/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ #import "RCTShadowView.h" #import "RCTConvert.h" #import "RCTLog.h" #import "RCTUtils.h" #import "UIView+React.h" typedef void (^RCTActionBlock)(RCTShadowView *shadowViewSelf, id value); typedef void (^RCTResetActionBlock)(RCTShadowView *shadowViewSelf); static NSString *const RCTBackgroundColorProp = @"backgroundColor"; typedef NS_ENUM(unsigned int, meta_prop_t) { META_PROP_LEFT, META_PROP_TOP, META_PROP_RIGHT, META_PROP_BOTTOM, META_PROP_HORIZONTAL, META_PROP_VERTICAL, META_PROP_ALL, META_PROP_COUNT, }; @implementation RCTShadowView { RCTUpdateLifecycle _propagationLifecycle; RCTUpdateLifecycle _textLifecycle; NSDictionary *_lastParentProperties; NSMutableArray *_reactSubviews; BOOL _recomputePadding; BOOL _recomputeMargin; BOOL _recomputeBorder; float _paddingMetaProps[META_PROP_COUNT]; float _marginMetaProps[META_PROP_COUNT]; float _borderMetaProps[META_PROP_COUNT]; } @synthesize reactTag = _reactTag; // css_node api static void RCTPrint(void *context) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = (__bridge RCTShadowView *)context; printf("%s(%zd), ", shadowView.viewName.UTF8String, shadowView.reactTag.integerValue); } static css_node_t *RCTGetChild(void *context, int i) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = (__bridge RCTShadowView *)context; RCTShadowView *child = [shadowView reactSubviews][i]; return child->_cssNode; } static bool RCTIsDirty(void *context) { RCTShadowView *shadowView = (__bridge RCTShadowView *)context; return [shadowView isLayoutDirty]; } // Enforces precedence rules, e.g. marginLeft > marginHorizontal > margin. static void RCTProcessMetaProps(const float metaProps[META_PROP_COUNT], float style[CSS_POSITION_COUNT]) { style[CSS_LEFT] = !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_LEFT]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_LEFT] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_HORIZONTAL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_HORIZONTAL] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_ALL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_ALL] : 0; style[CSS_RIGHT] = !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_RIGHT]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_RIGHT] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_HORIZONTAL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_HORIZONTAL] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_ALL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_ALL] : 0; style[CSS_TOP] = !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_TOP]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_TOP] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_VERTICAL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_VERTICAL] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_ALL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_ALL] : 0; style[CSS_BOTTOM] = !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_BOTTOM]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_BOTTOM] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_VERTICAL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_VERTICAL] : !isUndefined(metaProps[META_PROP_ALL]) ? metaProps[META_PROP_ALL] : 0; } - (void)fillCSSNode:(css_node_t *)node { node->children_count = (int)_reactSubviews.count; } // The absolute stuff is so that we can take into account our absolute position when rounding in order to // snap to the pixel grid. For example, say you have the following structure: // // +--------+---------+--------+ // | |+-------+| | // | || || | // | |+-------+| | // +--------+---------+--------+ // // Say the screen width is 320 pts so the three big views will get the following x bounds from our layout system: // {0, 106.667}, {106.667, 213.333}, {213.333, 320} // // Assuming screen scale is 2, these numbers must be rounded to the nearest 0.5 to fit the pixel grid: // {0, 106.5}, {106.5, 213.5}, {213.5, 320} // You'll notice that the three widths are 106.5, 107, 106.5. // // This is great for the parent views but it gets trickier when we consider rounding for the subview. // // When we go to round the bounds for the subview in the middle, it's relative bounds are {0, 106.667} // which gets rounded to {0, 106.5}. This will cause the subview to be one pixel smaller than it should be. // this is why we need to pass in the absolute position in order to do the rounding relative to the screen's // grid rather than the view's grid. // // After passing in the absolutePosition of {106.667, y}, we do the following calculations: // absoluteLeft = round(absolutePosition.x + viewPosition.left) = round(106.667 + 0) = 106.5 // absoluteRight = round(absolutePosition.x + viewPosition.left + viewSize.left) + round(106.667 + 0 + 106.667) = 213.5 // width = 213.5 - 106.5 = 107 // You'll notice that this is the same width we calculated for the parent view because we've taken its position into account. - (void)applyLayoutNode:(css_node_t *)node viewsWithNewFrame:(NSMutableSet *)viewsWithNewFrame absolutePosition:(CGPoint)absolutePosition { if (!node->layout.should_update) { return; } node->layout.should_update = false; _layoutLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; CGPoint absoluteTopLeft = { absolutePosition.x + node->layout.position[CSS_LEFT], absolutePosition.y + node->layout.position[CSS_TOP] }; CGPoint absoluteBottomRight = { absolutePosition.x + node->layout.position[CSS_LEFT] + node->layout.