import { AcquisitionManager as Sdk } from "code-push/script/acquisition-sdk"; import { Alert } from "./AlertAdapter"; import requestFetchAdapter from "./request-fetch-adapter"; import { AppState, Platform } from "react-native"; import log from "./logging"; import hoistStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics'; let NativeCodePush = require("react-native").NativeModules.CodePush; const PackageMixins = require("./package-mixins")(NativeCodePush); async function checkForUpdate(deploymentKey = null, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback = null) { /* * Before we ask the server if an update exists, we * need to retrieve three pieces of information from the * native side: deployment key, app version (e.g. 1.0.1) * and the hash of the currently running update (if there is one). * This allows the client to only receive updates which are targetted * for their specific deployment and version and which are actually * different from the CodePush update they have already installed. */ const nativeConfig = await getConfiguration(); /* * If a deployment key was explicitly provided, * then let's override the one we retrieved * from the native-side of the app. This allows * dynamically "redirecting" end-users at different * deployments (e.g. an early access deployment for insiders). */ const config = deploymentKey ? { ...nativeConfig, ...{ deploymentKey } } : nativeConfig; const sdk = getPromisifiedSdk(requestFetchAdapter, config); // Use dynamically overridden getCurrentPackage() during tests. const localPackage = await module.exports.getCurrentPackage(); /* * If the app has a previously installed update, and that update * was targetted at the same app version that is currently running, * then we want to use its package hash to determine whether a new * release has been made on the server. Otherwise, we only need * to send the app version to the server, since we are interested * in any updates for current binary version, regardless of hash. */ let queryPackage; if (localPackage) { queryPackage = localPackage; } else { queryPackage = { appVersion: config.appVersion }; if (Platform.OS === "ios" && config.packageHash) { queryPackage.packageHash = config.packageHash; } } const update = await sdk.queryUpdateWithCurrentPackage(queryPackage); /* * There are four cases where checkForUpdate will resolve to null: * ---------------------------------------------------------------- * 1) The server said there isn't an update. This is the most common case. * 2) The server said there is an update but it requires a newer binary version. * This would occur when end-users are running an older binary version than * is available, and CodePush is making sure they don't get an update that * potentially wouldn't be compatible with what they are running. * 3) The server said there is an update, but the update's hash is the same as * the currently running update. This should _never_ happen, unless there is a * bug in the server, but we're adding this check just to double-check that the * client app is resilient to a potential issue with the update check. * 4) The server said there is an update, but the update's hash is the same as that * of the binary's currently running version. This should only happen in Android - * unlike iOS, we don't attach the binary's hash to the updateCheck request * because we want to avoid having to install diff updates against the binary's * version, which we can't do yet on Android. */ if (!update || update.updateAppVersion || localPackage && (update.packageHash === localPackage.packageHash) || (!localPackage || localPackage._isDebugOnly) && config.packageHash === update.packageHash) { if (update && update.updateAppVersion) { log("An update is available but it is not targeting the binary version of your app."); if (handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback && typeof handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback === "function") { handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback(update) } } return null; } else { const remotePackage = { ...update, ...PackageMixins.remote(sdk.reportStatusDownload) }; remotePackage.failedInstall = await NativeCodePush.isFailedUpdate(remotePackage.packageHash); remotePackage.deploymentKey = deploymentKey || nativeConfig.deploymentKey; return remotePackage; } } const getConfiguration = (() => { let config; return async function getConfiguration() { if (config) { return config; } else if (testConfig) { return testConfig; } else { config = await NativeCodePush.getConfiguration(); return config; } } })(); async function getCurrentPackage() { return await getUpdateMetadata(CodePush.UpdateState.LATEST); } async