Quilla is a framework that allows test-writers to perform UI testing using declarative syntax through JSON files. This enables test writers, owners, and maintainers to focus not on how to use code libraries, but on what steps a user would have to take to perform the actions being tested. In turn, this allows for more agile test writing and easier-to-understand test cases.
Quilla was built to be run in CI/CD, in containers, and locally. It also comes with an optional integration with [pytest](https://pytest.org), so you can write your Quilla test cases as part of your regular testing environment for python-based projects. Check out the [quilla-pytest](docs/quilla_pytest.md) docs for more information on how to configure `pytest` to auto-discover Quilla files, adding markers, and more.
Check out the [features](docs/features.md) docs for an overview of all quilla can do!
Quilla is available on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/quilla/), and can be installed by running `pip install quilla`.
For more information on installation options (such as installing from source) and packaging Quilla for remote install, check out the documentation for it [here](docs/install.md)
Check out the documentation for it [here](docs/validation_files.md)
## Context Expressions
This package is able to dynamically inject different values, exposed through context objects and expressions whenever the validation JSON would ordinarily require a regular string (instead of an enum). This can be used to grab values specified either at the command-line, or through environment variables.
More discussion of context expressions and how to use them can be found in the documentation file [here](docs/context_expressions.md)
## Generating Documentation
Documentation can be generated through the `make` command `make docs`
Check out the documentation for it [here](docs/README.md)
## Make commands
A Makefile is provided with several convenience commands. You can find usage instructions with `make help`, or below:
make [target]
help Print this help message and exit
package Create release packages
package-deps Create wheel files for all runtime dependencies
docs Build all the docs in the docs/_build directory
clean-python Cleans all the python cache & egg files files
clean-docs Clean the docs build directory
clean-build Cleans all code build and distribution directories
clean Cleans all build, docs, and cache files
install Installs the package
install-docs Install the package and docs dependencies
install-tests Install the package and test dependencies
install-all Install the package, docs, and test dependencies