n[Add Auth Profile](command:pacCLI.authPanel.newAuthProfile)",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The second line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:pacCLI.authPanel.newAuthProfile)', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"pacCLI.authPanel.welcome.whenInteractiveNotSupported": {
"message": "No auth profiles found on this computer.\nInteractive Authentication is not availalbe for remote scenarios; auth profiles must be created by the command line. The `--deviceCode` flow must be used for users with MFA requirements, or whose tenants use ADFS.\n[View Auth Profile Help](command:pacCLI.pacAuthHelp)",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The second line should not translate the argument `--deviceCode`",
"The third line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:pacCLI.pacAuthHelp)', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"pacCLI.authPanel.clearAuthProfile.title": "Clear Auth Profiles",
"pacCLI.authPanel.refresh.title": "Refresh",
"pacCLI.authPanel.newDataverseAuthProfile.title": "New Auth Profile",
"pacCLI.authPanel.selectAuthProfile.title": "Select Auth Profile",
"pacCLI.authPanel.deleteAuthProfile.title": "Delete Auth Profile",
"pacCLI.authPanel.nameAuthProfile.title": "Name/Rename Auth Profile",
"pacCLI.authPanel.navigateToResource.title": "Navigate to Resource",
"pacCLI.authPanel.copyUser.title": "Copy User",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.title": "Environments & Solutions",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.refresh.title": "Refresh",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.selectEnvironment.title": "Select Environment",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyDisplayName.title": "Copy Display Name",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyEnvironmentId.title": "Copy Environment Id",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyEnvironmentUrl.title": "Copy Environment Url",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyOrganizationId.title": "Copy Organization Id",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyFriendlyName.title": "Copy Friendly Name",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyUniqueName.title": "Copy Unique Name",
"pacCLI.envAndSolutionsPanel.copyVersionNumber.title": "Copy Version Number",
"powerPlatform.auth.cloud.description": "Which Azure Cloud Power Platform Tools should use for authentication.",
"powerPlatform.experimental.auth.testCloudOverride.description": {
"message": "Overrides `#powerPlatform.auth.cloud#` for test targets. Leave blank for default behavior.",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and `#powerPlatform.auth.cloud#` must remain unmodified."
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.preview-show.title": "PowerApps Portal -> Show preview",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.webExtension.init.title": "Initialize Web Extension",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.title": "Edit Power Pages code",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.description": "Discover how you can make complete, modern websites right in Visual Studio Code",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.overview.title": "Overview",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.overview.description": {
"message": "Now easily edit code of your Power Pages site. Access code from supported site components like forms, content snippets, lists, and more from within Visual Studio Code.\n \n To learn more, visit [Edit Power Pages code in VS Code](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.overview-learn-more).",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The second line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.overview-learn-more)', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.fileSystem.title": "File explorer",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.fileSystem.description": {
"message": "Find your page files organized in folders under your site name. All your pages are arranged into HTML, CSS, and JS files within the respective site component folders. \n \n You can find site components like forms, content snippets, lists, and more to edit. \n \n To learn more, visit [Power Pages file structure in VS Code](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.fileSystem-documentation). \n \n[Visit site folder](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.fileSystem-open-folder)",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The seventh line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.fileSystem-documentation).', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified",
"The eighth line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.fileSystem-open-folder)', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.advancedCapabilities.title": "Advanced capabilities",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.advancedCapabilities.description": {
"message": "Visual Studio Code for Web enables editing and publishing of web pages on your website.\n \n For a command line interface and more advanced capabilities, install the Power Platform Extension for VS Code, available in the VS Code Marketplace for desktop. \n \n [Learn More](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.advancedCapabilities-learn-more) about the difference between Visual Studio Code for desktop and web.\n \n[Start coding](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.advancedCapabilities-start-coding)",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The fifth line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.advancedCapabilities-learn-more) TRANSLATION', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified",
"The seventh line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.advancedCapabilities-start-coding)', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.saveConflict.title": "Save conflict",
"microsoft-powerapps-portals.walkthrough.saveConflict.description": {
"message": "Avoid accidental overwrites when you try to save outdated code in VS Code for the Web. You can compare the changes side-by-side and decide to accept or revert the changes. \n \nTo learn more, visit [Prevent accidental overwrites](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.saveConflict-learn-more).",
"comment": [
"This is a Markdown formatted string, and the formatting must persist across translations.",
"The fifth line should be '[TRANSLATION HERE](command:powerplatform-walkthrough.saveConflict-learn-more).', keeping brackets and the text in the parentheses unmodified"
"microsoft-powerplatform-portals.navigation-loop.powerPagesFileExplorer.title": "POWER PAGES ACTIONS"