
180 строки
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Исходник Обычный вид История

namespace jacdac {
// Service GPIO constants
export const SRV_GPIO = 0x10d85a69
export const enum GPIOMode { // uint8_t
//% block="off"
Off = 0x0,
//% block="off pull up"
OffPullUp = 0x10,
//% block="off pull down"
OffPullDown = 0x20,
//% block="input"
Input = 0x1,
//% block="input pull up"
InputPullUp = 0x11,
//% block="input pull down"
InputPullDown = 0x21,
//% block="output"
Output = 0x2,
//% block="output high"
OutputHigh = 0x12,
//% block="output low"
OutputLow = 0x22,
//% block="analog in"
AnalogIn = 0x3,
//% block="alternative"
Alternative = 0x4,
//% block="base mode mask"
BaseModeMask = 0xf,
export const enum GPIOCapabilities { // uint16_t
//% block="pull up"
PullUp = 0x1,
//% block="pull down"
PullDown = 0x2,
//% block="input"
Input = 0x4,
//% block="output"
Output = 0x8,
//% block="analog"
Analog = 0x10,
export const enum GPIOReg {
* Read-only digital_values bytes. For every pin set to `Input*` the corresponding **bit** in `digital_values` will be `1` if and only if
* the pin is high.
* For other pins, the bit is `0`.
* This is normally streamed at low-ish speed, but it's also automatically reported whenever
* a digital input pin changes value (throttled to ~100Hz).
* The analog values can be read with the `ADC` service.
* ```
* const [digitalValues] = jdunpack<[Buffer]>(buf, "b")
* ```
State = 0x101,
* Read-only # uint8_t. Number of pins that can be operated through this service.
* ```
* const [numPins] = jdunpack<[number]>(buf, "u8")
* ```
NumPins = 0x180,
export namespace GPIORegPack {
* Pack format for 'state' data.
export const State = "b"
* Pack format for 'num_pins' data.
export const NumPins = "u8"
export const enum GPIOCmd {
* Configure (including setting the value) zero or more pins.
* `Alternative` settings means the pin is controlled by other service (SPI, I2C, UART, PWM, etc.).
* ```
* const [rest] = jdunpack<[([number, jacdac.GPIOMode])[]]>(buf, "r: u8 u8")
* const [pin, mode] = rest[0]
* ```
Configure = 0x80,
* Argument: pin uint8_t. Report capabilities and name of a pin.
* ```
* const [pin] = jdunpack<[number]>(buf, "u8")
* ```
PinInfo = 0x81,
* report PinInfo
* ```
* const [pin, hwPin, capabilities, mode, label] = jdunpack<[number, number, jacdac.GPIOCapabilities, jacdac.GPIOMode, string]>(buf, "u8 u8 u16 u8 s")
* ```
* Argument: label string (bytes). This responds with `pin_info` report.
* ```
* const [label] = jdunpack<[string]>(buf, "s")
* ```
PinByLabel = 0x83,
* report PinByLabel
* ```
* const [pin, hwPin, capabilities, mode, label] = jdunpack<[number, number, jacdac.GPIOCapabilities, jacdac.GPIOMode, string]>(buf, "u8 u8 u16 u8 s")
* ```
* Argument: hw_pin uint8_t. This responds with `pin_info` report.
* ```
* const [hwPin] = jdunpack<[number]>(buf, "u8")
* ```
PinByHwPin = 0x84,
* report PinByHwPin
* ```
* const [pin, hwPin, capabilities, mode, label] = jdunpack<[number, number, jacdac.GPIOCapabilities, jacdac.GPIOMode, string]>(buf, "u8 u8 u16 u8 s")
* ```
export namespace GPIOCmdPack {
* Pack format for 'configure' data.
export const Configure = "r: u8 u8"
* Pack format for 'pin_info' data.
export const PinInfo = "u8"
* Pack format for 'pin_info' data.
export const PinInfoReport = "u8 u8 u16 u8 s"
* Pack format for 'pin_by_label' data.
export const PinByLabel = "s"
* Pack format for 'pin_by_label' data.
export const PinByLabelReport = "u8 u8 u16 u8 s"
* Pack format for 'pin_by_hw_pin' data.
export const PinByHwPin = "u8"
* Pack format for 'pin_by_hw_pin' data.
export const PinByHwPinReport = "u8 u8 u16 u8 s"