
1603 строки
51 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
#import "RCTBridge.h"
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <objc/message.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <mach-o/dyld.h>
#import <mach-o/getsect.h>
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
#import "RCTContextExecutor.h"
#import "RCTConvert.h"
#import "RCTEventDispatcher.h"
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
#import "RCTJavaScriptLoader.h"
#import "RCTKeyCommands.h"
#import "RCTLog.h"
#import "RCTProfile.h"
#import "RCTRedBox.h"
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
#import "RCTRootView.h"
#import "RCTSourceCode.h"
#import "RCTSparseArray.h"
#import "RCTUtils.h"
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
NSString *const RCTReloadNotification = @"RCTReloadNotification";
NSString *const RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification";
NSString *const RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification = @"RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification";
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
dispatch_queue_t const RCTJSThread = nil;
* Must be kept in sync with `MessageQueue.js`.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, RCTBridgeFields) {
RCTBridgeFieldRequestModuleIDs = 0,
#ifdef __LP64__
typedef uint64_t RCTHeaderValue;
typedef struct section_64 RCTHeaderSection;
#define RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader getsectbynamefromheader_64
typedef uint32_t RCTHeaderValue;
typedef struct section RCTHeaderSection;
#define RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader getsectbynamefromheader
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
#define RCTAssertJSThread() \
RCTAssert(![NSStringFromClass([_javaScriptExecutor class]) isEqualToString:@"RCTContextExecutor"] || \
[[[NSThread currentThread] name] isEqualToString:@"com.facebook.React.JavaScript"], \
@"This method must be called on JS thread")
NSString *const RCTEnqueueNotification = @"RCTEnqueueNotification";
NSString *const RCTDequeueNotification = @"RCTDequeueNotification";
* This function returns the module name for a given class.
NSString *RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(Class cls)
NSString *name = nil;
if ([cls respondsToSelector:@selector(moduleName)]) {
name = [cls valueForKey:@"moduleName"];
if ([name length] == 0) {
name = NSStringFromClass(cls);
if ([name hasPrefix:@"RK"]) {
name = [name stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:(NSRange){0,@"RK".length} withString:@"RCT"];
return name;
* This function scans all classes available at runtime and returns an array
* of all JSMethods registered.
static NSArray *RCTJSMethods(void)
static NSArray *JSMethods;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
NSMutableSet *uniqueMethods = [NSMutableSet set];
Dl_info info;
dladdr(&RCTJSMethods, &info);
const RCTHeaderValue mach_header = (RCTHeaderValue)info.dli_fbase;
const RCTHeaderSection *section = RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader((void *)mach_header, "__DATA", "RCTImport");
if (section) {
for (RCTHeaderValue addr = section->offset;
addr < section->offset + section->size;
addr += sizeof(const char **)) {
// Get data entry
NSString *entry = @(*(const char **)(mach_header + addr));
[uniqueMethods addObject:entry];
JSMethods = [uniqueMethods allObjects];
return JSMethods;
* This function scans all exported modules available at runtime and returns an
* array. As a backup, it also scans all classes that implement the
* RTCBridgeModule protocol to ensure they've been exported. This scanning
* functionality is disabled in release mode to improve startup performance.
static NSDictionary *RCTModuleIDsByName;
static NSArray *RCTModuleNamesByID;
static NSArray *RCTModuleClassesByID;
static NSArray *RCTBridgeModuleClassesByModuleID(void)
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
RCTModuleIDsByName = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
RCTModuleNamesByID = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
RCTModuleClassesByID = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Dl_info info;
dladdr(&RCTBridgeModuleClassesByModuleID, &info);
const RCTHeaderValue mach_header = (RCTHeaderValue)info.dli_fbase;
const RCTHeaderSection *section = RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader((void *)mach_header, "__DATA", "RCTExportModule");
if (section) {
for (RCTHeaderValue addr = section->offset;
addr < section->offset + section->size;
addr += sizeof(const char **)) {
// Get data entry
NSString *entry = @(*(const char **)(mach_header + addr));
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
NSArray *parts = [[entry substringWithRange:(NSRange){2, entry.length - 3}]
componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
// Parse class name
NSString *moduleClassName = parts[0];
NSRange categoryRange = [moduleClassName rangeOfString:@"("];
if (categoryRange.length) {
moduleClassName = [moduleClassName substringToIndex:categoryRange.location];
// Get class
Class cls = NSClassFromString(moduleClassName);
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCTAssert([cls conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTBridgeModule)],
@"%@ does not conform to the RCTBridgeModule protocol",
// Register module
NSString *moduleName = RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(cls);
((NSMutableDictionary *)RCTModuleIDsByName)[moduleName] = @(RCTModuleNamesByID.count);
