/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ 'use strict'; const {exec} = require('shelljs'); const https = require('https'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const yargs = require('yargs'); const googleJavaFormatUrl = 'https://github.com/google/google-java-format/releases/download/google-java-format-1.7/google-java-format-1.7-all-deps.jar'; const googleJavaFormatPath = path.join( os.tmpdir(), 'google-java-format-all-deps.jar', ); const javaFilesCommand = 'find ./ReactAndroid -name "*.java"'; function _download(url, downloadPath, resolve, reject, redirectCount) { https.get(url, response => { switch (response.statusCode) { case 302: //Permanent Redirect if (redirectCount === 0) { throw new Error( `Unhandled response code (HTTP${response.statusCode}) while retrieving google-java-format binary from ${url}`, ); } _download( response.headers.location, downloadPath, resolve, reject, redirectCount - 1, ); break; case 200: //OK const file = fs.createWriteStream(downloadPath); response.pipe(file); file.on('finish', () => file.close(() => resolve())); break; default: reject( `Unhandled response code (HTTP${response.statusCode}) while retrieving google-java-format binary from ${url}`, ); } }); } function download(url, downloadPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _download(url, downloadPath, resolve, reject, 1); }); } function filesWithLintingIssues() { const proc = exec( `java -jar ${googleJavaFormatPath} --dry-run $(${javaFilesCommand})`, {silent: true}, ); if (proc.code !== 0) { throw new Error(proc.stderr); } return proc.stdout.split('\n').filter(x => x); } function unifiedDiff(file) { const lintedProc = exec( `java -jar ${googleJavaFormatPath} --set-exit-if-changed ${file}`, {silent: true}, ); //Exit code 1 indicates lint violations, which is what we're expecting if (lintedProc.code !== 1) { throw new Error(lintedProc.stderr); } const diffProc = lintedProc.exec(`diff -U 0 ${file} -`, {silent: true}); //Exit code 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble. if (diffProc.code !== 0 && diffProc.code !== 1) { throw new Error(diffProc.stderr); } return { file, diff: diffProc.stdout, }; } function extractRangeInformation(range) { //eg; // @@ -54 +54,2 @@ // @@ -1,3 +1,9 @@ const regex = /^@@ [-+](\d+,?\d+) [-+](\d+,?\d+) @@$/; const match = regex.exec(range); if (match) { const original = match[1].split(','); const updated = match[2].split(','); return { original: { line: parseInt(original[0], 10), lineCount: parseInt(original[1], 10) || 1, }, updated: { line: parseInt(updated[0], 10), lineCount: parseInt(updated[1], 10) || 1, }, }; } } function parseChanges(file, diff) { let group = null; const groups = []; diff.split('\n').forEach(line => { const range = extractRangeInformation(line); if (range) { group = { range, description: [line], }; groups.push(group); } else if (group) { group.description.push(line); } }); return groups.map(x => ({ file, line: x.range.original.line, lineCount: x.range.original.lineCount, description: x.description.join('\n'), })); } async function main() { const {argv} = yargs .scriptName('lint-java') .usage('Usage: $0 [options]') .command( '$0', 'Downloads the google-java-format package and reformats Java source code to comply with Google Java Style.\n\nSee https://github.com/google/google-java-format', ) .option('check', { type: 'boolean', description: 'Outputs a list of files with lint violations.\nExit code is set to 1 if there are violations, otherwise 0.\nDoes not reformat lint issues.', }) .option('diff', { type: 'boolean', description: 'Outputs a diff of the lint fix changes in json format.\nDoes not reformat lint issues.', }); await download(googleJavaFormatUrl, googleJavaFormatPath); if (argv.check) { const files = filesWithLintingIssues(); files.forEach(x => console.log(x)); process.exit(files.length === 0 ? 0 : 1); return; } if (argv.diff) { const suggestions = filesWithLintingIssues() .map(unifiedDiff) .filter(x => x) .map(x => parseChanges(x.file, x.diff)) .reduce((accumulator, current) => accumulator.concat(current), []); console.log(JSON.stringify(suggestions)); return; } const proc = exec( `java -jar ${googleJavaFormatPath} --set-exit-if-changed --replace $(${javaFilesCommand})`, ); process.exit(proc.code); } (async () => { await main(); })();