
742 строки
23 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

# -------------------------
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
# ALIASES: Caches
# -------------------------
- &restore-yarn-cache
- v1-yarn-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }}{{ checksum "bots/package.json" }}
- v1-yarn-cache-{{ arch }}
- &save-yarn-cache
- ~/.cache/yarn
key: v1-yarn-cache-{{ arch }}-{{ checksum "package.json" }}{{ checksum "bots/package.json" }}
- &restore-brew-cache
- v1-brew
- &save-brew-cache
- /usr/local/Homebrew
- ~/Library/Caches/Homebrew
key: v1-brew
# Android
- &restore-buck-downloads-cache
- v3-buck-v2019.01.10.01-{{ checksum "scripts/circleci/" }}}
- v3-buck-v2019.01.10.01-
- &save-buck-downloads-cache
- ~/buck
- ~/okbuck
key: v3-buck-v2019.01.10.01-{{ checksum "scripts/circleci/" }}
- &restore-gradle-downloads-cache
- v1-gradle-{{ checksum "ReactAndroid/build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum "scripts/circleci/" }}
- v1-gradle-
- &save-gradle-downloads-cache
- ~/.gradle
- ReactAndroid/build/downloads
- ReactAndroid/build/third-party-ndk
key: v1-gradle-{{ checksum "ReactAndroid/build.gradle" }}-{{ checksum "scripts/circleci/" }}
# -------------------------
# ALIASES: Shared Commands
# -------------------------
- &yarn
name: Run Yarn
command: |
# Skip yarn install on metro bump commits as the package is not yet
# available on npm
if [[ $(echo "$GIT_COMMIT_DESC" | grep -c "Bump metro@") -eq 0 ]]; then
yarn install --non-interactive --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn
- &setup-artifacts
name: Initial Setup
command: |
mkdir -p ~/react-native/reports/buck/
mkdir -p ~/react-native/reports/build/
mkdir -p ~/react-native/reports/junit/
mkdir -p ~/react-native/reports/outputs/
# Android
- &download-dependencies-buck
name: Download Dependencies Using Buck
command: ./scripts/circleci/
- &download-dependencies-gradle
name: Download Dependencies Using Gradle
command: ./scripts/circleci/
# JavaScript
- &run-js-tests
name: JavaScript Test Suite
command: yarn test-ci
# -------------------------
# ALIASES: Disabled Tests
# -------------------------
- &run-podspec-tests
No longer run disabled tests on Héctor's PRs (#23562) Summary: Do not run disabled tests, even when the commit / PR is pushed by hramos. See the existing functionality at ![screen shot 2019-02-20 at 8 21 39 am]( There are a handful of tests that are known to be broken in Circle CI. This has been the case since at least Fall 2017, when we migrated to Circle 2.0. These tests haven't been fixed for several reasons, one of them being that once they were removed from the Circle CI config, the pressure to fix them has been lowered. Last year, I added these disabled tests back to Circle CI, but used a script to prevent them from running unless the job was initiated by myself. This would allow us to get good signal from Circle CI without polluting results with known failing tests, while still showing me which tests needed some work before getting re-enabled again. In practice, this functionality is introducing more friction as I work on fixing new CI failures: my own fixup PRs are marked as failing due to these "disabled tests" (see test_android on To ensure we don't lose track of these failures, I've created an umbrella issue at Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D14161172 Pulled By: cpojer fbshipit-source-id: 040500dcb433d3127c64a42b31f94af6bbaa6ed1
2019-02-21 05:39:10 +03:00
name: Test CocoaPods
command: ./scripts/
- &run-e2e-tests