[(NSMutableArray *)RCTModuleNamesByID addObject:moduleName];
[(NSMutableArray *)RCTModuleClassesByID addObject:cls];
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG) {
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
// We may be able to get rid of this check in future, once people
// get used to the new registration system. That would potentially
// allow you to create modules that are not automatically registered
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
static unsigned int classCount;
Class *classes = objc_copyClassList(&classCount);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < classCount; i++)
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
Class cls = classes[i];
Class superclass = cls;
while (superclass)
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
if (class_conformsToProtocol(superclass, @protocol(RCTBridgeModule)))
if (![RCTModuleClassesByID containsObject:cls]) {
RCTLogError(@"Class %@ was not exported. Did you forget to use RCT_EXPORT_MODULE()?", NSStringFromClass(cls));
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
superclass = class_getSuperclass(superclass);
return RCTModuleClassesByID;
@class RCTBatchedBridge;
@interface RCTBridge ()
@property (nonatomic, strong) RCTBatchedBridge *batchedBridge;
@property (nonatomic, strong) RCTBridgeModuleProviderBlock moduleProvider;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) RCTEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher;
- (void)_invokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module
method:(NSString *)method
arguments:(NSArray *)args
context:(NSNumber *)context;
@interface RCTBatchedBridge : RCTBridge <RCTInvalidating>
@property (nonatomic, weak) RCTBridge *parentBridge;
- (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge;
2015-05-03 04:43:34 +03:00
- (void)_actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module
method:(NSString *)method
arguments:(NSArray *)args
context:(NSNumber *)context;
2015-05-03 04:43:34 +03:00
* This private class is used as a container for exported method info
@interface RCTModuleMethod : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *moduleClassName;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSString *JSMethodName;
@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly) SEL selector;
@implementation RCTModuleMethod
BOOL _isClassMethod;
Class _moduleClass;
SEL _selector;
NSMethodSignature *_methodSignature;
NSArray *_argumentBlocks;
NSString *_methodName;
dispatch_block_t _methodQueue;
static NSString *RCTStringUpToFirstArgument(NSString *methodName)
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
NSRange colonRange = [methodName rangeOfString:@":"];
if (colonRange.length) {
methodName = [methodName substringToIndex:colonRange.location];
return methodName;
- (instancetype)initWithReactMethodName:(NSString *)reactMethodName
objCMethodName:(NSString *)objCMethodName
JSMethodName:(NSString *)JSMethodName
if ((self = [super init])) {
_methodName = reactMethodName;
NSArray *parts = [[reactMethodName substringWithRange:(NSRange){2, reactMethodName.length - 3}] componentsSeparatedByString:@" "];
// Parse class and method
_moduleClassName = parts[0];
NSRange categoryRange = [_moduleClassName rangeOfString:@"("];
if (categoryRange.length) {
_moduleClassName = [_moduleClassName substringToIndex:categoryRange.location];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
NSArray *argumentNames = nil;
if ([parts[1] hasPrefix:@"__rct_export__"]) {
// New format
NSString *selectorString = [parts[1] substringFromIndex:14];
_selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorString);
_JSMethodName = JSMethodName ?: RCTStringUpToFirstArgument(selectorString);
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
static NSRegularExpression *regExp;
if (!regExp) {
NSString *unusedPattern = @"(?:(?:__unused|__attribute__\\(\\(unused\\)\\)))";
NSString *constPattern = @"(?:const)";
NSString *constUnusedPattern = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(?:(?:%@|%@)\\s*)", unusedPattern, constPattern];
NSString *pattern = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\\(%1$@?(\\w+?)(?:\\s*\\*)?%1$@?\\)", constUnusedPattern];
regExp = [[NSRegularExpression alloc] initWithPattern:pattern options:0 error:NULL];
argumentNames = [NSMutableArray array];
[regExp enumerateMatchesInString:objCMethodName options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, objCMethodName.length) usingBlock:^(NSTextCheckingResult *result, NSMatchingFlags flags, BOOL *stop) {
NSString *argumentName = [objCMethodName substringWithRange:[result rangeAtIndex:1]];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
[(NSMutableArray *)argumentNames addObject:argumentName];
} else {
// Old format
NSString *selectorString = parts[1];
_selector = NSSelectorFromString(selectorString);
_JSMethodName = JSMethodName ?: RCTStringUpToFirstArgument(selectorString);
// Extract class and method details
_isClassMethod = [reactMethodName characterAtIndex:0] == '+';
_moduleClass = NSClassFromString(_moduleClassName);
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG) {
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
// Sanity check
RCTAssert([_moduleClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTBridgeModule)],
@"You are attempting to export the method %@, but %@ does not \
conform to the RCTBridgeModule Protocol", objCMethodName, _moduleClassName);
// Get method signature
_methodSignature = _isClassMethod ?