function getUpdateMetadata(updateState) { let updateMetadata = await NativeCodePush.getUpdateMetadata(updateState || CodePush.UpdateState.RUNNING); if (updateMetadata) { updateMetadata = {...PackageMixins.local, ...updateMetadata}; updateMetadata.failedInstall = await NativeCodePush.isFailedUpdate(updateMetadata.packageHash); updateMetadata.isFirstRun = await NativeCodePush.isFirstRun(updateMetadata.packageHash); } return updateMetadata; } function getPromisifiedSdk(requestFetchAdapter, config) { // Use dynamically overridden AcquisitionSdk during tests. const sdk = new module.exports.AcquisitionSdk(requestFetchAdapter, config); sdk.queryUpdateWithCurrentPackage = (queryPackage) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, queryPackage, (err, update) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(update); } }); }); }; sdk.reportStatusDeploy = (deployedPackage, status, previousLabelOrAppVersion, previousDeploymentKey) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, deployedPackage, status, previousLabelOrAppVersion, previousDeploymentKey, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; sdk.reportStatusDownload = (downloadedPackage) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, downloadedPackage, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); } }); }); }; return sdk; } // This ensures that notifyApplicationReadyInternal is only called once // in the lifetime of this module instance. const notifyApplicationReady = (() => { let notifyApplicationReadyPromise; return () => { if (!notifyApplicationReadyPromise) { notifyApplicationReadyPromise = notifyApplicationReadyInternal(); } return notifyApplicationReadyPromise; }; })(); async function notifyApplicationReadyInternal() { await NativeCodePush.notifyApplicationReady(); const statusReport = await NativeCodePush.getNewStatusReport(); statusReport && tryReportStatus(statusReport); // Don't wait for this to complete. return statusReport; } async function tryReportStatus(statusReport, retryOnAppResume) { const config = await getConfiguration(); const previousLabelOrAppVersion = statusReport.previousLabelOrAppVersion; const previousDeploymentKey = statusReport.previousDeploymentKey || config.deploymentKey; try { if (statusReport.appVersion) { log(`Reporting binary update (${statusReport.appVersion})`); if (!config.deploymentKey) { throw new Error("Deployment key is missed"); } const sdk = getPromisifiedSdk(requestFetchAdapter, config); await sdk.reportStatusDeploy(/* deployedPackage */ null, /* status */ null, previousLabelOrAppVersion, previousDeploymentKey); } else { const label = statusReport.package.label; if (statusReport.status === "DeploymentSucceeded") { log(`Reporting CodePush update success (${label})`); } else { log(`Reporting CodePush update rollback (${label})`); await NativeCodePush.setLatestRollbackInfo(statusReport.package.packageHash); } config.deploymentKey = statusReport.package.deploymentKey; const sdk = getPromisifiedSdk(requestFetchAdapter, config); await sdk.reportStatusDeploy(statusReport.package, statusReport.status, previousLabelOrAppVersion, previousDeploymentKey); } NativeCodePush.recordStatusReported(statusReport); retryOnAppResume && retryOnAppResume.remove(); } catch (e) { log(`Report status failed: ${JSON.stringify(statusReport)}`); NativeCodePush.saveStatusReportForRetry(statusReport); // Try again when the app resumes if (!retryOnAppResume) { const resumeListener = AppState.addEventListener("change", async (newState) => { if (newState !== "active") return; const refreshedStatusReport = await NativeCodePush.getNewStatusReport(); if (refreshedStatusReport) { tryReportStatus(refreshedStatusReport, resumeListener); } else { resumeListener && resumeListener.remove(); } }); } } } async function shouldUpdateBeIgnored(remotePackage, syncOptions) { let { rollbackRetryOptions } = syncOptions; const isFailedPackage = remotePackage && remotePackage.failedInstall; if (!isFailedPackage || !syncOptions.ignoreFailedUpdates) { return false; } if (!rollbackRetryOptions) { return true; } if (typeof rollbackRetryOptions !