namespace modules { //% fixedInstances //% blockGap=8 export class LedClient extends jacdac.Client { private _dirty = false private _localPixels: Buffer private _autoShow = true private _autoShowUnsub: () => void private readonly _pixels: jacdac.RegisterClient<[Buffer]> private readonly _brightness: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _actualBrightness: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _numPixels: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _numColumns: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _maxPower: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _ledsPerPixel: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _waveLength: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _luminousIntensity: jacdac.RegisterClient<[number]> private readonly _variant: jacdac.RegisterClient<[jacdac.LedVariant]> constructor(role: string) { super(jacdac.SRV_LED, role) this._pixels = this.addRegister<[Buffer]>( jacdac.LedReg.Pixels, jacdac.LedRegPack.Pixels ) this._brightness = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.Brightness, jacdac.LedRegPack.Brightness ) this._actualBrightness = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.ActualBrightness, jacdac.LedRegPack.ActualBrightness ) this._numPixels = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.NumPixels, jacdac.LedRegPack.NumPixels, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) this._numColumns = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.NumColumns, jacdac.LedRegPack.NumColumns, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional | jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) this._maxPower = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.MaxPower, jacdac.LedRegPack.MaxPower, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional ) this._ledsPerPixel = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.LedsPerPixel, jacdac.LedRegPack.LedsPerPixel, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional | jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) this._waveLength = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.WaveLength, jacdac.LedRegPack.WaveLength, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional | jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) this._luminousIntensity = this.addRegister<[number]>( jacdac.LedReg.LuminousIntensity, jacdac.LedRegPack.LuminousIntensity, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional | jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) this._variant = this.addRegister<[jacdac.LedVariant]>( jacdac.LedReg.Variant, jacdac.LedRegPack.Variant, jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Optional | jacdac.RegisterClientFlags.Const ) // render again when number of pixels known this._numPixels.on(jacdac.REPORT_UPDATE, () => // maximum size (may be reduced on call to show) this._localPixels = Buffer.create( jacdac.CONST_LED_MAX_PIXELS_LENGTH * 3 ) } /** * Set the luminosity of the strip. * At `0` the power to the strip is completely shut down. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% block="%led brightness" //% blockId=jacdac_led_brightness___get //% weight=98 brightness(): number { this.start() const values = this._brightness.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] * 100 } /** * Set the luminosity of the strip. * At `0` the power to the strip is completely shut down. */ //% group="LED" //% blockId=jacdac_led_brightness___set //% block="set %led brightness to %value" //% weight=97 //% value.min=0 //% value.max=100 //% value.defl=0.05 setBrightness(value: number) { this.start() const values = this._brightness.values as any[] values[0] = value / 100 this._brightness.values = values as [number] } /** * This is the luminosity actually applied to the strip. * May be lower than `brightness` if power-limited by the `max_power` register. * It will rise slowly (few seconds) back to `brightness` is limits are no longer required. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=96 actualBrightness(): number { this.start() const values = this._actualBrightness.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] * 100 } /** * Specifies the number of pixels in the strip. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=95 //% blockId=jacdac_led_num_pixels //% block="%led number of pixels" numPixels(): number { this.start() const values = this._numPixels.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * If the LED pixel strip is a matrix, specifies the number of columns. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=94 numColumns(): number { this.start() const values = this._numColumns.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * Limit the power drawn by the light-strip (and controller). */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=93 maxPower(): number { this.start() const values = this._maxPower.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * Limit the power drawn by the light-strip (and controller). */ //% group="LED" //% weight=92 //% value.min=0 //% value.max=65535 //% value.defl=200 setMaxPower(value: number) { this.start() const values = this._maxPower.values as any[] values[0] = value this._maxPower.values = values as [number] } /** * If known, specifies the number of LEDs in parallel on this device. * The actual number of LEDs is `num_pixels * leds_per_pixel`. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=91 ledsPerPixel(): number { this.start() const values = this._ledsPerPixel.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * If monochrome LED, specifies the wave length of the LED. * Register is missing for RGB LEDs. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=90 waveLength(): number { this.start() const values = this._waveLength.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * The luminous intensity of all the LEDs, at full brightness, in micro candella. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=89 luminousIntensity(): number { this.start() const values = this._luminousIntensity.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * Specifies the shape of the light strip. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=88 variant(): jacdac.LedVariant { this.start() const values = this._variant.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * Gets the pixel color buffer, where every pixel color is encoded as a 24 bit RGB color. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=98 pixels(): Buffer { this.start() const values = this._pixels.pauseUntilValues() as any[] return values[0] } /** * Sets the local pixel color buffer, where every pixel color is encoded as a 24 bit RGB color. */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=98 setPixels(pixels: Buffer) { if (!pixels) return this._localPixels = pixels this.setDirty() } /** * Turn on/off the ability to automatically show changes. If false, the user must call 'show'. * @param value */ setAutoShow(value: boolean) { this._autoShow = !!value if (this._autoShow) else this.stopAutoShow() } private startAutoShow() { if (this._autoShowUnsub) return this._autoShowUnsub = jacdac.bus.subscribeRefresh(() => this.refresh() ) this.on(jacdac.DISCONNECT, () => this.stopAutoShow()) } private stopAutoShow() { const unsub = this._autoShowUnsub this._autoShowUnsub = undefined if (unsub) unsub() } private setDirty() { if (!this._dirty) { this._dirty = true if (!this._autoShowUnsub) this.startAutoShow() } } private refresh() { if (this._dirty) { } } /** * Sends the local pixel buffer to device immediately, instead of waiting for the rendering loop */ //% callInDebugger //% group="LED" //% weight=98 show() { this.start() const numPixels = this.numPixels() if ( !isNaN(numPixels) && numPixels > 0 && numPixels * 3 !== this._localPixels.length ) { // create a new buffer of the correct length and copy over const newBuf = Buffer.create(numPixels * 3) newBuf.write(0, this._localPixels) this._localPixels = newBuf } this._pixels.values = [this._localPixels] as [Buffer] this._dirty = isNaN(numPixels) } /** * Set a single of the pixels on the strip to one RGB color. * You need to call ``show`` to make the changes visible. * @param rgb RGB color of the LED */ //% blockId="jacdac_leddisplay_set_pixel_color" block="set %display color at pixel %index to %rgb=colorNumberPicker" //% weight=81 blockGap=8 //% group="LED" setPixelColor(index: number, rgb: number) { index = index | 0 const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels) return if (index >= 0 && (index + 1) * 3 <= pixels.length) { const r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff const g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff const b = rgb & 0xff const k = index * 3 if ( pixels[k] != r || pixels[k + 1] != g || pixels[k + 2] != b ) { pixels[k] = r pixels[k + 1] = g pixels[k + 2] = b this.setDirty() } } } /** * Set all of the pixels on the strip to one RGB color. * @param rgb RGB color of the LED */ //% blockId="jacdac_leddisplay_set_strip_color" block="set %display all to %rgb=colorNumberPicker" //% weight=80 blockGap=8 //% group="LED" setAll(rgb: number) { const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels) return const r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff const g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff const b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff let dirty = this._dirty for (let i = 0; i + 2 < pixels.length; i += 3) { dirty = dirty || pixels[i] != r || pixels[i + 1] != g || pixels[i + 2] != b pixels[i] = r pixels[i + 1] = g pixels[i + 2] = b } if (dirty) this.setDirty() } private _barGraphHigh = 0 private _barGraphHighLast = 0 /** * Displays a vertical bar graph based on the `value` and `high` value. * If `high` is 0, the chart gets adjusted automatically. * @param value current value to plot * @param high maximum value, eg: 255 */ //% weight=84 //% blockId=jacdac_led_show_bar_graph block="plot %strip bar graph of $value||up to $high" plotBarGraph(value: number, high?: number): void { if (isNaN(value)) { this.clear() this.setDirty() return } const n = this.numPixels() const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels || n <= 0) return value = Math.abs(value) const now = control.millis() // auto-scale "high" is not provided if (high > 0) { this._barGraphHigh = high } else if ( value > this._barGraphHigh || now - this._barGraphHighLast > 10000 ) { this._barGraphHigh = value this._barGraphHighLast = now } // normalize lack of data to 0..1 if (this._barGraphHigh < 16 * Number.EPSILON) this._barGraphHigh = 1 // normalize value to 0..1 const v = value / this._barGraphHigh const dv = 1 / n const n1 = n - 1 this.clear() for (let cv = 0, i = 0; cv < v && i < n; ++i) { const b = Math.idiv(i * 0xff, n - 1) pixels[i * 3] = b pixels[i * 3 + 2] = 0xff - b cv += dv } this.setDirty() } /** * Shift LEDs forward and clear with zeros. * You need to call ``show`` to make the changes visible. * @param offset number of pixels to shift forward, eg: 1 */ //% blockId="jacdac_leddisplay_shift" block="shift %display pixels by %offset" blockGap=8 //% weight=40 //% group="LED" shift(offset = 1): void { offset = offset >> 0 if (!offset) return const stride = 3 const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels) return pixels.shift(-offset * stride) this.setDirty() } /** * Rotate LEDs forward. * You need to call ``show`` to make the changes visible. * @param offset number of pixels to rotate forward, eg: 1 */ //% blockId="jacdac_leddisplay_rotate" block="rotate %display pixels by %offset" blockGap=8 //% weight=39 rotate(offset = 1): void { offset = offset >> 0 if (!offset) return const stride = 3 const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels) return pixels.rotate(-offset * stride) this.setDirty() } private clear() { const pixels = this._localPixels if (!pixels) return pixels.fill(0, 0, pixels.length) } } //% fixedInstance whenUsed export const led1 = new LedClient("led 1") }