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
[_moduleClass methodSignatureForSelector:_selector] :
[_moduleClass instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:_selector];
// Process arguments
NSUInteger numberOfArguments = _methodSignature.numberOfArguments;
NSMutableArray *argumentBlocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:numberOfArguments - 2];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
#define RCT_ARG_BLOCK(_logic) \
[argumentBlocks addObject:^(RCTBridge *bridge, NSNumber *context, NSInvocation *invocation, NSUInteger index, id json) { \
_logic \
[invocation setArgument:&value atIndex:index]; \
}]; \
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
void (^addBlockArgument)(void) = ^{
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && json && ![json isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Argument %tu (%@) of %@.%@ should be a number", index,
json, RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_moduleClass), _JSMethodName);
// Marked as autoreleasing, because NSInvocation doesn't retain arguments
__autoreleasing id value = (json ? ^(NSArray *args) {
[bridge _invokeAndProcessModule:@"BatchedBridge"
arguments:@[json, args]
} : ^(NSArray *unused) {});
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
void (^defaultCase)(const char *) = ^(const char *argumentType) {
static const char *blockType = @encode(typeof(^{}));
if (!strcmp(argumentType, blockType)) {
} else {
RCT_ARG_BLOCK( id value = json; )
for (NSUInteger i = 2; i < numberOfArguments; i++) {
const char *argumentType = [_methodSignature getArgumentTypeAtIndex:i];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
BOOL useFallback = YES;
if (argumentNames) {
NSString *argumentName = argumentNames[i - 2];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([argumentName stringByAppendingString:@":"]);
if ([RCTConvert respondsToSelector:selector]) {
useFallback = NO;
switch (argumentType[0]) {
#define RCT_CONVERT_CASE(_value, _type) \
case _value: { \
_type (*convert)(id, SEL, id) = (typeof(convert))objc_msgSend; \
RCT_ARG_BLOCK( _type value = convert([RCTConvert class], selector, json); ) \
break; \
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('*', const char *)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('C', unsigned char)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('s', short)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('S', unsigned short)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('I', unsigned int)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('L', unsigned long)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('q', long long)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('Q', unsigned long long)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('f', float)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('d', double)
RCT_CONVERT_CASE('^', void *)
case '{': {
[argumentBlocks addObject:^(RCTBridge *bridge, NSNumber *context, NSInvocation *invocation, NSUInteger index, id json) {
NSMethodSignature *methodSignature = [RCTConvert methodSignatureForSelector:selector];
void *returnValue = malloc(methodSignature.methodReturnLength);
NSInvocation *_invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:methodSignature];
[_invocation setTarget:[RCTConvert class]];
[_invocation setSelector:selector];
[_invocation setArgument:&json atIndex:2];
[_invocation invoke];
[_invocation getReturnValue:returnValue];
[invocation setArgument:returnValue atIndex:index];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
} else if ([argumentName isEqualToString:@"RCTResponseSenderBlock"]) {
useFallback = NO;
if (useFallback) {
switch (argumentType[0]) {
#define RCT_CASE(_value, _class, _logic) \
case _value: { \
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && json && ![json isKindOfClass:[_class class]]) { \
RCTLogError(@"Argument %tu (%@) of %@.%@ should be of type %@", index, \
json, RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_moduleClass), _JSMethodName, [_class class]); \
return; \
} \
_logic \
) \
break; \
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCT_CASE(':', NSString, SEL value = NSSelectorFromString(json); )
RCT_CASE('*', NSString, const char *value = [json UTF8String]; )
#define RCT_SIMPLE_CASE(_value, _type, _selector) \
case _value: { \
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && json && ![json respondsToSelector:@selector(_selector)]) { \
RCTLogError(@"Argument %tu (%@) of %@.%@ does not respond to selector: %@", \
index, json, RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_moduleClass), _JSMethodName, @#_selector); \
return; \
} \
_type value = [json _selector]; \
) \
break; \
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('c', char, charValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('C', unsigned char, unsignedCharValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('s', short, shortValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('S', unsigned short, unsignedShortValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('i', int, intValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('I', unsigned int, unsignedIntValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('l', long, longValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('L', unsigned long, unsignedLongValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('q', long long, longLongValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('Q', unsigned long long, unsignedLongLongValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('f', float, floatValue)
RCT_SIMPLE_CASE('d', double, doubleValue)
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
case '{':
RCTLogMustFix(@"Cannot convert JSON to struct %s", argumentType);
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
_argumentBlocks = [argumentBlocks copy];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
return self;
- (void)invokeWithBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
arguments:(NSArray *)arguments
context:(NSNumber *)context
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG) {
2015-04-21 15:26:51 +03:00
// Sanity check
RCTAssert([module class] == _moduleClass, @"Attempted to invoke method \
%@ on a module of class %@", _methodName, [module class]);
// Safety check
if (arguments.count != _argumentBlocks.count) {
RCTLogError(@"%@.%@ was called with %zd arguments, but expects %zd",
RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(_moduleClass), _JSMethodName,
arguments.count, _argumentBlocks.count);
// Create invocation (we can't re-use this as it wouldn't be thread-safe)
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:_methodSignature];
[invocation setArgument:&_selector atIndex:1];
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
[invocation retainArguments];
// Set arguments
NSUInteger index = 0;
for (id json in arguments) {
id arg = (json == [NSNull null]) ? nil : json;
void (^block)(RCTBridge *, NSNumber *, NSInvocation *, NSUInteger, id) = _argumentBlocks[index];
block(bridge, context, invocation, index + 2, arg);
2015-04-08 18:52:48 +03:00
// Invoke method
[invocation invokeWithTarget:_isClassMethod ? [module class] : module];
- (NSString *)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@: %p; exports %@ as %@;>", NSStringFromClass(self.class), self, _methodName, _JSMethodName];
* This function parses the exported methods inside RCTBridgeModules and
* generates an array of arrays of RCTModuleMethod objects, keyed
* by module index.