No longer run disabled tests on Héctor's PRs (#23562) Summary: Do not run disabled tests, even when the commit / PR is pushed by hramos. See the existing functionality at ![screen shot 2019-02-20 at 8 21 39 am]( There are a handful of tests that are known to be broken in Circle CI. This has been the case since at least Fall 2017, when we migrated to Circle 2.0. These tests haven't been fixed for several reasons, one of them being that once they were removed from the Circle CI config, the pressure to fix them has been lowered. Last year, I added these disabled tests back to Circle CI, but used a script to prevent them from running unless the job was initiated by myself. This would allow us to get good signal from Circle CI without polluting results with known failing tests, while still showing me which tests needed some work before getting re-enabled again. In practice, this functionality is introducing more friction as I work on fixing new CI failures: my own fixup PRs are marked as failing due to these "disabled tests" (see test_android on To ensure we don't lose track of these failures, I've created an umbrella issue at Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D14161172 Pulled By: cpojer fbshipit-source-id: 040500dcb433d3127c64a42b31f94af6bbaa6ed1
2019-02-21 05:39:10 +03:00
name: End-to-End Test Suite
command: ./scripts/run-ci-e2e-tests.js --android --ios --js --retries 3;
- &run-android-e2e-tests
No longer run disabled tests on Héctor's PRs (#23562) Summary: Do not run disabled tests, even when the commit / PR is pushed by hramos. See the existing functionality at ![screen shot 2019-02-20 at 8 21 39 am]( There are a handful of tests that are known to be broken in Circle CI. This has been the case since at least Fall 2017, when we migrated to Circle 2.0. These tests haven't been fixed for several reasons, one of them being that once they were removed from the Circle CI config, the pressure to fix them has been lowered. Last year, I added these disabled tests back to Circle CI, but used a script to prevent them from running unless the job was initiated by myself. This would allow us to get good signal from Circle CI without polluting results with known failing tests, while still showing me which tests needed some work before getting re-enabled again. In practice, this functionality is introducing more friction as I work on fixing new CI failures: my own fixup PRs are marked as failing due to these "disabled tests" (see test_android on To ensure we don't lose track of these failures, I've created an umbrella issue at Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D14161172 Pulled By: cpojer fbshipit-source-id: 040500dcb433d3127c64a42b31f94af6bbaa6ed1
2019-02-21 05:39:10 +03:00
name: Android End-to-End Test Suite
command: node ./scripts/run-ci-e2e-tests.js --android --retries 3;
# -------------------------
# ALIASES: Branch Filters
# -------------------------
- &filter-only-master
only: master
- &filter-only-master-stable
- /.*-stable/
- master
- &filter-only-stable
- /.*-stable/
- &filter-ignore-gh-pages
ignore: gh-pages
- &filter-only-version-tags
# Both of the following conditions must be included!
# Ignore any commit on any branch by default.
ignore: /.*/
# Only act on version tags.
only: /v[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*(\-rc(\.[0-9]+)?)?/
- &filter-only-forked-pull-requests
only: /^pull\/.*$/
# -------------------------
# ALIASES: Workflows
# -------------------------
- &run-after-checkout
filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages
- checkout_code
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
defaults: &defaults
working_directory: ~/react-native
- GIT_COMMIT_DESC: git log --format=oneline -n 1 $CIRCLE_SHA1
# JavaScript
js_defaults: &js_defaults
<<: *defaults
- image: node:8
# Android
android_defaults: &android_defaults
<<: *defaults
- image: reactnativecommunity/react-native-android:2019-5-7
resource_class: "large"
- TERM: "dumb"
- _JAVA_OPTIONS: "-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap"
- GRADLE_OPTS: '-Dorg.gradle.daemon=false -Dorg.gradle.jvmargs="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"'
# iOS
macos_defaults: &macos_defaults
<<: *defaults
xcode: "10.2.0"
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
version: 2
# Set up a Node environment for downstream jobs
<<: *js_defaults
- checkout
- run: *setup-artifacts
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
- save-cache: *save-yarn-cache
- persist_to_workspace:
root: .
paths: .
