
389 строки
14 KiB

Script to provide Loan ChargeOff predictions, using SQL Server R Services using MicrosoftML and RevoScaleR packages.
This script will show the E2E work flow of loan chargeoff prediction machine learning
templates with Microsoft SQL Server 2016 and SQL Servevr R Services.
SQL Server instance
Name of the database
.PARAMETER sqlUsername
Database user name
.PARAMETER sqlPassword
Database password
.PARAMETER uninterrupted
Whether to run the whole workflow uninterrupted or in interactive mode (y/n)
Folder path with raw csv data files to import into SQL Server database
.PARAMETER datasize
size of the dataset to use (10k, 100k, 1m)
.\Loan_ChargeOff.ps1 -ServerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -DBName LoanChargeOff -sqlUsername sqluser -sqlPassword "MyP#assword1" -uninterrupted y -dataPath ..\..\Data -dataSize "100k"
# SQL server address
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
$ServerName = "",
# SQL server database name
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
$DBName = "",
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
$sqlUsername ="",
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
$sqlPassword ="",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
[ValidateSet("y", "n", "yes", "no", IgnoreCase = $true)]
[parameter(Mandatory=$true,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
$dataPath = "",
[parameter(Mandatory=$false,ParameterSetName = "LCR")]
[ValidateSet("10k", "100k", "1m")]
$dataSize = "10k"
$scriptPath = Get-Location
$filePath = $scriptPath.Path+ "\"
$dataFilePath = $dataPath + "\"
# Script level variables
$yesArray = "y", "yes"
$noArray = "n", "no"
$table_suffix = "_" + $dataSize
$trainingTable = "loan_chargeoff_train" + $table_suffix
$testTable = "loan_chargeoff_test" + $table_suffix
$evalScoreTable = "loan_chargeoff_eval_score" + $table_suffix
$scoreTable = "loan_chargeoff_score" + $table_suffix
$modelTable = "loan_chargeoff_models" + $table_suffix
$predictionTable = "loan_chargeoff_prediction" + $table_suffix
$selectedFeaturesTable = "selected_features" + $table_suffix
$modelNames = @{"logistic_reg" = "Logistic Regression model with rxLogisticRegression";"fast_linear" = "Linear binary classification model with rxFastLinear";"fast_trees" = "Fast Decision Trees model with rxFastTrees";"fast_forest" = "Random Forest with rxFastForest";"neural_net" = "Neural Network with rxNeuralNet"}
# Function wrapper to invoke SQL command
function ExecuteSQL
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $DBName -Username $sqlUsername -Password "$sqlPassword" -InputFile $sqlscript -Variable $VariableArray -QueryTimeout 200000
# Function wrapper to invoke SQL query
function ExecuteSQLQuery
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Database $DBName -Username $sqlUsername -Password "$sqlPassword" -Query $sqlquery -QueryTimeout 200000
# Construct the SQL connection strings
$connectionString = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=$ServerName;Database=$DBName;UID=$sqlUsername;PWD=$sqlPassword"
$connectionString2 = "Driver=SQL Server;Server=$ServerName2;Database=$DBName;UID=$sqlUsername;PWD=$sqlPassword"
# Check if the SQL server or database exists
$query = "SELECT database_id FROM sys.databases WHERE NAME = '$DBName'"
$DB_ID = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Username $sqlUsername -Password "$sqlPassword" -Query $query -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$db_id)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Failed the test to connect to SQL server: $ServerName database: $DBName !"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Please make sure: `n`t 1. SQL Server: $ServerName exists;
`n`t 2. SQL database: $DBName exists;
`n`t 3. SQL user: $sqlUsername has the right credential for SQL server access."
$query = "USE $DBName;"
Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $ServerName -Username $sqlUsername -Password "$sqlPassword" -Query $query
# Common functions
function CreateTablesAndLoadData
# create training and test tables
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'green' ("Create SQL tables: member_info, loan_info, payments_info")
$script = $filePath + "step1_create_tables.sql"
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize = $dataSize"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'green' ("Populate SQL tables: member_info, loan_info, payments_info")
$dataList = "member_info", "loan_info", "payments_info"
# upload csv files into SQL tables
foreach ($dataFile in $dataList)
$destination = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".csv"
$error_file = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".error"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Populate SQL table: {0}... from {1}" -f $dataFile, $destination)
$tableName = $DBName + ".dbo." + $dataFile + $table_suffix
$tableSchema = $dataFilePath + $dataFile + $table_suffix + ".xml"
bcp $tableName format nul -c -x -f $tableSchema -U $sqlUsername -S $ServerName -P "{$sqlPassword}" -t '|'
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Loading {0} to SQL table..." -f $dataFile)
$bcpStart = Get-Date
bcp $tableName in $destination -t '|' -S $ServerName -f $tableSchema -F 2 -C "RAW" -b 100000 -U $sqlUsername -P "{$sqlPassword}" -e $error_file
if (!$?)