static RCTSparseArray *RCTExportedMethodsByModuleID(void)
static RCTSparseArray *methodsByModuleID;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
Dl_info info;
dladdr(&RCTExportedMethodsByModuleID, &info);
const RCTHeaderValue mach_header = (RCTHeaderValue)info.dli_fbase;
const RCTHeaderSection *section = RCTGetSectByNameFromHeader((void *)mach_header, "__DATA", "RCTExport");
if (section == NULL) {
NSArray *classes = RCTBridgeModuleClassesByModuleID();
NSMutableDictionary *methodsByModuleClassName = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[classes count]];
for (RCTHeaderValue addr = section->offset;
addr < section->offset + section->size;
addr += sizeof(const char **) * 3) {
// Get data entry
const char **entries = (const char **)(mach_header + addr);
// Create method
RCTModuleMethod *moduleMethod;
if (entries[2] == NULL) {
// Legacy support for RCT_EXPORT()
moduleMethod = [[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithReactMethodName:@(entries[0])
JSMethodName:strlen(entries[1]) ? @(entries[1]) : nil];
} else {
moduleMethod = [[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithReactMethodName:@(entries[0])
objCMethodName:strlen(entries[1]) ? @(entries[1]) : nil
JSMethodName:strlen(entries[2]) ? @(entries[2]) : nil];
// Cache method
NSArray *methods = methodsByModuleClassName[moduleMethod.moduleClassName];
methodsByModuleClassName[moduleMethod.moduleClassName] =
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
methods ? [methods arrayByAddingObject:moduleMethod] : @[moduleMethod];
methodsByModuleID = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[classes count]];
[classes enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(Class moduleClass, NSUInteger moduleID, BOOL *stop) {
methodsByModuleID[moduleID] = methodsByModuleClassName[NSStringFromClass(moduleClass)];
return methodsByModuleID;
* This constructs the remote modules configuration data structure,
* which represents the native modules and methods that will be called
* by JS. A numeric ID is assigned to each module and method, which will
* be used to communicate via the bridge. The structure of each
* module is as follows:
* "ModuleName1": {
* "moduleID": 0,
* "methods": {
* "methodName1": {
* "methodID": 0,
* "type": "remote"
* },
* "methodName2": {
* "methodID": 1,
* "type": "remote"
* },
* etc...
* },
* "constants": {
* ...
* }
* },
* etc...
static NSDictionary *RCTRemoteModulesConfig(NSDictionary *modulesByName)
static NSMutableDictionary *remoteModuleConfigByClassName;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
remoteModuleConfigByClassName = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[RCTBridgeModuleClassesByModuleID() enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(Class moduleClass, NSUInteger moduleID, BOOL *stop) {
NSArray *methods = RCTExportedMethodsByModuleID()[moduleID];
NSMutableDictionary *methodsByName = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:methods.count];
[methods enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(RCTModuleMethod *method, NSUInteger methodID, BOOL *_stop) {
methodsByName[method.JSMethodName] = @{
@"methodID": @(methodID),
@"type": @"remote",
NSDictionary *module = @{
@"moduleID": @(moduleID),
@"methods": methodsByName
remoteModuleConfigByClassName[NSStringFromClass(moduleClass)] = module;
// Create config
NSMutableDictionary *moduleConfig = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[modulesByName enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString *moduleName, id<RCTBridgeModule> module, BOOL *stop) {
// Add constants
NSMutableDictionary *config = remoteModuleConfigByClassName[NSStringFromClass([module class])];
if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(constantsToExport)]) {
NSDictionary *constants = [module constantsToExport];
if (constants) {
NSMutableDictionary *mutableConfig = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:config];
mutableConfig[@"constants"] = constants; // There's no real need to copy this
config = mutableConfig; // Nor this - receiver is unlikely to mutate it
moduleConfig[moduleName] = config;
return moduleConfig;
* As above, but for local modules/methods, which represent JS classes
* and methods that will be called by the native code via the bridge.
* Structure is essentially the same as for remote modules:
* "ModuleName1": {
* "moduleID": 0,
* "methods": {
* "methodName1": {
* "methodID": 0,
* "type": "local"
* },
* "methodName2": {
* "methodID": 1,
* "type": "local"
* },
* etc...
* }
* },
* etc...