== "object") { rollbackRetryOptions = CodePush.DEFAULT_ROLLBACK_RETRY_OPTIONS; } else { rollbackRetryOptions = { ...CodePush.DEFAULT_ROLLBACK_RETRY_OPTIONS, ...rollbackRetryOptions }; } if (!validateRollbackRetryOptions(rollbackRetryOptions)) { return true; } const latestRollbackInfo = await NativeCodePush.getLatestRollbackInfo(); if (!validateLatestRollbackInfo(latestRollbackInfo, remotePackage.packageHash)) { log("The latest rollback info is not valid."); return true; } const { delayInHours, maxRetryAttempts } = rollbackRetryOptions; const hoursSinceLatestRollback = ( - latestRollbackInfo.time) / (1000 * 60 * 60); if (hoursSinceLatestRollback >= delayInHours && maxRetryAttempts >= latestRollbackInfo.count) { log("Previous rollback should be ignored due to rollback retry options."); return false; } return true; } function validateLatestRollbackInfo(latestRollbackInfo, packageHash) { return latestRollbackInfo && latestRollbackInfo.time && latestRollbackInfo.count && latestRollbackInfo.packageHash && latestRollbackInfo.packageHash === packageHash; } function validateRollbackRetryOptions(rollbackRetryOptions) { if (typeof rollbackRetryOptions.delayInHours !== "number") { log("The 'delayInHours' rollback retry parameter must be a number."); return false; } if (typeof rollbackRetryOptions.maxRetryAttempts !== "number") { log("The 'maxRetryAttempts' rollback retry parameter must be a number."); return false; } if (rollbackRetryOptions.maxRetryAttempts < 1) { log("The 'maxRetryAttempts' rollback retry parameter cannot be less then 1."); return false; } return true; } var testConfig; // This function is only used for tests. Replaces the default SDK, configuration and native bridge function setUpTestDependencies(testSdk, providedTestConfig, testNativeBridge) { if (testSdk) module.exports.AcquisitionSdk = testSdk; if (providedTestConfig) testConfig = providedTestConfig; if (testNativeBridge) NativeCodePush = testNativeBridge; } async function restartApp(onlyIfUpdateIsPending = false) { NativeCodePush.restartApp(onlyIfUpdateIsPending); } // This function allows only one syncInternal operation to proceed at any given time. // Parallel calls to sync() while one is ongoing yields CodePush.SyncStatus.SYNC_IN_PROGRESS. const sync = (() => { let syncInProgress = false; const setSyncCompleted = () => { syncInProgress = false; }; return (options = {}, syncStatusChangeCallback, downloadProgressCallback, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback) => { let syncStatusCallbackWithTryCatch, downloadProgressCallbackWithTryCatch; if (typeof syncStatusChangeCallback === "function") { syncStatusCallbackWithTryCatch = (...args) => { try { syncStatusChangeCallback(...args); } catch (error) { log(`An error has occurred : ${error.stack}`); } } } if (typeof downloadProgressCallback === "function") { downloadProgressCallbackWithTryCatch = (...args) => { try { downloadProgressCallback(...args); } catch (error) { log(`An error has occurred: ${error.stack}`); } } } if (syncInProgress) { typeof syncStatusCallbackWithTryCatch === "function" ? syncStatusCallbackWithTryCatch(CodePush.SyncStatus.SYNC_IN_PROGRESS) : log("Sync already in progress."); return Promise.resolve(CodePush.SyncStatus.SYNC_IN_PROGRESS); } syncInProgress = true; const syncPromise = syncInternal(options, syncStatusCallbackWithTryCatch, downloadProgressCallbackWithTryCatch, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback); syncPromise .then(setSyncCompleted) .catch(setSyncCompleted); return syncPromise; }; })(); /* * The syncInternal method provides a simple, one-line experience for * incorporating the check, download and installation of an update. * * It simply composes the existing API methods together and adds additional * support for respecting mandatory updates, ignoring previously failed * releases, and displaying a standard confirmation UI to the end-user * when an update is available. */ async function syncInternal(options = {}, syncStatusChangeCallback, downloadProgressCallback, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback) { let resolvedInstallMode; const syncOptions = { deploymentKey: null, ignoreFailedUpdates: true, rollbackRetryOptions: null, installMode: CodePush.InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESTART, mandatoryInstallMode: CodePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE, minimumBackgroundDuration: 0, updateDialog: null, ...options }; syncStatusChangeCallback = typeof syncStatusChangeCallback === "function" ? syncStatusChangeCallback : (syncStatus) => { switch(syncStatus) { case CodePush.SyncStatus.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE: log("Checking for update."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.AWAITING_USER_ACTION: log("Awaiting user action."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.DOWNLOADING_PACKAGE: log("Downloading package."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.INSTALLING_UPDATE: log("Installing update."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UP_TO_DATE: log("App is up to date."