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Analyze PR
# -------------------------
# Analyze pull request and raise any lint/flow issues.
# Issues will be posted to the PR itself via GitHub bots.
# This workflow should only fail if the bots fail to run.
<<: *defaults
- image: node:lts
# The public github tokens are publicly visible by design
- PUBLIC_PULLBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN_A: "a6edf8e8d40ce4e8b11a"
- PUBLIC_PULLBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN_B: "150e1341f4dd9c944d2a"
- PUBLIC_ANALYSISBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN_A: "78a72af35445ca3f8180"
- PUBLIC_ANALYSISBOT_GITHUB_TOKEN_B: "b1a98e0bbd56ff1ccba1"
- checkout
- run: *setup-artifacts
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
- run:
name: Analyze Shell Scripts
command: |
echo -e "\\x1B[36mInstalling additional dependencies\\x1B[0m"
apt update && apt install -y shellcheck jq
yarn add @octokit/rest@15.18.0
echo -e "\\x1B[36mAnalyzing shell scripts\\x1B[0m"; \
when: always
- run:
name: Analyze Code
command: |
echo -e "\\x1B[36mInstalling additional dependencies\\x1B[0m"; yarn add @octokit/rest@15.18.0
echo -e "\\x1B[36mAnalyzing code\\x1B[0m"; \
when: always
- run:
name: Analyze Pull Request
command: |
echo -e "\\x1B[36mInstalling additional dependencies\\x1B[0m"
cd bots
yarn install --non-interactive --cache-folder ~/.cache/yarn
echo -e "\\x1B[36mAnalyzing pull request\\x1B[0m"; \
yarn danger ci --use-github-checks
when: always
- save-cache: *save-yarn-cache
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Analyze Code
# -------------------------
<<: *js_defaults
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/react-native
- run:
name: Lint code
command: scripts/circleci/ yarn lint --format junit -o ~/react-native/reports/junit/eslint/results.xml
when: always
- run:
name: Check for errors in code using Flow (iOS)
command: yarn flow-check-ios
when: always
- run:
name: Check for errors in code using Flow (Android)
command: yarn flow-check-android
when: always
- run:
name: Sanity checks
command: |
when: always
- run:
name: Check formatting
command: yarn run format-check
when: always
- store_test_results:
path: ~/react-native/reports/junit
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/react-native/yarn.lock
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Test JavaScript
# -------------------------
# Runs JavaScript tests on Node 8
<<: *js_defaults
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/react-native
- run:
name: JavaScript Test Suite
command: node ./scripts/run-ci-javascript-tests.js --maxWorkers 2
- store_test_results:
path: ~/react-native/reports/junit
# Run JavaScript tests on Node LTS
<<: *defaults
- image: node:lts
- checkout
- run: *setup-artifacts
- run: *yarn
- run:
name: JavaScript Test Suite
command: node ./scripts/run-ci-javascript-tests.js --maxWorkers 2
- store_test_results:
path: ~/react-native/reports/junit
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Test iOS
# -------------------------
# Runs unit tests on iOS devices
<<: *macos_defaults
- REPORTS_DIR: "./reports"
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/react-native
- run:
name: Print Xcode environment
command: xcodebuild -version
- run:
name: List available devices
command: instruments -s devices
- run:
name: Boot iOS Simulator
command: source scripts/.tests.env && xcrun simctl boot "$IOS_DEVICE" || true
- restore-cache: *restore-brew-cache
- run:
name: Install Watchman
command: |
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install watchman >/dev/null
touch .watchmanconfig
- save-cache: *save-brew-cache
- run:
name: Start Metro packager
command: yarn start --max-workers=1 || echo "Can't start packager automatically"
background: true
- run:
name: Start WebSocket test server
command: open "./IntegrationTests/launchWebSocketServer.command" || echo "Can't start web socket server automatically"
background: true
- run:
name: Verify RNTester can be built
command: |
source ./scripts/.tests.env
xcodebuild \
-project RNTester/RNTester.xcodeproj \
-scheme RNTester \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=$IOS_DEVICE,OS=$IOS_TARGET_OS" \
-UseModernBuildSystem=NO \
build | \
xcpretty --report junit --output "$REPORTS_DIR/junit/ios_buiild/results.xml" && \
exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
- run:
name: Wait for Metro packager
command: |
until curl -s http://localhost:8081/status | grep "packager-status:running" -q; do
if (( attempt_num == max_attempts )); then
echo "Packager did not respond in time. No more attempts left."