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error in BCP. Check any SQL error messages."
$bcpEnd = Get-Date
$bcpTotal = ($bcpEnd - $bcpStart).ToString()
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Done...Loading {0} to SQL table {1} Total time: {2}" -f $dataFile, $tableName, $bcpTotal)
function CreateViewsAndPersist
# create the views for features and label with training, test and scoring split
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Creating features label view and persisting...")
$script = $filepath + "step2_features_label_view.sql"
$persistStart = Get-Date
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize=$dataSize"
$persistEnd = Get-Date
$persistTime = ($persistEnd - $persistStart).ToString()
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Done creating features label view and persisting. Total time: {0}" -f $persistTime)
function TrainEvalModels
# create the stored procedure for training
$script = $filepath + "step3_train_test_model.sql"
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize=$dataSize"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Done creating training and eval stored proc...")
# execute the training
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Starting training and evaluation of models...")
foreach ($modelName in $modelNames.GetEnumerator())
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' (" Training $($modelName.Value)...")
$query = "EXEC train_model $trainingTable, $testTable, $evalScoreTable, $modelTable, $($modelName.Name), '$connectionString2'"
$startModelling = Get-Date
ExecuteSQLQuery $query
$endModelling = Get-Date
$totalModellingTime = ($endModelling-$startModelling).ToString()
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' (" Finished Training $($modelName.Value) Total time: {0}..." -f $totalModellingTime)
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' (" Done with training and evaluation of models. Evaluation stats stored in $modelTable...")
function ScoreData
# create the stored procedure for recommendations
$script = $filepath + "step4_chargeoff_batch_prediction.sql"
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize=$dataSize"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Done creating batch scoring stored proc...")
#score on the data
$best_model = ExecuteSQLQuery "select top 1 model_name from $modelTable where f1score in (select max(f1score) from $modelTable)"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' ("Scoring based on best performing model '$($modelNames.Get_Item($best_model.model_name))' score table = $scoreTable, prediction table = $predictionTable...")
$scoring_query = "EXEC predict_chargeoff $scoreTable, $predictionTable, $modelTable"
$scoringStart = Get-Date
ExecuteSQLQuery $scoring_query
$scoringEnd = Get-Date
$scoringTotal = ($scoringEnd - $scoringStart).ToString()
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' ("Done batch scoring. Total time: {0}" -f $scoringTotal)
function OnDemandPrediction
# create the stored procedure for recommendations
$script = $filepath + "step4a_chargeoff_ondemand_prediction.sql"
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize=$dataSize"
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'magenta'(" Done creating on demand scoring stored proc [predict_chargeoff_ondemand]...")
function FeatureSelection
# create the stored procedure for feature engineering
$script = $filepath + "step2a_optional_feature_selection.sql"
ExecuteSQL $script "datasize=$dataSize"
# execute the feature engineering
Write-Host -ForeGroundColor 'Cyan' (" selecting features using MicrosoftML selectFeatures mlTransform with Logistic Regression...")
$query = "EXEC select_features $trainingTable, $testTable, $selectedFeaturesTable, '$connectionString2'"
ExecuteSQLQuery $query
# Running without interruption
$startTime= Get-Date
Write-Host "Start time is:" $startTime
if ($uninterrupted -iIn $yesArray)
# step 1. create tables and load data
# step 2. create the views for features and label with training, test and scoring split
# step 3. Train and evaluate models
# step 4. Data scoring
# step 4a. Create on demand prediction stored proc
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Exception executing Data Science pipeline..."
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $Error[0].Exception
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green'("Loan ChargeOff Workflow Finished Successfully!")
if ($uninterrupted -iIn $noArray)
# Create input tables and populate with data from csv files.
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 1: Create and populate tables in Database" -f $dbname)
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "Exception in populating database tables:"
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red $Error[0].Exception
# Create and execute the scripts for data processing
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 2: Data Processing/Create feature and label views and tables")
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
# Create and execute the stored procedure for feature selection (optional)
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 2a: Feature Engineering (for demo purpose only, training step does it's own feature selection)")
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
# Create and execute the stored procedure for Training and evaluation
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 3: Models Training and Evaluation")
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
# Create and execute the stored procedure for charge_off predictions
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 4: ChargeOff predictions")
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green' ("Step 4a: Create on demand ChargeOff prediction stored proc")
$ans = Read-Host 'Continue [y|Y], Exit [e|E], Skip [s|S]?'
if ($ans -eq 'E' -or $ans -eq 'e')
if ($ans -eq 'y' -or $ans -eq 'Y')
Write-Host -foregroundcolor 'green'("Loan Chargeoff Prediction Workflow Finished Successfully!")
$endTime =Get-Date
$totalTime = ($endTime-$startTime).ToString()
Write-Host "Finished running Loan_ChargeOff.ps1 at:" $endTime
Write-Host "Total time used: " -foregroundcolor 'green' $totalTime.ToString()