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_IGNORED: log("User cancelled the update."); break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED: if (resolvedInstallMode == CodePush.InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESTART) { log("Update is installed and will be run on the next app restart."); } else if (resolvedInstallMode == CodePush.InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESUME) { if (syncOptions.minimumBackgroundDuration > 0) { log(`Update is installed and will be run after the app has been in the background for at least ${syncOptions.minimumBackgroundDuration} seconds.`); } else { log("Update is installed and will be run when the app next resumes."); } } break; case CodePush.SyncStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR: log("An unknown error occurred."); break; } }; try { await CodePush.notifyApplicationReady(); syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE); const remotePackage = await checkForUpdate(syncOptions.deploymentKey, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback); const doDownloadAndInstall = async () => { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.DOWNLOADING_PACKAGE); const localPackage = await; // Determine the correct install mode based on whether the update is mandatory or not. resolvedInstallMode = localPackage.isMandatory ? syncOptions.mandatoryInstallMode : syncOptions.installMode; syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.INSTALLING_UPDATE); await localPackage.install(resolvedInstallMode, syncOptions.minimumBackgroundDuration, () => { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED); }); return CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED; }; const updateShouldBeIgnored = await shouldUpdateBeIgnored(remotePackage, syncOptions); if (!remotePackage || updateShouldBeIgnored) { if (updateShouldBeIgnored) { log("An update is available, but it is being ignored due to having been previously rolled back."); } const currentPackage = await CodePush.getCurrentPackage(); if (currentPackage && currentPackage.isPending) { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED); return CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED; } else { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.UP_TO_DATE); return CodePush.SyncStatus.UP_TO_DATE; } } else if (syncOptions.updateDialog) { // updateDialog supports any truthy value (e.g. true, "goo", 12), // but we should treat a non-object value as just the default dialog if (typeof syncOptions.updateDialog !== "object") { syncOptions.updateDialog = CodePush.DEFAULT_UPDATE_DIALOG; } else { syncOptions.updateDialog = { ...CodePush.DEFAULT_UPDATE_DIALOG, ...syncOptions.updateDialog }; } return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let message = null; let installButtonText = null; const dialogButtons = []; if (remotePackage.isMandatory) { message = syncOptions.updateDialog.mandatoryUpdateMessage; installButtonText = syncOptions.updateDialog.mandatoryContinueButtonLabel; } else { message = syncOptions.updateDialog.optionalUpdateMessage; installButtonText = syncOptions.updateDialog.optionalInstallButtonLabel; // Since this is an optional update, add a button // to allow the end-user to ignore it dialogButtons.push({ text: syncOptions.updateDialog.optionalIgnoreButtonLabel, onPress: () => { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_IGNORED); resolve(CodePush.SyncStatus.UPDATE_IGNORED); } }); } // Since the install button should be placed to the // right of any other button, add it last dialogButtons.push({ text: installButtonText, onPress:() => { doDownloadAndInstall() .then(resolve, reject); } }) // If the update has a description, and the developer // explicitly chose to display it, then set that as the message if (syncOptions.updateDialog.appendReleaseDescription && remotePackage.description) { message += `${syncOptions.updateDialog.descriptionPrefix} ${remotePackage.description}`; } syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.AWAITING_USER_ACTION); Alert.alert(syncOptions.updateDialog.title, message, dialogButtons); }); } else { return await doDownloadAndInstall(); } } catch (error) { syncStatusChangeCallback(CodePush.SyncStatus.UNKNOWN_ERROR); log(error.message); throw error; } }; let CodePush; function codePushify(options = {}) { let React; let ReactNative = require("react-native"); try { React = require("react"); } catch (e) { } if (!React) { try { React = ReactNative.React; } catch (e) { } if (!React) { throw new Error("Unable to find the 'React' module."); } } if (!React.Component) { throw new Error( `Unable to find the "Component" class, please either: 1. Upgrade to a newer version of React Native that supports it, or 2. Call the codePush.sync API in your component instead of using the @codePush decorator` ); } const