static NSMutableDictionary *RCTLocalModuleIDs;
static NSMutableDictionary *RCTLocalMethodIDs;
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
static NSMutableArray *RCTLocalModuleNames;
static NSMutableArray *RCTLocalMethodNames;
static NSDictionary *RCTLocalModulesConfig()
static NSMutableDictionary *localModules;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
RCTLocalModuleIDs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
RCTLocalMethodIDs = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
RCTLocalModuleNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
RCTLocalMethodNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
localModules = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (NSString *moduleDotMethod in RCTJSMethods()) {
NSArray *parts = [moduleDotMethod componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCTAssert(parts.count == 2, @"'%@' is not a valid JS method definition - expected 'Module.method' format.", moduleDotMethod);
// Add module if it doesn't already exist
NSString *moduleName = parts[0];
NSDictionary *module = localModules[moduleName];
if (!module) {
module = @{
@"moduleID": @(localModules.count),
@"methods": [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]
localModules[moduleName] = module;
[RCTLocalModuleNames addObject:moduleName];
// Add method if it doesn't already exist
NSString *methodName = parts[1];
NSMutableDictionary *methods = module[@"methods"];
if (!methods[methodName]) {
methods[methodName] = @{
@"methodID": @(methods.count),
@"type": @"local"
[RCTLocalMethodNames addObject:methodName];
// Add module and method lookup
RCTLocalModuleIDs[moduleDotMethod] = module[@"moduleID"];
RCTLocalMethodIDs[moduleDotMethod] = methods[methodName][@"methodID"];
return localModules;
@interface RCTFrameUpdate (Private)
- (instancetype)initWithDisplayLink:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink;
@implementation RCTFrameUpdate
- (instancetype)initWithDisplayLink:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink
if ((self = [super init])) {
_timestamp = displayLink.timestamp;
_deltaTime = displayLink.duration;
return self;
@implementation RCTBridge
static id<RCTJavaScriptExecutor> _latestJSExecutor;
- (instancetype)initWithBundleURL:(NSURL *)bundleURL
launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
if ((self = [super init])) {
* Pre register modules
_bundleURL = bundleURL;
_moduleProvider = block;
_launchOptions = [launchOptions copy];
[self bindKeys];
[self setUp];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
* This runs only on the main thread, but crashes the subclass
* RCTAssertMainThread();
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[self invalidate];
- (void)bindKeys
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
__weak RCTBridge *weakSelf = self;
RCTKeyCommands *commands = [RCTKeyCommands sharedInstance];
// reload in current mode
[commands registerKeyCommandWithInput:@"r"
action:^(UIKeyCommand *command) {
[weakSelf reload];
- (void)reload
* AnyThread
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self invalidate];
[self setUp];
- (void)setUp
_batchedBridge = [[RCTBatchedBridge alloc] initWithParentBridge:self];
- (BOOL)isValid
return _batchedBridge.isValid;
- (void)invalidate
[_batchedBridge invalidate];
_batchedBridge = nil;
+ (void)logMessage:(NSString *)message level:(NSString *)level
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (!_latestJSExecutor.isValid) {
[_latestJSExecutor executeJSCall:@"RCTLog"
arguments:@[level, message]
callback:^(id json, NSError *error) {}];
- (NSDictionary *)modules
return _batchedBridge.modules;
- (RCTEventDispatcher *)eventDispatcher
return _eventDispatcher ?: _batchedBridge.eventDispatcher;
#define RCT_INNER_BRIDGE_ONLY(...) \
- (void)__VA_ARGS__ \
{ \
RCTLogMustFix(@"Called method \"%@\" on top level bridge. This method should \
only be called from bridge instance in a bridge module", @(__func__)); \
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args
[self.batchedBridge enqueueJSCall:moduleDotMethod args:args];
RCT_INNER_BRIDGE_ONLY(_invokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module method:(NSString *)method arguments:(NSArray *)args context:(NSNumber *)context)
@implementation RCTBatchedBridge
BOOL _loading;
id<RCTJavaScriptExecutor> _javaScriptExecutor;
RCTSparseArray *_modulesByID;
RCTSparseArray *_queuesByID;
dispatch_queue_t _methodQueue;
NSDictionary *_modulesByName;
CADisplayLink *_mainDisplayLink;
CADisplayLink *_jsDisplayLink;
NSMutableSet *_frameUpdateObservers;
NSMutableArray *_scheduledCalls;
RCTSparseArray *_scheduledCallbacks;
@synthesize valid = _valid;
- (instancetype)initWithParentBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge
if (self = [super init]) {
_parentBridge = bridge;
* Set Initial State
_valid = YES;
_loading = YES;
_frameUpdateObservers = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
_scheduledCalls = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_scheduledCallbacks = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init];
_queuesByID = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init];
_jsDisplayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_jsThreadUpdate:)];
* Initialize executor to allow enqueueing calls
Class executorClass = self.executorClass ?: [RCTContextExecutor class];
_javaScriptExecutor = RCTCreateExecutor(executorClass);
_latestJSExecutor = _javaScriptExecutor;
* Setup event dispatcher before initializing modules to allow init calls
self.eventDispatcher = [[RCTEventDispatcher alloc] initWithBridge:self];
* Initialize and register bridge modules *before* adding the display link
* so we don't have threading issues
_methodQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.facebook.React.BridgeMethodQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
[self registerModules];
* Start the application script
[self initJS];
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
return self;
2015-05-05 12:31:20 +03:00
- (NSURL *)bundleURL
return _parentBridge.bundleURL;
- (NSDictionary *)launchOptions
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
return _parentBridge.launchOptions;
* Override to ensure that we won't create another nested bridge
- (void)setUp {}
- (void)reload
[_parentBridge reload];
- (Class)executorClass
return _parentBridge.executorClass;
- (void)setExecutorClass:(Class)executorClass
_parentBridge.executorClass = executorClass;
- (BOOL)isLoading
return _loading;
- (BOOL)isValid
return _valid;
- (void)registerModules
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Register passed-in module instances
NSMutableDictionary *preregisteredModules = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
for (id<RCTBridgeModule> module in _parentBridge.moduleProvider ? _parentBridge.moduleProvider() : nil) {
preregisteredModules[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([module class])] = module;
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Instantiate modules
_modulesByID = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init];
NSMutableDictionary *modulesByName = [preregisteredModules mutableCopy];
[RCTBridgeModuleClassesByModuleID() enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(Class moduleClass, NSUInteger moduleID, BOOL *stop) {
NSString *moduleName = RCTModuleNamesByID[moduleID];
// Check if module instance has already been registered for this name
id<RCTBridgeModule> module = modulesByName[moduleName];
if (module) {
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Preregistered instances takes precedence, no questions asked
if (!preregisteredModules[moduleName]) {
// It's OK to have a name collision as long as the second instance is nil
RCTAssert([[moduleClass alloc] init] == nil,
@"Attempted to register RCTBridgeModule class %@ for the name "
"'%@', but name was already registered by class %@", moduleClass,
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
moduleName, [modulesByName[moduleName] class]);
if ([module class] != moduleClass) {
RCTLogInfo(@"RCTBridgeModule of class %@ with name '%@' was encountered "
"in the project, but name was already registered by class %@."
