/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow * @format */ const BatchedBridge = require('../BatchedBridge/BatchedBridge'); const BugReporting = require('../BugReporting/BugReporting'); const ReactNative = require('../Renderer/shims/ReactNative'); const SceneTracker = require('../Utilities/SceneTracker'); const infoLog = require('../Utilities/infoLog'); const invariant = require('invariant'); const renderApplication = require('./renderApplication'); import type {IPerformanceLogger} from '../Utilities/createPerformanceLogger'; import {coerceDisplayMode} from './DisplayMode'; import createPerformanceLogger from '../Utilities/createPerformanceLogger'; import NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport from './NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport'; import HeadlessJsTaskError from './HeadlessJsTaskError'; import type {RootTag} from 'react-native/Libraries/Types/RootTagTypes'; type Task = (taskData: any) => Promise; export type TaskProvider = () => Task; type TaskCanceller = () => void; type TaskCancelProvider = () => TaskCanceller; export type ComponentProvider = () => React$ComponentType; export type ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook = ( component: ComponentProvider, scopedPerformanceLogger: IPerformanceLogger, ) => React$ComponentType; export type AppConfig = { appKey: string, component?: ComponentProvider, run?: Function, section?: boolean, ... }; export type Runnable = { component?: ComponentProvider, run: Function, ... }; export type Runnables = {[appKey: string]: Runnable, ...}; export type Registry = { sections: Array, runnables: Runnables, ... }; export type WrapperComponentProvider = any => React$ComponentType; const runnables: Runnables = {}; let runCount = 1; const sections: Runnables = {}; const taskProviders: Map = new Map(); const taskCancelProviders: Map = new Map(); let componentProviderInstrumentationHook: ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook = (component: ComponentProvider) => component(); let wrapperComponentProvider: ?WrapperComponentProvider; let showArchitectureIndicator = false; /** * `AppRegistry` is the JavaScript entry point to running all React Native apps. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry */ const AppRegistry = { setWrapperComponentProvider(provider: WrapperComponentProvider) { wrapperComponentProvider = provider; }, enableArchitectureIndicator(enabled: boolean): void { showArchitectureIndicator = enabled; }, registerConfig(config: Array): void { config.forEach(appConfig => { if (appConfig.run) { AppRegistry.registerRunnable(appConfig.appKey, appConfig.run); } else { invariant( appConfig.component != null, 'AppRegistry.registerConfig(...): Every config is expected to set ' + 'either `run` or `component`, but `%s` has neither.', appConfig.appKey, ); AppRegistry.registerComponent( appConfig.appKey, appConfig.component, appConfig.section, ); } }); }, /** * Registers an app's root component. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#registercomponent */ registerComponent( appKey: string, componentProvider: ComponentProvider, section?: boolean, ): string { let scopedPerformanceLogger = createPerformanceLogger(); runnables[appKey] = { componentProvider, run: (appParameters, displayMode) => { const concurrentRootEnabled = appParameters.initialProps?.concurrentRoot || appParameters.concurrentRoot; renderApplication( componentProviderInstrumentationHook( componentProvider, scopedPerformanceLogger, ), appParameters.initialProps, appParameters.rootTag, wrapperComponentProvider && wrapperComponentProvider(appParameters), appParameters.fabric, showArchitectureIndicator, scopedPerformanceLogger, appKey === 'LogBox', appKey, coerceDisplayMode(displayMode), concurrentRootEnabled, ); }, }; if (section) { sections[appKey] = runnables[appKey]; } return appKey; }, registerRunnable(appKey: string, run: Function): string { runnables[appKey] = {run}; return appKey; }, registerSection(appKey: string, component: ComponentProvider): void { AppRegistry.registerComponent(appKey, component, true); }, getAppKeys(): Array { return Object.keys(runnables); }, getSectionKeys(): Array { return Object.keys(sections); }, getSections(): Runnables { return { ...sections, }; }, getRunnable(appKey: string): ?Runnable { return runnables[appKey]; }, getRegistry(): Registry { return { sections: AppRegistry.getSectionKeys(), runnables: {...runnables}, }; }, setComponentProviderInstrumentationHook( hook: ComponentProviderInstrumentationHook, ) { componentProviderInstrumentationHook = hook; }, /** * Loads the JavaScript bundle and runs the app. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#runapplication */ runApplication( appKey: string, appParameters: any, displayMode?: number, ): void { if (appKey !== 'LogBox') { const logParams = __DEV__ ? '" with ' + JSON.stringify(appParameters) : ''; const msg = 'Running "' + appKey + logParams; infoLog(msg); BugReporting.addSource( 'AppRegistry.runApplication' + runCount++, () => msg, ); } invariant( runnables[appKey] && runnables[appKey].run, `"${appKey}" has not been registered. This can happen if:\n` + '* Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. ' + 'Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.\n' + "* A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called.", ); SceneTracker.setActiveScene({name: appKey}); runnables[appKey].run(appParameters, displayMode); }, /** * Update initial props for a surface that's already rendered */ setSurfaceProps( appKey: string, appParameters: any, displayMode?: number, ): void { if (appKey !== 'LogBox') { const msg = 'Updating props for Surface "' + appKey + '" with ' + JSON.stringify(appParameters); infoLog(msg); BugReporting.addSource( 'AppRegistry.setSurfaceProps' + runCount++, () => msg, ); } invariant( runnables[appKey] && runnables[appKey].run, `"${appKey}" has not been registered. This can happen if:\n` + '* Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. ' + 'Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.\n' + "* A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called.", ); runnables[appKey].run(appParameters, displayMode); }, /** * Stops an application when a view should be destroyed. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#unmountapplicationcomponentatroottag */ unmountApplicationComponentAtRootTag(rootTag: RootTag): void { // NOTE: RootTag type // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call] RootTag: RootTag is incompatible with number, needs an updated synced version of the ReactNativeTypes.js file ReactNative.unmountComponentAtNodeAndRemoveContainer(rootTag); }, /** * Register a headless task. A headless task is a bit of code that runs without a UI. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#registerheadlesstask */ registerHeadlessTask(taskKey: string, taskProvider: TaskProvider): void { // $FlowFixMe[object-this-reference] this.registerCancellableHeadlessTask(taskKey, taskProvider, () => () => { /* Cancel is no-op */ }); }, /** * Register a cancellable headless task. A headless task is a bit of code that runs without a UI. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#registercancellableheadlesstask */ registerCancellableHeadlessTask( taskKey: string, taskProvider: TaskProvider, taskCancelProvider: TaskCancelProvider, ): void { if (taskProviders.has(taskKey)) { console.warn( `registerHeadlessTask or registerCancellableHeadlessTask called multiple times for same key '${taskKey}'`, ); } taskProviders.set(taskKey, taskProvider); taskCancelProviders.set(taskKey, taskCancelProvider); }, /** * Only called from native code. Starts a headless task. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#startheadlesstask */ startHeadlessTask(taskId: number, taskKey: string, data: any): void { const taskProvider = taskProviders.get(taskKey); if (!taskProvider) { console.warn(`No task registered for key ${taskKey}`); if (NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport) { NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId); } return; } taskProvider()(data) .then(() => { if (NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport) { NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId); } }) .catch(reason => { console.error(reason); if ( NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport && reason instanceof HeadlessJsTaskError ) { NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskRetry(taskId).then( retryPosted => { if (!retryPosted) { NativeHeadlessJsTaskSupport.notifyTaskFinished(taskId); } }, ); } }); }, /** * Only called from native code. Cancels a headless task. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/appregistry#cancelheadlesstask */ cancelHeadlessTask(taskId: number, taskKey: string): void { const taskCancelProvider = taskCancelProviders.get(taskKey); if (!taskCancelProvider) { throw new Error(`No task canceller registered for key '${taskKey}'`); } taskCancelProvider()(); }, }; if (!(global.RN$Bridgeless === true)) { BatchedBridge.registerCallableModule('AppRegistry', AppRegistry); if (__DEV__) { const LogBoxInspector = require('../LogBox/LogBoxInspectorContainer').default; AppRegistry.registerComponent('LogBox', () => LogBoxInspector); } else { AppRegistry.registerComponent( 'LogBox', () => function NoOp() { return null; }, ); } } module.exports = AppRegistry;