exit 1
(( attempt_num++ ))
echo "Packager did not respond. Retrying for attempt number $attempt_num..."
sleep 1
echo "Packager is ready!"
- run:
name: Preload the RNTesterApp bundles
command: |
curl --silent 'http://localhost:8081/RNTester/js/RNTesterApp.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' --output /dev/null
curl --silent 'http://localhost:8081/RNTester/js/RNTesterApp.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false' --output /dev/null
curl --silent 'http://localhost:8081/IntegrationTests/IntegrationTestsApp.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' --output /dev/null
curl --silent 'http://localhost:8081/IntegrationTests/RCTRootViewIntegrationTestApp.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' --output /dev/null
- run:
name: Run RNTester Unit Tests
command: |
source ./scripts/.tests.env
xcodebuild \
-project RNTester/RNTester.xcodeproj \
-scheme RNTester \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=$IOS_DEVICE,OS=$IOS_TARGET_OS" \
-UseModernBuildSystem=NO \
-only-testing:RNTesterUnitTests \
build test | \
xcpretty --report junit --output "$REPORTS_DIR/junit/ios_unit_tests/results.xml" && \
exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
- run:
name: Run RNTester Integration Tests
command: |
source ./scripts/.tests.env
xcodebuild \
-project RNTester/RNTester.xcodeproj \
-scheme RNTester \
-sdk iphonesimulator \
-destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=$IOS_DEVICE,OS=$IOS_TARGET_OS" \
-UseModernBuildSystem=NO \
-only-testing:RNTesterIntegrationTests \
build test | \
xcpretty --report junit --output "$REPORTS_DIR/junit/ios_integration_tests/results.xml" && \
exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}"
- run:
name: Stop Metro packager and WebSocket test server
command: |
# kill whatever is occupying port 8081 (packager)
lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill
# kill whatever is occupying port 5555 (web socket server)
lsof -i tcp:5555 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill
- store_test_results:
path: ~/react-native/reports/junit
# Runs end-to-end tests
<<: *macos_defaults
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/react-native
- run:
name: Boot iPhone Simulator
command: source scripts/.tests.env && xcrun simctl boot "$IOS_DEVICE" || true
- run:
name: Configure Environment Variables
command: |
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/opt/node@8/bin:$PATH' >> $BASH_ENV
source $BASH_ENV
# Brew
- restore-cache: *restore-brew-cache
- run:
name: Configure Detox Environment
command: |
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install node@8 >/dev/null
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew tap wix/brew >/dev/null
HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew install applesimutils >/dev/null
touch .watchmanconfig
node -v
- save-cache: *save-brew-cache
# Yarn install
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
- save-cache: *save-yarn-cache
# Xcode build
- run:
name: Build app for Detox iOS End-to-End Tests
command: yarn run build-ios-e2e
# Test
- run:
name: Run Detox iOS End-to-End Tests
command: yarn run test-ios-e2e
when: always
- run:
name: Run JavaScript End-to-End Tests
command: |
# free up port 8081 for the packager before running tests
set +eo pipefail
lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill
set -eo pipefail
node ./scripts/run-ci-e2e-tests.js --js --retries 3
when: always
# - run:
# name: Run iOS End-to-End Tests
# command: |
# # free up port 8081 for the packager before running tests
# set +eo pipefail
# lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill
# set -eo pipefail
# node ./scripts/run-ci-e2e-tests.js --ios --retries 3;
# when: always
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Test Android
# -------------------------
# Run Android tests
<<: *android_defaults
- attach_workspace:
at: ~/react-native
# Validate Android SDK installation and packages
- run:
