## Danger [Danger](http://danger.systems/js/) is a JavaScript runtime which helps you provide continuous feedback inside GitHub. It's used inside Github Actions to analyze the contents of a GitHub pull request. If you want to test changes to Danger, I'd recommend checking out an existing PR and then running the `danger pr` command. You'll need a GitHub Public Access Token (PAT). It will look like `ghp_`. So, for example: ``` DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN=ghp_ yarn danger pr https://github.com/facebook/react-native/pull/1234 ``` ## Code Analysis Bot The code analysis bot provides lint and other results as inline reviews on GitHub. It runs as part of the Circle CI analysis workflow. If you want to test changes to the Code Analysis Bot, I'd recommend checking out an existing PR and then running the `analyze pr` command. You'll need a GitHub token. You can re-use this one: `312d354b5c36f082cfe9` `07973d757026bdd9f196` (just remove the space). So, for example: ``` GITHUB_TOKEN=[ENV_ABOVE] GITHUB_PR_NUMBER=1234 yarn lint-ci ```