"That's fine if it's intentional - just letting you know.",
moduleClass, moduleName, [modulesByName[moduleName] class]);
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
} else {
// Module name hasn't been used before, so go ahead and instantiate
module = [[moduleClass alloc] init];
if (module) {
// Store module instance
_modulesByID[moduleID] = modulesByName[moduleName] = module;
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Store modules
_modulesByName = [modulesByName copy];
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Set bridge
for (id<RCTBridgeModule> module in _modulesByName.allValues) {
if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(setBridge:)]) {
module.bridge = self;
// Get method queues
[_modulesByID enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<RCTBridgeModule> module, NSNumber *moduleID, BOOL *stop) {
if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(methodQueue)]) {
dispatch_queue_t queue = [module methodQueue];
if (queue) {
_queuesByID[moduleID] = queue;
} else {
_queuesByID[moduleID] = [NSNull null];
if ([module conformsToProtocol:@protocol(RCTFrameUpdateObserver)]) {
[_frameUpdateObservers addObject:module];
- (void)initJS
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
// Inject module data into JS context
NSString *configJSON = RCTJSONStringify(@{
@"remoteModuleConfig": RCTRemoteModulesConfig(_modulesByName),
@"localModulesConfig": RCTLocalModulesConfig()
}, NULL);
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
[_javaScriptExecutor injectJSONText:configJSON
asGlobalObjectNamed:@"__fbBatchedBridgeConfig" callback:^(id err) {
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW);
NSURL *bundleURL = _parentBridge.bundleURL;
if (_javaScriptExecutor == nil) {
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
* HACK (tadeu): If it failed to connect to the debugger, set loading to NO
* so we can attempt to reload again.
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
_loading = NO;
} else if (!bundleURL) {
// Allow testing without a script
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
_loading = NO;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification
userInfo:@{ @"bridge": self }];
} else {
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
RCTJavaScriptLoader *loader = [[RCTJavaScriptLoader alloc] initWithBridge:self];
[loader loadBundleAtURL:bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *error, NSString *script) {
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
_loading = NO;
if (!self.isValid) {
RCTSourceCode *sourceCodeModule = self.modules[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([RCTSourceCode class])];
sourceCodeModule.scriptURL = bundleURL;
sourceCodeModule.scriptText = script;
if (error) {
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
NSArray *stack = [error userInfo][@"stack"];
if (stack) {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showErrorMessage:[error localizedDescription]
} else {
[[RCTRedBox sharedInstance] showErrorMessage:[error localizedDescription]
withDetails:[error localizedFailureReason]];
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
NSDictionary *userInfo = @{@"error": error};
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidFailToLoadNotification
} else {
[self enqueueApplicationScript:script url:bundleURL onComplete:^(NSError *loadError) {
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (!loadError) {
* Register the display link to start sending js calls after everything
* is setup
2015-05-05 15:15:53 +03:00
NSRunLoop *targetRunLoop = [_javaScriptExecutor isKindOfClass:[RCTContextExecutor class]] ? [NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] : [NSRunLoop mainRunLoop];
[_jsDisplayLink addToRunLoop:targetRunLoop forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTJavaScriptDidLoadNotification
userInfo:@{ @"bridge": self }];
2015-03-26 04:59:42 +03:00
- (NSDictionary *)modules
2015-04-12 01:08:00 +03:00
RCTAssert(_modulesByName != nil, @"Bridge modules have not yet been initialized. "
"You may be trying to access a module too early in the startup procedure.");
return _modulesByName;
#pragma mark - RCTInvalidating
- (void)invalidate
if (!self.isValid) {
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
_valid = NO;
if (_latestJSExecutor == _javaScriptExecutor) {
_latestJSExecutor = nil;
2015-05-07 13:53:35 +03:00
void (^mainThreadInvalidate)(void) = ^{
2015-05-07 13:53:35 +03:00
[_mainDisplayLink invalidate];
_mainDisplayLink = nil;
// Invalidate modules
for (id target in _modulesByID.allObjects) {
if ([target respondsToSelector:@selector(invalidate)]) {
[(id<RCTInvalidating>)target invalidate];
// Release modules (breaks retain cycle if module has strong bridge reference)
_frameUpdateObservers = nil;
_modulesByID = nil;
_queuesByID = nil;
_modulesByName = nil;
2015-05-07 13:53:35 +03:00
if (!_javaScriptExecutor) {
// No JS thread running
[_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{
* JS Thread deallocations
[_javaScriptExecutor invalidate];
_javaScriptExecutor = nil;
[_jsDisplayLink invalidate];
_jsDisplayLink = nil;
* Main Thread deallocations
* - TODO (#5906496): When we build a `MessageQueue.m`, handling all the requests could
* cause both a queue of "responses". We would flush them here. However, we
* currently just expect each objc block to handle its own response sending
* using a `RCTResponseSenderBlock`.
#pragma mark - RCTBridge methods
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
* Public. Can be invoked from any thread.