name: Validate Android SDK Install
command: ./scripts/
# Starting emulator in advance as it takes some time to boot.
- run:
name: Create Android Virtual Device
command: source scripts/ && createAVD
- run:
name: Launch Android Virtual Device in Background
command: source scripts/ && launchAVD
background: true
# Keep configuring Android dependencies while AVD boots up
# Install Buck
- restore-cache: *restore-buck-downloads-cache
- run:
name: Install BUCK
command: |
buck --version
# Install related tooling
if [[ ! -e ~/okbuck ]]; then
git clone ~/okbuck --depth=1
mkdir -p ~/react-native/tooling/junit
cp -R ~/okbuck/tooling/junit/* ~/react-native/tooling/junit/.
- save-cache: *save-buck-downloads-cache
# Validate Android test environment (including Buck)
- run:
name: Validate Android Test Environment
command: ./scripts/
# Download dependencies using Buck
- run: *download-dependencies-buck
# Download dependencies using Gradle
- restore-cache: *restore-gradle-downloads-cache
- run: *download-dependencies-gradle
- save-cache: *save-gradle-downloads-cache
# Build and compile
- run:
name: Build Android App
command: |
buck build ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react
buck build ReactAndroid/src/main/java/com/facebook/react/shell
- run:
name: Compile Native Libs for Unit and Integration Tests
command: ./gradlew :ReactAndroid:packageReactNdkLibsForBuck -Pjobs=$BUILD_THREADS
no_output_timeout: 6m
# Build JavaScript Bundle for instrumentation tests
- run:
name: Build JavaScript Bundle
command: node cli.js bundle --max-workers 2 --platform android --dev true --entry-file ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/js/TestBundle.js --bundle-output ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/AndroidTestBundle.js
# Wait for AVD to finish booting before running tests
- run:
name: Wait for Android Virtual Device
command: source scripts/ && waitForAVD
# Test Suite
- run:
name: Run Unit Tests
command: buck test ReactAndroid/src/test/... --config build.threads=$BUILD_THREADS --xml ~/react-native/reports/buck/all-results-raw.xml
- run:
name: Run Instrumentation Tests
command: |
if [[ ! -e ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/assets/AndroidTestBundle.js ]]; then
echo "JavaScript bundle missing, cannot run instrumentation tests. Verify Build JavaScript Bundle step completed successfully."; exit 1;
source scripts/ && NO_BUCKD=1 retry3 timeout 300 buck install ReactAndroid/src/androidTest/buck-runner:instrumentation-tests --config build.threads=$BUILD_THREADS
- run:
name: Build Android RNTester App
command: ./gradlew RNTester:android:app:assembleRelease
# Collect Results
- run:
name: Collect Test Results
command: |
find . -type f -regex ".*/build/test-results/debug/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/react-native/reports/build/ \;
find . -type f -regex ".*/outputs/androidTest-results/connected/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/react-native/reports/outputs/ \;
find . -type f -regex ".*/buck-out/gen/ReactAndroid/src/test/.*/.*xml" -exec cp {} ~/react-native/reports/buck/ \;
./tooling/junit/ ~/react-native/reports/buck/all-results-raw.xml ~/react-native/reports/junit/all-results-junit.xml
when: always
- store_test_results:
path: ~/react-native/reports/junit
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Test Docker Build
# -------------------------
machine: true
- checkout
- run:
name: Build Docker container for Android RNTester App
command: |
source ~/.bashrc
nvm i node
npm i -g yarn
npx envinfo@latest
yarn run docker-setup-android
yarn run docker-build-android
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Coverage
# -------------------------
# Collect JavaScript test coverage
<<: *js_defaults
- checkout
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
- run:
name: Test coverage
command: |
yarn test --coverage --maxWorkers=2
cat ./coverage/ | ./node_modules/.bin/coveralls
when: always
- store_artifacts:
path: ~/react-native/coverage/
# -------------------------
# JOBS: Releases
# -------------------------
# Publishes new version onto npm
# Only works on stable branches when a properly tagged commit is pushed
<<: *android_defaults
