/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ 'use strict'; const MockNativeMethods = jest.requireActual('./MockNativeMethods'); const mockComponent = jest.requireActual('./mockComponent'); jest.requireActual('../Libraries/polyfills/Object.es7.js'); jest.requireActual('../Libraries/polyfills/error-guard'); global.__DEV__ = true; global.Promise = jest.requireActual('promise'); global.regeneratorRuntime = jest.requireActual('regenerator-runtime/runtime'); global.requestAnimationFrame = function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 0); }; global.cancelAnimationFrame = function(id) { clearTimeout(id); }; jest.mock('setupDevtools'); // there's a __mock__ for it. jest.setMock('ErrorUtils', require('ErrorUtils')); jest .mock('InitializeCore', () => {}) .mock('Image', () => mockComponent('Image')) .mock('Text', () => mockComponent('Text', MockNativeMethods)) .mock('TextInput', () => mockComponent('TextInput')) .mock('Modal', () => mockComponent('Modal')) .mock('View', () => mockComponent('View', MockNativeMethods)) .mock('RefreshControl', () => jest.requireMock('RefreshControlMock')) .mock('ScrollView', () => jest.requireMock('ScrollViewMock')) .mock('ActivityIndicator', () => mockComponent('ActivityIndicator')) .mock('AnimatedImplementation', () => { const AnimatedImplementation = jest.requireActual('AnimatedImplementation'); const oldCreate = AnimatedImplementation.createAnimatedComponent; AnimatedImplementation.createAnimatedComponent = function( Component, defaultProps, ) { const Wrapped = oldCreate(Component, defaultProps); Wrapped.__skipSetNativeProps_FOR_TESTS_ONLY = true; return Wrapped; }; return AnimatedImplementation; }) .mock('ReactNative', () => { const ReactNative = jest.requireActual('ReactNative'); const NativeMethodsMixin = ReactNative.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED .NativeMethodsMixin; Object.assign(NativeMethodsMixin, MockNativeMethods); Object.assign(ReactNative.NativeComponent.prototype, MockNativeMethods); return ReactNative; }) .mock('ensureComponentIsNative', () => () => true); const mockNativeModules = { AccessibilityInfo: { addEventListener: jest.fn(), announceForAccessibility: jest.fn(), fetch: jest.fn(), isBoldTextEnabled: jest.fn(), isGrayscaleEnabled: jest.fn(), isInvertColorsEnabled: jest.fn(), isReduceMotionEnabled: jest.fn(), isReduceTransparencyEnabled: jest.fn(), isScreenReaderEnabled: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), setAccessibilityFocus: jest.fn(), }, AlertManager: { alertWithArgs: jest.fn(), }, AppState: { addEventListener: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), }, AsyncLocalStorage: { multiGet: jest.fn((keys, callback) => process.nextTick(() => callback(null, [])), ), multiSet: jest.fn((entries, callback) => process.nextTick(() => callback(null)), ), multiRemove: jest.fn((keys, callback) => process.nextTick(() => callback(null)), ), multiMerge: jest.fn((entries, callback) => process.nextTick(() => callback(null)), ), clear: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => callback(null))), getAllKeys: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => callback(null, []))), }, BuildInfo: { appVersion: '0', buildVersion: '0', getConstants() { return { appVersion: '0', buildVersion: '0', }; }, }, Clipboard: { setString: jest.fn(), }, DataManager: { queryData: jest.fn(), }, DeviceInfo: { Dimensions: { window: { fontScale: 2, height: 1334, scale: 2, width: 750, }, screen: { fontScale: 2, height: 1334, scale: 2, width: 750, }, }, }, FacebookSDK: { login: jest.fn(), logout: jest.fn(), queryGraphPath: jest.fn((path, method, params, callback) => callback()), }, GraphPhotoUpload: { upload: jest.fn(), }, I18n: { translationsDictionary: JSON.stringify({ 'Good bye, {name}!