/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ 'use strict'; /** * The list of non-ViewManager related UIManager properties. * * In an effort to improve startup performance by lazily loading view managers, * the interface to access view managers will change from * UIManager['viewManagerName'] to UIManager.getViewManagerConfig('viewManagerName'). * By using a function call instead of a property access, the UIManager will * be able to initialize and load the required view manager from native * synchronously. All of React Native's core components have been updated to * use getViewManagerConfig(). For the next few releases, any usage of * UIManager['viewManagerName'] will result in a warning. Because React Native * does not support Proxy objects, a view manager access is implied if any of * UIManager's properties that are not one of the properties below is being * accessed. Once UIManager property accesses for view managers has been fully * deprecated, this file will also be removed. */ module.exports = [ 'clearJSResponder', 'configureNextLayoutAnimation', 'createView', 'dismissPopupMenu', 'dispatchViewManagerCommand', 'findSubviewIn', 'getConstantsForViewManager', 'getDefaultEventTypes', 'manageChildren', 'measure', 'measureInWindow', 'measureLayout', 'measureLayoutRelativeToParent', 'playTouchSound', 'removeRootView', 'removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID', 'replaceExistingNonRootView', 'sendAccessibilityEvent', 'setChildren', 'setJSResponder', 'setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental', 'showPopupMenu', 'updateView', 'viewIsDescendantOf', 'PopupMenu', 'LazyViewManagersEnabled', 'ViewManagerNames', 'StyleConstants', 'AccessibilityEventTypes', 'UIView', 'getViewManagerConfig', 'blur', 'focus', 'genericBubblingEventTypes', 'genericDirectEventTypes', 'lazilyLoadView', ];