/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTTextManager.h" #import "RCTAssert.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTShadowRawText.h" #import "RCTShadowText.h" #import "RCTSparseArray.h" #import "RCTText.h" #import "UIView+React.h" @implementation RCTTextManager RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() - (UIView *)view { return [[RCTText alloc] init]; } - (RCTShadowView *)shadowView { return [[RCTShadowText alloc] init]; } #pragma mark - Shadow properties RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(writingDirection, NSWritingDirection) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(color, UIColor) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(fontFamily, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(fontSize, CGFloat) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(fontWeight, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(fontStyle, NSString) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(isHighlighted, BOOL) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(letterSpacing, CGFloat) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(lineHeight, CGFloat) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(shadowOffset, CGSize) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(textAlign, NSTextAlignment) RCT_EXPORT_SHADOW_PROPERTY(numberOfLines, NSUInteger) - (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockToAmendWithShadowViewRegistry:(RCTSparseArray *)shadowViewRegistry { for (RCTShadowView *rootView in shadowViewRegistry.allObjects) { if (![rootView isReactRootView]) { // This isn't a root view continue; } if (![rootView isTextDirty]) { // No text processing to be done continue; } NSMutableArray *queue = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:rootView]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [queue count]; i++) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = queue[i]; RCTAssert([shadowView isTextDirty], @"Don't process any nodes that don't have dirty text"); if ([shadowView isKindOfClass:[RCTShadowText class]]) { [(RCTShadowText *)shadowView recomputeText]; } else if ([shadowView isKindOfClass:[RCTShadowRawText class]]) { RCTLogError(@"Raw text cannot be used outside of a tag. Not rendering string: '%@'", [(RCTShadowRawText *)shadowView text]); } else { for (RCTShadowView *child in [shadowView reactSubviews]) { if ([child isTextDirty]) { [queue addObject:child]; } } } [shadowView setTextComputed]; } } return ^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) {}; } - (RCTViewManagerUIBlock)uiBlockToAmendWithShadowView:(RCTShadowText *)shadowView { NSNumber *reactTag = shadowView.reactTag; UIEdgeInsets padding = shadowView.paddingAsInsets; return ^(RCTUIManager *uiManager, RCTSparseArray *viewRegistry) { RCTText *text = viewRegistry[reactTag]; text.contentInset = padding; }; } @end