// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. /*global exports:true*/ "use strict"; var Syntax = require('esprima-fb').Syntax; function toObject(/*array*/ array) /*object*/ { var object = {}; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var value = array[i]; object[value] = value; } return object; } function reverseObject(/*object*/ object) /*object*/ { var reversed = {}; for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { reversed[object[key]] = key } } return reversed; } function getTagName(string) { if (string === 'A') { return 'Anchor'; } if (string === 'IMG') { return 'Image'; } return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1).toLowerCase(); } var TOKENS = { STRING: 'string', OPENGENERIC: '<', CLOSEGENERIC: '>', COMMA: ',', OPENPAREN: '(', CLOSEPAREN: ')', COLON: ':', BAR: '|', NULLABLE: '?', EOL: 'eol', OPENSEGMENT: '{', CLOSESEGMENT: '}' }; var TOKENMAP = reverseObject(TOKENS); var SYMBOLS = { SIMPLE: 'simple', UNION: 'union', GENERIC: 'generic', FUNCTION: 'function', SEGMENT: 'segment' }; var PARSERS = { SIMPLE: 1, UNION: 2, GENERIC: 4, FUNCTION: 8, SEGMENT: 16 }; /*----- tokenizer-----*/ function createTokenStream(source) { var stream = [], string, pos = 0; do { var character = source.charAt(pos); if (character && /\w/.test(character)) { string = string ? string + character : character; } else { if (string) { stream.push({ type: TOKENS.STRING, value: string }); string = null; } if (character) { if (character in TOKENMAP) { stream.push({ type: character }); } else { throwError('Invalid character: ' + character + ' at pos: ' + pos); } } else { stream.push({ type: TOKENS.EOL }); break; } } } while (++pos); return stream; } /*----- parser-----*/ var SIMPLETYPES = toObject([ 'string', 'number', 'regexp', 'boolean', 'object', 'function', 'array', 'date', 'blob', 'file', 'int8array', 'uint8array', 'int16array', 'uint16array', 'int32array', 'uint32array', 'float32array', 'float64array', 'filelist', 'promise', 'map', 'set' ]); // types typically used in legacy docblock var BLACKLISTED = toObject([ 'Object', 'Boolean', 'bool', 'Number', 'String', 'int', 'Node', 'Element', ]); function createAst(type, value, length) { return { type: type, value: value, length: length }; } function nullable(fn) { return function(stream, pos) { var nullable = stream[pos].type == '?' && ++pos; var ast = fn(stream, pos); if (ast && nullable) { ast.nullable = true; ast.length++; } return ast; }; } var parseSimpleType = nullable(function(stream, pos) { if (stream[pos].type == TOKENS.STRING) { var value = stream[pos].value; if ((/^[a-z]/.test(value) && !(value in SIMPLETYPES)) || value in BLACKLISTED) { throwError('Invalid type ' + value + ' at pos: ' + pos); } return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, stream[pos].value, 1); } }); var parseUnionType = nullable(function(stream, pos) { var parsers = PARSERS.SIMPLE | PARSERS.GENERIC | PARSERS.FUNCTION | PARSERS.SEGMENT; var list = parseList(stream, pos, TOKENS.BAR, parsers); if (list.value.length > 1) { return createAst(SYMBOLS.UNION, list.value, list.length); } }); var parseGenericType = nullable(function(stream, pos, ast) { var genericAst, typeAst; if ((genericAst = parseSimpleType(stream, pos)) && stream[pos + genericAst.length].type == TOKENS.OPENGENERIC && (typeAst = parseAnyType(stream, pos += genericAst.length + 1))) { if (stream[pos + typeAst.length].type != TOKENS.CLOSEGENERIC) { throwError('Missing ' + TOKENS.CLOSEGENERIC + ' at pos: ' + pos + typeAst.length); } return createAst(SYMBOLS.GENERIC, [genericAst, typeAst], genericAst.length + typeAst.length + 2); } }); var parseFunctionType = nullable(function(stream, pos) { if (stream[pos].type == TOKENS.STRING && stream[pos].value == 'function' && stream[++pos].type == TOKENS.OPENPAREN) { var list = stream[pos + 1].type != TOKENS.CLOSEPAREN ? parseList(stream, pos + 1, TOKENS.COMMA) : {value: [], length: 0}; pos += list.length + 1; if (stream[pos].type == TOKENS.CLOSEPAREN) { var length = list.length + 3, returnAst; if (stream[++pos].type == TOKENS.COLON) { returnAst = parseAnyType(stream, ++pos); if (!returnAst) { throwError('Could not parse return type at pos: ' + pos); } length += returnAst.length + 1; } return createAst(SYMBOLS.FUNCTION, [list.value, returnAst || null], length); } } }); function parseSegmentType(stream, pos) { var segmentAst; if (stream[pos].type == TOKENS.OPENSEGMENT && (segmentAst = parseAnyType(stream, ++pos))) { pos += segmentAst.length if (stream[pos].type == TOKENS.CLOSESEGMENT) { return createAst(SYMBOLS.SEGMENT, segmentAst, segmentAst.length + 2); } } } function parseAnyType(stream, pos, parsers) { if (!parsers) parsers = PARSERS.SEGMENT | PARSERS.SIMPLE | PARSERS.UNION | PARSERS.GENERIC | PARSERS.FUNCTION; var ast = (parsers & PARSERS.UNION && parseUnionType(stream, pos)) || (parsers & PARSERS.SEGMENT && parseSegmentType(stream, pos)) || (parsers & PARSERS.GENERIC && parseGenericType(stream, pos)) || (parsers & PARSERS.FUNCTION && parseFunctionType(stream, pos)) || (parsers & PARSERS.SIMPLE && parseSimpleType(stream, pos)); if (!ast) { throwError('Could not parse ' + stream[pos].type); } return ast; } function parseList(stream, pos, separator, parsers) { var symbols = [], childAst, length = 0, separators = 0; while (true) { if (childAst = parseAnyType(stream, pos, parsers)) { symbols.push(childAst); length += childAst.length; pos += childAst.length; if (stream[pos].type == separator) { length++; pos++; separators++; continue; } } break; } if (symbols.length && symbols.length != separators + 1) { throwError('Malformed list expression'); } return { value: symbols, length: length }; } var _source; function throwError(msg) { throw new Error(msg + '\nSource: ' + _source); } function parse(source) { _source = source; var stream = createTokenStream(source); var ast = parseAnyType(stream, 0); if (ast) { if (ast.length + 1 != stream.length) { console.log(ast); throwError('Could not parse ' + stream[ast.length].type + ' at token pos:' + ast.length); } return ast; } else { throwError('Failed to parse the source'); } } exports.createTokenStream = createTokenStream; exports.parse = parse; exports.parseList = parseList; /*----- compiler -----*/ var compilers = {}; compilers[SYMBOLS.SIMPLE] = function(ast) { switch (ast.value) { case 'DOMElement': return 'HTMLElement'; case 'FBID': return 'string'; default: return ast.value; } }; compilers[SYMBOLS.UNION] = function(ast) { return ast.value.map(function(symbol) { return compile(symbol); }).join(TOKENS.BAR); }; compilers[SYMBOLS.GENERIC] = function(ast) { var type = compile(ast.value[0]); var parametricType = compile(ast.value[1]); if (type === 'HTMLElement') { return 'HTML' + getTagName(parametricType) + 'Element'; } return type + '<' + parametricType + '>'; }; compilers[SYMBOLS.FUNCTION] = function(ast) { return 'function(' + ast.value[0].map(function(symbol) { return compile(symbol); }).join(TOKENS.COMMA) + ')' + (ast.value[1] ? ':' + compile(ast.value[1]) : ''); }; function compile(ast) { return (ast.nullable ? '?' : '') + compilers[ast.type](ast); } exports.compile = compile; /*----- normalizer -----*/ function normalize(ast) { if (ast.type === SYMBOLS.UNION) { return ast.value.map(normalize).reduce(function(list, nodes) { return list ? list.concat(nodes) : nodes; }); } var valueNodes = ast.type === SYMBOLS.GENERIC ? normalize(ast.value[1]) : [ast.value]; return valueNodes.map(function(valueNode) { return createAst( ast.type, ast.type === SYMBOLS.GENERIC ? [ast.value[0], valueNode] : valueNode, ast.length); }); } exports.normalize = function(ast) { var normalized = normalize(ast); normalized = normalized.length === 1 ? normalized[0] : createAst(SYMBOLS.UNION, normalized, normalized.length); if (ast.nullable) { normalized.nullable = true; } return normalized; }; /*----- Tracking TypeAliases -----*/ function initTypeAliasTracking(state) { state.g.typeAliasScopes = []; } function pushTypeAliases(state, typeAliases) { state.g.typeAliasScopes.unshift(typeAliases); } function popTypeAliases(state) { state.g.typeAliasScopes.shift(); } function getTypeAlias(id, state) { var typeAliasScopes = state.g.typeAliasScopes; for (var ii = 0; ii < typeAliasScopes.length; ii++) { var typeAliasAnnotation = typeAliasScopes[ii][id.name]; if (typeAliasAnnotation) { return typeAliasAnnotation; } } return null; } exports.initTypeAliasTracking = initTypeAliasTracking; exports.pushTypeAliases = pushTypeAliases; exports.popTypeAliases = popTypeAliases; /*----- Tracking which TypeVariables