add hash check for downloaded files
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ $dataSize = ""
$scriptPath = Get-Location
$filePath = $scriptPath.Path+ "\"
$dataFilePath = $dataPath + "\"
# Script level variables
@ -147,11 +148,11 @@ if ($uninterrupted -eq 'y' -or $uninterrupted -eq 'Y')
# upload csv files into SQL tables
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
$destination = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".csv"
$error_file = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".error"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Populate SQL table: {0}..." -f $dataFile)
$destination = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".csv"
$error_file = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".error"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Populate SQL table: {0}... from {1}" -f $dataFile, $destination)
$tableName = $DBName + ".dbo." + $dataFile + $table_suffix
$tableSchema = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".xml"
$tableSchema = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".xml"
bcp $tableName format nul -c -x -f $tableSchema -U $username -S $ServerName -P $password -t ','
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Loading {0} to SQL table..." -f $dataFile)
bcp $tableName in $destination -t ',' -S $ServerName -f $tableSchema -F 2 -C "RAW" -b 100000 -U $username -P $password -e $error_file
@ -236,11 +237,11 @@ if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
# upload csv files into SQL tables
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
$destination = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".csv"
$error_file = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".error"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Populate SQL table: {0}..." -f $dataFile)
$destination = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".csv"
$error_file = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".error"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Populate SQL table: {0} from {1}..." -f $dataFile, $destination)
$tableName = $DBName + ".dbo." + $dataFile + $table_suffix
$tableSchema = $dataPath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".xml"
$tableSchema = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".xml"
bcp $tableName format nul -c -x -f $tableSchema -U $username -S $ServerName -P $password -t ','
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Loading {0} to SQL table..." -f $dataFile)
bcp $tableName in $destination -t ',' -S $ServerName -f $tableSchema -F 2 -C "RAW" -b 100000 -U $username -P $password -e $error_file
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
$originalLocation = Get-Location
# This is the directory for the data/code download
$solutionTemplateSetupDir = "LoanChargeOffSolution"
$solutionTemplateSetupPath = "D:\" + $solutionTemplateSetupDir
@ -27,27 +28,45 @@ cd $dataDirPath
$helpShortCutFile = "LoanChargeOffHelp.url"
# List of files to be downloaded
$dataList = "loan_info_10k.csv", "member_info_10k.csv", "payments_info_10k.csv", "loan_info_100k.csv", "member_info_100k.csv", "payments_info_100k.csv", "loan_info_1m.csv", "member_info_1m.csv", "payments_info_1m.csv"
$dataList = "loan_info_10k", "member_info_10k", "payments_info_10k", "loan_info_100k", "member_info_100k", "payments_info_100k", "loan_info_1m", "member_info_1m", "payments_info_1m"
$dataExtn = ".csv"
$hashExtn = ".hash"
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
$down = $baseurl + '/' + $dataFile
$down = $baseurl + '/' + $dataFile + $dataExtn
Write-Host $down
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $down
# making sure that the data files conform to windows style of line ending.
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
unix2dos $dataFile
#checkout setup scripts/code from github
cd $solutionTemplateSetupPath
Remove-Item $checkoutDir -Force -Recurse
git clone -n $checkoutDir
cd $checkoutDir
git config core.sparsecheckout true
echo "/*`r`n!HDI" | out-file -encoding ascii .git/info/sparse-checkout
git checkout master
$sqlsolutionCodePath = $solutionTemplateSetupPath + "\" + $checkoutDir + "\SQL"
cd $sqlsolutionCodePath
# make sure the hashes match for data files
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
$dataFileHash = $dataDirPath + "\" + $dataFile + $dataExtn | Get-Hash -Algorithm SHA512
$storedHash = $dataFile + $hashExtn | Get-Content
if ($dataFileHash.Hash -ne $storedHash)
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Red' "Data file has been corrupted. Please try again."
# making sure that the data files conform to windows style of line ending.
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
unix2dos $dataFile + $dataExtn
# Start the script for DB creation. Due to privilege issues with SYSTEM user (the user that runs the
# extension script), we use ps-remoting to login as admin use and run the DB creation scripts
@ -57,9 +76,10 @@ $command1 = "runDB.ps1"
$command2 ="setupHelp.ps1"
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Invoke-Command -Credential $credential -ComputerName $serverName -FilePath $command1 -ArgumentList $dataDirPath
Invoke-Command -Credential $credential -ComputerName $serverName -FilePath $command1 -ArgumentList $dataDirPath, $sqlsolutionCodePath
Invoke-Command -Credential $credential -ComputerName $serverName -FilePath $command2 -ArgumentList $helpShortCutFile
Disable-PSRemoting -Force
cd $originalLocation.Path
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
Двоичный файл не отображается.
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
# datadir - directory where raw csv data has been downloaded
# datasize - size of the data to train on (10k, 100k, 1m)
Param([string]$dbuser, [string]$dbpass, [bool]$createuser = $true, [string]$datadir, [ValidateSet("10k", "100k", "1m")][string]$datasize=10k)
Param([string]$datadir, [string]$scriptdir, [string]$dbuser, [string]$dbpass, [bool]$createuser = $true, [ValidateSet("10k", "100k", "1m")][string]$datasize="10k")
cd $scriptdir
# Function to generate a temporary password for SQL Server
Function Get-TempPassword()
Ссылка в новой задаче