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args
NSNumber *moduleID = RCTLocalModuleIDs[moduleDotMethod];
RCTAssert(moduleID != nil, @"Module '%@' not registered.",
[[moduleDotMethod componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] firstObject]);
NSNumber *methodID = RCTLocalMethodIDs[moduleDotMethod];
RCTAssert(methodID != nil, @"Method '%@' not registered.", moduleDotMethod);
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
[self _invokeAndProcessModule:@"BatchedBridge"
2015-04-30 19:50:22 +03:00
arguments:@[moduleID ?: @0, methodID ?: @0, args ?: @[]]
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
* Private hack to support `setTimeout(fn, 0)`
- (void)_immediatelyCallTimer:(NSNumber *)timer
NSString *moduleDotMethod = @"RCTJSTimers.callTimers";
NSNumber *moduleID = RCTLocalModuleIDs[moduleDotMethod];
RCTAssert(moduleID != nil, @"Module '%@' not registered.",
[[moduleDotMethod componentsSeparatedByString:@"."] firstObject]);
NSNumber *methodID = RCTLocalMethodIDs[moduleDotMethod];
RCTAssert(methodID != nil, @"Method '%@' not registered.", moduleDotMethod);
dispatch_block_t block = ^{
[self _actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:@"BatchedBridge"
arguments:@[moduleID, methodID, @[@[timer]]]
if ([_javaScriptExecutor respondsToSelector:@selector(executeAsyncBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:)]) {
[_javaScriptExecutor executeAsyncBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block];
} else {
[_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block];
- (void)enqueueApplicationScript:(NSString *)script url:(NSURL *)url onComplete:(RCTJavaScriptCompleteBlock)onComplete
RCTAssert(onComplete != nil, @"onComplete block passed in should be non-nil");
[_javaScriptExecutor executeApplicationScript:script sourceURL:url onComplete:^(NSError *scriptLoadError) {
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"ApplicationScript", @"js_call,init", scriptLoadError);
if (scriptLoadError) {
NSNumber *context = RCTGetExecutorID(_javaScriptExecutor);
[_javaScriptExecutor executeJSCall:@"BatchedBridge"
callback:^(id json, NSError *error) {
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"FetchApplicationScriptCallbacks", @"js_call,init", @{
@"json": json ?: [NSNull null],
@"error": error ?: [NSNull null],
[self _handleBuffer:json context:context];
#pragma mark - Payload Generation
- (void)dispatchBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block forModule:(NSNumber *)moduleID
id queue = nil;
if (moduleID) {
queue = _queuesByID[moduleID];
if (queue == [NSNull null]) {
[_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:block];
} else {
dispatch_async(queue ?: _methodQueue, block);
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
* Called by enqueueJSCall from any thread, or from _immediatelyCallTimer,
* on the JS thread, but only in non-batched mode.
- (void)_invokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module method:(NSString *)method arguments:(NSArray *)args context:(NSNumber *)context
* AnyThread
__weak RCTBatchedBridge *weakSelf = self;
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
[_javaScriptExecutor executeBlockOnJavaScriptQueue:^{
RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf;
2015-05-02 23:12:12 +03:00
if (!strongSelf.isValid || !strongSelf->_scheduledCallbacks || !strongSelf->_scheduledCalls) {
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
id call = @{
@"module": module,
@"method": method,
@"args": args,
@"context": context ?: @0,
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
if ([method isEqualToString:@"invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue"]) {
2015-05-02 23:12:12 +03:00
strongSelf->_scheduledCallbacks[args[0]] = call;
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
} else {
2015-05-02 23:12:12 +03:00
[strongSelf->_scheduledCalls addObject:call];
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
2015-04-28 18:02:56 +03:00
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"enqueue_call", @"objc_call", call);
- (void)_actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:(NSString *)module method:(NSString *)method arguments:(NSArray *)args context:(NSNumber *)context
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTEnqueueNotification object:nil userInfo:nil];
RCTJavaScriptCallback processResponse = ^(id json, NSError *error) {
if (!self.isValid) {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:RCTDequeueNotification object:nil userInfo:nil];
[self _handleBuffer:json context:context];
[_javaScriptExecutor executeJSCall:module
#pragma mark - Payload Processing
- (void)_handleBuffer:(id)buffer context:(NSNumber *)context
if (buffer == nil || buffer == (id)kCFNull) {
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
NSArray *requestsArray = [RCTConvert NSArray:buffer];
if (![buffer isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Buffer must be an instance of NSArray, got %@", NSStringFromClass([buffer class]));
NSUInteger bufferRowCount = [requestsArray count];
NSUInteger expectedFieldsCount = RCTBridgeFieldResponseReturnValues + 1;
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (bufferRowCount != expectedFieldsCount) {
RCTLogError(@"Must pass all fields to buffer - expected %zd, saw %zd", expectedFieldsCount, bufferRowCount);
for (NSUInteger fieldIndex = RCTBridgeFieldRequestModuleIDs; fieldIndex <= RCTBridgeFieldParamss; fieldIndex++) {
id field = [requestsArray objectAtIndex:fieldIndex];
if (![field isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Field at index %zd in buffer must be an instance of NSArray, got %@", fieldIndex, NSStringFromClass([field class]));
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
NSArray *moduleIDs = requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldRequestModuleIDs];
NSArray *methodIDs = requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldMethodIDs];
NSArray *paramsArrays = requestsArray[RCTBridgeFieldParamss];
NSUInteger numRequests = [moduleIDs count];
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && (numRequests != methodIDs.count || numRequests != paramsArrays.count)) {
RCTLogError(@"Invalid data message - all must be length: %zd", numRequests);
// TODO: if we sort the requests by module, we could dispatch once per
// module instead of per request, which would reduce the call overhead.