|Bye message': '\u{00A1}Adi\u{00F3}s {name}!', }), }, ImageLoader: { getSize: jest.fn(url => Promise.resolve({width: 320, height: 240})), prefetchImage: jest.fn(), }, ImageViewManager: { getSize: jest.fn((uri, success) => process.nextTick(() => success(320, 240)), ), prefetchImage: jest.fn(), }, KeyboardObserver: { addListener: jest.fn(), removeListeners: jest.fn(), }, Linking: { openURL: jest.fn(), canOpenURL: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(true)), openSettings: jest.fn(), addEventListener: jest.fn(), getInitialURL: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), sendIntent: jest.fn(), }, LocationObserver: { addListener: jest.fn(), getCurrentPosition: jest.fn(), removeListeners: jest.fn(), requestAuthorization: jest.fn(), setConfiguration: jest.fn(), startObserving: jest.fn(), stopObserving: jest.fn(), }, ModalFullscreenViewManager: {}, NetInfo: { fetch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()), getConnectionInfo: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()), addEventListener: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), isConnected: { fetch: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()), addEventListener: jest.fn(), removeEventListener: jest.fn(), }, isConnectionExpensive: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve()), }, Networking: { sendRequest: jest.fn(), abortRequest: jest.fn(), addListener: jest.fn(), removeListeners: jest.fn(), }, PushNotificationManager: { presentLocalNotification: jest.fn(), scheduleLocalNotification: jest.fn(), cancelAllLocalNotifications: jest.fn(), removeAllDeliveredNotifications: jest.fn(), getDeliveredNotifications: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => [])), removeDeliveredNotifications: jest.fn(), setApplicationIconBadgeNumber: jest.fn(), getApplicationIconBadgeNumber: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => callback(0)), ), cancelLocalNotifications: jest.fn(), getScheduledLocalNotifications: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => callback()), ), requestPermissions: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve({alert: true, badge: true, sound: true}), ), abandonPermissions: jest.fn(), checkPermissions: jest.fn(callback => process.nextTick(() => callback({alert: true, badge: true, sound: true})), ), getInitialNotification: jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve(null)), addListener: jest.fn(), removeListeners: jest.fn(), }, SourceCode: { scriptURL: null, }, StatusBarManager: { HEIGHT: 42, setColor: jest.fn(), setStyle: jest.fn(), setHidden: jest.fn(), setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible: jest.fn(), setBackgroundColor: jest.fn(), setTranslucent: jest.fn(), }, Timing: { createTimer: jest.fn(), deleteTimer: jest.fn(), }, UIManager: { AndroidViewPager: { Commands: { setPage: jest.fn(), setPageWithoutAnimation: jest.fn(), }, }, blur: jest.fn(), createView: jest.fn(), dispatchViewManagerCommand: jest.fn(), focus: jest.fn(), getViewManagerConfig: jest.fn(name => { if (name === 'AndroidDrawerLayout') { return { Constants: { DrawerPosition: { Left: 10, }, }, }; } }), setChildren: jest.fn(), manageChildren: jest.fn(), updateView: jest.fn(), removeSubviewsFromContainerWithID: jest.fn(), replaceExistingNonRootView: jest.fn(), customBubblingEventTypes: {}, customDirectEventTypes: {}, AndroidTextInput: { Commands: {}, }, ModalFullscreenView: { Constants: {}, }, ScrollView: { Constants: {}, }, View: { Constants: {}, }, }, BlobModule: { BLOB_URI_SCHEME: 'content', BLOB_URI_HOST: null, addNetworkingHandler: jest.fn(), enableBlobSupport: jest.fn(), disableBlobSupport: jest.fn(), createFromParts: jest.fn(), sendBlob: jest.fn(), release: jest.fn(), }, WebSocketModule: { connect: jest.fn(), send: jest.fn(), sendBinary: jest.fn(), ping: jest.fn(), close: jest.fn(), addListener: jest.fn(), removeListeners: jest.fn(), }, }; Object.keys(mockNativeModules).forEach(module => { try { jest.doMock(module, () => mockNativeModules[module]); // needed by FacebookSDK-test } catch (e) { jest.doMock(module, () => mockNativeModules[module], {virtual: true}); } }); jest.doMock('NativeModules', () => mockNativeModules); jest.doMock('requireNativeComponent', () => { const React = require('react'); return viewName => class extends React.Component { render() { return React.createElement(viewName, this.props, this.props.children); } }; });