/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import "RCTBorderDrawing.h" #import "RCTLog.h" static const CGFloat RCTViewBorderThreshold = 0.001; BOOL RCTBorderInsetsAreEqual(UIEdgeInsets borderInsets) { return ABS(borderInsets.left - borderInsets.right) < RCTViewBorderThreshold && ABS(borderInsets.left - borderInsets.bottom) < RCTViewBorderThreshold && ABS(borderInsets.left - borderInsets.top) < RCTViewBorderThreshold; } BOOL RCTCornerRadiiAreEqual(RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii) { return ABS(cornerRadii.topLeft - cornerRadii.topRight) < RCTViewBorderThreshold && ABS(cornerRadii.topLeft - cornerRadii.bottomLeft) < RCTViewBorderThreshold && ABS(cornerRadii.topLeft - cornerRadii.bottomRight) < RCTViewBorderThreshold; } BOOL RCTBorderColorsAreEqual(RCTBorderColors borderColors) { return CGColorEqualToColor(borderColors.left, borderColors.right) && CGColorEqualToColor(borderColors.left, borderColors.top) && CGColorEqualToColor(borderColors.left, borderColors.bottom); } RCTCornerInsets RCTGetCornerInsets(RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii, UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets) { return (RCTCornerInsets){ { MAX(0, cornerRadii.topLeft - edgeInsets.left), MAX(0, cornerRadii.topLeft - edgeInsets.top), }, { MAX(0, cornerRadii.topRight - edgeInsets.right), MAX(0, cornerRadii.topRight - edgeInsets.top), }, { MAX(0, cornerRadii.bottomLeft - edgeInsets.left), MAX(0, cornerRadii.bottomLeft - edgeInsets.bottom), }, { MAX(0, cornerRadii.bottomRight - edgeInsets.right), MAX(0, cornerRadii.bottomRight - edgeInsets.bottom), }}; } static UIEdgeInsets RCTRoundInsetsToPixel(UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets) { edgeInsets.top = RCTRoundPixelValue(edgeInsets.top); edgeInsets.bottom = RCTRoundPixelValue(edgeInsets.bottom); edgeInsets.left = RCTRoundPixelValue(edgeInsets.left); edgeInsets.right = RCTRoundPixelValue(edgeInsets.right); return edgeInsets; } static void RCTPathAddEllipticArc( CGMutablePathRef path, const CGAffineTransform *m, CGPoint origin, CGSize size, CGFloat startAngle, CGFloat endAngle, BOOL clockwise) { CGFloat xScale = 1, yScale = 1, radius = 0; if (size.width != 0) { xScale = 1; yScale = size.height / size.width; radius = size.width; } else if (size.height != 0) { xScale = size.width / size.height; yScale = 1; radius = size.height; } CGAffineTransform t = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(origin.x, origin.y); t = CGAffineTransformScale(t, xScale, yScale); if (m != NULL) { t = CGAffineTransformConcat(t, *m); } CGPathAddArc(path, &t, 0, 0, radius, startAngle, endAngle, clockwise); } CGPathRef RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(CGRect bounds, RCTCornerInsets cornerInsets, const CGAffineTransform *transform) { const CGFloat minX = CGRectGetMinX(bounds); const CGFloat minY = CGRectGetMinY(bounds); const CGFloat maxX = CGRectGetMaxX(bounds); const CGFloat maxY = CGRectGetMaxY(bounds); const CGSize topLeft = { MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.topLeft.width, bounds.size.width - cornerInsets.topRight.width)), MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.topLeft.height, bounds.size.height - cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height)), }; const CGSize topRight = { MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.topRight.width, bounds.size.width - cornerInsets.topLeft.width)), MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.topRight.height, bounds.size.height - cornerInsets.bottomRight.height)), }; const CGSize bottomLeft = { MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width, bounds.size.width - cornerInsets.bottomRight.width)), MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height, bounds.size.height - cornerInsets.topLeft.height)), }; const