#!/bin/bash # Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. # Script used to run iOS tests. # If no arguments are passed to the script, it will only compile # the RNTester. # If the script is called with a single argument "test", we'll # run the RNTester unit and integration tests # ./objc-test.sh test SCRIPTS=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd) ROOT=$(dirname "$SCRIPTS") SKIPPED_TESTS=() SKIPPED_TESTS+=("-skip-testing:RNTesterIntegrationTests/RNTesterSnapshotTests") # TODO: T60408036 This test crashes iOS 13 for bad access, please investigate # and re-enable. See https://gist.github.com/0xced/56035d2f57254cf518b5. SKIPPED_TESTS+=("-skip-testing:RNTesterUnitTests/RCTJSONTests/testNotUTF8Convertible") # Create cleanup handler cleanup() { EXIT=$? set +e if [ $EXIT -ne 0 ]; then WATCHMAN_LOGS=/usr/local/Cellar/watchman/3.1/var/run/watchman/$USER.log [ -f "$WATCHMAN_LOGS" ] && cat "$WATCHMAN_LOGS" fi # kill whatever is occupying port 8081 (packager) lsof -i tcp:8081 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill # kill whatever is occupying port 5555 (web socket server) lsof -i tcp:5555 | awk 'NR!=1 {print $2}' | xargs kill } # Wait for the package to start waitForPackager() { local -i max_attempts=60 local -i attempt_num=1 until curl -s http://localhost:8081/status | grep "packager-status:running" -q; do if (( attempt_num == max_attempts )); then echo "Packager did not respond in time. No more attempts left." exit 1 else (( attempt_num++ )) echo "Packager did not respond. Retrying for attempt number $attempt_num..." sleep 1 fi done echo "Packager is ready!" } waitForWebSocketServer() { local -i max_attempts=60 local -i attempt_num=1 until curl -s http://localhost:5555 | grep "Upgrade Required" -q; do if (( attempt_num == max_attempts )); then echo "WebSocket Server did not respond in time. No more attempts left." exit 1 else (( attempt_num++ )) echo "WebSocket Server did not respond. Retrying for attempt number $attempt_num..." sleep 1 fi done echo "WebSocket Server is ready!" } runTests() { # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source "./scripts/.tests.env" xcodebuild build test \ -workspace packages/rn-tester/RNTesterPods.xcworkspace \ -scheme RNTester \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=$IOS_DEVICE,OS=$IOS_TARGET_OS" \ "${SKIPPED_TESTS[@]}" } buildProject() { xcodebuild build \ -workspace packages/rn-tester/RNTesterPods.xcworkspace \ -scheme RNTester \ -sdk iphonesimulator } xcbeautifyFormat() { if [ "$CI" ]; then # Circle CI expects JUnit reports to be available here REPORTS_DIR="$HOME/react-native/reports/junit" else THIS_DIR=$(cd -P "$(dirname "$(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" || echo "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")")" && pwd) # Write reports to the react-native root dir REPORTS_DIR="$THIS_DIR/../build/reports" fi xcbeautify --report junit --report-path "$REPORTS_DIR/ios/results.xml" } preloadBundles() { # Preload the RNTesterApp bundle for better performance in integration tests curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/packages/rn-tester/js/RNTesterApp.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' -o /dev/null curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/packages/rn-tester/js/RNTesterApp.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true&minify=false' -o /dev/null curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/IntegrationTests/IntegrationTestsApp.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' -o /dev/null curl -s 'http://localhost:8081/IntegrationTests/RCTRootViewIntegrationTestApp.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' -o /dev/null } main() { cd "$ROOT" || exit # If first argument is "test", actually start the packager and run tests. # Otherwise, just build RNTester and exit if [ "$1" = "test" ]; then # Start the WebSocket test server echo "Launch WebSocket Server" sh "./IntegrationTests/launchWebSocketServer.sh" & waitForWebSocketServer # Start the packager yarn start --max-workers=1 || echo "Can't start packager automatically" & waitForPackager preloadBundles # Build and run tests. if [ -x "$(command -v xcbeautify)" ]; then runTests | xcbeautifyFormat && exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" else echo 'Warning: xcbeautify is not installed. Install xcbeautify to generate JUnit reports.' runTests fi else # Build without running tests. if [ -x "$(command -v xcbeautify)" ]; then buildProject | xcbeautifyFormat && exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" else buildProject fi fi } trap cleanup EXIT main "$@"