2021-06-26 18:26:39 +03:00
# All of these variables can be set as env variables instead
DOCS_BUILD_DIR ?= _build
DOC_TARGETS ?= html man
DIST_DIR ?= dist
CLEAN_CMDS ?= clean-python clean-docs clean-build
SDIST ?= sdist --dist-dir $(DIST_DIR) $(SDIST_OPTS)
BDIST_WHEEL ?= bdist_wheel --dist-dir $(DIST_DIR) $(BDIST_OPTS)
.PHONY: help
help: ## Print this help message and exit
@echo Usage:
@echo " make [target]"
@echo Targets:
@awk -F ':|##' \
'/^[^\t].+?:.*?##/ {\
printf " %-30s %s\n", $$1, $$NF \
.PHONY: package
package: ## Create release packages
.PHONY: package-deps
package-deps: ## Create wheel files for all runtime dependencies
$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip wheel --wheel-dir $(DIST_DIR) $(PACKAGE_OPTS) .
.PHONY: docs
docs: ## Build all the docs in the docs/_build directory
.PHONY: clean-python
clean-python: ## Cleans all the python cache & egg files files
$(RM) `find . -name "*.pyc" | tac`
$(RM) -d `find . -name "__pycache__" | tac`
$(RM) -r `find . -name "*.egg-info" | tac`
.PHONY: clean-docs
clean-docs: ## Clean the docs build directory
$(RM) -r docs/$(DOCS_BUILD_DIR)
.PHONY: clean-build
clean-build: ## Cleans all code build and distribution directories
$(RM) -r build $(DIST_DIR)
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Cleans all build, docs, and cache files
.PHONY: install
install: ## Installs the package
$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip install .
.PHONY: install-docs
install-docs: ## Install the package and docs dependencies
$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip install -e .[docs]
.PHONY: install-tests
install-tests: ## Install the package and test dependencies
$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip install -e .[tests]
.PHONY: install-all
2021-07-06 22:56:52 +03:00
install-all: ## Install the package, docs, and test dependencies as well as pre-commit hooks
$(PYTHON_EXECUTABLE) -m pip install -e .[all] && pre-commit install