/* * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import #import #import #import #import static BOOL RCTLogsError(void (^block)(void)) { __block BOOL loggedError = NO; RCTPerformBlockWithLogFunction(block, ^(RCTLogLevel level, __unused RCTLogSource source, __unused NSString *fileName, __unused NSNumber *lineNumber, __unused NSString *message) { loggedError = (level == RCTLogLevelError); }); return loggedError; } @interface RCTModuleMethodTests : XCTestCase @end @implementation RCTModuleMethodTests { CGRect _s; } static RCTModuleMethod *buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(const char *methodSignature) { // This leaks a RCTMethodInfo, but it's a test, so... RCTMethodInfo *methodInfo = new RCTMethodInfo {.objcName = methodSignature, .isSync = NO}; return [[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithExportedMethod:methodInfo moduleClass:[RCTModuleMethodTests class]]; } static RCTModuleMethod *buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(const char *methodSignature) { // This leaks a RCTMethodInfo, but it's a test, so... RCTMethodInfo *methodInfo = new RCTMethodInfo {.objcName = methodSignature, .isSync = YES}; return [[RCTModuleMethod alloc] initWithExportedMethod:methodInfo moduleClass:[RCTModuleMethodTests class]]; } + (NSString *)moduleName { return nil; } - (void)doFoo { } - (void)doFooWithBar:(__unused NSString *)bar { } - (id)echoString:(NSString *)input { return input; } - (id)methodThatReturnsNil { return nil; } - (void)openURL:(NSURL *)URL resolve:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject {} - (void)openURL:(NSURL *)URL callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback {} - (id)methodThatCallsCallbackWithArg:(NSString *)input callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback { callback(@[input]); return nil; } - (void)testNonnull { const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithBar:(nonnull NSString *)bar"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[@"Hello World"]]; })); XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[[NSNull null]]]; })); } - (void)doFooWithNumber:(__unused NSNumber *)n { } - (void)doFooWithDouble:(__unused double)n { } - (void)doFooWithInteger:(__unused NSInteger)n { } - (void)doFooWithCGRect:(CGRect)s { _s = s; } - (void)doFoo : (__unused NSString *)foo { } - (void)testNumbersNonnull { { // Specifying an NSNumber param without nonnull isn't allowed XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithNumber:(NSNumber *)n"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); // Invoke method to trigger parsing [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[@1]]; })); } { const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithNumber:(nonnull NSNumber *)n"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[[NSNull null]]]; })); } { const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithDouble:(double)n"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[[NSNull null]]]; })); } { const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithInteger:(NSInteger)n"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[[NSNull null]]]; })); } } - (void)testStructArgument { const char *methodSignature = "doFooWithCGRect:(CGRect)s"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); CGRect r = CGRectMake(10, 20, 30, 40); [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[@[@10, @20, @30, @40]]]; XCTAssertTrue(CGRectEqualToRect(r, _s)); } - (void)testWhitespaceTolerance { const char *methodSignature = "doFoo : \t (NSString *)foo"; __block RCTModuleMethod *method; XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); })); XCTAssertEqualObjects(@(method.JSMethodName), @"doFoo"); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[@"bar"]]; })); } - (void)testFunctionType { { const char *methodSignature = "doFoo"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypeNormal); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing normal function"); } { const char *methodSignature = "openURL:(NSURL *)URL callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callBack"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypeNormal); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing normal function with callback"); } { const char *methodSignature = "openURL:(NSURL *)URL resolve:(RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject:(RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypePromise); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing promise function"); } { const char *methodSignature = "echoString:(NSString *)input"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypeSync); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing sync function"); } { const char *methodSignature = "methodThatCallsCallbackWithArg:(NSString *)input callback:(RCTResponseSenderBlock)callback"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(method.functionType == RCTFunctionTypeSync); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing sync function with callback"); } } - (void)testReturnsValueForSyncFunction { { const char *methodSignature = "echoString:(NSString *)input"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); id result = [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[@"Test String Value"]]; XCTAssertEqualObjects(result, @"Test String Value"); } { const char *methodSignature = "methodThatReturnsNil"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); id result = [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[]]; XCTAssertNil(result); } } - (void)testReturnsNilForDefaultFunction { const char *methodSignature = "doFoo"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildDefaultMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); id result = [method invokeWithBridge:nil module:self arguments:@[]]; XCTAssertNil(result); } - (void)testReturnTypeForSyncFunction { { const char *methodSignature = "methodThatReturnsNil"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertFalse(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Unexpected error when parsing sync function with (id) return type"); } { const char *methodSignature = "doFoo"; RCTModuleMethod *method = buildSyncMethodWithMethodSignature(methodSignature); XCTAssertTrue(RCTLogsError(^{ // Invoke method to trigger parsing __unused SEL selector = method.selector; }), @"Failed to trigger an error when parsing sync function with non-(id) return type"); } } @end