Use one time password when publishing to npm (#20701) Summary: This pull request addresses the failing publish-npm.js script from earlier this week. For background, last month we reset all npm access tokens for any package related to Facebook, and we now require all accounts with publish permissions to have two factor enabled. The publish-npm.js script relied on one such token that is configured in Circle CI as a envvar. The token has been updated in Circle CI, but we now need a way of passing the one time password to npm. With this PR, we can now grab the otp from Circle CI's envvars. Considering otps are ephemeral, this requires the NPM_CONFIG_OTP envvar to be set by someone with publishing permissions anytime a new release will be pushed to npm. The token is short lived, but it would still be good to clear the envvar after the package is published. Circle CI envvars are not passed on to PR/forked builds. This PR is effectively a breaking change for the release process, as the publish step will not succeed if the OTP is not valid. OTPs are short-lived, and the publish_npm_package job will definitely outlive the token. Unfortunately this will require some timing to get right, but the alternative is to ssh into the Circle CI machine and re-run the `npm publish --otp` command, which again would still require someone with publish access to provide the otp. Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D9478488 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 6af631a9cb425271b98c03d158aec390ebc95304
2018-08-23 09:20:05 +03:00
- checkout
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
# Fetch dependencies using Buck
- restore-cache: *restore-buck-downloads-cache
- run: *download-dependencies-buck
# Fetch dependencies using Gradle
- restore-cache: *restore-gradle-downloads-cache
- run: *download-dependencies-gradle
- restore-cache: *restore-yarn-cache
- run: *yarn
- run:
Use one time password when publishing to npm (#20701) Summary: This pull request addresses the failing publish-npm.js script from earlier this week. For background, last month we reset all npm access tokens for any package related to Facebook, and we now require all accounts with publish permissions to have two factor enabled. The publish-npm.js script relied on one such token that is configured in Circle CI as a envvar. The token has been updated in Circle CI, but we now need a way of passing the one time password to npm. With this PR, we can now grab the otp from Circle CI's envvars. Considering otps are ephemeral, this requires the NPM_CONFIG_OTP envvar to be set by someone with publishing permissions anytime a new release will be pushed to npm. The token is short lived, but it would still be good to clear the envvar after the package is published. Circle CI envvars are not passed on to PR/forked builds. This PR is effectively a breaking change for the release process, as the publish step will not succeed if the OTP is not valid. OTPs are short-lived, and the publish_npm_package job will definitely outlive the token. Unfortunately this will require some timing to get right, but the alternative is to ssh into the Circle CI machine and re-run the `npm publish --otp` command, which again would still require someone with publish access to provide the otp. Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D9478488 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 6af631a9cb425271b98c03d158aec390ebc95304
2018-08-23 09:20:05 +03:00
name: Authenticate with npm
command: echo "//${CIRCLE_NPM_TOKEN}" > ~/.npmrc
- run:
name: Authenticate git user
command: |
Use one time password when publishing to npm (#20701) Summary: This pull request addresses the failing publish-npm.js script from earlier this week. For background, last month we reset all npm access tokens for any package related to Facebook, and we now require all accounts with publish permissions to have two factor enabled. The publish-npm.js script relied on one such token that is configured in Circle CI as a envvar. The token has been updated in Circle CI, but we now need a way of passing the one time password to npm. With this PR, we can now grab the otp from Circle CI's envvars. Considering otps are ephemeral, this requires the NPM_CONFIG_OTP envvar to be set by someone with publishing permissions anytime a new release will be pushed to npm. The token is short lived, but it would still be good to clear the envvar after the package is published. Circle CI envvars are not passed on to PR/forked builds. This PR is effectively a breaking change for the release process, as the publish step will not succeed if the OTP is not valid. OTPs are short-lived, and the publish_npm_package job will definitely outlive the token. Unfortunately this will require some timing to get right, but the alternative is to ssh into the Circle CI machine and re-run the `npm publish --otp` command, which again would still require someone with publish access to provide the otp. Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D9478488 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 6af631a9cb425271b98c03d158aec390ebc95304
