
273 строки
8.6 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

2020-12-03 13:51:59 +03:00
namespace jacdac {
const ch_b = 98
const ch_i = 105
const ch_r = 114
const ch_s = 115
const ch_u = 117
const ch_x = 120
const ch_z = 122
const ch_0 = 48
const ch_9 = 57
const ch_colon = 58
function numberFormatOfType(tp: string): NumberFormat {
switch (tp) {
case "u8": return NumberFormat.UInt8LE
case "u16": return NumberFormat.UInt16LE
case "u32": return NumberFormat.UInt32LE
case "i8": return NumberFormat.Int8LE
case "i16": return NumberFormat.Int16LE
case "i32": return NumberFormat.Int32LE
default: return null
function bufferToString(buf: Buffer) {
return buf.toString();
function stringToBuffer(str: string) {
return Buffer.fromUTF8(str);
function bufferSlice(buf: Buffer, start: number, end: number) {
return buf.slice(start, end - start)
class TokenParser {
c0: number
size: number
div: number
fp = 0
nfmt: NumberFormat
word: string
constructor(public fmt: string) { }
parse() {
this.div = 1
const fmt = this.fmt
while (this.fp < fmt.length) {
let endp = this.fp
while (endp < fmt.length && fmt.charCodeAt(endp) != 32)
let word = fmt.slice(this.fp, endp)
this.fp = endp + 1
if (!word)
const dotIdx = word.indexOf(".")
let c0 = word.charCodeAt(0)
// "u10.6" -> "u16", div = 1 << 6
if ((c0 == ch_i || c0 == ch_u) && dotIdx >= 0) {
const sz0 = parseInt(word.slice(1, dotIdx))
const sz1 = parseInt(word.slice(dotIdx + 1))
word = word[0] + (sz0 + sz1)
this.div = 1 << sz1
const c1 = word.charCodeAt(1)
if (ch_0 <= c1 && c1 <= ch_9) {
this.size = parseInt(word.slice(1))
} else {
this.size = -1
this.nfmt = numberFormatOfType(word)
this.word = word
if (this.nfmt == null) {
if (c0 == ch_r) {
if (c1 != ch_colon)
c0 = 0
} else if (c0 == ch_s || c0 == ch_b || c0 == ch_x) {
if (word.length != 1 && this.size == -1)
c0 = 0
} else if (c0 == ch_z) {
if (word.length != 1)
c0 = 0
} else {
c0 = 0
if (c0 == 0)
throw `invalid format: ${word}`
this.c0 = c0
} else {
this.size = Buffer.sizeOfNumberFormat(this.nfmt)
this.c0 = -1
return true
return false
function jdunpackCore(buf: Buffer, fmt: string, repeat: boolean): any[] {
const repeatRes: any[][] = repeat ? [] : null
let res: any[] = []
let off = 0
const parser = new TokenParser(fmt)
while (parser.parse()) {
let sz = parser.size
const c0 = parser.c0
if (c0 == ch_z) {
let endoff = off
while (endoff < buf.length && buf[endoff] != 0)
sz = endoff - off
} else if (sz < 0) {
sz = buf.length - off
if (parser.nfmt !== null) {
let v = buf.getNumber(parser.nfmt, off)
if (parser.div != 1) v /= parser.div
off += parser.size
} else {
const subbuf = bufferSlice(buf, off, off + sz)
if (c0 == ch_z || c0 == ch_s) {
let zerop = 0
while (zerop < subbuf.length && subbuf[zerop] != 0)
res.push(bufferToString(bufferSlice(subbuf, 0, zerop)))
} else if (c0 == ch_b) {
} else if (c0 == ch_x) {
// skip padding
} else if (c0 == ch_r) {
res.push(jdunpackCore(subbuf, fmt.slice(parser.fp, fmt.length), true))
} else {
throw `whoops`
off += subbuf.length
if (c0 == ch_z)
if (off >= buf.length)
if (repeat && parser.fp >= fmt.length) {
parser.fp = 0
res = []
if (repeat) {
if (res.length)
return repeatRes
} else {
return res
export function jdunpack(buf: Buffer, fmt: string): any[] {
return jdunpackCore(buf, fmt, false)
function jdpackCore(trg: Buffer, fmt: string, data: any[], off: number) {
let idx = 0
const parser = new TokenParser(fmt)
while (parser.parse()) {
const c0 = parser.c0
const v = data[idx++]
if (c0 == ch_r) {
const fmt0 = fmt.slice(parser.fp)
for (const velt of (v as any[][])) {
off = jdpackCore(trg, fmt0, velt, off)
if (parser.nfmt !== null) {
if (typeof v != "number")
throw `expecting number`
if (trg)
trg.setNumber(parser.nfmt, off, (v * parser.div) | 0)
off += parser.size
} else {
let buf: Buffer;
if (typeof v == "string") {
if (c0 == ch_z)
buf = stringToBuffer(v + "\u0000")
else if (c0 == ch_s)
buf = stringToBuffer(v)
throw `unexpected string`
} else if (c0 == ch_b && v && typeof v == "object") {
buf = v
} else {
throw `expecting string or buffer`
let sz = parser.size
if (sz >= 0) {
if (buf.length > sz)
buf = bufferSlice(buf, 0, sz)
} else {
sz = buf.length
if (trg)
trg.write(off, buf)
off += sz
if (data.length > idx)
throw `format too short`
return off
export function jdpack(fmt: string, data: any[]): Buffer {
const len = jdpackCore(null, fmt, data, 0)
const res = Buffer.create(len)
jdpackCore(res, fmt, data, 0)
return res
export function jdpackTest() {
function checksame(a: any, b: any) {
const as = JSON.stringify(a, null, 2);
const bs = JSON.stringify(b, null, 2);
if (as !== bs) {
throw "not the same"
function testOne(fmt: string, data0: any[]) {
console.log(`format: ${fmt}`)
const buf = jdpack(fmt, data0)
const data1 = jdunpack(buf, fmt)
checksame(data0, data1)
testOne("z b", ["foo12", stringToBuffer("bar")])
testOne("u16 u16 i16", [42, 77, -10])
testOne("u16 z s", [42, "foo", "bar"])
testOne("u32 z s", [42, "foo", "bar"])
testOne("i8 z s", [42, "foo", "bar"])
testOne("u8 z s", [42, "foo12", "bar"])
testOne("u8 r: u8 z", [42, [[17, "xy"], [18, "xx"]]])
testOne("u16 r: u16", [42, [[17], [18]]])
testOne("i8 s9 u16 s10 u8", [-100, "foo", 1000, "barbaz", 250])