Added debugging couts for build pipeline failure.
This commit is contained in:
@ -129,14 +129,17 @@ const char* TranslateStringToCharBuffer(string& s)
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << "00" << endl;
CLI::App app("QIR Standalone Entry Point Inputs Reference");
// Initialize simulator.
cout << "01" << endl;
unique_ptr<IRuntimeDriver> sim = CreateFullstateSimulator();
QirContextScope qirctx(sim.get(), false /*trackAllocatedObjects*/);
// Add the --simulation-output options.
// N.B. This option should be present in all standalone drivers.
cout << "02" << endl;
string simulationOutputFile;
CLI::Option* simulationOutputFileOpt = app.add_option(
"-s,--simulation-output", simulationOutputFile,
@ -144,22 +147,27 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Add the options that correspond to the parameters that the QIR entry-point needs.
// Option for a Q# Int type.
cout << "03" << endl;
int64_t intValue = 0;
app.add_option("--int-value", intValue, "An integer value")->required();
// Option for a Q# Array<Int> type.
cout << "04" << endl;
vector<int64_t> integerVector;
app.add_option("--integer-array", integerVector, "An integer array")->required();
// Option for a Q# Double type.
cout << "05" << endl;
double_t doubleValue = 0.0;
app.add_option("--double-value", doubleValue, "A double value")->required();
// Option for a Q# Array<Double> type.
cout << "06" << endl;
vector<double_t> doubleVector;
app.add_option("--double-array", doubleVector, "A double array")->required();
// Option for a Q# Bool type.
cout << "07" << endl;
char boolAsCharValue = InteropFalseAsChar;
app.add_option("--bool-value", boolAsCharValue, "A bool value")
@ -168,18 +176,21 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Option for a Q# Array<Bool> type.
// N.B. For command line parsing, a char vector is used because vector<bool> is a specialized version of vector not
// supported by CLI11.
cout << "08" << endl;
vector<char> boolAsCharVector;
app.add_option("--bool-array", boolAsCharVector, "A bool array")
->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(BoolAsCharMap, CLI::ignore_case));
// Option for Q# Pauli type.
cout << "09" << endl;
PauliId pauliValue = PauliId::PauliId_I;
app.add_option("--pauli-value", pauliValue, "A Pauli value")
->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(PauliMap, CLI::ignore_case));
// Option for a Q# Array<Pauli> type.
cout << "10" << endl;
std::vector<PauliId> pauliVector;
app.add_option("--pauli-array", pauliVector, "A Pauli array")
@ -188,16 +199,19 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Option for Q# Range type.
// N.B. RangeTuple type is used here instead of QirRange because CLI11 supports tuple parsing which is leveraged and
// the tuple is later translated to QirRange.
cout << "11" << endl;
RangeTuple rangeTuple(0, 0, 0);
app.add_option("--range-value", rangeTuple, "A Range value (start, step, end)")->required();
// Option for a Q# Array<Range> type.
cout << "12" << endl;
vector<RangeTuple> rangeTupleVector;
app.add_option("--range-array", rangeTupleVector, "A Range array")->required();
// Option for Q# Result type.
// N.B. This is implemented as a char rather than a boolean to be consistent with the way an array of results has to
// be implemented.
cout << "13" << endl;
char resultAsCharValue = InteropResultZeroAsChar;
app.add_option("--result-value", resultAsCharValue, "A Result value")
@ -206,56 +220,69 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Option for a Q# Array<Result> type.
// N.B. Similarly to the case of Q# Array<bool>, for command line parsing, a char vector is used because CLI11 does
// not support vector<bool> since it is a specialized version of vector.
cout << "14" << endl;
vector<char> resultAsCharVector;
app.add_option("--result-array", resultAsCharVector, "A Result array")
->transform(CLI::CheckedTransformer(ResultAsCharMap, CLI::ignore_case));
// Option for Q# String type.
cout << "15" << endl;
string stringValue;
app.add_option("--string-value", stringValue, "A String value")->required();
// Option for a Q# Array<String> type.
cout << "16" << endl;
vector<string> stringVector;
app.add_option("--string-array", stringVector, "A String array")->required();
// With all the options added, parse arguments from the command line.
cout << "17" << endl;
CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
// Translate values to its final form after parsing.
// Create an interop array of integer values.
cout << "18" << endl;
unique_ptr<InteropArray> integerArray = CreateInteropArray(integerVector);
// Create an interop array of double values.
cout << "19" << endl;
unique_ptr<InteropArray> doubleArray = CreateInteropArray(doubleVector);
// Create an interop array of bool values.
cout << "20" << endl;
unique_ptr<InteropArray> boolArray = CreateInteropArray(boolAsCharVector);
// Translate a PauliID value to its char representation.
cout << "21" << endl;
char pauliAsCharValue = TranslatePauliToChar(pauliValue);
// Create an interop array of Pauli values represented as chars.
cout << "22" << endl;
vector<char> pauliAsCharVector;
TranslateVector<PauliId, char>(pauliVector, pauliAsCharVector, TranslatePauliToChar);
unique_ptr<InteropArray> pauliArray = CreateInteropArray(pauliAsCharVector);
// Create an interop range.
cout << "23" << endl;
unique_ptr<InteropRange> rangeValue = CreateInteropRange(rangeTuple);
vector<InteropRange*> rangeVector;
TranslateVector<RangeTuple, InteropRange*>(rangeTupleVector, rangeVector, TranslateRangeTupleToInteropRangePointer);
unique_ptr<InteropArray> rangeArray = CreateInteropArray(rangeVector);
// Create an interop array of Result values.
cout << "24" << endl;
unique_ptr<InteropArray> resultArray = CreateInteropArray(resultAsCharVector);
// Create an interop array of String values.
cout << "25" << endl;
vector<const char *> stringBufferVector;
TranslateVector<string, const char*>(stringVector, stringBufferVector, TranslateStringToCharBuffer);
unique_ptr<InteropArray> stringArray = CreateInteropArray(stringBufferVector);
// Redirect the simulator output from std::cout if the --simulation-output option is present.
cout << "26" << endl;
ostream* simulatorOutputStream = &cout;
ofstream simulationOutputFileStream;
if (!simulationOutputFileOpt->empty())
@ -266,6 +293,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Run simulation and write the output of the operation to the corresponding stream.
cout << "27" << endl;
@ -280,6 +308,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
cout << "28" << endl;
if (simulationOutputFileStream.is_open())
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Write-Host "##[info]Test QIR Standalone Sample"
Push-Location (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot build $Env:BUILD_CONFIGURATION samples StandaloneInputReference)
ctest --verbose
ctest --verbose --output-on-failure
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue type=error;]Failed to test QIR Standalone Sample"
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