/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ import { TextProps, TextPropsIOS, TextPropsAndroid, AccessibilityProps, AccessibilityPropsIOS, AccessibilityPropsAndroid, TextInputProps, TextInputIOSProps, TextInputAndroidProps, ViewProps, ViewPropsIOS, ViewPropsAndroid, ScrollViewProps, ScrollViewPropsIOS, ScrollViewPropsAndroid, InputAccessoryViewProps, ActivityIndicatorProps, ActivityIndicatorIOSProps, DrawerLayoutAndroidProps, ProgressBarAndroidProps, RefreshControlProps, RefreshControlPropsIOS, RefreshControlPropsAndroid, ImageSourcePropType, ImageProps, ImagePropsIOS, ImagePropsAndroid, ImageBackgroundProps, FlatListProps, VirtualizedListProps, SectionListProps, ModalProps, TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps, TouchableHighlightProps, TouchableOpacityProps, TouchableNativeFeedbackProps, ButtonProps, StatusBarProps, StatusBarPropsIOS, StatusBarPropsAndroid, SwitchProps, SwitchPropsIOS, } from 'react-native'; /* * Previously, props interfaces where named *Properties * They have been renamed to *Props to match React Native documentation * The following lines ensure compatibility with *Properties and should be removed in the future */ /** @deprecated Use TextProps */ export type TextProperties = TextProps; /** @deprecated Use TextPropsIOS */ export type TextPropertiesIOS = TextPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use TextPropsAndroid */ export type TextPropertiesAndroid = TextPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use AccessibilityProps */ export type AccessibilityProperties = AccessibilityProps; /** @deprecated Use AccessibilityPropsIOS */ export type AccessibilityPropertiesIOS = AccessibilityPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use AccessibilityPropsAndroid */ export type AccessibilityPropertiesAndroid = AccessibilityPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use TextInputProps */ export type TextInputProperties = TextInputProps; /** @deprecated Use TextInputIOSProps */ export type TextInputIOSProperties = TextInputIOSProps; /** @deprecated Use TextInputAndroidProps */ export type TextInputAndroidProperties = TextInputAndroidProps; /** @deprecated Use ViewProps */ export type ViewProperties = ViewProps; /** @deprecated Use ViewPropsIOS */ export type ViewPropertiesIOS = ViewPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use ViewPropsAndroid */ export type ViewPropertiesAndroid = ViewPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use ScrollViewProps */ export type ScrollViewProperties = ScrollViewProps; /** @deprecated Use ScrollViewPropsIOS */ export type ScrollViewPropertiesIOS = ScrollViewPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use ScrollViewPropsAndroid */ export type ScrollViewPropertiesAndroid = ScrollViewPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use InputAccessoryViewProps */ export type InputAccessoryViewProperties = InputAccessoryViewProps; /** @deprecated Use ActivityIndicatorProps */ export type ActivityIndicatorProperties = ActivityIndicatorProps; /** @deprecated Use ActivityIndicatorIOSProps */ export type ActivityIndicatorIOSProperties = ActivityIndicatorIOSProps; /** @deprecated Use DrawerLayoutAndroidProps */ export type DrawerLayoutAndroidProperties = DrawerLayoutAndroidProps; /** @deprecated Use ProgressBarAndroidProps */ export type ProgressBarAndroidProperties = ProgressBarAndroidProps; /** @deprecated Use RefreshControlProps */ export type RefreshControlProperties = RefreshControlProps; /** @deprecated Use RefreshControlPropsIOS */ export type RefreshControlPropertiesIOS = RefreshControlPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use RefreshControlPropsAndroid */ export type RefreshControlPropertiesAndroid = RefreshControlPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use ImageSourcePropType */ export type ImagePropertiesSourceOptions = ImageSourcePropType; /** @deprecated Use ImageProps */ export type ImageProperties = ImageProps; /** @deprecated Use ImagePropsIOS */ export type ImagePropertiesIOS = ImagePropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use ImagePropsAndroid */ export type ImagePropertiesAndroid = ImagePropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use ImageBackgroundProps */ export type ImageBackgroundProperties = ImageBackgroundProps; /** @deprecated Use FlatListProps */ export type FlatListProperties = FlatListProps; /** @deprecated Use VirtualizedListProps */ export type VirtualizedListProperties = VirtualizedListProps; /** @deprecated Use SectionListProps */ export type SectionListProperties = SectionListProps; /** @deprecated Use ModalProps */ export type ModalProperties = ModalProps; /** @deprecated Use TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps */ export type TouchableWithoutFeedbackProperties = TouchableWithoutFeedbackProps; /** @deprecated Use TouchableHighlightProps */ export type TouchableHighlightProperties = TouchableHighlightProps; /** @deprecated Use TouchableOpacityProps */ export type TouchableOpacityProperties = TouchableOpacityProps; /** @deprecated Use TouchableNativeFeedbackProps */ export type TouchableNativeFeedbackProperties = TouchableNativeFeedbackProps; /** @deprecated Use ButtonProps */ export type ButtonProperties = ButtonProps; /** @deprecated Use StatusBarProps */ export type StatusBarProperties = StatusBarProps; /** @deprecated Use StatusBarPropsIOS */ export type StatusBarPropertiesIOS = StatusBarPropsIOS; /** @deprecated Use StatusBarPropsAndroid */ export type StatusBarPropertiesAndroid = StatusBarPropsAndroid; /** @deprecated Use SwitchProps */ export type SwitchProperties = SwitchProps; /** @deprecated Use SwitchPropsIOS */ export type SwitchPropertiesIOS = SwitchPropsIOS;