150 строки
6.2 KiB
150 строки
6.2 KiB
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "utils.ps1")
# Build
$srcRoot = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ..
$buildDir = $PSScriptRoot
$llvmCmakeFile = Join-Path $buildDir llvm.cmake
$llvmRootDir = Join-Path $buildDir llvm-project
$llvmBuildDir = Join-Path $llvmRootDir build
$llvmDir = Join-Path $llvmRootDir llvm
if (Test-CommandExists sccache) {
Write-AdoLog "Found sccache command"
Write-AdoLog "Starting sccache server"
& { sccache --start-server } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-AdoLog "Started sccache server"
elseif (Test-CommandExists ccache) {
Write-AdoLog "Found ccache command"
if (-not (Test-Path env:\CCACHE_DIR)) {
# CCACHE_DIR needs to be set, get the value from ccache
$Env:CCACHE_DIR = exec { ccache -k cache_dir }
Assert (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Env:CCACHE_DIR)) "CCACHE_DIR is not set"
# Set cap and make sure dir is created
if (!(Test-Path $Env:CCACHE_DIR)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force $Env:CCACHE_DIR | Out-Null
$Env:CCACHE_DIR = Resolve-Path $Env:CCACHE_DIR
ccache -M 2G
Write-AdoLog "Found ccache config:"
ccache --show-config
$cacheRoot = $Env:CCACHE_DIR
Assert (Test-Path $cacheRoot) "$($cacheRoot) is missing"
Write-AdoLog "Using CCACHE_DIR: $($Env:CCACHE_DIR)"
else {
Write-AdoLog "Did not find ccache command"
# Download the current tag of the llvm-project
$llvmTag = Get-LlvmTag
exec -wd $buildDir {
git clone --depth 1 -b $llvmTag --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project
Assert (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Env:PKG_NAME)) "PKG_NAME is not set"
Assert (Test-CommandExists "cmake") "CMAKE not found"
Assert (Test-CommandExists "ninja") "Ninja-Build not found"
if ($IsLinux) {
Assert (Test-CommandExists "docker") "Docker not found"
if (!(Test-Path $llvmBuildDir)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force $llvmBuildDir | Out-Null
Write-AdoLog "Generating package: $($Env:PKG_NAME)"
if ($IsLinux) {
function Build-ContainerImage {
Write-AdoLog "Building container image manylinux-llvm-builder"
exec -wd $buildDir {
$userName = [Environment]::UserName
$userId = $(id -u)
$groupId = $(id -g)
Write-AdoLog "Get-Content manylinux.Dockerfile | docker build -t manylinux-llvm-builder --build-arg USERNAME=$userName --build-arg USER_UID=$userId --build-arg USER_GID=$groupId --build-arg LLVM_BUILD_DIR=""$llvmBuildDir"" -" "command"
Get-Content manylinux.Dockerfile | docker build -t manylinux-llvm-builder --build-arg USERNAME=$userName --build-arg USER_UID=$userId --build-arg USER_GID=$groupId --build-arg LLVM_BUILD_DIR="$llvmBuildDir" -
function Invoke-ContainerImage {
# Verify input files/folders and mounts exist
Assert (Test-Path $llvmCmakeFile) "$($llvmCmakeFile) is missing"
Assert (Test-Path $llvmDir) "$($llvmDir) is missing"
Assert (Test-Path $llvmBuildDir) "$($llvmBuildDir) is missing"
Assert (Test-Path $srcRoot) "$($srcRoot) is missing"
Write-AdoLog "Running container image:"
$srcVolume = "$($srcRoot):$($srcRoot)"
$cacheVolume = "$($cacheRoot):$($cacheRoot)"
$userSpec = [Environment]::UserName
if (Test-Path env:\CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) {
if (!(Test-Path $env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX -Force | Out-Null
$cmakeInstallVolume = "$($env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX):$($env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)"
Write-AdoLog "docker run --rm -t --user $userSpec -e PKG_NAME=$($Env:PKG_NAME) -e SOURCE_DIR=$srcRoot -e LLVM_CMAKEFILE=$llvmCmakeFile -e LLVM_DIR=$llvmDir -e LLVM_BUILD_DIR=$llvmBuildDir -e CCACHE_DIR=$cacheRoot -e CCACHE_CONFIGPATH=$cacheRoot -v $srcVolume -v $cacheVolume -v $cmakeInstallVolume -e LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=$Env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX -e CMAKE_FLAGS=""-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$($Env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)"" manylinux-llvm-builder" "command"
exec {
docker run --rm -t --user $userSpec -e PKG_NAME=$($Env:PKG_NAME) -e SOURCE_DIR=$srcRoot -e LLVM_CMAKEFILE=$llvmCmakeFile -e LLVM_DIR=$llvmDir -e LLVM_BUILD_DIR=$llvmBuildDir -e CCACHE_DIR=$cacheRoot -e CCACHE_CONFIGPATH=$cacheRoot -v $srcVolume -v $cacheVolume -v $cmakeInstallVolume -e LLVM_INSTALL_DIR=$Env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX -e CMAKE_FLAGS="-D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$($Env:CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX)" manylinux-llvm-builder
else {
Write-AdoLog "docker run --rm -t --user $userSpec -e PKG_NAME=$($Env:PKG_NAME) -e SOURCE_DIR=$srcRoot -e LLVM_CMAKEFILE=$llvmCmakeFile -e LLVM_DIR=$llvmDir -e LLVM_BUILD_DIR=$llvmBuildDir -e CCACHE_DIR=$cacheRoot -e CCACHE_CONFIGPATH=$cacheRoot -v $srcVolume -v $cacheVolume manylinux-llvm-builder" "command"
exec {
docker run --rm -t --user $userSpec -e PKG_NAME=$($Env:PKG_NAME) -e SOURCE_DIR=$srcRoot -e LLVM_CMAKEFILE=$llvmCmakeFile -e LLVM_DIR=$llvmDir -e LLVM_BUILD_DIR=$llvmBuildDir -e CCACHE_DIR=$cacheRoot -e CCACHE_CONFIGPATH=$cacheRoot -v $srcVolume -v $cacheVolume manylinux-llvm-builder
else {
if ($IsWindows) {
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "vcvars.ps1")
exec -wd $llvmBuildDir {
Write-AdoLog "Generating makefiles"
$flags = ""
if (Test-Path env:\CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX) {
cmake -G Ninja -C $llvmCmakeFile $flags $llvmDir
exec -wd $llvmBuildDir {
Write-AdoLog "ninja package" "command"
ninja package
if ((Test-Path Env:\INSTALL_LLVM_PACKAGE) -and ($true -eq $Env:INSTALL_LLVM_PACKAGE)) {
Write-AdoLog "ninja install" "command"
exec -wd $llvmBuildDir {
ninja install
exec -wd $llvmBuildDir {
$package = Resolve-Path "$($Env:PKG_NAME)*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Assert ($null -ne $package) "Package is null"
Assert (Test-Path $package) "Could not resolve package $package"