decorator = (RootComponent) => { class CodePushComponent extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.rootComponentRef = React.createRef(); } componentDidMount() { if (options.checkFrequency === CodePush.CheckFrequency.MANUAL) { CodePush.notifyAppReady(); } else { const rootComponentInstance = this.rootComponentRef.current; let syncStatusCallback; if (rootComponentInstance && rootComponentInstance.codePushStatusDidChange) { syncStatusCallback = rootComponentInstance.codePushStatusDidChange.bind(rootComponentInstance); } let downloadProgressCallback; if (rootComponentInstance && rootComponentInstance.codePushDownloadDidProgress) { downloadProgressCallback = rootComponentInstance.codePushDownloadDidProgress.bind(rootComponentInstance); } let handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback; if (rootComponentInstance && rootComponentInstance.codePushOnBinaryVersionMismatch) { handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback = rootComponentInstance.codePushOnBinaryVersionMismatch.bind(rootComponentInstance); } CodePush.sync(options, syncStatusCallback, downloadProgressCallback, handleBinaryVersionMismatchCallback); if (options.checkFrequency === CodePush.CheckFrequency.ON_APP_RESUME) { ReactNative.AppState.addEventListener("change", (newState) => { if (newState === "active") { CodePush.sync(options, syncStatusCallback, downloadProgressCallback); } }); } } } render() { const props = {...this.props}; // We can set ref property on class components only (not stateless) // Check it by render method if (RootComponent.prototype && RootComponent.prototype.render) { props.ref = this.rootComponentRef; } return } } return hoistStatics(CodePushComponent, RootComponent); } if (typeof options === "function") { // Infer that the root component was directly passed to us. return decorator(options); } else { return decorator; } } // If the "NativeCodePush" variable isn't defined, then // the app didn't properly install the native module, // and therefore, it doesn't make sense initializing // the JS interface when it wouldn't work anyways. if (NativeCodePush) { CodePush = codePushify; Object.assign(CodePush, { AcquisitionSdk: Sdk, checkForUpdate, getConfiguration, getCurrentPackage, getUpdateMetadata, log, notifyAppReady: notifyApplicationReady, notifyApplicationReady, restartApp, setUpTestDependencies, sync, disallowRestart: NativeCodePush.disallow, allowRestart: NativeCodePush.allow, clearUpdates: NativeCodePush.clearUpdates, InstallMode: { IMMEDIATE: NativeCodePush.codePushInstallModeImmediate, // Restart the app immediately ON_NEXT_RESTART: NativeCodePush.codePushInstallModeOnNextRestart, // Don't artificially restart the app. Allow the update to be "picked up" on the next app restart ON_NEXT_RESUME: NativeCodePush.codePushInstallModeOnNextResume, // Restart the app the next time it is resumed from the background ON_NEXT_SUSPEND: NativeCodePush.codePushInstallModeOnNextSuspend // Restart the app _while_ it is in the background, // but only after it has been in the background for "minimumBackgroundDuration" seconds (0 by default), // so that user context isn't lost unless the app suspension is long enough to not matter }, SyncStatus: { UP_TO_DATE: 0, // The running app is up-to-date UPDATE_INSTALLED: 1, // The app had an optional/mandatory update that was successfully downloaded and is about to be installed. UPDATE_IGNORED: 2, // The app had an optional update and the end-user chose to ignore it UNKNOWN_ERROR: 3, SYNC_IN_PROGRESS: 4, // There is an ongoing "sync" operation in progress. CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE: 5, AWAITING_USER_ACTION: 6, DOWNLOADING_PACKAGE: 7, INSTALLING_UPDATE: 8 }, CheckFrequency: { ON_APP_START: 0, ON_APP_RESUME: 1, MANUAL: 2 }, UpdateState: { RUNNING: NativeCodePush.codePushUpdateStateRunning, PENDING: NativeCodePush.codePushUpdateStatePending, LATEST: NativeCodePush.codePushUpdateStateLatest }, DeploymentStatus: { FAILED: "DeploymentFailed", SUCCEEDED: "DeploymentSucceeded", }, DEFAULT_UPDATE_DIALOG: { appendReleaseDescription: false, descriptionPrefix: " Description: ", mandatoryContinueButtonLabel: "Continue", mandatoryUpdateMessage: "An update is available that must be installed.", optionalIgnoreButtonLabel: "Ignore", optionalInstallButtonLabel: "Install", optionalUpdateMessage: "An update is available. Would you like to install it?", title: "Update available" }, DEFAULT_ROLLBACK_RETRY_OPTIONS: { delayInHours: 24, maxRetryAttempts: 1 } }); } else { log("The CodePush module doesn't appear to be properly installed. Please double-check that everything is setup correctly."); } module.exports = CodePush;