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH], absolutePosition.y + node->layout.position[CSS_TOP] + node->layout.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] }; CGRect frame = {{ RCTRoundPixelValue(node->layout.position[CSS_LEFT]), RCTRoundPixelValue(node->layout.position[CSS_TOP]), }, { RCTRoundPixelValue(absoluteBottomRight.x - absoluteTopLeft.x), RCTRoundPixelValue(absoluteBottomRight.y - absoluteTopLeft.y) }}; if (!CGRectEqualToRect(frame, _frame)) { _frame = frame; [viewsWithNewFrame addObject:self]; } absolutePosition.x += node->layout.position[CSS_LEFT]; absolutePosition.y += node->layout.position[CSS_TOP]; [self applyLayoutToChildren:node viewsWithNewFrame:viewsWithNewFrame absolutePosition:absolutePosition]; } - (void)applyLayoutToChildren:(css_node_t *)node viewsWithNewFrame:(NSMutableSet *)viewsWithNewFrame absolutePosition:(CGPoint)absolutePosition { for (int i = 0; i < node->children_count; ++i) { RCTShadowView *child = (RCTShadowView *)_reactSubviews[i]; [child applyLayoutNode:node->get_child(node->context, i) viewsWithNewFrame:viewsWithNewFrame absolutePosition:absolutePosition]; } } - (NSDictionary *)processUpdatedProperties:(NSMutableSet *)applierBlocks parentProperties:(NSDictionary *)parentProperties { // TODO: we always refresh all propagated properties when propagation is // dirtied, but really we should track which properties have changed and // only update those. if (!_backgroundColor) { UIColor *parentBackgroundColor = parentProperties[RCTBackgroundColorProp]; if (parentBackgroundColor) { [applierBlocks addObject:^(NSDictionary *viewRegistry) { UIView *view = viewRegistry[_reactTag]; [view reactSetInheritedBackgroundColor:parentBackgroundColor]; }]; } } else { // Update parent properties for children NSMutableDictionary *properties = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:parentProperties]; CGFloat alpha = CGColorGetAlpha(_backgroundColor.CGColor); if (alpha < 1.0) { // If bg is non-opaque, don't propagate further properties[RCTBackgroundColorProp] = [UIColor clearColor]; } else { properties[RCTBackgroundColorProp] = _backgroundColor; } return properties; } return parentProperties; } - (void)collectUpdatedProperties:(NSMutableSet *)applierBlocks parentProperties:(NSDictionary *)parentProperties { if (_propagationLifecycle == RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed && [parentProperties isEqualToDictionary:_lastParentProperties]) { return; } _propagationLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; _lastParentProperties = parentProperties; NSDictionary *nextProps = [self processUpdatedProperties:applierBlocks parentProperties:parentProperties]; for (RCTShadowView *child in _reactSubviews) { [child collectUpdatedProperties:applierBlocks parentProperties:nextProps]; } } - (void)collectUpdatedFrames:(NSMutableSet *)viewsWithNewFrame withFrame:(CGRect)frame hidden:(BOOL)hidden absolutePosition:(CGPoint)absolutePosition { if (_hidden != hidden) { // The hidden state has changed. Even if the frame hasn't changed, add // this ShadowView to viewsWithNewFrame so the UIManager will process // this ShadowView's UIView and update its hidden state. _hidden = hidden; [viewsWithNewFrame addObject:self]; } if (!CGRectEqualToRect(frame, _frame)) { _cssNode->style.position_type = CSS_POSITION_ABSOLUTE; _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = frame.size.width; _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = frame.size.height; _cssNode->style.position[CSS_LEFT] = frame.origin.x; _cssNode->style.position[CSS_TOP] = frame.origin.y; // Our parent has asked us to change our cssNode->styles. Dirty the layout // so that we can rerun layout on this node. The request came from our parent // so there's no need to dirty our ancestors by calling dirtyLayout. _layoutLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied; } [self fillCSSNode:_cssNode]; layoutNode(_cssNode, frame.size.width, frame.size.height, CSS_DIRECTION_INHERIT); [self applyLayoutNode:_cssNode viewsWithNewFrame:viewsWithNewFrame absolutePosition:absolutePosition]; } - (CGRect)measureLayoutRelativeToAncestor:(RCTShadowView *)ancestor { CGPoint offset = CGPointZero; NSInteger depth = 30; // max depth to search RCTShadowView *shadowView = self; while (depth && shadowView && shadowView != ancestor) { offset.x += shadowView.frame.origin.x; offset.y += shadowView.frame.origin.y; shadowView = shadowView->_superview; depth--; } if (ancestor != shadowView) { return CGRectNull; } return (CGRect){offset, self.frame.size}; } - (instancetype)init { if ((self = [super init])) { _frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, CSS_UNDEFINED, CSS_UNDEFINED); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < META_PROP_COUNT; ii++) { _paddingMetaProps[ii] = CSS_UNDEFINED; _marginMetaProps[ii] = CSS_UNDEFINED; _borderMetaProps[ii] = CSS_UNDEFINED; } _newView = YES; _layoutLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleUninitialized; _propagationLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleUninitialized; _textLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleUninitialized; _reactSubviews = [NSMutableArray array]; _cssNode = new_css_node(); _cssNode->context = (__bridge void *)self; _cssNode->print = RCTPrint; _cssNode->get_child = RCTGetChild; _cssNode->is_dirty = RCTIsDirty; [self fillCSSNode:_cssNode]; } return self; } - (BOOL)isReactRootView { return RCTIsReactRootView(self.reactTag); } - (void)dealloc { free_css_node(_cssNode); } - (void)dirtyLayout { if (_layoutLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied) { _layoutLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied; [_superview dirtyLayout]; } } - (BOOL)isLayoutDirty { return _layoutLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; } - (void)dirtyPropagation { if (_propagationLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied) { _propagationLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied; [_superview dirtyPropagation]; } } - (BOOL)isPropagationDirty { return _propagationLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; } - (void)dirtyText { if (_textLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied) { _textLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleDirtied; [_superview dirtyText]; } } - (BOOL)isTextDirty { return _textLifecycle != RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; } - (void)setTextComputed { _textLifecycle = RCTUpdateLifecycleComputed; } - (void)insertReactSubview:(RCTShadowView *)subview atIndex:(NSInteger)atIndex { [_reactSubviews insertObject:subview atIndex:atIndex]; _cssNode->children_count = (int)_reactSubviews.count; subview->_superview = self; [self dirtyText]; [self dirtyLayout]; [self dirtyPropagation]; } - (void)removeReactSubview:(RCTShadowView *)subview { [subview dirtyText]; [subview dirtyLayout]; [subview dirtyPropagation]; subview->_superview = nil; [_reactSubviews removeObject:subview]; _cssNode->children_count = (int)_reactSubviews.count; } - (NSArray *)reactSubviews { return _reactSubviews; } - (RCTShadowView *)reactSuperview { return _superview; } - (NSNumber *)reactTagAtPoint:(CGPoint)point { for (RCTShadowView *shadowView in _reactSubviews) { if (CGRectContainsPoint(shadowView.frame, point)) { CGPoint relativePoint = point; CGPoint origin = shadowView.frame.origin; relativePoint.x -= origin.x; relativePoint.y -= origin.y; return [shadowView reactTagAtPoint:relativePoint]; } } return self.reactTag; } - (NSString *)description { NSString *description = super.description; description = [[description substringToIndex:description.length - 1] stringByAppendingFormat:@"; viewName: %@; reactTag: %@; frame: %@>", self.viewName, self.reactTag, NSStringFromCGRect(self.frame)]; return description; } - (void)addRecursiveDescriptionToString:(NSMutableString *)string atLevel:(NSUInteger)level { for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < level; i++) { [string appendString:@" | "]; } [string appendString:self.description]; [string appendString:@"\n"]; for (RCTShadowView *subview in _reactSubviews) { [subview addRecursiveDescriptionToString:string atLevel:level + 1]; } } - (NSString *)recursiveDescription { NSMutableString *description = [NSMutableString string]; [self addRecursiveDescriptionToString:description atLevel:0]; return description; } // Margin #define RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(prop, metaProp) \ - (void)setMargin##prop:(CGFloat)value \ { \ _marginMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp] = value; \ _recomputeMargin = YES; \ } \ - (CGFloat)margin##prop \ { \ return _marginMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp]; \ } RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(, ALL) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Vertical, VERTICAL) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Horizontal, HORIZONTAL) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Top, TOP) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Left, LEFT) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Bottom, BOTTOM) RCT_MARGIN_PROPERTY(Right, RIGHT) // Padding #define RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(prop, metaProp) \ - (void)setPadding##prop:(CGFloat)value \ { \ _paddingMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp] = value; \ _recomputePadding = YES; \ } \ - (CGFloat)padding##prop \ { \ return _paddingMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp]; \ } RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(, ALL) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Vertical, VERTICAL) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Horizontal, HORIZONTAL) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Top, TOP) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Left, LEFT) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Bottom, BOTTOM) RCT_PADDING_PROPERTY(Right, RIGHT) - (UIEdgeInsets)paddingAsInsets { return (UIEdgeInsets){ _cssNode->style.padding[CSS_TOP], _cssNode->style.padding[CSS_LEFT], _cssNode->style.padding[CSS_BOTTOM], _cssNode->style.padding[CSS_RIGHT] }; } // Border #define RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(prop, metaProp) \ - (void)setBorder##prop##Width:(CGFloat)value \ { \ _borderMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp] = value; \ _recomputeBorder = YES; \ } \ - (CGFloat)border##prop##Width \ { \ return _borderMetaProps[META_PROP_##metaProp]; \ } RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(, ALL) RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(Top, TOP) RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(Left, LEFT) RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(Bottom, BOTTOM) RCT_BORDER_PROPERTY(Right, RIGHT) // Dimensions #define RCT_DIMENSIONS_PROPERTY(setProp, getProp, cssProp, dimensions) \ - (void)set##setProp:(CGFloat)value \ { \ _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_##cssProp] = value; \ [self dirtyLayout]; \ [self dirtyText]; \ } \ - (CGFloat)getProp \ { \ return _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_##cssProp]; \ } RCT_DIMENSIONS_PROPERTY(Width, width, WIDTH, dimensions) RCT_DIMENSIONS_PROPERTY(Height, height, HEIGHT, dimensions) // Position #define RCT_POSITION_PROPERTY(setProp, getProp, cssProp) \ - (void)set##setProp:(CGFloat)value \ { \ _cssNode->style.position[CSS_##cssProp] = value; \ [self dirtyLayout]; \ } \ - (CGFloat)getProp \ { \ return _cssNode->style.position[CSS_##cssProp]; \ } RCT_POSITION_PROPERTY(Top, top, TOP) RCT_POSITION_PROPERTY(Right, right, RIGHT) RCT_POSITION_PROPERTY(Bottom, bottom, BOTTOM) RCT_POSITION_PROPERTY(Left, left, LEFT) - (void)setFrame:(CGRect)frame { _cssNode->style.position[CSS_LEFT] = CGRectGetMinX(frame); _cssNode->style.position[CSS_TOP] = CGRectGetMinY(frame); _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = CGRectGetWidth(frame); _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = CGRectGetHeight(frame); [self dirtyLayout]; } static inline BOOL RCTAssignSuggestedDimension(css_node_t *css_node, int dimension, CGFloat amount) { if (amount != UIViewNoIntrinsicMetric && isnan(css_node->style.dimensions[dimension])) { css_node->style.dimensions[dimension] = amount; return YES; } return NO; } - (void)setIntrinsicContentSize:(CGSize)size { if (_cssNode->style.flex == 0) { BOOL dirty = NO; dirty |= RCTAssignSuggestedDimension(_cssNode, CSS_HEIGHT, size.height); dirty |= RCTAssignSuggestedDimension(_cssNode, CSS_WIDTH, size.width); if (dirty) { [self dirtyLayout]; } } } - (void)setTopLeft:(CGPoint)topLeft { _cssNode->style.position[CSS_LEFT] = topLeft.x; _cssNode->style.position[CSS_TOP] = topLeft.y; [self dirtyLayout]; } - (void)setSize:(CGSize)size { _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_WIDTH] = size.width; _cssNode->style.dimensions[CSS_HEIGHT] = size.height; [self dirtyLayout]; } // Flex #define RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(setProp, getProp, cssProp, type) \ - (void)set##setProp:(type)value \ { \ _cssNode->style.cssProp = value; \ [self dirtyLayout]; \ } \ - (type)getProp \ { \ return _cssNode->style.cssProp; \ } RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(Flex, flex, flex, CGFloat) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(FlexDirection, flexDirection, flex_direction, css_flex_direction_t) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(JustifyContent, justifyContent, justify_content, css_justify_t) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(AlignSelf, alignSelf, align_self, css_align_t) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(AlignItems, alignItems, align_items, css_align_t) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(Position, position, position_type, css_position_type_t) RCT_STYLE_PROPERTY(FlexWrap, flexWrap, flex_wrap, css_wrap_type_t) - (void)setBackgroundColor:(UIColor *)color { _backgroundColor = color; [self dirtyPropagation]; } - (void)didUpdateReactSubviews { // Does nothing by default } - (void)didSetProps:(__unused NSArray *)changedProps { if (_recomputePadding) { RCTProcessMetaProps(_paddingMetaProps, _cssNode->style.padding); } if (_recomputeMargin) { RCTProcessMetaProps(_marginMetaProps, _cssNode->style.margin); } if (_recomputeBorder) { RCTProcessMetaProps(_borderMetaProps, _cssNode->style.border); } if (_recomputePadding || _recomputeMargin || _recomputeBorder) { [self dirtyLayout]; } [self fillCSSNode:_cssNode]; _recomputeMargin = NO; _recomputePadding = NO; _recomputeBorder = NO; } @end