
15 строки
949 B

- PreposeGestureRecognizer - UI application based on a Kinect sample
- requires BigRationalLibrary for Z3 manipulation
- requires ICSharpCode.AvalonEdit for UI color highlighting and completion of Repose text (open source library)
- Microsoft.Z3
- also as part of the build, native DLLs are copied
- copy "$(SolutionDir)External\x64\libz3.dll" "$(OutDir)libz3.dll"
- copy "$(SolutionDir)External\x64\Kinect20.dll" "$(OutDir)Kinect20.dll" // TODO
- CustomHighlighting.xshd contains highlighting for Repose
- Can hit an exception parsing XAML if you're lacking the rigth Kinect SDK
- PreposeGestures - library for parsing, Z3 compilation and for safety testing and static analysis and runtime support
- To regenerate the grammar, update the hard-coded path in build.bat and run it. You'll need to have Java JRE installed on you machine, because ANTLR depends on it.
- public partial class PreposeGesturesParser : Antlr4.Runtime.Parser {