CGSize bottomRight = { MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.bottomRight.width, bounds.size.width - cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width)), MAX(0, MIN(cornerInsets.bottomRight.height, bounds.size.height - cornerInsets.topRight.height)), }; CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable(); RCTPathAddEllipticArc( path, transform, (CGPoint){minX + topLeft.width, minY + topLeft.height}, topLeft, M_PI, 3 * M_PI_2, NO); RCTPathAddEllipticArc( path, transform, (CGPoint){maxX - topRight.width, minY + topRight.height}, topRight, 3 * M_PI_2, 0, NO); RCTPathAddEllipticArc( path, transform, (CGPoint){maxX - bottomRight.width, maxY - bottomRight.height}, bottomRight, 0, M_PI_2, NO); RCTPathAddEllipticArc( path, transform, (CGPoint){minX + bottomLeft.width, maxY - bottomLeft.height}, bottomLeft, M_PI_2, M_PI, NO); CGPathCloseSubpath(path); return path; } static void RCTEllipseGetIntersectionsWithLine(CGRect ellipseBounds, CGPoint lineStart, CGPoint lineEnd, CGPoint intersections[2]) { const CGPoint ellipseCenter = {CGRectGetMidX(ellipseBounds), CGRectGetMidY(ellipseBounds)}; lineStart.x -= ellipseCenter.x; lineStart.y -= ellipseCenter.y; lineEnd.x -= ellipseCenter.x; lineEnd.y -= ellipseCenter.y; const CGFloat m = (lineEnd.y - lineStart.y) / (lineEnd.x - lineStart.x); const CGFloat a = ellipseBounds.size.width / 2; const CGFloat b = ellipseBounds.size.height / 2; const CGFloat c = lineStart.y - m * lineStart.x; const CGFloat A = (b * b + a * a * m * m); const CGFloat B = 2 * a * a * c * m; const CGFloat D = sqrt((a * a * (b * b - c * c)) / A + pow(B / (2 * A), 2)); const CGFloat x_ = -B / (2 * A); const CGFloat x1 = x_ + D; const CGFloat x2 = x_ - D; const CGFloat y1 = m * x1 + c; const CGFloat y2 = m * x2 + c; intersections[0] = (CGPoint){x1 + ellipseCenter.x, y1 + ellipseCenter.y}; intersections[1] = (CGPoint){x2 + ellipseCenter.x, y2 + ellipseCenter.y}; } NS_INLINE BOOL RCTCornerRadiiAreAboveThreshold(RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii) { return ( cornerRadii.topLeft > RCTViewBorderThreshold || cornerRadii.topRight > RCTViewBorderThreshold || cornerRadii.bottomLeft > RCTViewBorderThreshold || cornerRadii.bottomRight > RCTViewBorderThreshold); } static CGPathRef RCTPathCreateOuterOutline(BOOL drawToEdge, CGRect rect, RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii) { if (drawToEdge) { return CGPathCreateWithRect(rect, NULL); } return RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(rect, RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadii, UIEdgeInsetsZero), NULL); } static UIGraphicsImageRenderer * RCTUIGraphicsImageRenderer(CGSize size, CGColorRef backgroundColor, BOOL hasCornerRadii, BOOL drawToEdge) { const CGFloat alpha = CGColorGetAlpha(backgroundColor); const BOOL opaque = (drawToEdge || !hasCornerRadii) && alpha == 1.0; UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat *const rendererFormat = [UIGraphicsImageRendererFormat defaultFormat]; rendererFormat.opaque = opaque; UIGraphicsImageRenderer *const renderer = [[UIGraphicsImageRenderer alloc] initWithSize:size format:rendererFormat]; return renderer; } static UIImage *RCTGetSolidBorderImage( RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii, CGSize viewSize, UIEdgeInsets borderInsets, RCTBorderColors borderColors, CGColorRef backgroundColor, BOOL drawToEdge) { const BOOL hasCornerRadii = RCTCornerRadiiAreAboveThreshold(cornerRadii); const RCTCornerInsets cornerInsets = RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadii, borderInsets); // Incorrect render for borders that are not proportional to device pixel: borders get stretched and become // significantly bigger than expected. // Rdar: http://www.openradar.me/15959788 borderInsets = RCTRoundInsetsToPixel(borderInsets); const BOOL makeStretchable = (borderInsets.left + cornerInsets.topLeft.width + borderInsets.right + cornerInsets.bottomRight.width <= viewSize.width) && (borderInsets.left + cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width + borderInsets.right + cornerInsets.topRight.width <= viewSize.width) && (borderInsets.top + cornerInsets.topLeft.height + borderInsets.bottom + cornerInsets.bottomRight.height <= viewSize.height) && (borderInsets.top + cornerInsets.topRight.height + borderInsets.bottom + cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height <= viewSize.height); UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets = (UIEdgeInsets){ borderInsets.top + MAX(cornerInsets.topLeft.height, cornerInsets.topRight.height), borderInsets.left + MAX(cornerInsets.topLeft.width, cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width), borderInsets.bottom + MAX(cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height, cornerInsets.bottomRight.height), borderInsets.right + MAX(cornerInsets.bottomRight.width, cornerInsets.topRight.width)}; if (hasCornerRadii) { // Asymmetrical edgeInsets cause strange artifacting on iOS 10 and earlier. edgeInsets = (UIEdgeInsets){ MAX(edgeInsets.top, edgeInsets.bottom), MAX(edgeInsets.left, edgeInsets.right), MAX(edgeInsets.top, edgeInsets.bottom), MAX(edgeInsets.left, edgeInsets.right), }; } const CGSize size = makeStretchable ? (CGSize){ // 1pt for the middle stretchable area along each axis edgeInsets.left + 1 + edgeInsets.right, edgeInsets.top + 1 + edgeInsets.bottom } : viewSize; UIGraphicsImageRenderer *const imageRenderer = RCTUIGraphicsImageRenderer(size, backgroundColor, hasCornerRadii, drawToEdge); UIImage *image = [imageRenderer imageWithActions:^(UIGraphicsImageRendererContext *_Nonnull rendererContext) { const CGContextRef context = rendererContext.CGContext; const CGRect rect = {.size = size}; CGPathRef path = RCTPathCreateOuterOutline(drawToEdge, rect, cornerRadii); if (backgroundColor) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, backgroundColor); CGContextAddPath(context, path); CGContextFillPath(context); } CGContextAddPath(context, path); CGPathRelease(path); CGPathRef insetPath = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(rect, borderInsets), cornerInsets, NULL); CGContextAddPath(context, insetPath); CGContextEOClip(context); BOOL hasEqualColors = RCTBorderColorsAreEqual(borderColors); if ((drawToEdge || !hasCornerRadii) && hasEqualColors) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, borderColors.left); CGContextAddRect(context, rect); CGContextAddPath(context, insetPath); CGContextEOFillPath(context); } else { CGPoint topLeft = (CGPoint){borderInsets.left, borderInsets.top}; if (cornerInsets.topLeft.width > 0 && cornerInsets.topLeft.height > 0) { CGPoint points[2]; RCTEllipseGetIntersectionsWithLine( (CGRect){topLeft, {2 * cornerInsets.topLeft.width, 2 * cornerInsets.topLeft.height}}, CGPointZero, topLeft, points); if (!isnan(points[1].x) && !isnan(points[1].y)) { topLeft = points[1]; } } CGPoint bottomLeft = (CGPoint){borderInsets.left, size.height - borderInsets.bottom}; if (cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width > 0 && cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height > 0) { CGPoint points[2]; RCTEllipseGetIntersectionsWithLine( (CGRect){ {bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y - 2 * cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height}, {2 * cornerInsets.bottomLeft.width, 2 * cornerInsets.bottomLeft.height}}, (CGPoint){0, size.height}, bottomLeft, points); if (!isnan(points[1].x) && !isnan(points[1].y)) { bottomLeft = points[1]; } } CGPoint topRight = (CGPoint){size.width - borderInsets.right, borderInsets.top}; if (cornerInsets.topRight.width > 0 && cornerInsets.topRight.height > 0) { CGPoint points[2]; RCTEllipseGetIntersectionsWithLine( (CGRect){ {topRight.x - 2 * cornerInsets.topRight.width, topRight.y}, {2 * cornerInsets.topRight.width, 2 * cornerInsets.topRight.height}}, (CGPoint){size.width, 0}, topRight, points); if (!isnan(points[0].x) && !isnan(points[0].y)) { topRight = points[0]; } } CGPoint bottomRight = (CGPoint){size.width - borderInsets.right, size.height - borderInsets.bottom}; if (cornerInsets.bottomRight.width > 0 && cornerInsets.bottomRight.height > 0) { CGPoint points[2]; RCTEllipseGetIntersectionsWithLine( (CGRect){ {bottomRight.x - 2 * cornerInsets.bottomRight.width, bottomRight.y - 2 * cornerInsets.bottomRight.height}, {2 * cornerInsets.bottomRight.width, 2 * cornerInsets.bottomRight.height}}, (CGPoint){size.width, size.height}, bottomRight, points); if (!isnan(points[0].x) && !isnan(points[0].y)) { bottomRight = points[0]; } } CGColorRef currentColor = NULL; // RIGHT if (borderInsets.right > 0) { const CGPoint points[] = { (CGPoint){size.width, 0}, topRight, bottomRight, (CGPoint){size.width, size.height}, }; currentColor = borderColors.right; CGContextAddLines(context, points, sizeof(points) / sizeof(*points)); } // BOTTOM if (borderInsets.bottom > 0) { const CGPoint points[] = { (CGPoint){0, size.height}, bottomLeft, bottomRight, (CGPoint){size.width, size.height}, }; if (!CGColorEqualToColor(currentColor, borderColors.bottom)) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, currentColor); CGContextFillPath(context); currentColor = borderColors.bottom; } CGContextAddLines(context, points, sizeof(points) / sizeof(*points)); } // LEFT if (borderInsets.left > 0) { const CGPoint points[] = { CGPointZero, topLeft, bottomLeft, (CGPoint){0, size.height}, }; if (!CGColorEqualToColor(currentColor, borderColors.left)) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, currentColor); CGContextFillPath(context); currentColor = borderColors.left; } CGContextAddLines(context, points, sizeof(points) / sizeof(*points)); } // TOP if (borderInsets.top > 0) { const CGPoint points[] = { CGPointZero, topLeft, topRight, (CGPoint){size.width, 0}, }; if (!CGColorEqualToColor(currentColor, borderColors.top)) { CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, currentColor); CGContextFillPath(context); currentColor = borderColors.top; } CGContextAddLines(context, points, sizeof(points) / sizeof(*points)); } CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, currentColor); CGContextFillPath(context); } CGPathRelease(insetPath); }]; if (makeStretchable) { image = [image resizableImageWithCapInsets:edgeInsets]; } return image; } // Currently, the dashed / dotted implementation only supports a single colour + // single width, as that's currently required and supported on Android. // // Supporting individual widths + colours on each side is possible by modifying // the current implementation. The idea is that we will draw four different lines // and clip appropriately for each side (might require adjustment of phase so that // they line up but even browsers don't do a good job at that). // // Firstly, create two paths for the outer and inner paths. The inner path is // generated exactly the same way as the outer, just given an inset rect, derived // from the insets on each side. Then clip using the odd-even rule // (CGContextEOClip()). This will give us a nice rounded (possibly) clip mask. // // +----------------------------------+ // |@@@@@@@@ Clipped Space @@@@@@@@@| // |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| // |@@+----------------------+@@@@@@@@| // |@@| |@@@@@@@@| // |@@| |@@@@@@@@| // |@@| |@@@@@@@@| // |@@+----------------------+@@@@@@@@| // |@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@| // +----------------------------------+ // // Afterwards, we create a clip path for each border side (CGContextSaveGState() // and CGContextRestoreGState() when drawing each side). The clip mask for each // segment is a trapezoid connecting corresponding edges of the inner and outer // rects. For example, in the case of the top edge, the points would be: // - (MinX(outer), MinY(outer)) // - (MaxX(outer), MinY(outer)) // - (MinX(inner) + topLeftRadius, MinY(inner) + topLeftRadius) // - (MaxX(inner) - topRightRadius, MinY(inner) + topRightRadius) // // +------------------+ // |\ /| // | \ / | // | \ top / | // | \ / | // | \ / | // | +------+ | // | | | | // | | | | // | | | | // |left | |right| // | | | | // | | | | // | +------+ | // | / \ | // | / \ | // | / \ | // | / bottom \ | // |/ \| // +------------------+ // // // Note that this approach will produce discontinuous colour changes at the edge // (which is okay). The reason is that Quartz does not currently support drawing // of gradients _along_ a path (NB: clipping a path and drawing a linear gradient // is _not_ equivalent). static UIImage *RCTGetDashedOrDottedBorderImage( RCTBorderStyle borderStyle, RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii, CGSize viewSize, UIEdgeInsets borderInsets, RCTBorderColors borderColors, CGColorRef backgroundColor, BOOL drawToEdge) { NSCParameterAssert(borderStyle == RCTBorderStyleDashed || borderStyle == RCTBorderStyleDotted); if (!RCTBorderColorsAreEqual(borderColors) || !RCTBorderInsetsAreEqual(borderInsets)) { RCTLogWarn(@"Unsupported dashed / dotted border style"); return nil; } const CGFloat lineWidth = borderInsets.top; if (lineWidth <= 0.0) { return nil; } const BOOL hasCornerRadii = RCTCornerRadiiAreAboveThreshold(cornerRadii); UIGraphicsImageRenderer *const imageRenderer = RCTUIGraphicsImageRenderer(viewSize, backgroundColor, hasCornerRadii, drawToEdge); return [imageRenderer imageWithActions:^(UIGraphicsImageRendererContext *_Nonnull rendererContext) { const CGContextRef context = rendererContext.CGContext; const CGRect rect = {.size = viewSize}; if (backgroundColor) { CGPathRef outerPath = RCTPathCreateOuterOutline(drawToEdge, rect, cornerRadii); CGContextAddPath(context, outerPath); CGPathRelease(outerPath); CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, backgroundColor); CGContextFillPath(context); } // Stroking means that the width is divided in half and grows in both directions // perpendicular to the path, that's why we inset by half the width, so that it // reaches the edge of the rect. CGRect pathRect = CGRectInset(rect, lineWidth / 2.0, lineWidth / 2.0); CGPathRef path = RCTPathCreateWithRoundedRect(pathRect, RCTGetCornerInsets(cornerRadii, UIEdgeInsetsZero), NULL); CGFloat dashLengths[2]; dashLengths[0] = dashLengths[1] = (borderStyle == RCTBorderStyleDashed ? 3 : 1) * lineWidth; CGContextSetLineWidth(context, lineWidth); CGContextSetLineDash(context, 0, dashLengths, sizeof(dashLengths) / sizeof(*dashLengths)); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, [UIColor yellowColor].CGColor); CGContextAddPath(context, path); CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, borderColors.top); CGContextStrokePath(context); CGPathRelease(path); }]; } UIImage *RCTGetBorderImage( RCTBorderStyle borderStyle, CGSize viewSize, RCTCornerRadii cornerRadii, UIEdgeInsets borderInsets, RCTBorderColors borderColors, CGColorRef backgroundColor, BOOL drawToEdge) { switch (borderStyle) { case RCTBorderStyleSolid: return RCTGetSolidBorderImage(cornerRadii, viewSize, borderInsets, borderColors, backgroundColor, drawToEdge); case RCTBorderStyleDashed: case RCTBorderStyleDotted: return RCTGetDashedOrDottedBorderImage( borderStyle, cornerRadii, viewSize, borderInsets, borderColors, backgroundColor, drawToEdge); case RCTBorderStyleUnset: break; } return nil; }