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2019-07-22 00:12:48 +03:00
# python-program-analysis
2019-07-11 03:52:22 +03:00
A Typescript library for parsing Python 3 and doing basic program analysis,
like forming control-flow graphs and def-use chains.
## Parsing
To parse Python 3 code, pass a string containing the code to the `parse` method.
const code = [
'x, y = 0, 0',
'while x < 10:',
' y += x * 2',
' x += 1',
const tree = parse(code.join('\n'));
This method returns a tree of `SyntaxNode` objects, discriminated with a `type` field.
The library also provides a function `walk` for pre-order tree traversal. With no arguments, it returns
a list of the syntax nodes in the tree.
walk(tree).map(node => node.type)
// produces ["module", "assign", "literal", "literal", "name", "name", "while", "binop", …]
Optionally, `walk` takes a visitor object with methods `onEnterNode` (for pre-order traversal) and `onExitNode` (for post-order traversal).
Syntax nodes can be turned back into code with the `printNode` function, which produces a string. There is no guarantee of round-tripping. That is `printNode(parse(`_code_`))` could be syntactically different than _code_, but will be semantically the same. For example, there may be extra parentheses around expressions, when compared with the original code. The `printNode` function is primarily for debugging.
## Control flow
A control flow graph organizes a parse tree into a graph where the nodes are "basic blocks" (sequences of statements that run together) and the edges reflect the order of block execution.
const cfg = new ControlFlowGraph(tree);
`cfg.blocks` is an array of the blocks in the control flow graph, with `cfg.entry` pointing to the entry block and `cfg.exit` pointing to the exit block.
The control flow graph for the parse tree above looks like this.
![control flow graph](./cfg.png)
Each block has a list of its statements.
prints `x, y = 0, 0`.
The methods `cfg.getSuccessors` and `cfg.getPredecessors` allow the edges to be followed forward or backward.
const cond = cfg.getSuccessors(cfg.entry)[0];
prints `x < 10`.
## Data flow
The library also provides basic def-use program analysis, namely, tracking where the values assigned to variables are read. For example, the 0 assigned to `x` in the entry block is read in the conditional `x < 10`, in the assignments `y = x * 2` and `x += 1`.
const analyzer = new DataflowAnalyzer();
const flows = analyzer.analyze(cfg).flows;
for (let flow of flows.items)
console.log(printNode(flow.fromNode) +
" -----> " + printNode(flow.toNode))
x, y = 0, 0 -----> x < 10
x, y = 0, 0 -----> print(y)
x, y = 0, 0 -----> y = x * 2
x += 1 -----> x < 10
y = x * 2 -----> print(y)
x += 1 -----> y = x * 2
2019-07-16 21:46:37 +03:00
2019-08-22 23:33:38 +03:00
## Program Slicing
Program slicing removes lines from a program that are unnecessary to see the effect of a chosen line of code.
For example, if we only care about the `print` statement in this program:
sum = 0
diff_sum = 0
for i in range(min(len(A), len(B))):
sum += A[i] + B[i]
diff_sum += A[i] - B[i]
then we can simplify the code to this:
sum = 0
for i in range(min(len(A), len(B))):
sum += A[i] + B[i]
The function call `slice(`_P_`,`_loc_`)` takes a program _P_ (a parse tree) and a program location _loc_ and returns the program locations that are necessary for _loc_.
For example, to do the slicing example above, we call
`slice(ast, {first_line: 6, first_column: 0, last_line, 6: last_column: 10})` which returns a `LocationSet` whose members have `first_line` values of 1, 3, 4, and 6 (but not 2 or 5).
## API Specs
When deciding whether an API call needs to appear in a program slice, the slicing algorithm needs
to know whether the call has a side-effect on the variables that are passed to it (including the `self` parameter for method calls). The call `f(x)` has a side-effect on `x` if `f` updates a field (`x.m = y`), updates an element (`x[i] = y`), updates a global variable, or transitively calls another function that has a side effect. Rather than analyzing the code of a called function (which may not even be available), we rely on having specifications, recorded in JSON files. Here is the specification `pandas.json` (with some lines omitted):
"pandas": {
"functions": [
{ "name": "read_clipboard", "returns": "DataFrame" },
{ "name": "read_csv", "returns": "DataFrame" },
{ "name": "read_excel", "returns": "DataFrame" },
"types": {
"DataFrame": {
"methods": [
{ "name": "pop", "updates": [0] },
A module's spec provides a list of the module's functions, types, and submodules. A type spec provides a list of the type's methods. In the function/method list, if a function/method appears just as a name (for example, `"array"` or `"abs"`), then it has no side-effects and doesn't return any objects with specifications. Otherwise, the function/method appears as a dictionary with its name in a `name` field and any of the following:
* `updates` is an array of strings that lists the parameters that experience side-effects. 0 refers the `self` parameter, a number _k_ >= 1 refers to the _k_ th parameter, and any non-numeric string is the name of an updated global variable.
* `reads` is an array of strings with the global variables that the method reads. (If a slice includes a call to a function that reads a global, then it must also include any calls that update that global.)
* `returns` is the type of object the call returns, which is only necessary if that type has a spec.
The specs allow `slice` to analyze code like the following:
import pandas as pd
d = pd.read_csv("some_path")
d.count() // ← slice on this line
Looking at the spec above, we can see that `read_csv` return a `DataFrame` object, so `d` is a `DataFrame`. The call to `pop` on `d` has a side-effect on the `self` parameter (`d`), because `DataFrame`'s `pop` spec has an `updates` of [0]. Therefore, this call to `pop` must appear in the slice. On the other hand, the call to `memory_usage` has no side-effects, so it can be left out. So, the final slice includes lines 1, 2, 3, and 5, but not 4.
If there is no spec for an API call, then the data-flow and slicing algorithms conservatively assume that any passed parameter could experience a side-effect.
2019-07-16 21:46:37 +03:00
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