2018-08-23 09:20:05 +03:00
git config --global ""
git config --global "npm Deployment Script"
Use one time password when publishing to npm (#20701) Summary: This pull request addresses the failing publish-npm.js script from earlier this week. For background, last month we reset all npm access tokens for any package related to Facebook, and we now require all accounts with publish permissions to have two factor enabled. The publish-npm.js script relied on one such token that is configured in Circle CI as a envvar. The token has been updated in Circle CI, but we now need a way of passing the one time password to npm. With this PR, we can now grab the otp from Circle CI's envvars. Considering otps are ephemeral, this requires the NPM_CONFIG_OTP envvar to be set by someone with publishing permissions anytime a new release will be pushed to npm. The token is short lived, but it would still be good to clear the envvar after the package is published. Circle CI envvars are not passed on to PR/forked builds. This PR is effectively a breaking change for the release process, as the publish step will not succeed if the OTP is not valid. OTPs are short-lived, and the publish_npm_package job will definitely outlive the token. Unfortunately this will require some timing to get right, but the alternative is to ssh into the Circle CI machine and re-run the `npm publish --otp` command, which again would still require someone with publish access to provide the otp. Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D9478488 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 6af631a9cb425271b98c03d158aec390ebc95304
2018-08-23 09:20:05 +03:00
echo "machine login react-native-bot password $GITHUB_TOKEN" > ~/.netrc
# Build and publish release. Requires an Android environment.
Use one time password when publishing to npm (#20701) Summary: This pull request addresses the failing publish-npm.js script from earlier this week. For background, last month we reset all npm access tokens for any package related to Facebook, and we now require all accounts with publish permissions to have two factor enabled. The publish-npm.js script relied on one such token that is configured in Circle CI as a envvar. The token has been updated in Circle CI, but we now need a way of passing the one time password to npm. With this PR, we can now grab the otp from Circle CI's envvars. Considering otps are ephemeral, this requires the NPM_CONFIG_OTP envvar to be set by someone with publishing permissions anytime a new release will be pushed to npm. The token is short lived, but it would still be good to clear the envvar after the package is published. Circle CI envvars are not passed on to PR/forked builds. This PR is effectively a breaking change for the release process, as the publish step will not succeed if the OTP is not valid. OTPs are short-lived, and the publish_npm_package job will definitely outlive the token. Unfortunately this will require some timing to get right, but the alternative is to ssh into the Circle CI machine and re-run the `npm publish --otp` command, which again would still require someone with publish access to provide the otp. Pull Request resolved: Differential Revision: D9478488 Pulled By: hramos fbshipit-source-id: 6af631a9cb425271b98c03d158aec390ebc95304
2018-08-23 09:20:05 +03:00
- run:
name: Publish React Native Package
command: node ./scripts/publish-npm.js
# -------------------------
# -------------------------
version: 2
- test_node_lts:
filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages
- checkout_code:
filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages
- analyze: *run-after-checkout
- test_javascript: *run-after-checkout
- test_android: *run-after-checkout
- test_ios: *run-after-checkout
- test_end_to_end: *run-after-checkout
- test_docker_build:
filters: *filter-ignore-gh-pages
- publish_npm_package:
filters: *filter-only-version-tags
# Run code checks on PRs from forks
- analyze_pr:
filters: *filter-only-forked-pull-requests
# Gather coverage on master
- js_coverage:
filters: *filter-only-master