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < numRequests; i++) {
@autoreleasepool {
[self _handleRequestNumber:i
moduleID:[moduleIDs[i] integerValue]
methodID:[methodIDs[i] integerValue]
// TODO: batchDidComplete is only used by RCTUIManager - can we eliminate this special case?
[_modulesByID enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<RCTBridgeModule> module, NSNumber *moduleID, BOOL *stop) {
if ([module respondsToSelector:@selector(batchDidComplete)]) {
[self dispatchBlock:^{
[module batchDidComplete];
} forModule:moduleID];
- (BOOL)_handleRequestNumber:(NSUInteger)i
params:(NSArray *)params
context:(NSNumber *)context
if (!self.isValid) {
return NO;
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && ![params isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) {
RCTLogError(@"Invalid module/method/params tuple for request #%zd", i);
return NO;
// Look up method
NSArray *methods = RCTExportedMethodsByModuleID()[moduleID];
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && methodID >= methods.count) {
RCTLogError(@"Unknown methodID: %zd for module: %zd (%@)", methodID, moduleID, RCTModuleNamesByID[moduleID]);
return NO;
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
RCTModuleMethod *method = methods[methodID];
// Look up module
id module = self->_modulesByID[moduleID];
2015-04-21 19:48:29 +03:00
if (RCT_DEBUG && !module) {
RCTLogError(@"No module found for name '%@'", RCTModuleNamesByID[moduleID]);
return NO;
__weak RCTBatchedBridge *weakSelf = self;
[self dispatchBlock:^{
RCTBatchedBridge *strongSelf = weakSelf;
if (!strongSelf.isValid) {
// strongSelf has been invalidated since the dispatch_async call and this
// invocation should not continue.
@try {
[method invokeWithBridge:strongSelf module:module arguments:params context:context];
@catch (NSException *exception) {
RCTLogError(@"Exception thrown while invoking %@ on target %@ with params %@: %@", method.JSMethodName, module, params, exception);
if (!RCT_DEBUG && [ rangeOfString:@"Unhandled JS Exception"].location != NSNotFound) {
@throw exception;
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"Invoke callback", @"objc_call", @{
@"module": method.moduleClassName,
@"method": method.JSMethodName,
@"selector": NSStringFromSelector(method.selector),
@"args": RCTJSONStringify(params ?: [NSNull null], NULL),
} forModule:@(moduleID)];
return YES;
- (void)_jsThreadUpdate:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink
RCTProfileImmediateEvent(@"JS Thread Tick", displayLink.timestamp, @"g");
RCTFrameUpdate *frameUpdate = [[RCTFrameUpdate alloc] initWithDisplayLink:displayLink];
for (id<RCTFrameUpdateObserver> observer in _frameUpdateObservers) {
if (![observer respondsToSelector:@selector(isPaused)] || ![observer isPaused]) {
[self dispatchBlock:^{
[observer didUpdateFrame:frameUpdate];
} forModule:RCTModuleIDsByName[RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass([observer class])]];
NSArray *calls = [_scheduledCallbacks.allObjects arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:_scheduledCalls];
NSNumber *currentExecutorID = RCTGetExecutorID(_javaScriptExecutor);
calls = [calls filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithBlock:^BOOL(NSDictionary *call, NSDictionary *bindings) {
return [call[@"context"] isEqualToNumber:currentExecutorID];
if (calls.count > 0) {
_scheduledCalls = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
_scheduledCallbacks = [[RCTSparseArray alloc] init];
[self _actuallyInvokeAndProcessModule:@"BatchedBridge"
RCTProfileEndEvent(@"DispatchFrameUpdate", @"objc_call", nil);
- (void)_mainThreadUpdate:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink
RCTProfileImmediateEvent(@"VSYNC", displayLink.timestamp, @"g");
- (void)startProfiling
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
2015-04-02 17:33:21 +03:00
if (![_parentBridge.bundleURL.scheme isEqualToString:@"http"]) {
RCTLogError(@"To run the profiler you must be running from the dev server");
[_mainDisplayLink invalidate];
_mainDisplayLink = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_mainThreadUpdate:)];
[_mainDisplayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];
- (void)stopProfiling
[_mainDisplayLink invalidate];
NSString *log = RCTProfileEnd();
NSURL *bundleURL = _parentBridge.bundleURL;
NSString *URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@://%@:%@/profile", bundleURL.scheme,, bundleURL.port];
NSURL *URL = [NSURL URLWithString:URLString];
NSMutableURLRequest *URLRequest = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:URL];
URLRequest.HTTPMethod = @"POST";
[URLRequest setValue:@"application/json" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Content-Type"];
NSURLSessionTask *task = [[NSURLSession sharedSession] uploadTaskWithRequest:URLRequest
fromData:[log dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]
completionHandler:^(NSData *data, NSURLResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
RCTLogError(@"%@", error.localizedDescription);
[task resume];