are in scope -----*/ // Counts how many scopes deep each type variable is function initTypeVariableScopeTracking(state) { state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth = {}; } function pushTypeVariables(node, state) { var parameterDeclaration = node.typeParameters, scopeHistory; if (parameterDeclaration != null && parameterDeclaration.type === Syntax.TypeParameterDeclaration) { parameterDeclaration.params.forEach(function (id) { scopeHistory = state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth[id.name] || 0; state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth[id.name] = scopeHistory + 1; }); } } function popTypeVariables(node, state) { var parameterDeclaration = node.typeParameters, scopeHistory; if (parameterDeclaration != null && parameterDeclaration.type === Syntax.TypeParameterDeclaration) { parameterDeclaration.params.forEach(function (id) { scopeHistory = state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth[id.name]; state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth[id.name] = scopeHistory - 1; }); } } function isTypeVariableInScope(id, state) { return state.g.typeVariableScopeDepth[id.name] > 0; } exports.initTypeVariableScopeTracking = initTypeVariableScopeTracking; exports.pushTypeVariables = pushTypeVariables; exports.popTypeVariables = popTypeVariables; /*----- FromFlowToTypechecks -----*/ function fromFlowAnnotation(/*object*/ annotation, state) /*?object*/ { var ast; switch (annotation.type) { case "NumberTypeAnnotation": return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, "number", 0); case "StringTypeAnnotation": return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, "string", 0); case "BooleanTypeAnnotation": return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, "boolean", 0); case "AnyTypeAnnotation": // fallthrough case "VoidTypeAnnotation": return null; case "NullableTypeAnnotation": ast = fromFlowAnnotation(annotation.typeAnnotation, state); if (ast) { ast.nullable = true; } return ast; case 'ObjectTypeAnnotation': // ObjectTypeAnnotation is always converted to a simple object type, as we // don't support records return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, 'object', 0); case 'FunctionTypeAnnotation': var params = annotation.params .map(function(param) { return fromFlowAnnotation(param.typeAnnotation, state); }) .filter(function(ast) { return !!ast; }); var returnType = fromFlowAnnotation(annotation.returnType, state); // If any of the params have a type that cannot be expressed, then we have // to render a simple function instead of a detailed one if ((params.length || returnType) && params.length === annotation.params.length) { return createAst(SYMBOLS.FUNCTION, [params, returnType], 0) } return createAst(SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, 'function', 0); case "GenericTypeAnnotation": var alias = getTypeAlias(annotation.id, state); if (alias) { return fromFlowAnnotation(alias, state); } // Qualified type identifiers are not handled by runtime typechecker, // so simply omit the annotation for now. if (annotation.id.type === "QualifiedTypeIdentifier") { return null; } if (isTypeVariableInScope(annotation.id, state)) { return null; } var name = annotation.id.name; var nameLowerCased = name.toLowerCase(); if (name !== 'Object' && BLACKLISTED.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return null; } if (SIMPLETYPES.hasOwnProperty(nameLowerCased)) { name = nameLowerCased; } var id = createAst( SYMBOLS.SIMPLE, name, 0 ); switch (name) { case "mixed": // fallthrough case "$Enum": // Not supported return null; case "array": // fallthrough case "promise": if (annotation.typeParameters) { var parametricAst = fromFlowAnnotation( annotation.typeParameters.params[0], state ); if (parametricAst) { return createAst( SYMBOLS.GENERIC, [id, parametricAst], 0 ); } } break; case '$Either': if (annotation.typeParameters) { return createAst( SYMBOLS.UNION, annotation.typeParameters.params.map( function (node) { return fromFlowAnnotation(node, state); } ), 0 ); } return null; } return id; } return null; } exports.fromFlow = function(/*object*/ annotation, state) /*?string*/ { var ast = fromFlowAnnotation(annotation, state); return ast ? compile(ast) : null; };